Once again, Trump has proven how inept he is with the latest decision to cut off Latin nations

i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum. The support these nations get benefits the US because it helps to curb the flow of these immigrants deciding to leave their home and to cross US border. And sure, the US also aided these nations out of compassion too, but it’s pointless to explain that to republicans. They call themselves Christians because it makes them feel righteous, but in practice, they do nothing to adopt the philosophy of Jesus. That would be too liberal!

The point is that Trump’s base may cheer this decision, but they are apparently too ignorant to know that this will only worsen the problem of refugees coming to this country seeking asylum or just crossing over illegally. Why bother even explaining this to them I guess. Trump made a policy decision and every policy decision he makes is perfect.

Trump cuts all direct assistance to Northern Triangle countries Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala

You said this,

“i already know republicans don’t at all give a shit about El Salvadore. I mean, a meteor could wipe out the country and they wouldn’t lose sleep over it. It’s just their nature. However, the support offered to these nations isn’t meant as a “hand out” as republicans will inevitably call it. It’s intended to make the nations’ qualify life better for its citizens so that they won’t feel compelled to leave the country and march up to the US border seeking asylum”

So why hasn’t the lives of people in those countries quality of life improved enough for them not to illegally enter this country? And, using your logic we can say an average democrat supports child exploitation and sex slavery considering all of you want to let them in.

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