One EMP warhead from N. Korea could destroy our Nation

I have some serious doubt about this scenario. As far as I know North Korea hasn't tested any device even close to a megaton yet and I'm no Physicist but I'm pretty sure a bomb less than 50 KT won't do it.
For those who are skeptical about North Korea’s capabilities, there is an excellent article presented by The Hill, entitled How North Korea could kill 90 percent of Americans.” The article is authored by none other than R. James Woolsey, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, the Executive Director of the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security and a former analyst with the CIA.

One EMP Warhead From North Korea Could Destroy Our Nation!

Well that would be an interesting event, grid down lots of lives lost because so many would be unprepared for the lives of the stone age, not to mention the Nuclear plants that would begin to fail.

Not even close. A good friend of mine is a Systems Architect (think the guy that runs the Matrix from the movies) and one of his hobbies is calculating what is needed to destroy the country, the world, the solar system, etc. To destroy this country's economy would require at least 10 EMP bombs spaced in a very specific pattern. And this is information from before the internet which has made it even harder to disrupt.

To kill 90 percent of Americans is simply beyond their power. He came up with a set of nukes, once again arranged in a pattern, that if timed to detonate at the exact same time, would generate a flash temperature of around 2000 degrees on the surface for about 80% of the continental US. Anybody on the surface would die, but if you were under cover you would most likely survive.

It's real hard to kill that number of people, thankfully.

All they have to do is send a virus to the power stations, and that is just one method. But lets pretend the grid went out across the Country however they decided to do it.

Wes, half this Country can't even grow a tomato water would be unavailable, nuke plants would shut down most people only have a three day supply of food.

Hell look what happened during hurricane Katrina. ( This of course is lets say a week without power) anything past that people would eat one another.

And yes people who are prepared would survive that percentage is lower than average. Imagine how many dumbasses we have who think it's all a conspiracy , or nothing like that could ever happen to big ole US of A.

They forget how the power went out up the entire east coast quite a few years ago.

Knocking out the power grid would certainly effect the economy, but it wouldn't kill a great number of people. And, most of the grid could be brought back online relatively quickly. One of the advantages of have an antique grid is it is robust.

Just based off a few scenarios though millions would die..

There are obviously a variety of different, unrelated situations that our society could encounter that would end “life as we know it.” Now, this does not necessarily mean that the entire globe will be wiped out by an asteroid the size of Texas (though, we won’t completely rule this out as a possibility). What the end of the world as we know it actually means is that we could see a complete shift in how our society operates, meaning that there may not be paper currency, ATM machines, movie theaters, or Starbucks coffees on every corner – perhaps for a time all commerce and trade would come to a screeching halt until whatever caused the imbalance begins to recover.

Scenarios like this are not only likely, but occur regularly as evidenced by the many wars of the past century, hyperinflation (i.e. Zimbabwe, Weimar), and natural disasters (i.e. Hurricane Rita and the Asian Tsunami). Rather than watching these catastrophes playing out on television or in history books, to truly prepare yourself and your family for potential catastrophes, it is important to think in terms of them happening to you directly and to consider how you would respond.

James Rawles on Grid Scenarios:

Once you get past about 500 people, it really becomes unmanageable, especially with no radio communications and no phones to think that you can pull together as a community. Once you lose that sense of community, it’s basically every man for himself. I think people will go kind of Mad Max in an absolute worst case with the power grid down.

We’re looking at two different situations. Again, in the former situation where the power grid stays up, you might do well in a city of five or ten thousand people.

If the power grid goes down, again, I would not recommend being in a town of more than 500 population.


There’s definitely going to be a public health crisis at the very least, if not a situation where the cities become absolutely unlivable very quickly – I’m talking within two weeks.

Mr. Rawles points out the potential for “every man for himself” Mad Max scenarios as being likely outcomes in the event of a down grid. Whether you’re in the city or in rural parts of America you will either be the one looking for food and resources because you didn’t prepare, or you will be the one defending against Mad Max with a full belly and a self defense strategy.

