Muslim foreigner arrested for planning Oct 7 mass shooting at NYC Jewish Center

It is a brand new and expanded definition that is effectively being used to insulate Israel from the same criticism that other nations endure.

So are you saying people can not be allowed to accuse Israel of genocide?

Can we accuse Turkey of genocide?

How about Russia?

Can we accuse Italy of genocide?

And…what if Israel actually did commit genocide? We can’t say it?
Give me a break. Isrsel will never commit genocide. So no, antisemites should not be allowed to advance the anti-Jew propoganda of “genocide.”

You sure are working hard to be able to slander Jews. I thought the senior mod just announced a new lower tolerance level for antisemitism. Why are you coming up with all sorts of excuses to allow it to continue, unabated?

Why are liberals so determined to be able to issue antisemitic slurs and advance blood libel while they simultaneously object to anything thing that could possibly be interpreted racist? Your hypocrisy is surreal.
Give me a break. Isrsel will never commit genocide. So no, antisemites should not be allowed to advance the anti-Jew propoganda of “genocide.”

ANY country, nationality, tribe, ethnic group etc. has the potential to commit genocide. It is the dark side of human nature. Israel is no different than any other in that regard.

Why are liberals so determined to be able to issue antisemitic slurs and advance blood libel while they simultaneously object to anything thing that could possibly be interpreted racist? Your hypocrisy is surreal.
What you consider “antisemitism” is any criticism of Israel. When you consider the death toll in Gaza, it isn’t unreasonable for people to make accusations, even though it doesn’t actually meet the definition of genocide. Similar accusations get leveled at Russia over Ukraine (even though that to is not genocide as defined in international law). But according to you it is ok to make accusations of genocide in one case but antisemitic in the other.

I disagree. Israel will survive. Israel has the military capability to survive and powerful strategic alliances that will back her. The Palestinians do not.
Israel will survive because she's willing to kill those who attack her, despite the world insisting she shouldn't defend herself.
This is not about survival nor, in my opinion is it about self defense anymore. It is vengeance.
If it was about vengeance, there really would be a genocide.
Israeli government media: there are no innocent Palestinians.
I'd be glad to support the Gazans who want to be free of their oppressors.

That's Hamas, by the way.
ANY country, nationality, tribe, ethnic group etc. has the potential to commit genocide. It is the dark side of human nature. Israel is no different than any other in that regard.

No. Israel would never do that.
What you consider “antisemitism” is any criticism of Israel. When you consider the death toll in Gaza, it isn’t unreasonable for people to make accusations, even though it doesn’t actually meet the definition of genocide. Similar accusations get leveled at Russia over Ukraine (even though that to is not genocide as defined in international law). But according to you it is ok to make accusations of genocide in one case but antisemitic in the other.

We’ve been down this road before. How is screaming “Nazi!!” at Jews mere criticism of Israel? How is making the very false and damaging lie about “genocide” mere criticism of Israel? How is someone suggesting that we apply the “Third Reich” approach to Israel mere criticism of policy?

And YES, it IS unreasonable for people to make accusations of “genocide” when Israel has left 99.5% of the population alive. The accusation is driven by and designed to advanced hostile feelings toward Jews. That is why the leftists are out assaulting Jews on camous - due to the blood libel being advanced.

Again, you sure are desperate to allow antisemites free rein to scream “genocide!!!l” and “NAZI!” The senior mod is trying to ramp down on the hate, and I hope she is able to.
No. Israel would never do that.
And right there is the problem. Any. Other country might but not Israel. B.S. Consider some of the far right extremists there. If that view prevailed, genocide is possible.

No human group is exempt from human nature. They just need enough power, fear, hatred or whatever to drive them over.

We’ve been down this road before. How is screaming “Nazi!!” at Jews mere criticism of Israel?
It isn’t, that is attacking people. And likewise those who protest Israel outside of synagogues or Jewish community spaces are wrong, either misguided, ignorant or antisemitic in blaming all Jews for the actions of Israel.

How is making the very false and damaging lie about “genocide” mere criticism of Israel?
Because that “false and damaging lie” can be made about any country so why is Israel exempt while other nations have to suck it up?

How is someone suggesting that we apply the “Third Reich” approach to Israel mere criticism of policy?
I would consider it antisemitic.

And YES, it IS unreasonable for people to make accusations of “genocide” when Israel has left 99.5% of the population alive. The accusation is driven by and designed to advanced hostile feelings toward Jews.
Yes and no.

For some I think you are right.

