One in every Five Americans think Obama is a Muslim

What is that? 20% Higher than the so-called 1% of Muslims who support Al Quieda and other extremist groups.

The number of Americans who believe -- wrongly -- that President Obama is a Muslim has increased significantly since his inauguration and now account for nearly 20 percent of the nation's population.

Those results, from a new Pew Research Center survey, were drawn from interviews done before the president's comments about the construction of an Islamic cultural center near Ground Zero, and they suggest that there could be serious political danger for the White House as the debate continues.

In the Time poll, 25 percent say most Muslims in the United States are not patriotic Americans. But the survey also indicates that the public's opposition to the center may be more complicated than just anti-Muslim sentiment. Fifty-five percent said they would accept a Muslim community center and place of worship two blocks from their own home.

I have a feeling most of those people who think Obama is a Muslim likely think most Muslims in the U.S are not patriotic Americans.

There're a lotta reeeaaallly voluntarily-ignorant people allowed to run-free, out there......


yeah, you're just one of them
Interesting that the number thinking he's Muslim is increasing. Must be something to do with what he does and says? Iran comes to mind.

I have to go with Chanel, don't think he's religious at all, other than of worship of self.

It has much more to do with what Fox news says

Sure it does, they are your worst nightmare. Boo!
And 1 out of 5 probably believe evolution is more than just a theory... or that Columbus discovered America.... or that Obama has actually cut taxes... or that their personal responsibilities are to be taken care of by the government because the Constitution says so... or that Bush was Hitler...

There's misinformation held by all kinds

Personally... I don't think Obama is Christian or Muslim... just pure asshole
Breaks your heart, SUCCESSFUL he's been....for a BLACK-dude, huh???


The BIG problem is;

mot so intelligent people on BOTH sides
who believe all kinds of ridiculous (and untrue) things
are driving politics in america today....

so we get people elected NOT because he/she is the best candidate for the job

but because voters believe "the other guy is a nazi who wants to destroy America"

bush was NOT a nazi
obama is NOT a nazi
hillary is NOT a nazi
I don't know what the man believes. He sat in that racist church for 20 years and "didn't hear a word". How long did it take for him to find a church in D.C.?

I can understand the results. This week he is a Muslim. Next week - who knows? It's all politics to him. I personally believe the man is God-less. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but man up about it.

Not like he is the first politician to play church for political gain. Reagan did the whole occasional church photo op thing and paid it lip service, but he wasn't actually all that much of a religious man.
And 1 out of 5 probably believe evolution is more than just a theory... or that Columbus discovered America.... or that Obama has actually cut taxes... or that their personal responsibilities are to be taken care of by the government because the Constitution says so... or that Bush was Hitler...

There's misinformation held by all kinds

Personally... I don't think Obama is Christian or Muslim... just pure asshole
Breaks your heart, SUCCESSFUL he's been....for a BLACK-dude, huh???


He's been a 'success' in wrongfully down a progressive leftist agenda... a 'success' at lying and pulling the wool over the eyes of sheeple... and a 'success' at promoting the entitlement junkie mantra. details.

But that is like saying that someone is a success at driving their life into the ground.
Awwwww, c'mon. Lil' Dumbya was always a dummy!!!

"When former President George W. Bush spoke at a motivational seminar in Fort Worth yesterday, his most memorable anecdote, according to listeners, was one about dog poop.

Bush told a crowd of about 11,000 in his most publicized event since leaving office that he had recently taken his dog, Barney, for a walk, plastic bag in hand.

It was then that he realized "Man, my life has changed!"

Bush's speech was a string of anecdotes and observations about his time in office. Sharing the stage with Rudy Giuliani, Colin Powell and Terry Bradshaw, he was apparently not the best speaker there.

But the audience was his.

One attendee told the Washington Post that his lack of speaking abilities sounds "incompetent if you are president. But here it can be inspiring. It makes him seem like a regular guy, no better than me."


(Whew! It surely doesn't take much to impress those Dallas-folks! :eusa_eh: )​
Well, let's see how long before the post comes stating that 20% of Americans are "stupid".

Personally, Who knows what he is? He has publically referred to his "Muslim faith" as well has his wife. We also see he has a propensity for animosity towards Jews, and seems to be obsessed with placating/not offending Muslim nations.

I can see wher some people might have a bit of a "hmmmm" moment.
And 1 out of 5 probably believe evolution is more than just a theory... or that Columbus discovered America.... or that Obama has actually cut taxes... or that their personal responsibilities are to be taken care of by the government because the Constitution says so... or that Bush was Hitler...

