One Birther's belief (maybe all?)

While we are all aware of the racial aspects of the chimp/monkey accusations, I find it comical that those who take offense to this often had no issue with all the Bush-Monkey comparisons, and in fact often enjoyed them.

Bad taste is Bad taste, but for some people its only offensive if its against someone you like.
:lol: It's always good to bring up Bush as a deflection.
True, but it also proves what hypocrites you liberal scum are.
Again Hawaii had a bill of right long before 1978

You haven't proven anything. You allege that Hawaii could not publish those birth announcements. You vaguely reference a constitutional protection against invasion of privacy. You are also ignoring the fact that whether they could or could not legally do it, they did it. So what now?
Again Hawaii had a bill of right long before 1978

You haven't proven anything. You allege that Hawaii could not publish those birth announcements. You vaguely reference a constitutional protection against invasion of privacy. You are also ignoring the fact that whether they could or could not legally do it, they did it. So what now?

The dishonest hack returns, I've proven it's in Hawaii's bill of rights the one created before the amended one of 1978

5.The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches, seizures, and invasions of privacy shall not be violated; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized or the communications sought to be intercepted.

The hawaiian government would not make that mistake and give the address in a newspaper of a private citizen
The hawaiian government would not make that mistake and give the address in a newspaper of a private citizen

How the Hell can you call me dishonest, when you repeat this false claim? The newspaper announcement does not list an address of anyone.
Again Hawaii had a bill of right long before 1978

You haven't proven anything. You allege that Hawaii could not publish those birth announcements. You vaguely reference a constitutional protection against invasion of privacy. You are also ignoring the fact that whether they could or could not legally do it, they did it. So what now?

The dishonest hack returns, I've proven it's in Hawaii's bill of rights the one created before the amended one of 1978

5.The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches, seizures, and invasions of privacy shall not be violated; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized or the communications sought to be intercepted.

The hawaiian government would not make that mistake and give the address in a newspaper of a private citizen
They would if the parents consented NOW. What they did then, we don't know. They either had the consent of the parents or they did not. To prove your boneheaded conspiracy you need to go to Hawaii and look through the Honolulu Advertiser's archives at birth announcements from the same time period and then come back here with reproductions that PROVE other birth announcements didn't include addresses.
The hawaiian government would not make that mistake and give the address in a newspaper of a private citizen

How the Hell can you call me dishonest, when you repeat this false claim? The newspaper announcement does not list an address of anyone.

It's their law just like the birth certifcate protection law is their's also. deal with it. The newspaper article is a fraud and the state of hawaii would not submit the address of a private citizen to the newspaper.

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It's their law just like the birth certifcate protection law is their's also. deal with it. The newspaper article is a fraud and the state of hawaii would not submit the address of a private citizen to the newspaper.

There is no address in the announcement.
You haven't proven anything. You allege that Hawaii could not publish those birth announcements. You vaguely reference a constitutional protection against invasion of privacy. You are also ignoring the fact that whether they could or could not legally do it, they did it. So what now?

The dishonest hack returns, I've proven it's in Hawaii's bill of rights the one created before the amended one of 1978

5.The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches, seizures, and invasions of privacy shall not be violated; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized or the communications sought to be intercepted.

The hawaiian government would not make that mistake and give the address in a newspaper of a private citizen
They would if the parents consented NOW. What they did then, we don't know. They either had the consent of the parents or they did not. To prove your boneheaded conspiracy you need to go to Hawaii and look through the Honolulu Advertiser's archives at birth announcements from the same time period and then come back here with reproductions that PROVE other birth announcements didn't include addresses.

oh so now it's if the parent consented? Then is thats true their should be a consent formed that was filled out?
The dishonest hack returns, I've proven it's in Hawaii's bill of rights the one created before the amended one of 1978

5.The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches, seizures, and invasions of privacy shall not be violated; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized or the communications sought to be intercepted.

The hawaiian government would not make that mistake and give the address in a newspaper of a private citizen
They would if the parents consented NOW. What they did then, we don't know. They either had the consent of the parents or they did not. To prove your boneheaded conspiracy you need to go to Hawaii and look through the Honolulu Advertiser's archives at birth announcements from the same time period and then come back here with reproductions that PROVE other birth announcements didn't include addresses.

oh so now it's if the parent consented? Then is thats true their should be a consent formed that was filled out?
Go to Hawaii and report back to us as I told you to above. It's all on you, apparently The Donald has dropped the ball.

