Once again, Trump has proven how inept he is with the latest decision to cut off Latin nations

i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
If the illegals were in every likelihood going to end up voting REP someday Chuck and Nancy would be standing at the border with baseball bats to keep them out!
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.
Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

Do you really think money the US is sending to those countries is making it to the people that need it? Plus, that's like me paying my neighbor $1000 a month to keep his dog from sh|tting in my yard. At what point are people expected to take on personal responsibility for themselves? In your view we should just take our hard earned tax dollars and send it to people who have no intention of helping themselves. It's a waste. I'd rather take that money and invest back in the people here in the US that need it. Have you ever seen some of our inner cities? Take a drive through downtown Detroit or Baltimore one day and let me know what you see. Better yet, take a walk through those areas. The people there will love you.
It’s even worse. Because Trump is attacking NATO. The US has bases all over the world because to protect the world from war protects American interests.

We really went Germany to have bases all over South America or Asia when they already started to world wars?

That one question shatters trumps argument.
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.
Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

Do you really think money the US is sending to those countries is making it to the people that need it? Plus, that's like me paying my neighbor $1000 a month to keep his dog from sh|tting in my yard. At what point are people expected to take on personal responsibility for themselves? In your view we should just take our hard earned tax dollars and send it to people who have no intention of helping themselves. It's a waste. I'd rather take that money and invest back in the people here in the US that need it. Have you ever seen some of our inner cities? Take a drive through downtown Detroit or Baltimore one day and let me know what you see. Better yet, take a walk through those areas. The people there will love you.
Well you don’t just throw money away. That’s why you investigate and find out where it’s going. Maybe that’s what what’s wrong with Republicans. They don’t understand the concept of honest investigation.
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.
Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

Do you really think money the US is sending to those countries is making it to the people that need it? Plus, that's like me paying my neighbor $1000 a month to keep his dog from sh|tting in my yard. At what point are people expected to take on personal responsibility for themselves? In your view we should just take our hard earned tax dollars and send it to people who have no intention of helping themselves. It's a waste. I'd rather take that money and invest back in the people here in the US that need it. Have you ever seen some of our inner cities? Take a drive through downtown Detroit or Baltimore one day and let me know what you see. Better yet, take a walk through those areas. The people there will love you.
Well you don’t just throw money away. That’s why you investigate and find out where it’s going. Maybe that’s what what’s wrong with Republicans. They don’t understand the concept of honest investigation.

Oh awesome, another "investigation"!! Great idea! Better yet, we're going to go to another country and "investigate". smh I can't believe you just typed that. Seriously, just sit back and let the adults run the country.
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
Just in case you had not noticed, their citizens are crossing our borders illegally! Dummie!

No they're NOT, Stupid. They are crossing the border legally to claim asylum. The law says that to claim asylum, you must be on US soil. These people are following the law to the letter.

No where in the law is there a provision that in order for them to claim asylum they must enter illegally. They can enter the US at a US Border Crossing and then claim asylum, in fact the border crossings is in the United States. So, they are not crossing legally they are crossing illegally and they do not need to, nor should they, they should abide by the laws.
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
The money given to them clearly doesn’t work to help “better” the lives of the citizens. Nor is there much incentive for them to make sure their citizens don’t illegally immigrate to the US. After all, if your downtrodden are going to leave voluntarily, why stop them? Nobody actively wants to take on more responsibilities, in other words, an already struggling country doesn’t want more struggling citizens to deal with.

The truth here is that problems like the ones El Salvador and Guatemala don’t go away by throwing money at it or exporting their impoverished to another country. This should be a no duh statement because not much has improved for these countries. If y’all would just take a second to get the political dick out of your ears and listen. What fixes these problems over and over is cleaning up corruption in these states, and free markets. Taking in the impoverished is not a solution to the impoverished. It’s just gonna create more impoverished folks. Stop hiding your political views behind compassion unless you’re actually gonna work to address the problem instead of using it to your advantage.
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
Quite wrong

Call it what you will a hand out or whatever it is a failure.

Granted the purpose was to make things better so fewer people would try to come here illegally but it never produced those results

In fact most of the money was diverted to enrich banana republic dictators.

Also it is stupid to pay someone to not break the law.

Finally is has nothing to do with Christianity and such analogies or comparisons are always a failure

Jesus did not preach redistribution through the state

You get NO respect for charity or compassion when you use government force to make others give to those who you think deserve it

This was a wise decision by trump not an inept decision
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.
Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

Do you really think money the US is sending to those countries is making it to the people that need it? Plus, that's like me paying my neighbor $1000 a month to keep his dog from sh|tting in my yard. At what point are people expected to take on personal responsibility for themselves? In your view we should just take our hard earned tax dollars and send it to people who have no intention of helping themselves. It's a waste. I'd rather take that money and invest back in the people here in the US that need it. Have you ever seen some of our inner cities? Take a drive through downtown Detroit or Baltimore one day and let me know what you see. Better yet, take a walk through those areas. The people there will love you.
Well you don’t just throw money away. That’s why you investigate and find out where it’s going. Maybe that’s what what’s wrong with Republicans. They don’t understand the concept of honest investigation.
How does one honestly investigate a foreign government which has no reason or obligation to cooperate ?
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
So we should pay our enemies into pretending to be our friends. I think not.
You’re an idiot.
Closing the border, brilliant! Thirty years too late. Not only is it too late to close the barn doors, the horses are frolicing and breeding outside,...so, its a tad too late, Mr. Trump.
Thirty years ago,when it mattered, when people wanted the illegal aliens stopped, this mattered. Its WAY too late now. Americans have lost jobs and homes. Closing the border NOW? Realy?
Good. Glad to hear it.

If they can't keep their citizens from rushing our border then they sure don't need money from us.

We could use that money for better things in the US. Like the wall.

For my money they could end all foreign aid.
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

You call it inept. I call it pretty damned smart. Save America billions each year.

SA sure doesn't do anything for us except send thousands to try and get across our border or put in requests for fake asylum.

Stopping aid to those countries works for me.
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
Just in case you had not noticed, their citizens are crossing our borders illegally! Dummie!

No they're NOT, Stupid. They are crossing the border legally to claim asylum. The law says that to claim asylum, you must be on US soil. These people are following the law to the letter.
That's not exactly true, is it Dragonlady? Crossing the border outside a point of entry is not legal and people are either sick of waiting in line or they are taking a chance of not being caught and making it through without all the paperwork.

They ask for asylum if they're caught so that they cannot be immediately sent back.

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