Once and for all: Why isn't Trump demanding that we open back up TODAY?

I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
Trump isn't in charge of the states, scumbag.
Obviously you didn't read my post before you went drama queen.

I already pointed that out.

TDS thread. Nothing here folks. Just more worthless leftist traitor hack sewage.
Well, Mac DOES appear to have the intelligence of an enlightened turnip. So there's THAT.
So this is the best you guys can do. "TDS" and personal insults.

Sometimes it's smarter not to say anything, than it is to jump in and illustrate my point for me.
You ain't worth it. You're a trump hating traitor piece of shit. A troll shill loser.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
Trump isn't in charge of the states, scumbag.
Obviously you didn't read my post before you went drama queen.

I already pointed that out.

I rarely ever read your garbage, traitor.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?

IMO, he is covering his ass politically. He thinks that the voters will blame the doctors, for exaggerating the disease, when/if the numbers show that they did, and he can put the blame for the end of the economic expansion on them, and the dems.

Which the dems have played into, like the fools they are.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
Because the DNC their sycophant MSM would decimate him and try to upend his candidacy. Trump needs not only MAGA people but also needs Independants....It's called politics. Also the Constitution gives power to the States...did you not know that? Ask your nanny Nancy about that. You must think everyone is dumb but you. Talk about an arrogant attitude.
well actually the first amendment says they don't.
Why not? Especially given the fact that the numbers are overblown
Do you think the numbers are accurate? Have we even tested a representative sample? Or just those with symptoms?
I've not seen anyone who has the virus, they don't tell us who they are, where they live or anything. Sounds like bullshit to me. However, nothing has changed here except for people being out of work and businesses forced to close. If I had a business and they told me to close I would tell them no. And I'd tell them that as long as china mart is open I'm open.
My entire family had this virus, the truth is that 50 to 100 million Americans had this before anything was shut down, they were afraid of a high death rate however when you divide by the number of people who actually have this the death rate is trivial perhaps .01 percent to the flu which has a .1 percent death rate.

Trillions changed hands that is what this is about
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
Bad troll
Because Trump is going to watch the democratic governors destroy themselves. Why should he stop this
So this is about politics over country. He'd destroy the economy for political gain.

Okay, there's a straight answer. Cool.
Nope the governors asserted their power and if they start a civil war then I can start shooting libs

Works fine for me
Gee, a blob supporter wanting to murder people. Must be a Monday
The federal govts shelter lockdown has expired. I thought he had given that duty to the states. Some are reopening. Some are trying to reopen. Some like NY aren't opening. Mac just threw the whole minnow bucket to the crappie. A good troll will at least hook you for a second until you break free.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
Bad troll

It does show the gutless nature of the blob supporters.
Because Trump is going to watch the democratic governors destroy themselves. Why should he stop this
So this is about politics over country. He'd destroy the economy for political gain.

Okay, there's a straight answer. Cool.
Nope the governors asserted their power and if they start a civil war then I can start shooting libs

Works fine for me
Gee, a blob supporter wanting to murder people. Must be a Monday

More like 30 million americans are already infected and nothing happened. Murder people? Lol, now that's funny.
Because Trump is going to watch the democratic governors destroy themselves. Why should he stop this
So this is about politics over country. He'd destroy the economy for political gain.

Okay, there's a straight answer. Cool.
Nope the governors asserted their power and if they start a civil war then I can start shooting libs

Works fine for me
Gee, a blob supporter wanting to murder people. Must be a Monday

More like 30 million americans are already infected and nothing happened. Murder people? Lol, now that's funny.

That is what your sick as fuck fellow blob supporter said. You guys crave violence.
Because Trump is going to watch the democratic governors destroy themselves. Why should he stop this
So this is about politics over country. He'd destroy the economy for political gain.

Okay, there's a straight answer. Cool.
Nope the governors asserted their power and if they start a civil war then I can start shooting libs

Works fine for me
Gee, a blob supporter wanting to murder people. Must be a Monday
Posts like this is why you people are irrelevant
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?

Did you miss the HUUUUUUUUUGE news where the United States President was leaving when each state opened up to the GOVERNORS, that he can and does continue to give his opinion and recommendation, but that it is up to the GOVERNORS of each state?! Sure sounds like you missed that part....

You may have noticed as well all the protests across the country state citizens telling Governors to release them and their Constitutional rights from this continuing assault on both of them....

And you probably missed THIS from the news as well today:

15 states lift or ease restrictions as nation battles to get back to business as usual
15 states lift or ease restrictions as nation battles to get back to business as usual

That says '15 STATES'.....it doesn't say the PRESIDENT eases restrictions on 15 states.....
Because Trump is going to watch the democratic governors destroy themselves. Why should he stop this
So this is about politics over country. He'd destroy the economy for political gain.

Okay, there's a straight answer. Cool.
Nope the governors asserted their power and if they start a civil war then I can start shooting libs

Works fine for me
Gee, a blob supporter wanting to murder people. Must be a Monday
Posts like this is why you people are irrelevant
Yet here you are responding. Why do you people crave violence?
Even though mac is a childish troll, i'll bite on this one. He has trouble with questioning the response to the virus with support for Trump. That makes a little sense, even though mac is a douche. Personally, I don't understand the shutdown of the economy for a virus that has a low lethality and a specific at risk group. I never did. To Mac, this means I'm supposed to say democrats were right, Trump is evil, and let's vote for a guy with dementia and corruption problems. While I don't understand the response, I'm not a viral expert, and with an unknown I won't shit my pants over caution. So Mac, you little stinker, just because we don't understand the response, doesn't mean that we need to hate a president who seems to have common sense. I'm comfortable with the fact that I don't have all the information and that Trump acted in the best interest of the country. He has a track record of country first.
Because he knows he will own every death after he demands a reopening. Political responsibility is something the idiots who demand a reopening is something those morons do not bear. Only the selfish and short sighted would demand a reopening now.
Explain this please. IF the governors are suppose to be making the decisions why are they not up front every day at the virus briefing's? Explain why the president has put him self out in front every single day vacillating between its nothing, Its bad, its bad But, China's fault, no clear one direction message no wonder people are confused.
Because he knows he will own every death after he demands a reopening. Political responsibility is something the idiots who demand a reopening is something those morons do not bear. Only the selfish and short sighted would demand a reopening now.
Most likely, yep.

Even Trump has enough sense to listen to what he's being told, and he knows not to demand re-opening. He knows it's too dangerous.

He also knows that his sycophants will fall in line with pretty much whatever he does. Or doesn't do. As we've seen so clearly on this thread.

So he'll let them scream and bitch, and he'll pay them whatever lip service he can to keep them happy. They'll swallow it.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
You lunatics are really getting desperate. :itsok:

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