One Decision on Social Distancing Could Have Prevented 90% of US Coronavirus Deaths

The timing of social distancing can have an exponential effect on the death toll of the coronavirus, epidemiologists Britta L. Jewell and Nicholas P. Jewell recently wrote in The New York Times.

"The White House started issuing social-distancing guidelines on March 16, more than two weeks after the first COVID-19 related death. However, an estimated 90% percent of coronavirus deaths in the US could have possibly been avoided if social distancing began March 2, according to the two health experts.

Lockdowns and social distancing have become the new norm, but according to the experts, they are not the answer to fighting the coronavirus, instead, they are a tool to buy more time while treatments and vaccines are researched and developed.

While social-distancing measures aren't a cure for the disease, epidemiologists Britta and Nicholas Jewel said the timing of such measures can be the difference between life and death on a massive scale."
No one can say with certainty how many lives could have been saved if the Golfer-in-Chief had acted earlier. What we can say is instead of doing so he concentrated on protecting his chances of re-election (while playing golf and holding rallies) by prioritizing the short term economic impact of a shutdown over human lives. He waited too long to act.

Which is why so much time and effort is being expended by the Bigot-in-Chief and his media allies to distort the truth about his inaction. He waited too long to act.

Trumpette's have been conditioned to reflexively bring up Don's China travel restriction. The one that came 10 days after the CDC announced the first US case of the virus, a person who traveled here from China. The one delayed by Don's concern for not upsetting China shortly after a truce in the trade war had been announced. The one that did not include people traveling from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. The one that did not include EU countries where a majority of cases in NY came from. The one that allowed nearly 40,000 people coming from China in to the country in the two months after Trump imposed restrictions. Importantly, screening proceedings of travelers from China have been uneven and inconsistent. That "travel ban." The one predicted to be ineffective.
“All of the evidence we have indicates that travel restrictions and quarantines directed at individual countries are unlikely to keep the virus out of our borders,” said Jennifer Nuzzo, associate professor and senior scholar at Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Health Security, at a congressional hearing Feb. 5."

Taking action far too late to be effective has caused the Trump admin to seek to deflect blame for the outbreak here.

They tried to get us to different times..........the fault for the botched response lies with China, Obama, Pelosi, the CDC, De Blasio, the WHO, the governors, because the Denier-in-Chief takes responsibility for nothing..........and credit for everything. There is a grain of truth in some of those accusations. But the bottom line is only one person had the information and the authority to make an informed decision that could have saved lives. He didn't. He failed in the first obligation of a POTUS, to keep US citizens safe. He waited too long to act.

Just to get ahead of the curve, Trumpleton responses to this thread will begin with Trump Denial Syndrome post # 173,408.

Have you forgotten that three weeks after this Pelosie, De Blasio, Coumo, and Biden were saying that ALL IS WELL and COME ON OUT AND JOIN US>>> THE FOOD IS GREAT...

Fucking retard...
Funny how the cult of dementia tends to forget that when he said that the cases were on a mostly flat line at the time. It was not until later that it began to sky rocket.
He had been told in late Jan.-early Feb. the cases would skyrocket if aggressive action wasn't taken. That's the whole fucking point.
According to his health advisors that is not what he was told.
The timing of social distancing can have an exponential effect on the death toll of the coronavirus, epidemiologists Britta L. Jewell and Nicholas P. Jewell recently wrote in The New York Times.

"The White House started issuing social-distancing guidelines on March 16, more than two weeks after the first COVID-19 related death. However, an estimated 90% percent of coronavirus deaths in the US could have possibly been avoided if social distancing began March 2, according to the two health experts.

Lockdowns and social distancing have become the new norm, but according to the experts, they are not the answer to fighting the coronavirus, instead, they are a tool to buy more time while treatments and vaccines are researched and developed.

While social-distancing measures aren't a cure for the disease, epidemiologists Britta and Nicholas Jewel said the timing of such measures can be the difference between life and death on a massive scale."
No one can say with certainty how many lives could have been saved if the Golfer-in-Chief had acted earlier. What we can say is instead of doing so he concentrated on protecting his chances of re-election (while playing golf and holding rallies) by prioritizing the short term economic impact of a shutdown over human lives. He waited too long to act.

Which is why so much time and effort is being expended by the Bigot-in-Chief and his media allies to distort the truth about his inaction. He waited too long to act.

