Once and for all: Why isn't Trump demanding that we open back up TODAY?

Because the US does not have the virus anywhere near under control, like Australia, we can start to open back up because we were sane and locked down and followed it for the common good.

Trump knows America is no where near that point yet.

If he calls to open back up the virus will wash up on the USA more than it already has, your current and horrendous death toll will look like cotton candy in comparison and tank his re-election chances.

So he lets the governors make all the tough calls, eggs on the half wits demonstrating on behalf of their own minuteman deluded egos but will take credit where ever lock downs contain the virus.

"Because the US is obviously wrong and the worst, because it always is, Trump must obviously be trying to put the blame for the US being bad and eeeevil on someone else for when everything goes totally wrong as I always expect it to for such a bad country."

That's literally all I heard before it was drowned out by your evil cackling while you prayed for catastrophe.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
Because the DNC their sycophant MSM would decimate him and try to upend his candidacy. Trump needs not only MAGA people but also needs Independants....It's called politics. Ask your nanny Nancy about that.
He's afraid of what people will say? What kind of leader is that? Has he no convictions?
Well, to be fair, I edited my reply and you pulled the trigger too soon. The States have sovereign power. Do you want Trump to act like a Tyrant? Oh yeah, you do. BTW I never said Trump was afraid of what people will say, you made that up. A President serves at the behest of We The People and, unlike the snot-smearing Pelosi, he cares what we think. I know that gets your TDS panties in a wad but, live with it. Trump will be President for the forseeable future....Too bad for you.
I don't see an answer in that talk radio diatribe.

He's supposed to keep his mouth shut at this historically important time? Isn't he a leader?

Why do you guys celebrate when he "speaks his mind", but give him a pass at such a crucial moment?

We both know the answer to that, but I'm enjoying watching you guys spin and deflect and attack.

I hate to break it to you, but "Orange Man Bad", who you leftists love to sneer at as being so dumb, understands the powers and responsibilities of the Presidency far better than you do. Where you think "what a leader does" is comprised of "Just going out and seizing power to enact what I think is correct", Trump knows that a leader shows his people the way that's best for them and then trusts them to do it. He also knows that if he WERE to try to behave the way you're excoriating him for not behaving, you would then instantly start excoriating him for THAT. Since there is literally no pleasing you and your compatriots, because he's always going to be wrong in the most fundamental act of being a Republican President, he's making the wise decision of following the law and respecting the system and the rights of the states and the people.

So how does it feel to be less intelligent, less insightful, and less American than Donald Trump?

The Fifth Avenue Rule, in all its glory.

You snowflakes get so upset.
Trump has failed fact oriented Americans.
It does not hurt him that much as 80% of Americans have bought into the 0.1% fatality rate for all Americans as something that is formidable enough that we should hide and stay hidden.
Trump will pick up zero liberal votes for his actions but will lose some conservative ones.
So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?
Because it would not be a prudent thing to do, obviously.
Why not? Especially given the fact that the numbers are overblown, it's not as bad as we think, and we have guys with guns protesting in government offices?

First off, it's the state not the feds decision. Maybe Trump decided this area he will leave to the governors. Maybe if one slips up, Trump can go in later and chastise the bad decision making.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
It's up to the individual states.

Typical TDS hysteria. :smoke:
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?

It couldn't POSSIBLY be because he recognizes that that isn't the best way to go about getting it done, or anything.
And that, as I've pointed out elsewhere in the thread, is the answer.

Therefore, who is wrong? Trump, or the Trumpsters who are fighting this every step of the way in the name of Freedom and Liberty?

Neither. The President and the protesters are very different people, in very different positions and with very different imperatives. What is effective for one isn't going to be for the other.
Classic Mac thread by the way... president Trump has done nothing wrong, but is still somehow wrong and so very problematic... because of his behavior or some other nonsense without doubt. President Trump played the situation very well, exceeding all expectations, that is a fact.
He predicted we would have zero cases...we have over 1.2 million currently. He could have said we’d have 200K and would have still missed by a million.

I swear to God, Cornball, you are the Miss Havisham of political discourse.
Because Trump is going to watch the democratic governors destroy themselves. Why should he stop this
So this is about politics over country. He'd destroy the economy for political gain.

Okay, there's a straight answer. Cool.
Nope the governors asserted their power and if they start a civil war then I can start shooting libs

Works fine for me
Gee, a blob supporter wanting to murder people. Must be a Monday

More like 30 million americans are already infected and nothing happened. Murder people? Lol, now that's funny.

