One last try: Please help explain liberals to me (okay, maybe 3 last attempts)

A. It's okay for atheists to reject and attack Christians, out of fear of past oppression and violence.
but it's not okay for Christians to reject and attack Muslims, out of fear of current oppression and violence.

Show us which liberal atheists say that.

1. My friend D is one such liberal atheist Democrat who admits to using
votes for the Democratic Party as his only means of opposing the religious conservative right
he is more afraid of taking liberties away than he fears any liberals will

He does complain about the messed up health care mandates,
and why taxpayers are paying for coverage for govt officials
but they aren't providing coverage for taxpayers paying for them.

He is honest about that in private, but politically he will support and push
for Democrats to oppose Republicans at any cost just to make that political statement to say NO to them.

That's one person I know personally who hasn't changed his mind for the 20 years
I've known him. The most he's done is admit he is technically more agnostic than atheist,
but when you put him in a room with hardcore Christians he will revert back to his atheist stances in reaction to them

NOTE I brought this up in a meeting yesterday and one man in the group, also from Texas,
said he knew a lot of people who side with the liberals/Democrats as their way of defense collectively

2. I can cite two cases from memory where atheists or atheist related organizations sued
to remove Christian references from public property

A. the recent case where an organization sued from across the country
over a cross on a teacher's memorial on public school grounds.
some freedom from religion foundation that funded the legal complaints or petitions.

B. the case of the cross that resulted in a court fine against the city for each day it remained,
that was finally settled by selling the land to a private organization for preservation,
after THAT move was contested on the grounds that govt was still favoring religion.

That case stood out to me because even the proposed solution to remove it from public property
in a way that would preserve it was contested by the suing parties. This seems to indicate they didn't just want the problem
solved in the most expedient manner by separating public and private, they wanted the cross removed to make a statement.

Do you want the links to these?

if you are arguing these are not "atheists per se" pushing these arguments,
that's fine, you can remove atheist and put secular political advocates or whatever label.

The question remains why is it OKAY to sue to remove references to Christian beliefs
where people contest these as conflicting or excluding them,
but NOT okay to ask to remove references to Homosexual beliefs
where people say this conflicts or excludes their beliefs they have a right to.

Can you answer that NYcarbineer without the atheist label inserted anywhere?
Thanks for your help on this!


The cases as you've presented them here (verifying by links is unnecessary, let's just take them as described for argument) are based on the crucial adjective: "public property". That means property the public (taxpayers) own and pay for. As such, such property, which is administered by government as a proxy for "the public", cannot promote (or squelch) a religion.

I thought this basis was common knowledge. :dunno:
B. It's okay for liberals to demand "free choice of abortion" without govt regulations much less penalties
But it's NOT okay for conservatives to demand "free choice of health care" without govt penalties.

I can't even follow what you think you are comparing.

Hi Syriusly

Re: comparing the right to life as a faith based belief
with the right to health care as a belief about govt

Prochoice advocates including me argue that people can't be forced by govt
to accept arguments based on faith that life begins at conception or the
soul and will of the person begins at conception instead of legally starting at birth.

People cannot be punished by law for disagreeing with the belief that abortion is murder.

many advocates of Right to Life believe this is so INHERENT it applies to unborn equally as born people.

I am comparing this to how Right to health care advocates believe this is
so INHERENT that govt should protect it, the way Right to life argue their beliefs should be govt policy.

both beliefs would compromise the right to choose freely and not be penalized.

so why are liberal Democrat politicians such as Obama and Pelosi who claim to defend "prochoice"
principles pushing this ACA mandate that REQUIRES all citizens to buy insurance
and penalizes them financially for other choices of paying for health care that don't count as exemptions.

Why is it okay for federal govt to decide for people how to pay for health care instead of respecting free choice?
But when it comes to the choice of abortion, some of the same people refuse any regulations or penalties on that choice.

isn't that a bias by CREED.

that if you AGREE with a choice politically, then it's OKAY for govt to mandate it and penalize noncompliance.
but if you DISAGREE with a policy, then it's not okay for govt to force you to comply or else face penalties.