Trumpette's have been conditioned to reflexively bring up Don's China travel restriction. The one that came 10 days after the CDC announced the first US case of the virus, a person who traveled here from China. The one delayed by Don's concern for not upsetting China shortly after a truce in the trade war had been announced. The one that did not include people traveling from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. The one that did not include EU countries where a majority of cases in NY came from. The one that allowed nearly 40,000 people coming from China in to the country in the two months after Trump imposed restrictions. Importantly, screening proceedings of travelers from China have been uneven and inconsistent. That "travel ban." The one predicted to be ineffective.
“All of the evidence we have indicates that travel restrictions and quarantines directed at individual countries are unlikely to keep the virus out of our borders,” said Jennifer Nuzzo, associate professor and senior scholar at Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Health Security, at a congressional hearing Feb. 5."

Taking action far too late to be effective has caused the Trump admin to seek to deflect blame for the outbreak here.

They tried to get us to different times..........the fault for the botched response lies with China, Obama, Pelosi, the CDC, De Blasio, the WHO, the governors, because the Denier-in-Chief takes responsibility for nothing..........and credit for everything. There is a grain of truth in some of those accusations. But the bottom line is only one person had the information and the authority to make an informed decision that could have saved lives. He didn't. He failed in the first obligation of a POTUS, to keep US citizens safe. He waited too long to act.

Just to get ahead of the curve, Trumpleton responses to this thread will begin with Trump Denial Syndrome post # 173,408.
Berg has a plan............In liberal Utopia he can make the Sun rise in the West and set in the east..........

In liberal Utopia.........Berg can shit PPE from his arse..........and fart ventilators from his rear...........

In liberal Utipia...........they have beaten the hell out of the common cold.....can't spread no more......

In liberal utopia ........they have beaten the has abandoned the earth from the shear FEAR OF LIBERALS...........

In liberal utopia........everyone gets a monthly pay check sitting at home.

In liberal utopia ........the power for your home comes from pixie dust......

In liberal falls from the sky and walks into your home and jumps into the Freezer all by itself................

IN LIBERAL UTOPIA.........BERG IS A GOD............

In reality........well............

and if they had shot Hitler in 1933, WWII wouldn't have happened.

ever consider posting something other than Trump screwed up in January?

View attachment 326062
False equivalencies are false.

It's right there in the name.

And tRump did screw up and January. And February. And March. And he's still doing as of April the 21st.

how many "Trump screwed up in January" threads do yo think we need?

The timing of social distancing can have an exponential effect on the death toll of the coronavirus, epidemiologists Britta L. Jewell and Nicholas P. Jewell recently wrote in The New York Times.

"The White House started issuing social-distancing guidelines on March 16, more than two weeks after the first COVID-19 related death. However, an estimated 90% percent of coronavirus deaths in the US could have possibly been avoided if social distancing began March 2, according to the two health experts.

Lockdowns and social distancing have become the new norm, but according to the experts, they are not the answer to fighting the coronavirus, instead, they are a tool to buy more time while treatments and vaccines are researched and developed.

While social-distancing measures aren't a cure for the disease, epidemiologists Britta and Nicholas Jewel said the timing of such measures can be the difference between life and death on a massive scale."
No one can say with certainty how many lives could have been saved if the Golfer-in-Chief had acted earlier. What we can say is instead of doing so he concentrated on protecting his chances of re-election (while playing golf and holding rallies) by prioritizing the short term economic impact of a shutdown over human lives. He waited too long to act.

Which is why so much time and effort is being expended by the Bigot-in-Chief and his media allies to distort the truth about his inaction. He waited too long to act.

Trumpette's have been conditioned to reflexively bring up Don's China travel restriction. The one that came 10 days after the CDC announced the first US case of the virus, a person who traveled here from China. The one delayed by Don's concern for not upsetting China shortly after a truce in the trade war had been announced. The one that did not include people traveling from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. The one that did not include EU countries where a majority of cases in NY came from. The one that allowed nearly 40,000 people coming from China in to the country in the two months after Trump imposed restrictions. Importantly, screening proceedings of travelers from China have been uneven and inconsistent. That "travel ban." The one predicted to be ineffective.
“All of the evidence we have indicates that travel restrictions and quarantines directed at individual countries are unlikely to keep the virus out of our borders,” said Jennifer Nuzzo, associate professor and senior scholar at Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Health Security, at a congressional hearing Feb. 5."

Taking action far too late to be effective has caused the Trump admin to seek to deflect blame for the outbreak here.