Winter vs. Summer:

If we were to have the onset of a collapse in summertime we’d see a public health crisis very quickly. If it were to happen mid-winter we’d actually see more people dieing of exposure, dieing of the cold, than we would of dieing of disease, especially int he Eastern United States and the North East.

It doesn’t take too long a period before blankets are insufficient – people don’t have any alternate source of heat they’ll be freezing to death in large numbers.

Then what happens in the next spring when everything thaws out? Then you have a really big public health crisis because not only are you worried about human waste – you’re also worried about thousands upon thousands of unburied bodies.

We could be in a situation where we literally could see a 90% die-off in the major metropolitan regions. Ninety percent population loss and that’s just based on loss of the power grid alone, not counting the violence of people as food supplies dwindle, going from house to house taking what little is left – fighting over the scraps in effect.

A recent report from the Center for Security Policy suggests that Mr. Rawles’ estimation of a 90% die-off is right on target, as previously discussed in Within One Year 9 Out of 10 Americans Would Be Dead.

What to do:

I highly recommend that if any of your listeners have the opportunity, if they’re ,,,,,,,,,

Rawles: ‘If the Power Grid Goes Down, I Would Not Recommend Being In a Town of More Than 500 Population’
You know, you and that fellow really think that their fellow Americans are terminally stupid. Sorry, but the people in the cities would probably fare better than those in very rural areas. You see, we have warehouses of food here, and those would be used to ration food to our populations. In the meantime, very few people in the rural areas garden or can food anymore.
An entire city without power, no means of transportation for civilians or the local government. Yeah that will turm out great.
For those who are skeptical about North Korea’s capabilities, there is an excellent article presented by The Hill, entitled How North Korea could kill 90 percent of Americans.” The article is authored by none other than R. James Woolsey, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, the Executive Director of the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security and a former analyst with the CIA.

One EMP Warhead From North Korea Could Destroy Our Nation!

Well that would be an interesting event, grid down lots of lives lost because so many would be unprepared for the lives of the stone age, not to mention the Nuclear plants that would begin to fail.

Not even close. A good friend of mine is a Systems Architect (think the guy that runs the Matrix from the movies) and one of his hobbies is calculating what is needed to destroy the country, the world, the solar system, etc. To destroy this country's economy would require at least 10 EMP bombs spaced in a very specific pattern. And this is information from before the internet which has made it even harder to disrupt.

To kill 90 percent of Americans is simply beyond their power. He came up with a set of nukes, once again arranged in a pattern, that if timed to detonate at the exact same time, would generate a flash temperature of around 2000 degrees on the surface for about 80% of the continental US. Anybody on the surface would die, but if you were under cover you would most likely survive.

It's real hard to kill that number of people, thankfully.

All they have to do is send a virus to the power stations, and that is just one method. But lets pretend the grid went out across the Country however they decided to do it.

Wes, half this Country can't even grow a tomato water would be unavailable, nuke plants would shut down most people only have a three day supply of food.

Hell look what happened during hurricane Katrina. ( This of course is lets say a week without power) anything past that people would eat one another.

And yes people who are prepared would survive that percentage is lower than average. Imagine how many dumbasses we have who think it's all a conspiracy , or nothing like that could ever happen to big ole US of A.

They forget how the power went out up the entire east coast quite a few years ago.

Knocking out the power grid would certainly effect the economy, but it wouldn't kill a great number of people. And, most of the grid could be brought back online relatively quickly. One of the advantages of have an antique grid is it is robust.

Just based off a few scenarios though millions would die..

There are obviously a variety of different, unrelated situations that our society could encounter that would end “life as we know it.” Now, this does not necessarily mean that the entire globe will be wiped out by an asteroid the size of Texas (though, we won’t completely rule this out as a possibility). What the end of the world as we know it actually means is that we could see a complete shift in how our society operates, meaning that there may not be paper currency, ATM machines, movie theaters, or Starbucks coffees on every corner – perhaps for a time all commerce and trade would come to a screeching halt until whatever caused the imbalance begins to recover.

