One Birther's belief (maybe all?)

He showed a certificate of live birth, not a birth certificate, two seperate documents.

:lol: Like I said...what the definition of is is.

News flash, a "Certificate of Live Birth" IS a birth certificate. This fact is established in Hawaii statutes.

We all know he was born as the certificate of birth would say, but the actual birth certificate itself would document when and where,

His "Certificate of Live Birth" (aka birth certificate) does indeed list this information.

which he has spent millions in lawyer fees blocking, now why would he do that?

:lol: That's a flat out lie. :lol:
Cafe, I agree that each POTUS deals with something in the neighborhood of the birther issue, however they all have their own unique set of circumstances and attract a certain segment of the population.

Calling the birfer movement racial is not ignoring history, in my view. I call the birfer movement racist because of the nature of the conspiracy and the rhetoric coming from the birfers. Can you honestly read the crap that gets said here and say that there isn't a strong racist streak among them?
Cafe, I agree that each POTUS deals with something in the neighborhood of the birther issue, however they all have their own unique set of circumstances and attract a certain segment of the population.

Calling the birfer movement racial is not ignoring history, in my view. I call the birfer movement racist because of the nature of the conspiracy and the rhetoric coming from the birfers. Can you honestly read the crap that gets said here and say that there isn't a strong racist streak among them?

If in calling it racist you call all the democrats (which were many at the time) who supported this crap when Hillary Clinton ran with the birther issue and the Muslim issue, racists, then so be it.

I do not believe that she started the birther issue with racism in mind, or the Muslim issue with such in mind. She and those that supported her believed that fear of his being associated with terrorists would buy her points. Could such be racist, yes. She played on America’s fear of terrorism and any possible connections with such. It has since amassed a following that is on par with all the other presidential conspiracies.

Adding I think that some of the MSM has made it worse. I say this because people are naturally curious. And it seems that some left wing papers nagged and nagged Bush over his National Guard records, and school records. One went as far to produce a story based on false records for Bush to degenerate him (CBS, Dan Rather)

Now we have those people who look to the MSM for the same demands they made of Bush – when they do not see such they think something is amiss and automatically assume things are being hidden from them. (Why would his own party say such if it were not true, they think.) It is human nature to question and people are doing so because they perceive a ”lopsideness” if you will with some media outlets. And when they do not see it happening they assume the worst. They MUST be hiding something is what is in their minds IMO.

This entire thing has snowballed into what it is today and it is taking on a life of its own. As I said above I can’t say there are not racists in this group—all groups will have them. But I do not think that racists define Birthers. I think that the usual conspiracy theorists have gained momentum and it is following the same course which has beset past presidents.
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Are you or are you not a US citizen if one or more of your parents currently a US citizen?

Was Obama's mother not a US citizen at the time of his birth or no?

Doesn't matter if he was born in Australia, Kalamazoo, Tunisia, Morocco or Great Britain...he's a citizen AUTOMATICALLY simply by being born to one.

You dumb, ignorant, radical, Far RW, mostly racist S.O.B.''re not fooling anyone with your nonsense.

Arizona, I'm talking to you!

The issue is the BC says he is white.
Are you or are you not a US citizen if one or more of your parents currently a US citizen?

Was Obama's mother not a US citizen at the time of his birth or no?

Doesn't matter if he was born in Australia, Kalamazoo, Tunisia, Morocco or Great Britain...he's a citizen AUTOMATICALLY simply by being born to one.

You dumb, ignorant, radical, Far RW, mostly racist S.O.B.''re not fooling anyone with your nonsense.

Arizona, I'm talking to you!

The issue is the BC says he is white.
Please, show us a quote of Obama saying that he is white.
Are you or are you not a US citizen if one or more of your parents currently a US citizen?

Was Obama's mother not a US citizen at the time of his birth or no?

Doesn't matter if he was born in Australia, Kalamazoo, Tunisia, Morocco or Great Britain...he's a citizen AUTOMATICALLY simply by being born to one.

You dumb, ignorant, radical, Far RW, mostly racist S.O.B.''re not fooling anyone with your nonsense.

Arizona, I'm talking to you!

The issue is the BC says he is white.
Please, show us a quote of Obama saying that he is white.

