One Birther's belief (maybe all?)

Um, I don't think that's entirely accurate. Federal statute establishes natural born citizenship for children born outside of the US to citizen parents.
It does not matter what we think, it matters what the SCOTUS rulings say. Did you read them?

I'm not a lawyer. Didn't Wong v Kim say that anyone born in America is a natural born citizen?
I linked a source here to several SCOTUS rulings last night, that case was in the mix. It held that you could be born on Mars, as long as one of your parents was NBS, you are.
Are you or are you not a US citizen if one or more of your parents currently a US citizen?

Was Obama's mother not a US citizen at the time of his birth or no?

Doesn't matter if he was born in Australia, Kalamazoo, Tunisia, Morocco or Great Britain...he's a citizen AUTOMATICALLY simply by being born to one.

You dumb, ignorant, radical, Far RW, mostly racist S.O.B.''re not fooling anyone with your nonsense.

Arizona, I'm talking to you!

Perhaps you should read the requirements to be president. You do not simply need to be a citizen, Nobody is even questioning if he is a Citizen or not. You need to be a Natural born Citizen, which simply having 1 parent that is a citizen does not automatically make you one.

If he was born in another country to 1 non citizen and 1 citizen parent, Then he very well may not be natural Born.

That said, I personally do not think it really matters in this case. I think it is pretty clear Obama is loyal to the US, and does not hold some secret loyalty to his birth country(if it is not the US) Which was the point of the requirement in the first place.

Weigel : Poll: Most Republicans Doubt Obama's Citizenship, As Birtherism Becomes a Screen for Ideology

If Far RWers didn't lie they'd have nothing to say.

Fucking MORON...

Does it really suprise anybody that Obama and his people have let this birther nonsense become as big as it has? I mean they would be more than happy to let over half this nation feud over this than the multiple mistakes he's made in office! I bet Bush jr. wished he had something like this for people to focus on during the his 8 years of dumbassness...
Hell it'll even be better for him when he really gets going on his campaign for 2012 and he finally brings out his BC and holds it up for all to see as Lady Liberty holds her torch.
Are you or are you not a US citizen if one or more of your parents currently a US citizen?

Was Obama's mother not a US citizen at the time of his birth or no?

Doesn't matter if he was born in Australia, Kalamazoo, Tunisia, Morocco or Great Britain...he's a citizen AUTOMATICALLY simply by being born to one.

You dumb, ignorant, radical, Far RW, mostly racist S.O.B.''re not fooling anyone with your nonsense.

Arizona, I'm talking to you!

Thank you for starting a thread to verify you are, indeed, one of the most ignorant posters available.

The title should be changed to "Look at me! I don't know fuck about the citizenship requirements of the president but I'm going to open my big stupid fucking mouth anyway! Ya!"
  • Thanks
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funny title thread, when the uncovering of the scandal is just beginning.
grass roots "transpareny. you can't be president twice until we see the records and know your past. some really smart people are working on it. you choose... mr. p show or go.
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I believe that what would be shown on his Birth certificate is that his parents were not married. I believe that his father was still legally married to his first wife in Kenya.

Ollie, Google Hawaii Birth Certificate and look at the samples, marital status isn't listed as one of the boxes used around that time.


I'll bet parents names are on there... That would be a great indicator. Dunham or Obama, what was his mothers name listed as?
Are you or are you not a US citizen if one or more of your parents currently a US citizen?

Was Obama's mother not a US citizen at the time of his birth or no?

Doesn't matter if he was born in Australia, Kalamazoo, Tunisia, Morocco or Great Britain...he's a citizen AUTOMATICALLY simply by being born to one.

You dumb, ignorant, radical, Far RW, mostly racist S.O.B.''re not fooling anyone with your nonsense.

Arizona, I'm talking to you!

It's a pitty you don't know how to google;

What does 'natural born citizen' legally mean?

It's a bit long, but it makes some good points for all sides.

