One Birther's belief (maybe all?)

CaféAuLait;3549649 said:
Have you taken all this anger out on the democrats, namely Hillary Clinton and Company that started this mess?

However, the entire issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility was first brought to the fore by lawyers acting on behalf of Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2008.

Forgotten Truth: Hillary Clinton Mother of ‘Birther’ Movement!

What are you trying to get at here? Are you saying that by associating the Birthers with Hillary Clinton, their stupidity must somehow become magically valid? Hillary is, herself, and idiot, so where do you think that leaves things?

No, I am saying that democrats started this shit to railroad Obama and now they want to stop a train they started moving. So some need to take responsibility for this mess and also own up to this and the fact that some democrats ( same ones BTW) started the crap he was a Muslim by releasing photos of him in Muslim garb, time to lie in the bed they made. The finger pointing is usually to 'right wing fringe' or just the right wing- when all this started because of some democrats. Responsibility is a bitch.
What speaks volumes to me is that any conservative out there would agree with a Clinton on anything. That shows how incredibly desperate they are.
What speaks volumes to me is that any conservative out there would agree with a Clinton on anything. That shows how incredibly desperate they are.

I do not think it is agreeing with a Clinton by any means. It is no different from the Truthers. Some things are spun in such a fashion and for varying purposes and they just take off on a life of their own.
CaféAuLait;3549649 said:
Have you taken all this anger out on the democrats, namely Hillary Clinton and Company that started this mess?

Forgotten Truth: Hillary Clinton Mother of ‘Birther’ Movement!

Anybody who has been paying attention knows this started with Hillary in the primaries.

The fact that the Clintons and the GOP smear machine (and I guess now Trump :lol: )have come up empty on this should speak volumes to most people.

Miss Kendrick yet?

What's this "yet" shit? :lol:
You should have posted,,,,

"If he releases it, the serious nutjob bullies win."

Now, guys....these excuses are really, really lame.

If he releases it, and the other side is proven wrong.... do they 'win'?
You're asking him to proves something that's already been proven.

In other words, he's "different" than other presidents and must prove he is as good as they are...why? I don't know I can only assume it is because he is black. Black people often have to prove they are "good enough."

To bullies.
If obama hasn't proven to you so far that he is not good enough to be President, you're living on the wrong planet or just not paying attention.
If obama hasn't proven to you so far that he is not good enough to be President, you're living on the wrong planet or just not paying attention.

Bush proved to most people early on that he wasn't good enough to be President. But he got re-elected anyway. Why? Not like we had a great alternative. May as well take the devil you know over the devil you don't.
Are you or are you not a US citizen if one or more of your parents currently a US citizen?

Was Obama's mother not a US citizen at the time of his birth or no?

Doesn't matter if he was born in Australia, Kalamazoo, Tunisia, Morocco or Great Britain...he's a citizen AUTOMATICALLY simply by being born to one.

You dumb, ignorant, radical, Far RW, mostly racist S.O.B.''re not fooling anyone with your nonsense.

Arizona, I'm talking to you!

So why has Obama not just handed the certificate over if it's that easy? Why did an incompetent House and senate not vest him in the first place as they are constitutionally mandated to do?
Also, the only racist is you for making this a race issue. Has nothing to do with race, has everything to do with abiding by the constitution, I dont expect you to understand, because if you did you would not be playing the race card.
It's not about him being HALF black, it's about the house and senate not vesting him you racist turd.
That said, I personally do not think it really matters in this case. I think it is pretty clear Obama is loyal to the US, and does not hold some secret loyalty to his birth country(if it is not the US) Which was the point of the requirement in the first place.

If he is so loyal to the US why is he giving 2 Billion dollars to the Japanese when we are bankrupt and need that money? He could give a shit less about this country, he proved that by signing the socialized healthcare bill into law knowing that it has failed everywhere else, dont kid yourself.
Are you or are you not a US citizen if one or more of your parents currently a US citizen?

Was Obama's mother not a US citizen at the time of his birth or no?

