Once and for all: Why isn't Trump demanding that we open back up TODAY?

He's supposed to keep his mouth shut at this historically important time? Isn't he a leader?
Do you believe it's possible that he sees the virus as a serious problem? That MAYBE he takes it as a little more of a threat than I do?

Do you believe Trump and those who voted for him are 100% in unison on EVERYTHING?

I believe Trump is somewhere BETWEEN Fauci and myself, and I personally take the virus seriously but believe we have gone overboard.

You're only hoping to create, for the 1,000th time a rift between Trump and his base but that ain't gonna happen. Why in the hell would we replace a true leader with a nut who thinks like YOU?
He's supposed to keep his mouth shut at this historically important time? Isn't he a leader?
Do you believe it's possible that he sees the virus as a serious problem? That MAYBE he takes it as a little more of a threat than I do?

Do you believe Trump and those who voted for him are 100% in unison on EVERYTHING?

I believe Trump is somewhere BETWEEN Fauci and myself, and I personally take the virus seriously but believe we have gone overboard.

You're only hoping to create, for the 1,000th time a rift between Trump and his base but that ain't gonna happen. Why in the hell would we replace a true leader with a nut who thinks like YOU?
Holy crap, I know I could never affect this adoration. I've never seen anything like this. There are many examples from history, but you'd have to go back several decades to see millions of people so enamored with a damaged man like this, and that usually didn't go well either.

The point you guys have helped me make, so vividly, is that you will refuse to hold him accountable for anything.

I always know, when I start threads like this, that I may actually get good, solid, honest answers. I could, but it never seems to happen. I do receive a lot of personal insults, though, which is always a good sign.
You would rather have a Dictator mandate your actions. Typical leftist sheep waiting for instructions from your ‘master.’
Deflect/pivot/attack, standard nutter tactic.

You can't put me on the defensive. But I'm glad to see you trying.

Sorry the truth puts you on ‘defensive.’
So the Trumpsters cheer and celebrate when he "speaks his mind" on any other topic, but when he claims up like a shy schoolgirl during the most profound challenge of his presidency, they defend him to the hilt.

This is a group psychosis, and we've seen those before.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?

Is president Trump claiming the virus is communist propaganda?

No. There are big regional differences. We don't need to go all communist to defeat the communist virus.
President Trump will get to say he saved millions of Americans this way, good for re-election.
TDS thread. Nothing here folks. Just more worthless leftist traitor hack sewage.
Well, Mac DOES appear to have the intelligence of an enlightened turnip. So there's THAT.
So this is the best you guys can do. "TDS" and personal insults.

Sometimes it's smarter not to say anything, than it is to jump in and illustrate my point for me.
That's correct. There was no need to start another Trump hate thread. Plenty already out there for you to spew your hate.
Why not answer the question. Even you know what the real answer is. The real answer is that trump knows the guidelines are actually needed and he will lok like an even bigger fool than he does now when our number of dead and infected are even more times the other nations. Of course the ship has sailed already he already looks like an idiot and no going back.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
Because Trump is going to watch the democratic governors destroy themselves. Why should he stop this
Because Trump is going to watch the democratic governors destroy themselves. Why should he stop this
So this is about politics over country. He'd destroy the economy for political gain.

Okay, there's a straight answer. Cool.
Nope the governors asserted their power and if they start a civil war then I can start shooting libs

Works fine for me
Nope the governors asserted their power and if they start a civil war then I can start shooting libs
Works fine for me
Okay, Rambo.

Trumpism, 2020.
Cuomo says that NY is not opening until the virus is gone.

LOL viruses were here before people and will long outlive us, so the people of NY are gonna finish off chomo long before I get to him

Works for me
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
Trump isn't in charge of the states, scumbag.
Why not? Especially given the fact that the numbers are overblown
Do you think the numbers are accurate? Have we even tested a representative sample? Or just those with symptoms?
I've not seen anyone who has the virus, they don't tell us who they are, where they live or anything. Sounds like bullshit to me. However, nothing has changed here except for people being out of work and businesses forced to close. If I had a business and they told me to close I would tell them no. And I'd tell them that as long as china mart is open I'm open.

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