They tried to get us to different times..........the fault for the botched response lies with China, Obama, Pelosi, the CDC, De Blasio, the WHO, the governors, because the Denier-in-Chief takes responsibility for nothing..........and credit for everything. There is a grain of truth in some of those accusations. But the bottom line is only one person had the information and the authority to make an informed decision that could have saved lives. He didn't. He failed in the first obligation of a POTUS, to keep US citizens safe. He waited too long to act.

Just to get ahead of the curve, Trumpleton responses to this thread will begin with Trump Denial Syndrome post # 173,408.
and if they had shot Hitler in 1933, WWII wouldn't have happened.

ever consider posting something other than Trump screwed up in January?

View attachment 326062
False equivalencies are false.

It's right there in the name.

And tRump did screw up and January. And February. And March. And he's still doing as of April the 21st.

how many "Trump screwed up in January" threads do yo think we need?

They will keep it hopes we will jump off buildings to avoid the annoying sound of liberals screeching..................

Wow amazing how great 20/20 hindsight is. Just simply amazing.
Funny how you don't want to ding Pelozi fro walking hand in hand down the streets of Chinatown wanting others to come join her. Funny how you overlook New York City mayor riding on a subway saying it was safe. Then dropping the number of cars so more were packed in together. But can't blame them, they have a D.

Funny that you completely forget that Trump followed his medical advisors directions even to the social distancing.
But it is all him.

And just what have the democrats done during this crisis to help? Biden talked about Trump being xenophobic. Pelosi held up the CARES in an attempt to get more pork and green deals.
They are holding up the help for small business. In other words they have done nothing of any import.

It's amazing how you Trumpists have a mental (pardon the expression) block prohibiting you from remembering Trump saying cases were going down, not up, and would soon be very close to zero, after Pelosi's walk through Chinatown. Are you thinking Pelosi had inside info that Trump didn't? Or perhaps you expect her to act more rationally than he? Can't blame you there.
Funny how the cult of dementia tends to forget that when he said that the cases were on a mostly flat line at the time. It was not until later that it began to sky rocket.
Not my fault that you can't hold your own party as accountable as you want to hold the other.

There were 59 cases on 2/27, and they were going up, when Trump said cases were going down. It was an incorrect, wrong, counter-factual statement. It's a fact the numbers weren't going down, Orange Judas's claim notwithstanding.

Did you think Pelosi had more info when she went to Chinatown than Trump did a couple of days later?
I know that you and berg only want to hold Trump responsible while ignoring your own parties hand in this.
If as berg reported that so many could have been saved by 20/20 hindsight then obviously Pelosi should have been able to see the consequences of her actions.
So you are advocating that he should have been screaming we are all going to die from 59 cases? You do realize that that number is not unusual for a flu season? Well ok probably not.
Good boy, Sherman.

another trip in the wayback machine for you?

View attachment 326058

As is customary, you offer an opinion on the poster, rather than the post. You and jitt's, eh?

Yes, if Trump had taken the threat seriously from the beginning - rather than indulging in wishful thinking and his perceived self-interest in propping up the markets - American lives would likely have been saved. Is that too hard to acknowledge?
You mean as seriously as Nancy Pelosi prioritizing banning flavored tobacco over COVID 19 research funding?
No one can say with certainty how many lives could have been saved if the Golfer-in-Chief had acted earlier.

Another TDS suffering drone having a fit that Trump didn't act like a dictator, after screaming for three years he should be impeached for being a dictator, and now currently once again condemning him for being a dictator when he talks about wanting to open the state economies back up again.


Just to get ahead of the curve, Trumpleton responses to this thread will begin with Trump Denial Syndrome post # 173,408.

Just to get ahead of the curve, TDS suffering drone will create this same thread tomorrow for the 173,409th time.
and if they had shot Hitler in 1933, WWII wouldn't have happened.

ever consider posting something other than Trump screwed up in January?

View attachment 326062
False equivalencies are false.

It's right there in the name.

And tRump did screw up and January. And February. And March. And he's still doing as of April the 21st.

how many "Trump screwed up in January" threads do yo think we need?


How many do you think it will take before it sinks in?
and if they had shot Hitler in 1933, WWII wouldn't have happened.

ever consider posting something other than Trump screwed up in January?

View attachment 326062
False equivalencies are false.

It's right there in the name.

And tRump did screw up and January. And February. And March. And he's still doing as of April the 21st.

how many "Trump screwed up in January" threads do yo think we need?

How about we stop when we reach the same as the number of people he's sacrificed on the alter of his re-election campaign.

That's 40,000+ as of today.
and if they had shot Hitler in 1933, WWII wouldn't have happened.

ever consider posting something other than Trump screwed up in January?

