One Birther's belief (maybe all?)

While we are all aware of the racial aspects of the chimp/monkey accusations, I find it comical that those who take offense to this often had no issue with all the Bush-Monkey comparisons, and in fact often enjoyed them.

Bad taste is Bad taste, but for some people its only offensive if its against someone you like.

Your post contradicts itself. You know its juvenile to say comparing a monkey with blacks is racist, yet you say its wrong for them to be offended?


One can be offended. My opposition is when this gets blown out of proportion by people trying to ruin the person's life for a stupid picture, which will happen.

The person apologized. The matter should drop back into the nether, but it won't as people will play it up for political gain.
i think the brilliance/insanity of obama was tout/flaunting transparency, in the end we'll find out if he's pathological, i'm leaning that way.
the released document isn't a facsimile, it's proof of further mystery. once the courts are involved, the document will be subpoened and reviewed, geraldo will be there.
there are too many cross referenced uncertainties, even the president of the united states must sometimes stand alone naked. it's like when you're born, we just need to see the proof, then of course, we'll move on. until then, we need to keep the pressure on this enigmatic man.
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Once again; There can be little doubt that Mr Obama is hiding something or he would have made his long form available over 2 years ago.

Or, you know he's already provided the proof needed and he's not going to go above and beyond what was required of every other POTUS before him in order to appease fringers, racists, and nutjobs who would never support him anyway.
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Don't play kindergarten games with me. he has the ability to request a copy of the long form which would answer all these silly questions.

No, he doesn't. He can request a copy of his birth certificate, but he cannot dictate what form it will take.

Rumor says he has spent a lot of money to keep certain papers hidden. I personally haven't tried to find out if that's true or not. Probably is though since we haven't seen much from his life.

It's not true. It's an entirely made up fiction by the birther crowd. The claim is that the legal expenses to wrap up his campaign were allegedly a cover to spend money to bury his vital records. But these expenses are a normal part of wrapping up a campaign, and John McCain paid a comparable amount toward the same end.
I made MY point.

You have no point, bumblebee ass.

Registered User

You're missing my point. How is he even trying to hide anything if he's presented everything that is in his possession? He doesn't possess a long form, because it belongs to the state of Hawaii. It's the state's property. What he does possess is a certified copy, and he's made that available. So how can you say he's trying to hide anything, even the marital status of his parents, if he's shown everything that is available to show?

they're right clowny, the point's on top of your head.
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Are you or are you not a US citizen if one or more of your parents currently a US citizen?

Was Obama's mother not a US citizen at the time of his birth or no?

Doesn't matter if he was born in Australia, Kalamazoo, Tunisia, Morocco or Great Britain...he's a citizen AUTOMATICALLY simply by being born to one.

You dumb, ignorant, radical, Far RW, mostly racist S.O.B.''re not fooling anyone with your nonsense.

Arizona, I'm talking to you!

Have you taken all this anger out on the democrats, namely Hillary Clinton and Company that started this mess?

However, the entire issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility was first brought to the fore by lawyers acting on behalf of Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2008.

Forgotten Truth: Hillary Clinton Mother of ‘Birther’ Movement!
We beg to differ. staffers have now seen, touched, examined and photographed the original birth certificate. We conclude that it meets all of the requirements from the State Department for proving U.S. citizenship. Claims that the document lacks a raised seal or a signature are false. We have posted high-resolution photographs of the document as "supporting documents" to this article. Our conclusion: Obama was born in the U.S.A. just as he has always said.

how come gets to paw the damn thing. and we can't see it... anybody here work for factchecker ?? then this: We tried to ask the Hawaii DOH why they only offer the short form, among other questions, but they have not given a response.

why can't we see the original long form ?? what kind of journalism is this ? will obama show the "real" original long form ?? if not why ??
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I'm actually a professor at Oral Robert's University.
That would be, Roberts or in the plural possessive, Roberts' ...Professor. :lmao:

HOWever.... I have explained this before..... The OP is correct but doesn't know why he is. This is why:

Natural Born Citizen Clause - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The SCOTUS has held that we all meet the definition of NBS if one of our parents does. Even if, like me, we were born on Mars.

HOWever again, this hardly kills the birfer issue. If Marc believes the birfers want Obama kicked out of office over this he is hugely mistaken. The vast majority of them merely want to see the long form certificate which lists such things as religion, witnesses, and more detail on the parents. It would also be notated if Obama was legally adopted later by Lolo Soetoro. Such adoption, contrary to popular belief, wouldn't disqualify President Obama either.