Citizenship is based on where your father is a citizen, but since obama was born in HI he actually has dual citizenship with the US and UK

Basically this debate makes it clear that children of illegals are not citizens just b/c they were birthed here.
Are you or are you not a US citizen if one or more of your parents currently a US citizen?

Was Obama's mother not a US citizen at the time of his birth or no?

Doesn't matter if he was born in Australia, Kalamazoo, Tunisia, Morocco or Great Britain...he's a citizen AUTOMATICALLY simply by being born to one.

You dumb, ignorant, radical, Far RW, mostly racist S.O.B.''re not fooling anyone with your nonsense.

Arizona, I'm talking to you!

Thank you for starting a thread to verify you are, indeed, one of the most ignorant posters available.

The title should be changed to "Look at me! I don't know fuck about the citizenship requirements of the president but I'm going to open my big stupid fucking mouth anyway! Ya!"

This is what you find when you hear people defending Barry Soetoro and the issues surrounding the legality of his holding the office of President... IDIOTS that don't know JACK SHIT. The very same people that voted the piece of shit into office... MORONS!
If obama hasn't proven to you so far that he is not good enough to be President, you're living on the wrong planet or just not paying attention.

l o l
Are you or are you not a US citizen if one or more of your parents currently a US citizen?

Was Obama's mother not a US citizen at the time of his birth or no?

Doesn't matter if he was born in Australia, Kalamazoo, Tunisia, Morocco or Great Britain...he's a citizen AUTOMATICALLY simply by being born to one.

You dumb, ignorant, radical, Far RW, mostly racist S.O.B.''re not fooling anyone with your nonsense.

Arizona, I'm talking to you!

Well, I do declare, Marcatl, you made it all so clear. Why hasn't someone else with your intelligence already figured that out? You are far and away ahead of the pack in this forum by virtue of so easily enlightening the rest of us. You must be a professor at Morehouse.

Marc, Arizona ain't gonna listen to your good sense, they're all racists who want the poor Mexicans to stay in their own country and stop coming here and helping Obama destroy our economy. Have you ever?
I'm actually a professor at Oral Robert's University.
Well then you're shitty professor.

Barry Soetoro traveled to the US under an Indonesian passport when he was 19. He's not a citizen.
It does not matter what we think, it matters what the SCOTUS rulings say. Did you read them?

Don't be an asshat. I'm saying that I'm pretty sure that there is no such ruling by the court. The court has dealt with issues like whether the constitution confers citizenship at birth to people whose parents are not citizens. But it has never declared that the constitution extends citizenship at birth to foreign born children of citizen parents. There are federal statutes that extend citizenship to foreign born children whose parents are citizens, but it's not a function of the constitution.
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It's a pitty you don't know how to google;

What does 'natural born citizen' legally mean?

It's a bit long, but it makes some good points for all sides.

Citizenship is based on where your father is a citizen, but since obama was born in HI he actually has dual citizenship with the US and UK

Basically this debate makes it clear that children of illegals are not citizens just b/c they were birthed here.

Citing non-authoritative does not provide meaningful support to your arguments. The Supreme Court has long held that the rule in the Common Law of England applies, which demands that natural born citizenship is extended to anyone born inside the US, REGARDLESS of parentage. Many people like to claim there is a distinction between "native born" citizen and "natural born" citizen. However, the Supreme Court creates no such distinction. The court is clear that the only distinction in "classes" of citizenship under the constitution is the "naturalized" citizen and the "natural born" citizen.
The state of hawaii will not release private information the address of residency is private information. A family member or the obama 's would have done that.

What does that have to do with anything. There is no residence listed in that announcement.
Are you or are you not a US citizen if one or more of your parents currently a US citizen?

Was Obama's mother not a US citizen at the time of his birth or no?

Doesn't matter if he was born in Australia, Kalamazoo, Tunisia, Morocco or Great Britain...he's a citizen AUTOMATICALLY simply by being born to one.