Thats the point,
It is hard to run as a black man ....when your BC says you are white.
CaféAuLait;3549928 said:
Cafe, I agree that each POTUS deals with something in the neighborhood of the birther issue, however they all have their own unique set of circumstances and attract a certain segment of the population.

Calling the birfer movement racial is not ignoring history, in my view. I call the birfer movement racist because of the nature of the conspiracy and the rhetoric coming from the birfers. Can you honestly read the crap that gets said here and say that there isn't a strong racist streak among them?

If in calling it racist you call all the democrats (which were many at the time) who supported this crap when Hillary Clinton ran with the birther issue and the Muslim issue, racists, then so be it.

I do not believe that she started the birther issue with racism in mind, or the Muslim issue with such in mind. She and those that supported her believed that fear of his being associated with terrorists would buy her points. Could such be racist, yes. She played on America’s fear of terrorism and any possible connections with such. It has since amassed a following that is on par with all the other presidential conspiracies.

Adding I think that some of the MSM has made it worse. I say this because people are naturally curious. And it seems that some left wing papers nagged and nagged Bush over his National Guard records, and school records. One went as far to produce a story based on false records for Bush to degenerate him (CBS, Dan Rather)

Now we have those people who look to the MSM for the same demands they made of Bush – when they do not see such they think something is amiss and automatically assume things are being hidden from them. (Why would his own party say such if it were not true, they think.) It is human nature to question and people are doing so because they perceive a ”lopsideness” if you will with some media outlets. And when they do not see it happening they assume the worst. They MUST be hiding something is what is in their minds IMO.

This entire thing has snowballed into what it is today and it is taking on a life of its own. As I said above I can’t say there are not racists in this group—all groups will have them. But I do not think that racists define Birthers. I think that the usual conspiracy theorists have gained momentum and it is following the same course which has beset past presidents.

There really weren't a lot at the time but yeah I think that Hillary was looking to tap into bigoted feelings and mistrust towards Muslims so yeah I think this whole thing is rooted in racism. She was playing a race card. It failed miserably and once the party was unified it got squashed by the Dems. The GOP took up the mantle and injected it with steroids.
The issue is the BC says he is white.

No, it does not. They don't list the child's race, they list the race of parents, as per whatever race the parents present themselves as. Which is why Obama's father is listed as "African."

Anyone could have submitted that birth announcement, his grand mother more likely. Anyone can generate a newspaper article.

Anyone can place an announcement in the classified section, however that's not there it appeard.

If you look at the heading of the column is shows the information was placed by the Health Bureau. So unless Obama's grandmothers name was "Health Bureau" and she provided the statistics on a variety of people, then it wasn't an individual placement.



The state of hawaii will not release private information the address of residency is private information. A family member or the obama 's would have done that.
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Anyone could have submitted that birth announcement, his grand mother more likely. Anyone can generate a newspaper article.

Anyone can place an announcement in the classified section, however that's not there it appeard.

If you look at the heading of the column is shows the information was placed by the Health Bureau. So unless Obama's grandmothers name was "Health Bureau" and she provided the statistics on a variety of people, then it wasn't an individual placement.



The state of hawaii will not release private information the address of residency is private information. A family member or the obama 's would have done that.

That fact that for years before Obama came on the scene, that the Revised Statutes of Hawaii do not allow for release of personal records is irrelevant to the point made.

You said "Anyone could have submitted that birth announcement,". Your statement is false.

1. If Obama's grandmother had placed the announcement it would have been in the classified (or similarly titled) section.

2. It would not be listed under the heading of ""Health Bureau" Vital Statistics.​

Remember that LTC Terrence Lakin is in PRISON now because Obongo wouldn't release his BC.

Ex-LTC Terrence Lakin was convicted by a jury of his peers under the Uniform Code of Military Justice for missing movement and for disobeying lawful orders of superior military officers. Obama's birth certificate was irrelevant to the fact that when a service member's Commanding Officer says report to this base or report to me, that is a lawful order.

Lakin himself admitted in court that his actions in failing to follow orders were a mistake:

"During an hour of unsworn testimony, Lakin called that video an embarrassing mistake, brought on by pressure and poor advice from supposed supporters.

“I would not do this again,” he said. “It was a confusing time for me, and I was very emotional. I thought I was choosing the right path, and I did not.”