Scenarios like this are not only likely, but occur regularly as evidenced by the many wars of the past century, hyperinflation (i.e. Zimbabwe, Weimar), and natural disasters (i.e. Hurricane Rita and the Asian Tsunami). Rather than watching these catastrophes playing out on television or in history books, to truly prepare yourself and your family for potential catastrophes, it is important to think in terms of them happening to you directly and to consider how you would respond.

James Rawles on Grid Scenarios:

Once you get past about 500 people, it really becomes unmanageable, especially with no radio communications and no phones to think that you can pull together as a community. Once you lose that sense of community, it’s basically every man for himself. I think people will go kind of Mad Max in an absolute worst case with the power grid down.

We’re looking at two different situations. Again, in the former situation where the power grid stays up, you might do well in a city of five or ten thousand people.

If the power grid goes down, again, I would not recommend being in a town of more than 500 population.


There’s definitely going to be a public health crisis at the very least, if not a situation where the cities become absolutely unlivable very quickly – I’m talking within two weeks.

Mr. Rawles points out the potential for “every man for himself” Mad Max scenarios as being likely outcomes in the event of a down grid. Whether you’re in the city or in rural parts of America you will either be the one looking for food and resources because you didn’t prepare, or you will be the one defending against Mad Max with a full belly and a self defense strategy.

Winter vs. Summer:

If we were to have the onset of a collapse in summertime we’d see a public health crisis very quickly. If it were to happen mid-winter we’d actually see more people dieing of exposure, dieing of the cold, than we would of dieing of disease, especially int he Eastern United States and the North East.

It doesn’t take too long a period before blankets are insufficient – people don’t have any alternate source of heat they’ll be freezing to death in large numbers.

Then what happens in the next spring when everything thaws out? Then you have a really big public health crisis because not only are you worried about human waste – you’re also worried about thousands upon thousands of unburied bodies.

We could be in a situation where we literally could see a 90% die-off in the major metropolitan regions. Ninety percent population loss and that’s just based on loss of the power grid alone, not counting the violence of people as food supplies dwindle, going from house to house taking what little is left – fighting over the scraps in effect.

A recent report from the Center for Security Policy suggests that Mr. Rawles’ estimation of a 90% die-off is right on target, as previously discussed in Within One Year 9 Out of 10 Americans Would Be Dead.

What to do:

I highly recommend that if any of your listeners have the opportunity, if they’re ,,,,,,,,,

Rawles: ‘If the Power Grid Goes Down, I Would Not Recommend Being In a Town of More Than 500 Population’
You know, you and that fellow really think that their fellow Americans are terminally stupid. Sorry, but the people in the cities would probably fare better than those in very rural areas. You see, we have warehouses of food here, and those would be used to ration food to our populations. In the meantime, very few people in the rural areas garden or can food anymore.

That is a laughable assertion. One that only a true progressive loon could come up with. As we have seen on multiple occasions, the veneer of civilization is very, very thin.
Prevent food from getting to the cities for more than two or three days, and the rioting would begin. Have it continue for a week and the collapse into anarchy would accelerate.
For those who are skeptical about North Korea’s capabilities, there is an excellent article presented by The Hill, entitled How North Korea could kill 90 percent of Americans.” The article is authored by none other than R. James Woolsey, former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, the Executive Director of the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security and a former analyst with the CIA.

One EMP Warhead From North Korea Could Destroy Our Nation!

Well that would be an interesting event, grid down lots of lives lost because so many would be unprepared for the lives of the stone age, not to mention the Nuclear plants that would begin to fail.

Not even close. A good friend of mine is a Systems Architect (think the guy that runs the Matrix from the movies) and one of his hobbies is calculating what is needed to destroy the country, the world, the solar system, etc. To destroy this country's economy would require at least 10 EMP bombs spaced in a very specific pattern. And this is information from before the internet which has made it even harder to disrupt.

To kill 90 percent of Americans is simply beyond their power. He came up with a set of nukes, once again arranged in a pattern, that if timed to detonate at the exact same time, would generate a flash temperature of around 2000 degrees on the surface for about 80% of the continental US. Anybody on the surface would die, but if you were under cover you would most likely survive.

It's real hard to kill that number of people, thankfully.

All they have to do is send a virus to the power stations, and that is just one method. But lets pretend the grid went out across the Country however they decided to do it.