For others, the accusation is driven by those who are horrified at the civilian death toll and the scale of the suffering and destruction in Gaza (unacknowledged by Israel). Not to mention those claiming there are “no innocent civilians” in Gaza…which seems to me to be designed to advance hostile feelings toward the Palestinians.

That is why the leftists are out assaulting Jews on camous - due to the blood libel being advanced.
So…why are rightists assaulting (and even murdering) Muslims then?

Again, you sure are desperate to allow antisemites free rein to scream “genocide!!!l” and “NAZI!” The senior mod is trying to ramp down on the hate, and I hope she is able to.
Hold your horses a moment. Am I expected to respond to everything here just because you think I should?

Do you apply the same standard to you respond to every statement that smears Blacks? Or Muslims? But you think I should…because…?

Just as an fyi - most stuff is better off IGNORED here.

I “skip” over a lot of trash from a lot creeps and trolls Lisa. A word of advice: first, follow your own standard…then demand it of others.

None of the above makes one antisemitic.

Oh good grief. Let me know when you apply the same zeal against hate directed at Blacks or Muslims. You pick and choose your standards and how they are applied.

If people can call other people those things, then why not Jews? Why is it ok to call others Nazi’s? Jews aren’t any more exempt from being jerks, intolerant, bigoted, hateful than any other group of humans. It isn’t antisemitic, but it is ignorant as are most comparisons to the Nazis.

That isn’t antisemitic, it is just stupid.

Strongly disagree, because you are essentially giving Israel a special status that exempts it from accusations of genocide, something no other country is exempt from.

People use genocide carelessly, even ignorantly, not every bloodbath is genocide, but it isn’t antisemitic to make that accusation.

It most certainly does not meet the definition of antisemitism and by pushing this you are attempting to stifle any criticism of Israel and put Israel into a special status no other nation occupies.

That isn’t what I’ve called out as racist…it’s constant negative focus on one race that underlies the arguments.

Are you talking about your new and expanded definition of antisemitism? …what statements have I defended?

give it up, Lisa----do not try to use logic with an hereditary refugee or and hereditary NAZI
Hold your horses a moment. Am I expected to respond to everything here just because you think I should?

Do you apply the same standard to you respond to every statement that smears Blacks? Or Muslims? But you think I should…because…?

Just as an fyi - most stuff is better off IGNORED here.

I “skip” over a lot of trash from a lot creeps and trolls Lisa. A word of advice: first, follow your own standard…then demand it of others.

None of the above makes one antisemitic.

Oh good grief. Let me know when you apply the same zeal against hate directed at Blacks or Muslims. You pick and choose your standards and how they are applied.

If people can call other people those things, then why not Jews? Why is it ok to call others Nazi’s? Jews aren’t any more exempt from being jerks, intolerant, bigoted, hateful than any other group of humans. It isn’t antisemitic, but it is ignorant as are most comparisons to the Nazis.

That isn’t antisemitic, it is just stupid.

Strongly disagree, because you are essentially giving Israel a special status that exempts it from accusations of genocide, something no other country is exempt from.

People use genocide carelessly, even ignorantly, not every bloodbath is genocide, but it isn’t antisemitic to make that accusation.

It most certainly does not meet the definition of antisemitism and by pushing this you are attempting to stifle any criticism of Israel and put Israel into a special status no other nation occupies.

That isn’t what I’ve called out as racist…it’s constant negative focus on one race that underlies the arguments.

Are you talking about your new and expanded definition of antisemitism? …what statements have I defended?

A pile of blather from an Anti-Semite. Your projecting is obvious. Your defense of degenerates and terrorists is disgusting.
It is a brand new and expanded definition that is effectively being used to insulate Israel from the same criticism that other nations endure.

So are you saying people can not be allowed to accuse Israel of genocide?

Can we accuse Turkey of genocide?

How about Russia?

Can we accuse Italy of genocide?

And…what if Israel actually did commit genocide? We can’t say it?
If Israel had committed genocide as have MUSLIMS MANY TIMES, AND CHRISTIANS MANY TIMES, AND TURKEY---very viciously----it would be ok to say "Israel committed genocide" and had jews killed the person JESUS----it would be ok to say so---but jews did not---so saying is just a FILTHY LIE---adopted by christians and a bit later by muslims to JUSTIFY THE MURDER OF MILLIONS OF INFANTS UPON WHICH YOU STILL DANCE
A pile of blather from an Anti-Semite. Your projecting is obvious. Your defense of degenerates and terrorists is disgusting.
she congratulates herself on her GLORIOUS LIBERAL, LOVING---self

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