Oncologist Mistreated Cancer Patients


Senior Member
Jan 21, 2015
Victims Confront Doctor Who Mistreated Cancer Patients at Sentencing - ABC News

Unbelievable, the doctor who sweared an oath to help people to cure cancer didn’t care a cuss! Chemotherapy even if unnecessary, overdosen treatment and other tricks in order to defraud Healthcare system and collaterally ruin people’s health or even kill people. That’s how our oncologists work. It’s better to smoke ounces of pot with a hope that you can defeat cancer that way than to turn to such specialists for help.
Under Obama Scum in Chief.....you are on your own.

Good luck.
I read about that. Those poor people battling cancer and trusting that asshole and now have other issues and possible other cancers forming due to his greed. He needs to be in jail for a very very very very long time.
You know what bothers me? Why wasn't the death penalty on the table?

I am against the DP.

I'm thinking fraud, extortion, intimidation and torture=death penalty.
simply could not believe someone would do this to anyone else...the effects of chemo plague survivors forever....and its the small things that sometimes rob you.....i did not know once i did chemo....i could not donate blood anymore....a small thing to most but it was a big thing to me....10 years out....a friend who had two major cancer bouts is starting to see bones decay as well as her teeth....she is putting off hip procedure to deal with decaying bone ...i just couldnt imagine doing this to a healthy person.....i ask my husband....if the drugs dont have cancer to attack do they just attack the healthy cells....or do they just attack it all...all the time....

all this for money.....money is all we worship anymore
Cancer scam in Mexico...

Mexico probing 'brutal sin' alleging cancer kids given water, not chemo
Jan. 20, 2017 -- Mexico's Ministry of Health said it is investigating allegations made by Veracruz Gov. Miguel Ángel Yunes that children battling cancer were given water instead of chemotherapy under his fugitive predecessor.
Former Veracruz Gov. Javier Duarte resigned in October to face a corruption investigation and disappeared a week later. Officials said they believe Duarte, who has been charged with money laundering and organized crime, is on the run.

In a press conference this week, Yunes said officials discovered medical fraud under Duarte's leadership. "We already have results from a laboratory that pointed out that the medication given to children, a chemotherapy given to children, was not really a drug, but an inert compound. It was practically distilled water," Yunes said. "This really seems to be a brutal sin, an assault on the lives of children, and it is being analyzed and, at its moment, charges will be filed." In December, police raided a property belonging to Duarte and recovered millions of dollars worth of stolen goods.

Mexico's Secretary of Health José Narro Robles said he has already sent a special team to investigate the medical fraud allegations. "I instructed personnel of the Federal Commission for the Protection Against Sanitary Risks to investigate in depth, with technical and scientific basis, possible sanitary irregularities," Narro Robles said in a statement. "If irregularities were committed and there is responsibility, we will act against the people or companies involved." Yunes' press conference is available to view online via Periscope.

Mexico probing 'brutal sin' alleging cancer kids given water, not chemo
amazing....again the worship of money and the worse part the chemo drugs are not that expensive...the drugs themselves...its the administering the drugs that costs

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