Doesn't matter if he was born in Australia, Kalamazoo, Tunisia, Morocco or Great Britain...he's a citizen AUTOMATICALLY simply by being born to one.

You dumb, ignorant, radical, Far RW, mostly racist S.O.B.''re not fooling anyone with your nonsense.

Arizona, I'm talking to you!

So why has Obama not just handed the certificate over if it's that easy? Why did an incompetent House and senate not vest him in the first place as they are constitutionally mandated to do?
Also, the only racist is you for making this a race issue. Has nothing to do with race, has everything to do with abiding by the constitution, I dont expect you to understand, because if you did you would not be playing the race card.
It's not about him being HALF black, it's about the house and senate not vesting him you racist turd.
This didn't occur in a vacuum you racist.

It's everything combined...the watermelon patch, the spook presidential cartoon, the "he's a Muslim (as if that's a bad thing), "He's not American", "He's the other", "Inadequate black man", the list goes on.

I'm sick and tired of you GD racists!

This wasn't just Hilary Clinton who perpetuated both of these things, the “Birther” issue and the “Muslim” issue, it was also droves of her democratic followers and she had a lot of democratic followers who wanted to see her make it into the spot Obama did. The party was split for sometime if you recall.

So trying to label this as racist or purely "right wing" and not a political advent of a large part of the democratic party is beyond me.
So why has Obama not just handed the certificate over if it's that easy?

He has. But the birthers keep arguing over what the definition of is is.

He showed a certificate of live birth, not a birth certificate, two seperate documents. We all know he was born as the certificate of birth would say, but the actual birth certificate itself would document when and where, which he has spent millions in lawyer fees blocking, now why would he do that?
That said, I personally do not think it really matters in this case. I think it is pretty clear Obama is loyal to the US, and does not hold some secret loyalty to his birth country(if it is not the US) Which was the point of the requirement in the first place.

If he is so loyal to the US why is he giving 2 Billion dollars to the Japanese when we are bankrupt and need that money? He could give a shit less about this country, he proved that by signing the socialized healthcare bill into law knowing that it has failed everywhere else, dont kid yourself.
It's working in Massachusetts. Now, Mitt is trying like hell to distance himself from it, so that tea baggers will like him.
Are you or are you not a US citizen if one or more of your parents currently a US citizen?

Was Obama's mother not a US citizen at the time of his birth or no?

Doesn't matter if he was born in Australia, Kalamazoo, Tunisia, Morocco or Great Britain...he's a citizen AUTOMATICALLY simply by being born to one.

You dumb, ignorant, radical, Far RW, mostly racist S.O.B.''re not fooling anyone with your nonsense.

Arizona, I'm talking to you!

So why has Obama not just handed the certificate over if it's that easy? Why did an incompetent House and senate not vest him in the first place as they are constitutionally mandated to do?
Also, the only racist is you for making this a race issue. Has nothing to do with race, has everything to do with abiding by the constitution, I dont expect you to understand, because if you did you would not be playing the race card.
It's not about him being HALF black, it's about the house and senate not vesting him you racist turd.
This didn't occur in a vacuum you racist.

It's everything combined...the watermelon patch, the spook presidential cartoon, the "he's a Muslim (as if that's a bad thing), "He's not American", "He's the other", "Inadequate black man", the list goes on.

I'm sick and tired of you GD racists!


You can't play the race card on me as you have been taught to do, because quite frankly I could give a shit less what you call me. You're the only racist in here right now.
Let me explain exactly what he's doing right now. It's the same thing as when people call you a nazi racist and what not, it's a Saul Olinsky tactic used by the left to stifle speech of opposition. The left figure, if they accuse you of being what they accuse you of being, then you'll not wanna put up the opposition argument and just shut up with throwing out the facts and surrender the debate to them.
Sorry my brother from another mother, you lose again.
Reductio ad Hitlerum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Only a dummy would spew the nonsense about "stifling speech"

If a person wanted to stifle another's speech they'd bitch-slap, pistol-whip or put a dog muzzle on a MFer...not call them names.