They would if the parents consented NOW. What they did then, we don't know. They either had the consent of the parents or they did not. To prove your boneheaded conspiracy you need to go to Hawaii and look through the Honolulu Advertiser's archives at birth announcements from the same time period and then come back here with reproductions that PROVE other birth announcements didn't include addresses.

oh so now it's if the parent consented? Then is thats true their should be a consent formed that was filled out?
Go to Hawaii and report back to us as I told you to above. It's all on you, apparently The Donald has dropped the ball.


Again the state government of Hawaii or any government will not release the home address of a private citizen to the newspaper.

Unless they are deemed sexual predators or tax evaders.

OH here you go A hawaii newspaper and how to apply to a birth announcement in the paper.


To get your listing in our birth announcement column that runs Fridays, please complete and submit a Star-Advertiser birth announcement for, which can be downloaded at Hawaii News, Honolulu, Honolulu News, Sports, Editorial, Features, Travel and Business - Honolulu Star-Advertiser - Hawaii Newspaper, a copy of your child's birth certificate and a color picture of your child. Announcements will be run until the child's first birthday.

Mail the items to Birth Announcements, Today section, Honolulu Star-Advertiser, 500 Ala Moana, Suite 7-210, Honolulu, HI 96813. Or e-mail pdf copies of the signed announcement form and the birth certificate, along with a high-resolution (300 dpi) color jpeg of the baby's picture to [email protected].

Entries missing essential information cannot be used and mailed photos cannot be returned.

Hawaii's Ohana - Hawaii News -
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Jerome Corsi's book entitled 'Where's the Birth Certificate?" is set to be released in May. Buy it and check it out for yourself. Forget all the spin and just read it to decide for yourself. There's no harm in reading it and then deciding. You don't have to immediately begin spewing Talking Points. There's no Law stating you have to do that. You can simply read the book and decide for yourself. That's what i plan on doing anyway. If it's Bullshit i'll say it's Bullshit. But im not afraid to read it. See ya in May.
Jerome Corsi's book entitled 'Where's the Birth Certificate?" is set to be released in May. Buy it and check it out for yourself. Forget all the spin and just read it to decide for yourself. There's no harm in reading it and then deciding. You don't have to immediately begin spewing Talking Points. There's no Law stating you have to do that. You can simply read the book and decide for yourself. That's what i plan on doing anyway. If it's Bullshit i'll say it's Bullshit. But im not afraid to read it. See ya in May.

Jerome Corsi....:lmao:
oh so now it's if the parent consented? Then is thats true their should be a consent formed that was filled out?
Go to Hawaii and report back to us as I told you to above. It's all on you, apparently The Donald has dropped the ball.


Again the state government of Hawaii or any government will not release the home address of a private citizen to the newspaper.

Unless they are deemed sexual predators or tax evaders.

OH here you go A hawaii newspaper and how to apply to a birth announcement in the paper.


To get your listing in our birth announcement column that runs Fridays, please complete and submit a Star-Advertiser birth announcement for, which can be downloaded at Hawaii News, Honolulu, Honolulu News, Sports, Editorial, Features, Travel and Business - Honolulu Star-Advertiser - Hawaii Newspaper, a copy of your child's birth certificate and a color picture of your child. Announcements will be run until the child's first birthday.

Mail the items to Birth Announcements, Today section, Honolulu Star-Advertiser, 500 Ala Moana, Suite 7-210, Honolulu, HI 96813. Or e-mail pdf copies of the signed announcement form and the birth certificate, along with a high-resolution (300 dpi) color jpeg of the baby's picture to [email protected].

Entries missing essential information cannot be used and mailed photos cannot be returned.

Hawaii's Ohana - Hawaii News -
Again, go to Hawaii to the archives of the newspapers that listed Obama's birth announcement and see what the custom was in 1961.

Report back to us...we will accept photographs.

oh so now it's if the parent consented? Then is thats true their should be a consent formed that was filled out?
Go to Hawaii and report back to us as I told you to above. It's all on you, apparently The Donald has dropped the ball.


Again the state government of Hawaii or any government will not release the home address of a private citizen to the newspaper.

Unless they are deemed sexual predators or tax evaders.

OH here you go A hawaii newspaper and how to apply to a birth announcement in the paper.


To get your listing in our birth announcement column that runs Fridays, please complete and submit a Star-Advertiser birth announcement for, which can be downloaded at Hawaii News, Honolulu, Honolulu News, Sports, Editorial, Features, Travel and Business - Honolulu Star-Advertiser - Hawaii Newspaper, a copy of your child's birth certificate and a color picture of your child. Announcements will be run until the child's first birthday.