'Birther' sentenced to six months in prison, kicked out of Army - News - Stripes

His "supporters" to paraphrase said "Do it, Do it, Do it. The military will never convict you." Sadly for ex-LTC Lakin he believe them. He is currently spending six-months in the Brig, discharge from the service, and loss of retirement after 17 years of very honorable service. See it's easy to tell someone to "Do it" when it's not your ass on the line. They are walking around free today - he's in a jail cell. With a felony conviction on his record, there are some questions as to whether he will even be able to get his medical licenses reinstated. Some states may allow it, others may not.

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Anyone can place an announcement in the classified section, however that's not there it appeard.

If you look at the heading of the column is shows the information was placed by the Health Bureau. So unless Obama's grandmothers name was "Health Bureau" and she provided the statistics on a variety of people, then it wasn't an individual placement.



The state of hawaii will not release private information the address of residency is private information. A family member or the obama 's would have done that.

That fact that for years before Obama came on the scene, that the Revised Statutes of Hawaii do not allow for release of personal records is irrelevant to the point made.

You said "Anyone could have submitted that birth announcement,". Your statement is false.

1. If Obama's grandmother had placed the announcement it would have been in the classified (or similarly titled) section.

2. It would not be listed under the heading of ""Health Bureau" Vital Statistics.​


It would not be listed under the heading of ""Health Bureau" Vital Statistics

Yes it would, It just the title of the section. Hawaii would not release private information and a address of private residency is just about as private as you can get.

Do you have the A proof of this clipping?

That fact that for years before Obama came on the scene, that the Revised Statutes of Hawaii do not allow for release of personal records is irrelevant to the point made.

In other words you're taking your toys home because I not playing by your rules? Got it.

Privacy is the issue Hawaii would not have release the address of a private residency. The clipping is a fraud unless you have A proof OF THE ORIGINAL, because anyone can generate a newspaper article from any year they choose.
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The state of hawaii will not release private information the address of residency is private information. A family member or the obama 's would have done that.

That fact that for years before Obama came on the scene, that the Revised Statutes of Hawaii do not allow for release of personal records is irrelevant to the point made.

You said "Anyone could have submitted that birth announcement,". Your statement is false.

1. If Obama's grandmother had placed the announcement it would have been in the classified (or similarly titled) section.

2. It would not be listed under the heading of ""Health Bureau" Vital Statistics.​


It would not be listed under the heading of ""Health Bureau" Vital Statistics

Yes it would, It just the title of the section. Hawaii would not release private information and a address of private residency is just about as private as you can get.

Do you have the A proof of this clipping?

That fact that for years before Obama came on the scene, that the Revised Statutes of Hawaii do not allow for release of personal records is irrelevant to the point made.

In other words you're taking your toys home because I not playing by your rules? Got it.

In other words, "Oh someone posted the actual full section and I was caught making stuff up, again. So I better deflect.

The clipping is a fraud unless you have A proof OF THE ORIGINAL, because anyone can generate a newspaper article from any year they choose.

Really? Site the section of the law in effect at the time that prevented the Health Bureau from making these newspaper announcements. We know that Hawaii Revised Statutes 338-18 (which was in effect prior to the 2008 election) prevents the release of birth records now, now it's your turn to support your claim that there was a law in 1961 which prevented them from placing birth announcements in the newspaper.

The clipping is a fraud unless you have A proof OF THE ORIGINAL, because anyone can generate a newspaper article from any year they choose.

And yet we've all seen you post a alleged, long form birth certificate from a non-reputable source and claim it is a fact. Yet anyone can generate a long form any time they choose.

There is a word for people that live by "Do as I say, not as I do." Hmmmm right there on the tip of my tongue - oh well I'll remember it in a little while.

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we have a stalemate. we want to see the long form. the obama supporters/protectors think that no long form exists. we know it does, they say he doesn't have to show it. we'll wait patiently, in the meantime i'm organizing some rallies to take this to the streets in d.c. to pressure the president before the election, that's where we stand. an ancillary bonus would be to see all of his records from school etc.
perhaps he shouldn't have used "tranparency" as the centerpiece of his campaign. we'll have the rallies starting in new york city boston and washington d.c., and we'll see if anyone else is interested in seeing said documents.
in the mean time, there is nothing that team obama can say in his defense, it's up to the american people to research their leader, since the media failed so miserably in vetting mr. obama. as mr. trump clearly stated, "our president should want to show his past".
we're here in case he doesn't.
politically it may be just as advantagous if he refuses, because americans like true transparency, after watergate an clinton, we've lost our appaitite for "i'm the president, just trust me". at this time, this is a scandal, and it's growing.
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If obama hasn't proven to you so far that he is not good enough to be President, you're living on the wrong planet or just not paying attention.