I seriously doubt even the correct, long form birth certificate if presented and verified by experts, would satisfy the birfers. Just like any other conspiracy theorists, they will always cling to their beliefs despite any and all evidence to the contrary.

This does not make them "RW racists," Marc.
I believe that what would be shown on his Birth certificate is that his parents were not married. I believe that his father was still legally married to his first wife in Kenya.

Ollie, Google Hawaii Birth Certificate and look at the samples, marital status isn't listed as one of the boxes used around that time.

Anyone could have submitted that birth announcement, his grand mother more likely. Anyone can generate a newspaper article.

Anyone can place an announcement in the classified section, however that's not there it appeard.

If you look at the heading of the column is shows the information was placed by the Health Bureau. So unless Obama's grandmothers name was "Health Bureau" and she provided the statistics on a variety of people, then it wasn't an individual placement.


Obongo hasn't proven shit. He released a computer generated image on the internet. Thats it.

Next time you fucktards go to a government building and they ask for I.D. pull out your laptop and your newspaper clipping and see if they accept it........

This is getting worse and worse for Obongo. Remember that LTC Terrence Lakin is in PRISON now because Obongo wouldn't release his BC.
CaféAuLait;3549649 said:
Have you taken all this anger out on the democrats, namely Hillary Clinton and Company that started this mess?

However, the entire issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility was first brought to the fore by lawyers acting on behalf of Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2008.

Forgotten Truth: Hillary Clinton Mother of ‘Birther’ Movement!

What are you trying to get at here? Are you saying that by associating the Birthers with Hillary Clinton, their stupidity must somehow become magically valid? Hillary is, herself, and idiot, so where do you think that leaves things?
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The SCOTUS has held that we all meet the definition of NBS if one of our parents does. Even if, like me, we were born on Mars.

Um, I don't think that's entirely accurate. Federal statute establishes natural born citizenship for children born outside of the US to citizen parents.
why can't we see the original long form ?? what kind of journalism is this ? will obama show the "real" original long form ?? if not why ??

Obama doesn't have the original. That is the property of the state of Hawaii.
CaféAuLait;3549649 said:
Are you or are you not a US citizen if one or more of your parents currently a US citizen?

Was Obama's mother not a US citizen at the time of his birth or no?

Doesn't matter if he was born in Australia, Kalamazoo, Tunisia, Morocco or Great Britain...he's a citizen AUTOMATICALLY simply by being born to one.

You dumb, ignorant, radical, Far RW, mostly racist S.O.B.''re not fooling anyone with your nonsense.

Arizona, I'm talking to you!

Have you taken all this anger out on the democrats, namely Hillary Clinton and Company that started this mess?

However, the entire issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility was first brought to the fore by lawyers acting on behalf of Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2008.

Forgotten Truth: Hillary Clinton Mother of ‘Birther’ Movement!

Anybody who has been paying attention knows this started with Hillary in the primaries.

The fact that the Clintons and the GOP smear machine (and I guess now Trump :lol: )have come up empty on this should speak volumes to most people.
Obongo hasn't proven shit. He released a computer generated image on the internet. Thats it.

Next time you fucktards go to a government building and they ask for I.D. pull out your laptop and your newspaper clipping and see if they accept it........

Oh, I'm sorry. Did you want the thing to be paraded around the country from house to house, like the damn Olympic torch?
CaféAuLait;3549649 said:
Are you or are you not a US citizen if one or more of your parents currently a US citizen?

Was Obama's mother not a US citizen at the time of his birth or no?

Doesn't matter if he was born in Australia, Kalamazoo, Tunisia, Morocco or Great Britain...he's a citizen AUTOMATICALLY simply by being born to one.

You dumb, ignorant, radical, Far RW, mostly racist S.O.B.''re not fooling anyone with your nonsense.

Arizona, I'm talking to you!

Have you taken all this anger out on the democrats, namely Hillary Clinton and Company that started this mess?

However, the entire issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility was first brought to the fore by lawyers acting on behalf of Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2008.

Forgotten Truth: Hillary Clinton Mother of ‘Birther’ Movement!

Anybody who has been paying attention knows this started with Hillary in the primaries.

The fact that the Clintons and the GOP smear machine (and I guess now Trump :lol: )have come up empty on this should speak volumes to most people.

Miss Kendrick yet?

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