Wes, half this Country can't even grow a tomato water would be unavailable, nuke plants would shut down most people only have a three day supply of food.

Hell look what happened during hurricane Katrina. ( This of course is lets say a week without power) anything past that people would eat one another.

And yes people who are prepared would survive that percentage is lower than average. Imagine how many dumbasses we have who think it's all a conspiracy , or nothing like that could ever happen to big ole US of A.

They forget how the power went out up the entire east coast quite a few years ago.

Knocking out the power grid would certainly effect the economy, but it wouldn't kill a great number of people. And, most of the grid could be brought back online relatively quickly. One of the advantages of have an antique grid is it is robust.

Just based off a few scenarios though millions would die..

There are obviously a variety of different, unrelated situations that our society could encounter that would end “life as we know it.” Now, this does not necessarily mean that the entire globe will be wiped out by an asteroid the size of Texas (though, we won’t completely rule this out as a possibility). What the end of the world as we know it actually means is that we could see a complete shift in how our society operates, meaning that there may not be paper currency, ATM machines, movie theaters, or Starbucks coffees on every corner – perhaps for a time all commerce and trade would come to a screeching halt until whatever caused the imbalance begins to recover.

Scenarios like this are not only likely, but occur regularly as evidenced by the many wars of the past century, hyperinflation (i.e. Zimbabwe, Weimar), and natural disasters (i.e. Hurricane Rita and the Asian Tsunami). Rather than watching these catastrophes playing out on television or in history books, to truly prepare yourself and your family for potential catastrophes, it is important to think in terms of them happening to you directly and to consider how you would respond.

James Rawles on Grid Scenarios:

Once you get past about 500 people, it really becomes unmanageable, especially with no radio communications and no phones to think that you can pull together as a community. Once you lose that sense of community, it’s basically every man for himself. I think people will go kind of Mad Max in an absolute worst case with the power grid down.

We’re looking at two different situations. Again, in the former situation where the power grid stays up, you might do well in a city of five or ten thousand people.

If the power grid goes down, again, I would not recommend being in a town of more than 500 population.


There’s definitely going to be a public health crisis at the very least, if not a situation where the cities become absolutely unlivable very quickly – I’m talking within two weeks.

Mr. Rawles points out the potential for “every man for himself” Mad Max scenarios as being likely outcomes in the event of a down grid. Whether you’re in the city or in rural parts of America you will either be the one looking for food and resources because you didn’t prepare, or you will be the one defending against Mad Max with a full belly and a self defense strategy.

Winter vs. Summer:

If we were to have the onset of a collapse in summertime we’d see a public health crisis very quickly. If it were to happen mid-winter we’d actually see more people dieing of exposure, dieing of the cold, than we would of dieing of disease, especially int he Eastern United States and the North East.

It doesn’t take too long a period before blankets are insufficient – people don’t have any alternate source of heat they’ll be freezing to death in large numbers.

Then what happens in the next spring when everything thaws out? Then you have a really big public health crisis because not only are you worried about human waste – you’re also worried about thousands upon thousands of unburied bodies.

We could be in a situation where we literally could see a 90% die-off in the major metropolitan regions. Ninety percent population loss and that’s just based on loss of the power grid alone, not counting the violence of people as food supplies dwindle, going from house to house taking what little is left – fighting over the scraps in effect.

A recent report from the Center for Security Policy suggests that Mr. Rawles’ estimation of a 90% die-off is right on target, as previously discussed in Within One Year 9 Out of 10 Americans Would Be Dead.

What to do:

I highly recommend that if any of your listeners have the opportunity, if they’re ,,,,,,,,,

Rawles: ‘If the Power Grid Goes Down, I Would Not Recommend Being In a Town of More Than 500 Population’
You know, you and that fellow really think that their fellow Americans are terminally stupid. Sorry, but the people in the cities would probably fare better than those in very rural areas. You see, we have warehouses of food here, and those would be used to ration food to our populations. In the meantime, very few people in the rural areas garden or can food anymore.

No...the cities would die......there is maybe 2 days of food in any grocery store...before they are looted....and if you can't pump electricity, then food trucks can't deliver food....