Stupid cons!!

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CaféAuLait;3549862 said:
This wasn't just Hilary Clinton who perpetuated both of these things, the “Birther” issue and the “Muslim” issue, it was also droves of her democratic followers and she had a lot of democratic followers who wanted to see her make it into the spot Obama did. The party was split for sometime if you recall.

So trying to label this as racist or purely "right wing" and not a political advent of a large part of the democratic party is beyond me.

Sorry but there's one helluva racist streak in the birfer population and while the whole birfer thing began with the Hillary campaign in today's environment birfers are overwhelmingly right wing. In fact, I can't think of one lefty birfer on this site. Can you? Who are the prominent Dems today flirting with the birfer issue?
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Only a dummy would spew the nonsense about "stifling speech"

If a person wanted to stifle another's speech they'd bitch-slap, pistol-whip or put a dog muzzle on a MFer...not call them names.

Stupid cons!!


Kinda like your union brothers at the afl-cio and seiu are doing right now to opposition speech right? You're the racist aggressive stooge you accuse the right of being. Difference being, we see you for what you are and know you for who you are, you seem to think we are still in 1995 and have no clue what you are about. Go away please, you stink of ignorance.
Only a dummy would spew the nonsense about "stifling speech"

If a person wanted to stifle another's speech they'd bitch-slap, pistol-whip or put a dog muzzle on a MFer...not call them names.

Stupid cons!!


Kinda like your union brothers at the afl-cio and seiu are doing right now to opposition speech right? You're the racist aggressive stooge you accuse the right of being. Difference being, we see you for what you are and know you for who you are, you seem to think we are still in 1995 and have no clue what you are about. Go away please, you stink of ignorance.


Says the birfer questioning Obama's loyalty to this country for signing "socialized" healthcare into law and sending aid to one of our strongest allies after they suffered an historic national distaster.
CaféAuLait;3549862 said:
This wasn't just Hilary Clinton who perpetuated both of these things, the “Birther” issue and the “Muslim” issue, it was also droves of her democratic followers and she had a lot of democratic followers who wanted to see her make it into the spot Obama did. The party was split for sometime if you recall.

So trying to label this as racist or purely "right wing" and not a political advent of a large part of the democratic party is beyond me.

Sorry but there's one helluva racist streak in the birfer population and while the whole birfer thing began with the Hillary campaign in today's environment birfers are overwhelmingly right wing. In fact, I can't think of one lefty birfer on this site. Can you? Who are the prominent Dems today flirting with the birfer issue?

The Birther movement grew legs due to left wing political rhetoric as did the Truther movement. It is political. Can I say there are not any racists in that movement, no, I can’t the same way I can’t make the same claim for the truther movement. Nor can I say there are not racists in either party. The Truther movement did not spring up because it was racist, it’s there because there are conspiracy theorists everywhere for every presidency. From Kennedy to Lincoln.

Each president has dealt with them and some are horrible, just because they are it does not mean they are racist in nature. Some examples:

George W. Bush carried out the 9/11 attacks and blew up remaining buildings. Should Bush claim racism since many Truthers are black and some have been in Obama’s cabinet? No.

Clinton murdered Vince Foster, racism or political propaganda?

Johnson killed Kennedy was it racism because Johnson was said to be intolerant of blacks and he had Kennedy killed? Or typical conspiracy lore ?

Washington was accused of conspiring with the British. Racist or rhetoric?

Jefferson would ban Christianity and terrorize its adherents.

Warren Harding, during his 1920 presidential campaign, it was said and spoke of that the presidential candidate was part black to put him down. ( racist indeed)

Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.

This was started as a political ploy that has gained conspiracy level attention. Obama is not the first nor will he be the last. Trying to turn this into a race issue convolutes the matter even more. The fact of the matter is many presidents have faced such before Obama and many will face such after. These off the cuff accusations that this is racial is blatantly ignoring the true history of presidential conspiracies.
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