One can't help but laugh at the rightwing hypocrisy on the Flynn leaks

Those wikileaks come from inside the WH Bucky?
No, they came from criminal Russian hackers who colluded with WikiLeaks. Duh.

Soooooo, nothing that was under control of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.

I see said the blind carpenter as he reached for the hammer and saw
Dude the obvious point is that you and your kind did not care how Wikileaks obtained the information on the DNC. The fact that you can't acknowledge that is pathetic.

Oh, you mean the email account protected by the password..........


You can't make this shit up folks.

Dude, a sixth grader could have hacked that account. It prolly would have been impossible for you, but honestly, you're kinda stoopid.

Username: Yes
Password: password
Those wikileaks come from inside the WH Bucky?
No, they came from criminal Russian hackers who colluded with WikiLeaks. Duh.

Soooooo, nothing that was under control of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.

I see said the blind carpenter as he reached for the hammer and saw
Dude the obvious point is that you and your kind did not care how Wikileaks obtained the information on the DNC. The fact that you can't acknowledge that is pathetic.

No, the point is the source of a leak may make a difference as to how and why the WH would be concerned or be able to deal with it.

It doesn't seem to occur to them that a leak from a private entity is and should be treated differently than a leak from the government
Maybe they exposed DNC cheating? Maybe Debbie got fired for cheating Bernie? Maybe Donna got fired from CNN for COLLUDING with the DNC during the Trump debates? Russian hackers exposed DNC cheating. If they wanted Trump to win they would have released the missing classified data from her bathroom server.
Okay you're stupid if you think I defended the DNC. How about you address the actual topic and admit your kind are a bunch of hypocrites?
OK, my bad, I didn't read the OP, just the posts. This is from the OP
"Now, cons on this board are total sheep and just believe Trump's claim that the actual content of the leaks are a non-issue. It's such childish hypocrisy that i can't wrap my mind around it."
IMHO the content of the Flynn leaks is a non-issue, WTF do we care what he talks to the Russians about? Flynn has no authority to change any policy. Trump said he authorized/wanted Flynn to talk to them. The Logan Act was never enforced, its from 1799 and should be repealed. Besides, unless there was a FISA court approval to wire-tap Flynn, someone needs to go to prison, similarly for that someone who leaked the transcript.

What content (as transcribed) do you believe is an issue??
Those wikileaks come from inside the WH Bucky?
No, they came from criminal Russian hackers who colluded with WikiLeaks. Duh.

Soooooo, nothing that was under control of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.

I see said the blind carpenter as he reached for the hammer and saw
Dude the obvious point is that you and your kind did not care how Wikileaks obtained the information on the DNC. The fact that you can't acknowledge that is pathetic.

Oh, you mean the email account protected by the password..........


You can't make this shit up folks.

Dude, a sixth grader could have hacked that account. It prolly would have been impossible for you, but honestly, you're kinda stoopid.
You are such a dumbass. You can't even address the actual topic I am raising and it's pathetic

I did, you just can't handle the truth

It's about time you suck it up buttercup.

Your thread failed because you wanted to compare an apple with an orange.
Those wikileaks come from inside the WH Bucky?
No, they came from criminal Russian hackers who colluded with WikiLeaks. Duh.

Oh I see, you are suggesting the WH has control over Russian hackers. We have a conspiracy section.
No see the obvious point is that you dumbasses didn't at all care HOW wikiLeaks obtained the DNC emails. Now all of a sudden you care about how damning information on Trump was leaked.
Simple minded as you are, let me tell you what the difference is: It came from Trumps admin. Likely obama hold overs.
No, they came from criminal Russian hackers who colluded with WikiLeaks. Duh.

Soooooo, nothing that was under control of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.

I see said the blind carpenter as he reached for the hammer and saw
Dude the obvious point is that you and your kind did not care how Wikileaks obtained the information on the DNC. The fact that you can't acknowledge that is pathetic.

Oh, you mean the email account protected by the password..........


You can't make this shit up folks.

Dude, a sixth grader could have hacked that account. It prolly would have been impossible for you, but honestly, you're kinda stoopid.
You are such a dumbass. You can't even address the actual topic I am raising and it's pathetic

I did, you just can't handle the truth

It's about time you suck it up buttercup.

Your thread failed because you wanted to compare an apple with an orange.
We both know I'm right.
Those wikileaks come from inside the WH Bucky?
No, they came from criminal Russian hackers who colluded with WikiLeaks. Duh.

Oh I see, you are suggesting the WH has control over Russian hackers. We have a conspiracy section.
No see the obvious point is that you dumbasses didn't at all care HOW wikiLeaks obtained the DNC emails. Now all of a sudden you care about how damning information on Trump was leaked.
Simple minded as you are, let me tell you what the difference is: It came from Trumps admin. Likely obama hold overs.
Right so you are immature enough to be okay that Russia hacked a political party in the US because the content of the leaks justified the whole thing. Now you just play dumb about the content of the leaks about Flynn.
During the campaign when Wikileaks spilled the DNC emails Rightwingers said "it doesn't matter how it was all leaked! The content justified the leaks! What matters is that the DNC is corrupt!"

Now fast forward to today, RWs say "it doesn't matter what Flynn did! What matters is the treason of the leaks derp, derp, derp!"

To be clear, when the Wikileaks dropped the DNC bombshell, I was both disgusted with what the DNC did to Bernie as well as Wikileaks obvious attempt at playing favorites in the election. I despise the DNC altogether because of the information that was leaked. Moreover, liberals in general didn't make the case the leaks were fake information.