You dumb, ignorant, radical, Far RW, mostly racist S.O.B.''re not fooling anyone with your nonsense.

Arizona, I'm talking to you!
Who you kidding?

The oh-so-loony-left racist card is really all you're whining about. Remember it was the secretary of state who began this journey, after McCain and many other nominees were treated to similar scrutiny
Yes it would, It just the title of the section. Hawaii would not release private information and a address of private residency is just about as private as you can get.

Do you have the A proof of this clipping?

In other words you're taking your toys home because I not playing by your rules? Got it.

In other words, "Oh someone posted the actual full section and I was caught making stuff up, again. So I better deflect.

Really? Site the section of the law in effect at the time that prevented the Health Bureau from making these newspaper announcements. We know that Hawaii Revised Statutes 338-18 (which was in effect prior to the 2008 election) prevents the release of birth records now, now it's your turn to support your claim that there was a law in 1961 which prevented them from placing birth announcements in the newspaper.

And yet we've all seen you post a alleged, long form birth certificate from a non-reputable source and claim it is a fact. Yet anyone can generate a long form any time they choose.

There is a word for people that live by "Do as I say, not as I do." Hmmmm right there on the tip of my tongue - oh well I'll remember it in a little while.


Really? Site the section of the law in effect at the time that prevented the Health Bureau from making these newspaper announcements. We know that Hawaii Revised Statutes 338-18 (which was in effect prior to the 2008 election) prevents the release of birth records now, now it's your turn to support your claim that there was a law in 1961 which prevented them from placing birth announcements in the newspaper.
Hawaiian bill of rights

Section 6. The right of the people to privacy is recognized and shall not be infringed without the showing of a compelling state interest. The legislature shall take affirmative steps to implement this right.

Hawaii has been a state since 1959 they have a bill of rights since they became a state you do the math.

And yet we've all seen you post a alleged, long form birth certificate from a non-reputable source and claim it is a fact. Yet anyone can generate a long form any time they choose.
It's a fact because the papers did a news story on the two twins about them being in obama's class when they were older. And I posted a link about the mermorial of the one dated 1930 she dies and was burried in California.
You fail to mention that the right to privacy was added in the Hawaiian constitution in 1978.

Do you often lie?
In other words, "Oh someone posted the actual full section and I was caught making stuff up, again. So I better deflect.

Really? Site the section of the law in effect at the time that prevented the Health Bureau from making these newspaper announcements. We know that Hawaii Revised Statutes 338-18 (which was in effect prior to the 2008 election) prevents the release of birth records now, now it's your turn to support your claim that there was a law in 1961 which prevented them from placing birth announcements in the newspaper.

And yet we've all seen you post a alleged, long form birth certificate from a non-reputable source and claim it is a fact. Yet anyone can generate a long form any time they choose.

There is a word for people that live by "Do as I say, not as I do." Hmmmm right there on the tip of my tongue - oh well I'll remember it in a little while.


Hawaiian bill of rights

Section 6. The right of the people to privacy is recognized and shall not be infringed without the showing of a compelling state interest. The legislature shall take affirmative steps to implement this right.

Hawaii has been a state since 1959 they have a bill of rights since they became a state you do the math.

And yet we've all seen you post a alleged, long form birth certificate from a non-reputable source and claim it is a fact. Yet anyone can generate a long form any time they choose.
It's a fact because the papers did a news story on the two twins about them being in obama's class when they were older. And I posted a link about the mermorial of the one dated 1930 she dies and was burried in California.
You fail to mention that the right to privacy was added in the Hawaiian constitution in 1978.

Do you often lie?

if you read it, the whole constitution says 1978 as I said earlier they had a state constitution when they became a state.