That is what your sick as fuck fellow blob supporter said. You guys crave violence.

Your posts get angrier by the minute.
With Fingers Joe's most recent troubles I believe reality has finally cracked your thick skull. Fingers has no chance in November.
Sometimes it's smarter not to say anything, than it is to jump in and illustrate my point for me.

Why lie?

President Donald Trump is doing the right thing. He is encouraging states and areas with few infections and fatalities to open and those with much more to go more slowly.

Which points out that you would have been smarter to have not said anything.
You would rather have a Dictator mandate your actions. Typical leftist sheep waiting for instructions from your ‘master.’
Deflect/pivot/attack, standard nutter tactic.

You can't put me on the defensive. But I'm glad to see you trying.

Sorry the truth puts you on ‘defensive.’
Oh, I forgot, Trumpsters have a vice-like grip on Da Troof.

Well, at least people on the right could pick the truth out of a lineup, unlike those on the left.
Because the US does not have the virus anywhere near under control, like Australia, who can start to open back up, and Trump knows it.

If he calls to open back up the virus will wash up on the USA more than it already has, your current and horrendous death toll will look like cotton candy in comparison and tank his re-election chances.

So he lets the governors make all the tough calls, eggs on the half wits demonstrating but will take credit where ever lock downs contain the virus.
When this is finally under control, the Trumpsters will passionately sing his praises for being such a great leader.

After giving him an absolute pass on keeping his mouth shut at this critical time, and after complaining the whole time.

This kind of stuff is pretty predictable. It's the Fifth Avenue Rule, writ large. They will not hold him accountable.
This hurts your vajayjay, huh?
I for one, am disappointed in the reopening. Buncha restrictions n stuff, wtf is this?

Spit shields at the beer store? Wtf?!
Ain't no salad on the other side of that counter.
Because Trump is going to watch the democratic governors destroy themselves. Why should he stop this
So this is about politics over country. He'd destroy the economy for political gain.

Okay, there's a straight answer. Cool.

How dare he intrude on the Democrats' private territory? Doesn't he know that only THEY are allowed to destroy the economy for political gain?
Holy crap, I know I could never affect this adoration. I've never seen anything like this. There are many examples from history, but you'd have to go back several decades to see millions of people so enamored with a damaged man like this, and that usually didn't go well either.

Nope, just to the last administration. But you're right, that didn't go well either.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
It's the economy stupid?
Because Trump is going to watch the democratic governors destroy themselves. Why should he stop this
So this is about politics over country. He'd destroy the economy for political gain.

Okay, there's a straight answer. Cool.
Nope the governors asserted their power and if they start a civil war then I can start shooting libs

Works fine for me
Gee, a blob supporter wanting to murder people. Must be a Monday

More like 30 million americans are already infected and nothing happened. Murder people? Lol, now that's funny.

That is what your sick as fuck fellow blob supporter said. You guys crave violence.

Your posts get angrier by the minute.
With Fingers Joe's most recent troubles I believe reality has finally cracked your thick skull. Fingers has no chance in November.
I wonder if candycorn checks for corn in Bidens diapers
Explain this please. IF the governors are suppose to be making the decisions why are they not up front every day at the virus briefing's? Explain why the president has put him self out in front every single day vacillating between its nothing, Its bad, its bad But, China's fault, no clear one direction message no wonder people are confused.

Um, because 51 politicians vying for camera time would not result in a productive virus briefing. Also, I'm only mildly interested in what is said and done by the 49 governors who aren't from my state, which is most likely true for other people, as well. I would far rather hear from the President on national issues, my own governor on state issues, and read about the others in the news in passing.

He "puts himself out in front" because those are national press briefings, and he's the leader of the nation, whether you like it or not.
Because he knows he will own every death after he demands a reopening. Political responsibility is something the idiots who demand a reopening is something those morons do not bear. Only the selfish and short sighted would demand a reopening now.
Most likely, yep.

Even Trump has enough sense to listen to what he's being told, and he knows not to demand re-opening. He knows it's too dangerous.

He also knows that his sycophants will fall in line with pretty much whatever he does. Or doesn't do. As we've seen so clearly on this thread.

So he'll let them scream and bitch, and he'll pay them whatever lip service he can to keep them happy. They'll swallow it.

"I'm just SURE my worldview is correct, so OBVIOUSLY Trump's behavior is because he knows how correct I am, too!"

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