An EMP strike in December, or January....and you would have a massive dying off of Americans in cold states.....
As someone who lives in the shadow of a Pacific Missile Defense station, they wouldn't make it here...
Uhhh no. A localized power surge from an airburst EMP device would not kill 90% of Americans. It might not kill anything except a bunch of computers and TVs.
No gasoline. No generators. Hospital patients dead. Medicines spoil. Yes, millions dead within 6 months.
Uhhh no. A localized power surge from an airburst EMP device would not kill 90% of Americans. It might not kill anything except a bunch of computers and TVs.
No gasoline. No generators. Hospital patients dead. Medicines spoil. Yes, millions dead within 6 months.

As you notice how spoiled we are to convenience those not trained to think past technology don't even realize to what extent we would lose in modern day survival.

That grid would only need to be down two weeks before people would start to cannabilize others. Most people have no idea what it's like to not have any stores. Even someone homeless wouldn't starve right now because there is plenty of modern day garbage being thrown away from them to eat. Ever notice most ppl in the US never die from starving to death.

Water wouldn't work, trucks to bring in food wouldn't work.................. Well most won't believe a dam thing anyway until they live it.

I have some serious doubt about this scenario. As far as I know North Korea hasn't tested any device even close to a megaton yet and I'm no Physicist but I'm pretty sure a bomb less than 50 KT won't do it.

As North Korea’s arsenal grows, experts see heightened risk of ‘miscalculation’
Over the past year, technological advances in North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs have dramatically raised the stakes in the years-long standoff between the United States and the reclusive communist regime, according to current and former U.S. officials and Korea experts. Pyongyang’s growing arsenal has rattled key U.S. allies and spurred efforts by all sides to develop new first-strike capabilities, increasing the risk that a simple mistake could trigger a devastating regional war, the analysts said.


As North Korea’s arsenal grows, experts see heightened risk of ‘miscalculation’ – The DEFCON Warning System
According to Patrick Chisholm (in an October 2005 article at Military Information Technology), "a 2004 report by a panel of experts warned terrorists or other adversaries could launch an EMP attack without having a high level of sophistication, such as through short-range SCUD missile(s). Also of concern are non-nuclear, small-scale E-bombs that target localized areas."

The good thing is that there are ways to defend electronics and/ or the shelters that hold them from EMP attacks (at least to an extent). Further, the fact that our nation was once concerned about such an assault long ago would lead many to believe that our government may have some defense systems to fall back on.

Hopefully, that is.

The Devastation that an EMP Attack Could Deliver
In an April 16, 2005 Washington Post article written by Jon Kyle, he noted that at a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Meeting he chaired the threat of an EMP attack was
Read more at Severe Danger of EMP Attack and How to Survive

Severe Danger of EMP Attack and How to Survive
^ Be that as it may dear, trust me /we/ don't need to worry about it...

Father retired a four star from Alaska, was assistant general for the Alaska space missile defense, commander of AK Nat. Guard, military advisor for mayor, etc. -- I R completely unworried about NK's piss fire.
Assistant Adjutant General 49th Space Alaska Division of Homeland Security official title.

Again, trust me, NO ONE is getting a missile past Space Missile Defense. They're /not/ getting past the out posts, they're not getting past Eielson, and they sure as fuck aren't getting past Greely (the last defense, a snowy little flat, population 1,450 at peak season, and who alone boasts 40 anti's as of 2008 - their entire existence dedicated to this very task) Not happening...
Iran's plan is to bring a boat just off shore -- international waters -- and fire over the east coast. You have no idea how easily a nation can die -- especially once we've lost God's protection and blessing.
Iran's plan is to bring a boat just off shore -- international waters -- and fire over the east coast. You have no idea how easily a nation can die -- especially once we've lost God's protection and blessing.
I do agree that the greatest threat of an attack on US soil is a well-armed ship getting close to our coast. I've always felt that missile intercept of long range ICBMs is an incredibly costly and ultimately ineffective defense against a mass launch. However, everything I've read about high altitude EMP attacks leads me to believe they are the least of our worries.

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