There's misinformation held by all kinds

Personally... I don't think Obama is Christian or Muslim... just pure asshole - Political Surveys and Election Polls, Trends, Charts and Analysis

57% of Democrats, 30% of Republicans, and 61% of independents believe in evolution; 40% of Democrats, 37% of independents and 68% of Republicans do not.

Only 0.15% of Biologists and Geologists Are Creationists

This was in 1987 mind you.

According to Newsweek in 1987, "By one count there are some 700 scientists with respectable academic credentials (out of a total of 480,000 U.S. earth and life scientists) who give credence to creation-science..."

700 U.S. earth or life scientists who accept creationism / 480,000 U.S. earth or life scientists X 100%
= 0.15% of U.S. earth or life scientists that accept creationism.

I think you might be the one believing in disinformation in that case. ;)
I don't know what the man believes. He sat in that racist church for 20 years and "didn't hear a word". How long did it take for him to find a church in D.C.?

I can understand the results. This week he is a Muslim. Next week - who knows? It's all politics to him. I personally believe the man is God-less. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but man up about it.

Oh god! He didn't find a church in D.C on one day one! :eek:

George Washington and Religion

Washington gives us little in his writings to indicate his personal religious beliefs. As noted by Franklin Steiner in "The Religious Beliefs Of Our Presidents" (1936), Washington commented on sermons only twice. In his writings, he never referred to "Jesus Christ." He attended church rarely, and did not take communion - though Martha did, requiring the family carriage to return back to the church to get her later.

Godless self-worshipping heathen!
When you talk about the American population, you are talking about the same people who make Jersey Shore a hit show. So how can anything surprise us?
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The Birthers are alive and well in the Republican Party!

And we want to give these guys the keys to the car again?
I don't think he is our "mortal fucking enemy", but whoever started this thread seems to think that anyone who suspects that he is a Muslim must be an idiot. Not true. People reach their own conclusions when they are presented with half truths and bold faced lies. The man is a mystery to say the least.

It's not true in all cases, but it's likely true.

People on USMB are likely holding two simultaneous thoughts at the same time if they believe this.

1.) Obama sat under Rev. Wright, who like you said was racist but also Christian for 20 years.

2.) Obama's a Muslim.

You cannot say Obama's a Muslim and say he sat under a racist Christian preacher for 20 years at the same time. It makes absolutely no sense. It's called double think.
And 1 out of 5 probably believe evolution is more than just a theory... or that Columbus discovered America.... or that Obama has actually cut taxes... or that their personal responsibilities are to be taken care of by the government because the Constitution says so... or that Bush was Hitler...

There's misinformation held by all kinds

Personally... I don't think Obama is Christian or Muslim... just pure asshole - Political Surveys and Election Polls, Trends, Charts and Analysis

57% of Democrats, 30% of Republicans, and 61% of independents believe in evolution; 40% of Democrats, 37% of independents and 68% of Republicans do not.

Only 0.15% of Biologists and Geologists Are Creationists

This was in 1987 mind you.

According to Newsweek in 1987, "By one count there are some 700 scientists with respectable academic credentials (out of a total of 480,000 U.S. earth and life scientists) who give credence to creation-science..."

700 U.S. earth or life scientists who accept creationism / 480,000 U.S. earth or life scientists X 100%
= 0.15% of U.S. earth or life scientists that accept creationism.

I think you might be the one believing in disinformation in that case. ;)

Yet evolution is still just a theory.... that is BELIEVED by X% of people... or what a poll of 1007 people actually means is debatable

And whether "scientists" are creationists, religious people, or whatever is of no consequence

The POINT was that there are a lot of people out there on ALL sides that believe a bunch of unsubstantiated shit....
I don't think he is our "mortal fucking enemy", but whoever started this thread seems to think that anyone who suspects that he is a Muslim must be an idiot. Not true. People reach their own conclusions when they are presented with half truths and bold faced lies. The man is a mystery to say the least.

It's not true in all cases, but it's likely true.

People on USMB are likely holding two simultaneous thoughts at the same time if they believe this.

1.) Obama sat under Rev. Wright, who like you said was racist but also Christian for 20 years.

2.) Obama's a Muslim.

You cannot say Obama's a Muslim and say he sat on a racist Christian preacher for 20 years at the same time. It makes absolutely no sense. It's called double think.

Why was he sitting on someone?
Not one day sweetie. Five months. It doesn't matter to me. Nor does it matter if people think he's a Muslim. The Times poll had far more interesting stats than his "muslimness". Only 26% of the public favored the mosque at ground zero. That's fringe.
Ya know, it is quite possible to hold the ideas of creation and evolution in one's head simultaneously. I do, and it proves very non-conflicting.

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