One Birther's belief (maybe all?)

Newspapers keep archives. I doubt hospitals do to that extent.

I suppose if they knew in advance that he would be president they would have saved everything and sold it on ebay at a profit.

The birth certificate we have all seen over and over and over proves that he was born in Hawaii to an American citizen and is in fact an American citizen.

Actually there were two newspaper announcements that in themselves prove Obama was born in Hawaii. As noted in an earlier post, the hospitals send the birth announcements to the newspapers.
Have the birthers every supplied a birth certificate from say Kenya that didn't get proved to be a fake? Answer; NO! But the birthers are still at, it even though no one has proved the Obama birth certificate to be fake.
Man, some people are sooooo crazy and certainly gullible.

Actually there were two newspaper announcements that in themselves prove Obama was born in Hawaii.
No it doesn't prove anything but obama was born, and gave an address where they lived. obama's mother and father were travelers weren't they? Do you think they were always on the island? Anyone could have submitted that birth announcement, his grand mother more likely.

"Anyone could have submitted that birth announcement, his grand mother more likely."

I disproved that earlier in this thread. Only the Hawaii Department of Health's Bureau of Vital Statistics provides the births to the newspapers. Just like they provide death notices, marriages; etc.
Actually there were two newspaper announcements that in themselves prove Obama was born in Hawaii. As noted in an earlier post, the hospitals send the birth announcements to the newspapers.
Have the birthers every supplied a birth certificate from say Kenya that didn't get proved to be a fake? Answer; NO! But the birthers are still at, it even though no one has proved the Obama birth certificate to be fake.
Man, some people are sooooo crazy and certainly gullible.

Actually there were two newspaper announcements that in themselves prove Obama was born in Hawaii.
No it doesn't prove anything but obama was born, and gave an address where they lived. obama's mother and father were travelers weren't they? Do you think they were always on the island? Anyone could have submitted that birth announcement, his grand mother more likely.

"Anyone could have submitted that birth announcement, his grand mother more likely."

I disproved that earlier in this thread. Only the Hawaii Department of Health's Bureau of Vital Statistics provides the births to the newspapers. Just like they provide death notices, marriages; etc.

No they don't because they did not do it for my grandson. He was born there.
For wedding anouncements, The bride and her family does marriage announcements.

For one reason does the family do this vital information and release of private information. How foolish of you to think that the state of hawaii would release the address in a newspaper of a private citizen. Only the family can do that.
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The satement as I said bout the Obituary it's not done by the state. Done by the family or the funeral homes or crematories

Place an Obituary

How to place an obituary in Charlotte Observer
For information on submitting an obituary, please contact Charlotte Observer by phone at 704-358-5382, or email at [email protected] or fax at 704-358-5914.

Obituaries submitted by funeral homes or crematories must be received by 4:30 p.m. (3 p.m. on holidays) to appear in the next day's newspaper. Deadlines for personal submissions are earlier than funeral home/crematory deadlines. For complete instructions, please send an email to [email protected], or contact the Charlotte Observer by phone at 704-358-5382, or by fax at 704-358-5914.
Place an Obituary: Place an obituary in Charlotte Observer
The satement as I said bout the Obituary it's not done by the state. Done by the family or the funeral homes or crematories

Place an Obituary

How to place an obituary in Charlotte Observer
For information on submitting an obituary, please contact Charlotte Observer by phone at 704-358-5382, or email at [email protected] or fax at 704-358-5914.

Obituaries submitted by funeral homes or crematories must be received by 4:30 p.m. (3 p.m. on holidays) to appear in the next day's newspaper. Deadlines for personal submissions are earlier than funeral home/crematory deadlines. For complete instructions, please send an email to [email protected], or contact the Charlotte Observer by phone at 704-358-5382, or by fax at 704-358-5914.
Place an Obituary: Place an obituary in Charlotte Observer

No it doesn't prove anything but obama was born, and gave an address where they lived. obama's mother and father were travelers weren't they? Do you think they were always on the island? Anyone could have submitted that birth announcement, his grand mother more likely.

"Anyone could have submitted that birth announcement, his grand mother more likely."

I disproved that earlier in this thread. Only the Hawaii Department of Health's Bureau of Vital Statistics provides the births to the newspapers. Just like they provide death notices, marriages; etc.

No they don't because they did not do it for my grandson. He was born there.

For wedding announcements,The bride and her family does marriage announcements.

For one reason does the family do this vital information and release of private information. How foolish of you to think that the state of hawaii would release the address in a newspaper of a private citizen. Only the family can do that.

I must have hit a nerve
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One of them is dead. The other one has already proven his citizenship.

how can you tell them apart then...

i'm more interested in how we can subpoena the nice little old lady that says everything's fine...
dunno......what about all the images that showed obama as hitler, as well as associated him with the jewish holocaust?

eh, they did that with bush too. This sums up my view rather nicely


however, they never compared bushie jr. To a socalist, a marxist nor did they ever compare him to lenin.

Try again. Jr. Was treated pretty well during his term. obama isn't getting a fair shake.

lol thank you for that... the press has been awefully hard on the messiah too.
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One of them is dead. The other one has already proven his citizenship.

how can you tell them apart then...

i'm more interested in how we can subpoena the nice little old lady that says everything's fine...

If the little old lady gets a subpoena she will turn up dead before the court date.
One of them is dead. The other one has already proven his citizenship.

how can you tell them apart then...

i'm more interested in how we can subpoena the nice little old lady that says everything's fine...

How do we know Obama is even alive? Has anyone seen his death certificate? No.

It's like a perpetual Weekend at Bernie's.

... Weekend at Barack's???
One of them is dead. The other one has already proven his citizenship.

how can you tell them apart then...

i'm more interested in how we can subpoena the nice little old lady that says everything's fine...