Now, cons on this board are total sheep and just believe Trump's claim that the actual content of the leaks are a non-issue. It's such childish hypocrisy that i can't wrap my mind around it.

One can't help but laugh at what a drooling moronic fool you are.

I never said it didn't matter how it was leaked when it came to Wikileaks. I repeatedly said it was wrong and if they were in this country they should be prosecuted.

This is a case where it appears the Obama administration or it's officials order the spying of American citizens for political gain by exploiting FISA and our national security apparatus. That's a far cry from some rogue entity overseas of which we have no control. .

This is serious business and the Attorney General needs to get to the bottom of it. He needs to first, demand the whole transcript of Flynn's conversation be released along with any other transcripts they are holding on Flynn and anyone else in the Trump transition team or Trump himself. We then need to know who ordered this, and what Obama knew and when did he know it? Sally Yates and Loretta Lynch need to be dragged before Trey Gowdy and Congress and some damn questions need to be answered. This has gone way off the rails and it's time we put a stop to it.

We cannot have a shadow government operating for the purpose of bringing down a sitting administration. This whole filthy corrupt sham needs to be exposed right now!
Those wikileaks come from inside the WH Bucky?
No, they came from criminal Russian hackers who colluded with WikiLeaks. Duh.

Soooooo, nothing that was under control of the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.

I see said the blind carpenter as he reached for the hammer and saw
Dude the obvious point is that you and your kind did not care how Wikileaks obtained the information on the DNC. The fact that you can't acknowledge that is pathetic.

No, the point is the source of a leak may make a difference as to how and why the WH would be concerned or be able to deal with it.

It doesn't seem to occur to them that a leak from a private entity is and should be treated differently than a leak from the government


Someone in the Obama administration spied on a distinguished 3 Star general. This person was duty bound, once the General was identified, to disengage the covert wire tap. They did not. Breaking serious law.

What American citizen did that to the DNC?

Incredible how idiots like Billy try to make the two equall.
Now you just play dumb about the content of the leaks about Flynn.

Here's the thing, you little shitstain... IF there was evidence Gen. Flynn violated the law, charges would have been filed. They haven't been. Therefore, we can conclude there was no law broken by Flynn.

The law breaking was done by the intelligence agency which conducted illegal and unconstitutional wiretapping of private citizens for political gain. We need to know who did it, who ordered it, who knew about it and the scope of the entire program. Subpoenas need to be issued, a senate investigation needs to happen and a special prosecutor appointed. It's time to uncover what's really going on here.
Dude, a sixth grader could have hacked that account. It prolly would have been impossible for you, but honestly, you're kinda stoopid.

So, there are NO 6th graders within the RNC....the AMERICAN opposition party ????
Maybe they exposed DNC cheating? Maybe Debbie got fired for cheating Bernie? Maybe Donna got fired from CNN for COLLUDING with the DNC during the Trump debates? Russian hackers exposed DNC cheating. If they wanted Trump to win they would have released the missing classified data from her bathroom server.
Okay you're stupid if you think I defended the DNC. How about you address the actual topic and admit your kind are a bunch of hypocrites?
OK, my bad, I didn't read the OP, just the posts. This is from the OP
"Now, cons on this board are total sheep and just believe Trump's claim that the actual content of the leaks are a non-issue. It's such childish hypocrisy that i can't wrap my mind around it."
IMHO the content of the Flynn leaks is a non-issue, WTF do we care what he talks to the Russians about? Flynn has no authority to change any policy. Trump said he authorized/wanted Flynn to talk to them. The Logan Act was never enforced, its from 1799 and should be repealed. Besides, unless there was a FISA court approval to wire-tap Flynn, someone needs to go to prison, similarly for that someone who leaked the transcript.

What content (as transcribed) do you believe is an issue??

Thing is the contents weren't ignored.we learned Flynn lied. He was fired as a result.

Thus their premise for hypocrisy is based on a lie and only demonstrates their own hypocrisy
Now you just play dumb about the content of the leaks about Flynn.

Here's the thing, you little shitstain... IF there was evidence Gen. Flynn violated the law, charges would have been filed. They haven't been. Therefore, we can conclude there was no law broken by Flynn.

The law breaking was done by the intelligence agency which conducted illegal and unconstitutional wiretapping of private citizens for political gain. We need to know who did it, who ordered it, who knew about it and the scope of the entire program. Subpoenas need to be issued, a senate investigation needs to happen and a special prosecutor appointed. It's time to uncover what's really going on here.
Lol you are such a simpleton. Obviously it takes time and investigation to actually bring forth charges. Do you not even understand how our justice system works? It's not like anyone has concluded that he DID NOT break the law either. It has to be investigated.

Of course using your logic of it being a non issue because no criminal charges being filed yet, you're still a hypocritical crybaby for condemning what the DNC did. They broke no laws remember? Liberals on the other hand are disgusted by both cases.
Lol you are such a simpleton. Obviously it takes time and investigation to actually bring forth charges. Do you not even understand how our justice system works? It's not like anyone has concluded that he DID NOT break the law either. It has to be investigated.

Of course using your logic of it being a non issue because no criminal charges being filed yet, you're still a hypocritical crybaby for condemning what the DNC did. They broke no laws remember? Liberals on the other hand are disgusted by both cases.

What's the hold up? You've got the transcripts. He either broke a law or he didn't. What needs to be investigated? Why can't we see the full transcripts?

And I am sorry, I don't see any liberals disgusted with what has happened to Flynn. I see them creaming their panties over it... nearly in collective orgasm... doesn't look like outrage to me at all. And I see YOU here trying to draw some ridiculous parallel with a rogue cowboy entity not on US soil and our actual national intelligence agencies.

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