The Hawaii Constitution was framed by a Constitutional Convention under Act 334, Session Laws of Hawaii 1949. It was adopted by the people at the election held on November 7, 1950, and was deemed amended when three propositions submitted to the people in accordance with the Act of Congress approved March 18, 1959, 73 Stat 4, Public Law 86-3, were adopted by the people at the election held on June 27, 1959. As so amended, it was accepted, ratified, and confirmed by Congress by the Act of March 18, 1959. It went into effect on August 21, 1959, upon the issuance of a presidential proclamation admitting the state of Hawaii into the Union.

The Constitution has since been amended a number of times in accordance with proposals adopted by the legislature or by constitutional convention and ratified by the people. The source of these amendments is indicated in the source notes immediately following the text of the amended or new section.

According to wiki this is how it was originaly presented
5.The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches, seizures, and invasions of privacy shall not be violated; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized or the communications sought to be intercepted.
Constitution of Hawaii - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again Hawaii had a bill of right long before 1978
Are you or are you not a US citizen if one or more of your parents currently a US citizen?

Was Obama's mother not a US citizen at the time of his birth or no?

Doesn't matter if he was born in Australia, Kalamazoo, Tunisia, Morocco or Great Britain...he's a citizen AUTOMATICALLY simply by being born to one.

You dumb, ignorant, radical, Far RW, mostly racist S.O.B.''re not fooling anyone with your nonsense.

Arizona, I'm talking to you!

Perhaps you should read the requirements to be president. You do not simply need to be a citizen, Nobody is even questioning if he is a Citizen or not. You need to be a Natural born Citizen, which simply having 1 parent that is a citizen does not automatically make you one.

If he was born in another country to 1 non citizen and 1 citizen parent, Then he very well may not be natural Born.

That said, I personally do not think it really matters in this case. I think it is pretty clear Obama is loyal to the US, and does not hold some secret loyalty to his birth country(if it is not the US) Which was the point of the requirement in the first place.

Weigel : Poll: Most Republicans Doubt Obama's Citizenship, As Birtherism Becomes a Screen for Ideology

If Far RWers didn't lie they'd have nothing to say.

The Doubt whether he is Natural Born you infant. Not whether or not he is a citizen at all.
Again Hawaii had a bill of right long before 1978

You've still failed to show a law that would have prevented the state of Hawaii from making those announcements. Even if you did, whether they had the legal right to do it or not, they did do it. It's right in front of your face. So it doesn't really matter. That is, unless you want to now allege that the newspaper was in on the conspiracy all those years ago, and made sure to falsely attribute the information to the state government, so that years Obama could pull off the charade.
Again Hawaii had a bill of right long before 1978

You've still failed to show a law that would have prevented the state of Hawaii from making those announcements. Even if you did, whether they had the legal right to do it or not, they did do it. It's right in front of your face. So it doesn't really matter. That is, unless you want to now allege that the newspaper was in on the conspiracy all those years ago, and made sure to falsely attribute the information to the state government, so that years Obama could pull off the charade.

Proven already junior

if you read it, the whole constitution says 1978 as I said earlier they had a state constitution when they became a state.

The Hawaii Constitution was framed by a Constitutional Convention under Act 334, Session Laws of Hawaii 1949. It was adopted by the people at the election held on November 7, 1950, and was deemed amended when three propositions submitted to the people in accordance with the Act of Congress approved March 18, 1959, 73 Stat 4, Public Law 86-3, were adopted by the people at the election held on June 27, 1959. As so amended, it was accepted, ratified, and confirmed by Congress by the Act of March 18, 1959. It went into effect on August 21, 1959, upon the issuance of a presidential proclamation admitting the state of Hawaii into the Union.

The Constitution has since been amended a number of times in accordance with proposals adopted by the legislature or by constitutional convention and ratified by the people. The source of these amendments is indicated in the source notes immediately following the text of the amended or new section.

According to wiki this is how it was originaly presented
5.The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches, seizures, and invasions of privacy shall not be violated; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized or the communications sought to be intercepted.
Constitution of Hawaii - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Again Hawaii had a bill of right long before 1978

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