View attachment 326062
False equivalencies are false.

It's right there in the name.

And tRump did screw up and January. And February. And March. And he's still doing as of April the 21st.

how many "Trump screwed up in January" threads do yo think we need?


How many do you think it will take before it sinks in?
I posted to Berg.......he's got all the magic shit that would have stopped this.......derp

IT'S MAGIC...............LMAO
and if they had shot Hitler in 1933, WWII wouldn't have happened.

ever consider posting something other than Trump screwed up in January?

View attachment 326062
False equivalencies are false.

It's right there in the name.

And tRump did screw up and January. And February. And March. And he's still doing as of April the 21st.

how many "Trump screwed up in January" threads do yo think we need?

How about we stop when we reach the same as the number of people he's sacrificed on the alter of his re-election campaign.

That's 40,000+ as of today.
\Where they all Liberals..........then not enough.....I'm over your daily TDS BS.
Good boy, Sherman.

another trip in the wayback machine for you?

View attachment 326058

As is customary, you offer an opinion on the poster, rather than the post. You and jitt's, eh?

Yes, if Trump had taken the threat seriously from the beginning - rather than indulging in wishful thinking and his perceived self-interest in propping up the markets - American lives would likely have been saved. Is that too hard to acknowledge?
You mean as seriously as Nancy Pelosi prioritizing banning flavored tobacco over COVID 19 research funding?

Jan. 16, 2020

President Trump told his health secretary yesterday that he regrets getting involved in the administration's policy on vaping, according to two sources familiar with the conversation. "I should never have done that f***ing vaping thing," Trump said during an impromptu call on speakerphone in an Oval Office meeting.

and if they had shot Hitler in 1933, WWII wouldn't have happened.

ever consider posting something other than Trump screwed up in January?

View attachment 326062
False equivalencies are false.

It's right there in the name.

And tRump did screw up and January. And February. And March. And he's still doing as of April the 21st.

how many "Trump screwed up in January" threads do yo think we need?


How many do you think it will take before it sinks in?
How many do you think it will take before it sinks in?

That he's repeating himself, daily?

I doubt it will ever sink in.
and if they had shot Hitler in 1933, WWII wouldn't have happened.

ever consider posting something other than Trump screwed up in January?

View attachment 326062
False equivalencies are false.

It's right there in the name.

And tRump did screw up and January. And February. And March. And he's still doing as of April the 21st.

how many "Trump screwed up in January" threads do yo think we need?

How about we stop when we reach the same as the number of people he's sacrificed on the alter of his re-election campaign.

That's 40,000+ as of today.

sacrificed for reelection?

(does the nurse know you're using her computer?)
Wow amazing how great 20/20 hindsight is. Just simply amazing.
Funny how you don't want to ding Pelozi fro walking hand in hand down the streets of Chinatown wanting others to come join her. Funny how you overlook New York City mayor riding on a subway saying it was safe. Then dropping the number of cars so more were packed in together. But can't blame them, they have a D.

Funny that you completely forget that Trump followed his medical advisors directions even to the social distancing.
But it is all him.

And just what have the democrats done during this crisis to help? Biden talked about Trump being xenophobic. Pelosi held up the CARES in an attempt to get more pork and green deals.
They are holding up the help for small business. In other words they have done nothing of any import.

It's amazing how you Trumpists have a mental (pardon the expression) block prohibiting you from remembering Trump saying cases were going down, not up, and would soon be very close to zero, after Pelosi's walk through Chinatown. Are you thinking Pelosi had inside info that Trump didn't? Or perhaps you expect her to act more rationally than he? Can't blame you there.
Funny how the cult of dementia tends to forget that when he said that the cases were on a mostly flat line at the time. It was not until later that it began to sky rocket.
Not my fault that you can't hold your own party as accountable as you want to hold the other.

There were 59 cases on 2/27, and they were going up, when Trump said cases were going down. It was an incorrect, wrong, counter-factual statement. It's a fact the numbers weren't going down, Orange Judas's claim notwithstanding.

Did you think Pelosi had more info when she went to Chinatown than Trump did a couple of days later?
I know that you and berg only want to hold Trump responsible while ignoring your own parties hand in this.
If as berg reported that so many could have been saved by 20/20 hindsight then obviously Pelosi should have been able to see the consequences of her actions.
So you are advocating that he should have been screaming we are all going to die from 59 cases? You do realize that that number is not unusual for a flu season? Well ok probably not.

My party doesn't control the executive branch. Yours?

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