How do we know Obama is even alive? Has anyone seen his death certificate? No.

It's like a perpetual Weekend at Bernie's.

... Weekend at Barack's???

i like the way you think frenchie, even though you stole my thread... 5.5
michelle bachman thinks obama should show his birth certificate too, so there.
obama's really starting to sweat now, his wheels are coming off. s and p ruined his day, and that reporter in texas. third person liar, their president doesn't have horns... i think he does... anyway obama blinks alot when he's lying... so long pokerface.
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Once again; There can be little doubt that Mr Obama is hiding something or he would have made his long form available over 2 years ago.

The long form is property of the state. He does not have it in his possession, and will not ever have it in his possession. He has a certified copy in his possession, that has been attested to by the state of Hawaii as an accurate reflection of the state's records. He's shown this to the public. How is any of that "hiding" something?
Once again; There can be little doubt that Mr Obama is hiding something or he would have made his long form available over 2 years ago.

The long form is property of the state. He does not have it in his possession, and will not ever have it in his possession. He has a certified copy in his possession, that has been attested to by the state of Hawaii as an accurate reflection of the state's records. He's shown this to the public. How is any of that "hiding" something?

Well gee, when you don't quote me out of context I actually continue and explain exactly what I meant and believe. Of course I could be wrong. It happens now and then.

Once again; There can be little doubt that Mr Obama is hiding something or he would have made his long form available over 2 years ago.

What he is hiding is the question.

Was he born in Hawaii? Chances are about 99.9999% that yes he was.

I believe that what would be shown on his Birth certificate is that his parents were not married. I believe that his father was still legally married to his first wife in Kenya.

So the President is a Bastard. aren't they all?

It's not difficult to understand....
Well gee, when you don't quote me out of context I actually continue and explain exactly what I meant and believe. Of course I could be wrong. It happens now and then.

You're missing my point. How is he even trying to hide anything if he's presented everything that is in his possession? He doesn't possess a long form, because it belongs to the state of Hawaii. It's the state's property. What he does possess is a certified copy, and he's made that available. So how can you say he's trying to hide anything, even the marital status of his parents, if he's shown everything that is available to show?
Dunno......what about all the images that showed Obama as Hitler, as well as associated him with the Jewish Holocaust?

Eh, they did that with bush too. This sums up my view rather nicely


However, they never compared Bushie Jr. to a socalist, a marxist nor did they ever compare him to Lenin.

Try again. Jr. was treated pretty well during his term. Obama isn't getting a fair shake.

Are you serious?

Bush, according to most of the left, was responsible for murder, mayhem, the deficit, the destruction of our planet's ecosystem, spastic colon, that annoying itch you get on your back that you cant scratch, the cancellation of Law and Order, and your puppy getting run over by a Hummer.

Being called a socialist, a marxist, or lenin is basically being called the same thing.
This thread is Godwin'd. Now, dispense with the Nazi shit, and show me more monkey pictures.
While we are all aware of the racial aspects of the chimp/monkey accusations, I find it comical that those who take offense to this often had no issue with all the Bush-Monkey comparisons, and in fact often enjoyed them.

Bad taste is Bad taste, but for some people its only offensive if its against someone you like.

Your post contradicts itself. You know its juvenile to say comparing a monkey with blacks is racist, yet you say its wrong for them to be offended?

Well gee, when you don't quote me out of context I actually continue and explain exactly what I meant and believe. Of course I could be wrong. It happens now and then.

You're missing my point. How is he even trying to hide anything if he's presented everything that is in his possession? He doesn't possess a long form, because it belongs to the state of Hawaii. It's the state's property. What he does possess is a certified copy, and he's made that available. So how can you say he's trying to hide anything, even the marital status of his parents, if he's shown everything that is available to show?

Don't play kindergarten games with me. he has the ability to request a copy of the long form which would answer all these silly questions. Why he hasn't is obvious, he must be hiding something. Rumor says he has spent a lot of money to keep certain papers hidden. I personally haven't tried to find out if that's true or not. Probably is though since we haven't seen much from his life.
Well gee, when you don't quote me out of context I actually continue and explain exactly what I meant and believe. Of course I could be wrong. It happens now and then.

You're missing my point. How is he even trying to hide anything if he's presented everything that is in his possession? He doesn't possess a long form, because it belongs to the state of Hawaii. It's the state's property. What he does possess is a certified copy, and he's made that available. So how can you say he's trying to hide anything, even the marital status of his parents, if he's shown everything that is available to show?

Don't play kindergarten games with me. he has the ability to request a copy of the long form which would answer all these silly questions. Why he hasn't is obvious, he must be hiding something. Rumor says he has spent a lot of money to keep certain papers hidden. I personally haven't tried to find out if that's true or not. Probably is though since we haven't seen much from his life.

The BC question and WHY are his personal writings while he was in college under lock and key?

HECK? If I had been elected POTUS for supposedly my Ideals? My views as Obama likes to lead us to belive? I'd have them in a Crystal Lighted case...

Why are they hidden from view of the public?
Now, guys....these excuses are really, really lame.

If he releases it, and the other side is proven wrong.... do they 'win'?
You're asking him to proves something that's already been proven.

In other words, he's "different" than other presidents and must prove he is as good as they are...why? I don't know I can only assume it is because he is black. Black people often have to prove they are "good enough."

To bullies.

He hasn't proven shit. The court refused to pursue the matter. Ibn other words, when it suits y'all's lies, it's okay.

Just like the lie he is black. He is not.

The only bullies around here are a bunch of leftwingnut biddies who gang up on every one on the right they can.

He's proven it.

Stop being such a fucking pussy.

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