Mail the items to Birth Announcements, Today section, Honolulu Star-Advertiser, 500 Ala Moana, Suite 7-210, Honolulu, HI 96813. Or e-mail pdf copies of the signed announcement form and the birth certificate, along with a high-resolution (300 dpi) color jpeg of the baby's picture to [email protected].

Entries missing essential information cannot be used and mailed photos cannot be returned.

Hawaii's Ohana - Hawaii News -

you're saying obama's a sexual preditor and tax evader?? whoaa, i knew giethner was, seems harsh. let's hook them both up to a polygraph. all of these arguments are lovely, but when can we dee the actual birth certificate.?? the clown (i guess he's a monkey now) seems to be losing ground...
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I'll bet parents names are on there... That would be a great indicator. Dunham or Obama, what was his mothers name listed as?

His parents names are on the BC he already has, and has shown.

It lists his mothers maiden name. Not much help there at all. Fact is there is no proof of the marriage or divorce. Other than Obamas memoirs. At least none that I've seen.

And again I haven't dug into this, because it doesn't matter today..... He's a politician and they are all Bastards.
'Where's the Birth Certificate.' Read it in May and then decide. You know,they said no one should read Wikileaks too. And just like Wikileaks,there will be much gnashing of teeth over this book and calls for the author's immediate arrest and imprisonment. So that makes it even more of a necessity to read this Corsi book. No one should fear reading and deciding for themselves. I know i'm checking it out.
Go to Hawaii and report back to us as I told you to above. It's all on you, apparently The Donald has dropped the ball.


Again the state government of Hawaii or any government will not release the home address of a private citizen to the newspaper.

Unless they are deemed sexual predators or tax evaders.

OH here you go A hawaii newspaper and how to apply to a birth announcement in the paper.


To get your listing in our birth announcement column that runs Fridays, please complete and submit a Star-Advertiser birth announcement for, which can be downloaded at Hawaii News, Honolulu, Honolulu News, Sports, Editorial, Features, Travel and Business - Honolulu Star-Advertiser - Hawaii Newspaper, a copy of your child's birth certificate and a color picture of your child. Announcements will be run until the child's first birthday.

Mail the items to Birth Announcements, Today section, Honolulu Star-Advertiser, 500 Ala Moana, Suite 7-210, Honolulu, HI 96813. Or e-mail pdf copies of the signed announcement form and the birth certificate, along with a high-resolution (300 dpi) color jpeg of the baby's picture to [email protected].

Entries missing essential information cannot be used and mailed photos cannot be returned.

Hawaii's Ohana - Hawaii News -

you're saying obama's a sexual preditor and tax evader?? whoaa, i knew giethner was, seems harsh. let's hook them both up to a polygraph. all of these arguments are lovely, but when can we dee the actual birth certificate.?? the clown (i guess he's a monkey now) seems to be losing ground...

Let's keep it factual before the sheeple go carzy and think I said that...PLEASE.:razz:

disclaimer: I did not say obama was a sexual preditor
Go to Hawaii and report back to us as I told you to above. It's all on you, apparently The Donald has dropped the ball.


Again the state government of Hawaii or any government will not release the home address of a private citizen to the newspaper.

Unless they are deemed sexual predators or tax evaders.

OH here you go A hawaii newspaper and how to apply to a birth announcement in the paper.


To get your listing in our birth announcement column that runs Fridays, please complete and submit a Star-Advertiser birth announcement for, which can be downloaded at Hawaii News, Honolulu, Honolulu News, Sports, Editorial, Features, Travel and Business - Honolulu Star-Advertiser - Hawaii Newspaper, a copy of your child's birth certificate and a color picture of your child. Announcements will be run until the child's first birthday.

Mail the items to Birth Announcements, Today section, Honolulu Star-Advertiser, 500 Ala Moana, Suite 7-210, Honolulu, HI 96813. Or e-mail pdf copies of the signed announcement form and the birth certificate, along with a high-resolution (300 dpi) color jpeg of the baby's picture to [email protected].

Entries missing essential information cannot be used and mailed photos cannot be returned.

Hawaii's Ohana - Hawaii News -
Again, go to Hawaii to the archives of the newspapers that listed Obama's birth announcement and see what the custom was in 1961.

Report back to us...we will accept photographs.


Don't have to just posted the direction how to submit a birth notice to the papers. The obama birth notice has been debunked.,

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