Once again, Trump has proven how inept he is with the latest decision to cut off Latin nations

i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
And how is that working out...…..perhaps its time to call it what it is ….a failure and waste.
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

You already should be aware I am far from a Trumpster. But Trump should have cut those funds before the first "Caravan" left Central America before it entered into Mexico. Or threatened to. Past Presidents have used the Foreign Aid funds to get changes done in many 3rd world countries in the past. It's not a Red or Blue thing like both of the complete stupid types of people think it is. It's good Governing.
God bless Trump.

Making it a penalty to the countries that are exporting their poverty to the US.

Good thing he has the courage to do that.

That stupid Muslim affirmative action Muslim Jungle Monkey never had the courage to do that as also the RINO before him.

IF he had that kind of courage, he would have done it just after he assumed office. Instead, he kept sending the money and we ended up with thousands of immigrants on our borders. You just gave him a free ride for screwing the pooch. Okay, he's just figured it out or someone figured it out for him. It's about damned time.
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

"The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border."

In theory it's supposed to, except it is NOT in practice. They are flooding us. In terms of Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, close off the border, suspend all immigration (both legal and illegal), cancel all foreign aid, cancel all trade, cease all work visas, and implement a travel ban. Cuba and Venezuela can get our help as soon as they stop being communist pieces of shit. MAGA!
Well they definitely aren’t “flooding” even if they are coming. The point is, the more those nations become destabilized the more people will flee for a better life.
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

There really is no cure for stupid. Trump should be pouring money into these countries and taking out the drug gangs.

But then he would have no excuse to build his stupid wall.
We have given a lot of money over the decades to nations. And massive low interest loans also. In fact we had an issue a couple of decades ago to forgive debt payments and the loans. And of course the American taxpayer paid the price again.
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
Move there. Take the rest of the liberal lying scum with you.
So we are supposed to believe you are an authority on history and language even though you believe the population is inbred?

Primitive 3rd world shitholes are often inbred as the general population is homosexual and only a few get to breed with the dominant, fat, ugly female.
God bless Trump.

Making it a penalty to the countries that are exporting their poverty to the US.

Good thing he has the courage to do that.

That stupid Muslim affirmative action Muslim Jungle Monkey never had the courage to do that as also the RINO before him.

IF he had that kind of courage, he would have done it just after he assumed office. Instead, he kept sending the money and we ended up with thousands of immigrants on our borders. You just gave him a free ride for screwing the pooch. Okay, he's just figured it out or someone figured it out for him. It's about damned time.

Better late than never.

Trump has been better than anyone else but I would have liked to have seen Trump much more aggressive at the border. He should have sent combat troops and sealed the border. Shooting a few of the invaders would have been a good lesson and probably put an end to it real quick.
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

Speaking of jesus' gospel, was he for murdering children in the womb?
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

An ally doesn't need to be paid off, to not violate our national sovereignty.
--------------------------------------------- my parents always to me , they said , you can't buy FRIENDS .
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala
Dearr GOD but you really are a fucking idiot!
95% of the 'aid' the US gives these countries goes DIRECTLY into the pockets of the fucking ruling class. They are supposed to see to it the money is spent wisely and appropriately.
The US may as well give the money to the fucking Clinton Foundation so it can, you know, "rebuild Haiti's economy'.
Or the tribal chiefs in virtually every country in Africa.
Or the Socialist/Communist/separatist mayor of San Juan. The bitch is still under investigation for stealing fema funds.
Fema has announced PR as one of the most corrupt places where Fema is attempting to help the population.
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

There really is no cure for stupid. Trump should be pouring money into these countries and taking out the drug gangs.

But then he would have no excuse to build his stupid wall.

Now, you pour money into countries like El Salvador that have factions that are backed by Russia and China and it turn into another proxy-war like the 1980's.

You guys never learn that the failure in countries likevEl Salvador and the flooding of immigrants at the Southern border to tax our system is because of Russia and China backing of those gangs we once backed...
As someone who studies history and language, I must object to 3rd world shitholes and their inbred populations being referred to as "Latin." Latin was a language of Ancient Rome (White folks). Just because some folks from the Old World banged some Asian migrants does not make anyone "Latin" or as sexist Donkey Face would say, "Latina." :p
So we are supposed to believe you are an authority on history and language even though you believe the population is inbred?
In those countries all the babies born that resemble the kid playing the banjo in Deliverance' are euthanized by the RC nuns, The mother gives birth. The RC nun attending EVERY BIRTH!!!!!!!! checks out the baby and if there are any 'issues' the mother never sees the baby.
You see, the RC nuns know those babies will never be able to someday earn money to give to the RC church.
More Fact than fiction folks.
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

Naa, the border will be closed soon. Tell me little man, how much money have you sent to those nations yourself?
As someone who studies history and language, I must object to 3rd world shitholes and their inbred populations being referred to as "Latin." Latin was a language of Ancient Rome (White folks). Just because some folks from the Old World banged some Asian migrants does not make anyone "Latin" or as sexist Donkey Face would say, "Latina." :p
So we are supposed to believe you are an authority on history and language even though you believe the population is inbred?
In those countries all the babies born that resemble the kid playing the banjo in Deliverance' are euthanized by the RC nuns, The mother gives birth. The RC nun attending EVERY BIRTH!!!!!!!! checks out the baby and if there are any 'issues' the mother never sees the baby.
You see, the RC nuns know those babies will never be able to someday earn money to give to the RC church.
More Fact than fiction folks.
----------------------------------- says YOU , course i see no links DBoys . Maybe this 'pope' does what you claim but i don't believe that the NUN's do as you describe DBoys .
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

The US doesn't have to give aid to anyone!

They have that right.

But when countries need aid that we will not provide so they turn to russia and china....who DO provide $ (and move their military forces in) we can't complain.

We don't have to give a dime to those countries but we can't insist that russia or china not get involved.
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

"The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border."

In theory it's supposed to, except it is NOT in practice. They are flooding us. In terms of Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, close off the border, suspend all immigration (both legal and illegal), cancel all foreign aid, cancel all trade, cease all work visas, and implement a travel ban. Cuba and Venezuela can get our help as soon as they stop being communist pieces of shit. MAGA!
Well they definitely aren’t “flooding” even if they are coming. The point is, the more those nations become destabilized the more people will flee for a better life.
These SA shit holes were 'destabilized' before Trump was born!
Who destabilized them?
The RC church who have always needed an 'underclass' to control. Countries like Spain and Portugal which were only interested in looting the countries of their mineral wealth and of course the RC was always sitting at the table with their hand out. The RC promised the European governments they would keep the indigenous people under control while the European governments came in and did the looting as long as these government let the RC have what was left.
When you see the RC churches in these desperately poor countries it ought to make a normal person sick to their stomach!
And who is paying for the tens of thousands of illegals to come to the USA?
Do you really need to ask? IT"S THE RC CHURCH!!!!!!!!!!!
The RC is paying for the buses and flatbeds. The diesel fuel. The drivers. The food and water.
WHY? B/c the RC knows an illegal making money in the US always sends as much as they can back to family. The grandmas and mothers ALWAYS end up putting some of their new found wealth into the 'poor box' when they go to the daily mass.
It's a win for the RC church.
"There's no money coming into the poor box Father Superior. Let's send every young person in the village to the US . Then we can watch the money pour into the Holy Church".
i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

An ally doesn't need to be paid off, to not violate our national sovereignty.
--------------------------------------------- my parents always to me , they said , you can't buy FRIENDS .
Tell that to the RC church.
we don't give a f^^k about El Salvador
I would not care if a meteor wiped it out = you are right

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