Bush proved to most people early on that he wasn't good enough to be President. But he got re-elected anyway. Why? Not like we had a great alternative. May as well take the devil you know over the devil you don't.
We know our current devil well enough to know that just about any other devil would be preferable.
The SCOTUS has held that we all meet the definition of NBS if one of our parents does. Even if, like me, we were born on Mars.

Um, I don't think that's entirely accurate. Federal statute establishes natural born citizenship for children born outside of the US to citizen parents.
It does not matter what we think, it matters what the SCOTUS rulings say. Did you read them?
Cafe, I agree that each POTUS deals with something in the neighborhood of the birther issue, however they all have their own unique set of circumstances and attract a certain segment of the population.

Calling the birfer movement racial is not ignoring history, in my view. I call the birfer movement racist because of the nature of the conspiracy and the rhetoric coming from the birfers. Can you honestly read the crap that gets said here and say that there isn't a strong racist streak among them?

It's also important to call the BS out no matter who is doing what. IMO Bush was the worst President of my life but I've spent more time defending him than any other President because of the twoofer movement, and 20x more than I've spent defending Obama from the birfers.

This shit just degrades the political discourse.
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The SCOTUS has held that we all meet the definition of NBS if one of our parents does. Even if, like me, we were born on Mars.

Um, I don't think that's entirely accurate. Federal statute establishes natural born citizenship for children born outside of the US to citizen parents.
It does not matter what we think, it matters what the SCOTUS rulings say. Did you read them?

I'm not a lawyer. Didn't Wong v Kim say that anyone born in America is a natural born citizen?

That fact that for years before Obama came on the scene, that the Revised Statutes of Hawaii do not allow for release of personal records is irrelevant to the point made.

You said "Anyone could have submitted that birth announcement,". Your statement is false.

1. If Obama's grandmother had placed the announcement it would have been in the classified (or similarly titled) section.

2. It would not be listed under the heading of ""Health Bureau" Vital Statistics.​


Yes it would, It just the title of the section. Hawaii would not release private information and a address of private residency is just about as private as you can get.

Do you have the A proof of this clipping?

In other words you're taking your toys home because I not playing by your rules? Got it.

In other words, "Oh someone posted the actual full section and I was caught making stuff up, again. So I better deflect.

The clipping is a fraud unless you have A proof OF THE ORIGINAL, because anyone can generate a newspaper article from any year they choose.

Really? Site the section of the law in effect at the time that prevented the Health Bureau from making these newspaper announcements. We know that Hawaii Revised Statutes 338-18 (which was in effect prior to the 2008 election) prevents the release of birth records now, now it's your turn to support your claim that there was a law in 1961 which prevented them from placing birth announcements in the newspaper.

The clipping is a fraud unless you have A proof OF THE ORIGINAL, because anyone can generate a newspaper article from any year they choose.

And yet we've all seen you post a alleged, long form birth certificate from a non-reputable source and claim it is a fact. Yet anyone can generate a long form any time they choose.

There is a word for people that live by "Do as I say, not as I do." Hmmmm right there on the tip of my tongue - oh well I'll remember it in a little while.


Really? Site the section of the law in effect at the time that prevented the Health Bureau from making these newspaper announcements. We know that Hawaii Revised Statutes 338-18 (which was in effect prior to the 2008 election) prevents the release of birth records now, now it's your turn to support your claim that there was a law in 1961 which prevented them from placing birth announcements in the newspaper.

Hawaiian bill of rights

Section 6. The right of the people to privacy is recognized and shall not be infringed without the showing of a compelling state interest. The legislature shall take affirmative steps to implement this right.

Hawaii has been a state since 1959 they have a bill of rights since they became a state you do the math.

And yet we've all seen you post a alleged, long form birth certificate from a non-reputable source and claim it is a fact. Yet anyone can generate a long form any time they choose.

It's a fact because the papers did a news story on the two twins about them being in obama's class when they were older. And I posted a link about the mermorial of the one dated 1930 she dies and was burried in California.

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