Does that help? Thanks Syriusly

BONUS if you can explain why it isn't okay for conservatives to take their beliefs
and impose them through govt (such as beliefs about right to life),
but apparently it's okay if liberals do that with their beliefs
such as beliefs about right to marriage, right to health care, etc.
Leftists, not liberals.

American leftists are selfish little fuckers who want something for nothing. They think they deserve everything with no effort on their part.

That's it in a nutshell.
No, this is yet another example of the propensity of most on the right to lie in a nutshell
Here's a suggestion. Get away from the keyboard, go outdoors, and go talk to some real people, not Internet anonyms.
I believe she does. Probably more so than most here.
Based on what?
Emily has been a very involved activist in politics and her local city projects for many years, and much more. She walks the walk. Research her.

If you're not interested enough to present the research yourself, you can't be all that impressed with whoever she claims to be.

I, meanwhile, am less than impressed with her OP or her follow-up "arguments."

Dear Arianrhod I invested over 60,000 in financial lending to nonprofit volunteers with 5-6 groups
trying to save two distressed neighborhoods in Houston from being destroyed by corrupt politics,
because they both had plans to restore their communities through educational development of campuses
that would represent and serve the residents in order to empower them to be self-reliant.

These plans were censored because the Democrat leadership depends on monied interests to get into office. since developers wanted that land, that's where the power and property control shifted, despite well written plans by the residents, including some passed into federal laws
that were part of subgrant agreements on funding. These were sideswiped to take that money
and bypass the residents plans but to benefit those of city and corporate developers competing for control of the properties.

I am hoping current Mayor Sylvestor Turner is different and smart enough to beat this game instead of falling victim to it.

But in the past it cost me about 20 years, including the last 7 working two jobs to pay off the loans on my credit cards, in order to keep the nonprofits going that have served as the lifelines of these communities that political competitors sought to "bleed out" of their own neighborhoods in order to finish taking over. It is nothing short of legalized invisible genocide,
even silenced in the media.

It amazes me to this day that preachers can get in the media and scream about police abuse,
but not invest one dime in saving historic churches built by Freed Slaves in our national landmark district. The media silence is deafening, and I even wrote a short essay about how George Zimmerman should have hidden in Freedmen's Town and the media would have left him alone.

I give credit for the plans to the community leaders who put them together.

I have expanded on their plans and proposed this as a model for restoring and uplifting distressed districts nationwide (through prison reform networks with public radio) and turning prisons and sweatshops into schools using the same "campus model":
proposed for replication along the border for immigration reform and restitution for trafficking:
Earned Amnesty

The credit really belongs to the heroes I was trying to support who aren't paid to do the
work saving their communities while millions of taxdollars were going to destruction instead.

But sadly, many of them, including one of the co-authors of the campus concepts
Lenwood Johnson may not see the realization of their life work, because it has gone on for so long and the Black leadership is still too divided politically to unite and demand
reimbursement of the abused funds, in order to invest in their own legacy they could build
in this historic district: see Freedmen's Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

Gladys House wrote the Veteran housing and health service plans,
that have gone unfunded despite budget planning and proposals to VA and HUD.

Why? Because she is a Black Female Republican business leader and conflicts
with Sheila Jackson Lee and other Democrat leaders who want the credit but won't invest the work or the dollars.

While Gladys and I work two jobs each (she might work 3-4 now)
trying to fund plans while everyone else points the finger and plays the blame game.

I've even tried to offer to pay the closing costs to buy the last row of historic houses
for Gladys' vet housing project. But because we're both women, and the men won't
listen to the women but want to be in charge, nothing is getting done.

We need male leadership to get this going, but they are divided and falling victim to politics.
At this point, I even blame the gender divide more than the racism that is part of
Freedmen's Town history, built on segregation.

The issue turning the local men leaders against Gladys is so bad,
I even gave up and don't know how to help overcome this.

I've reached out to ministers and found an academic link that looks hopeful,
but working two jobs to pay the debts this already cost me is killing me.

so it's taking forever, and I wish more able adept leaders would step in and
take this over and help Gladys, Lenwood and the other resident leaders
to develop their campus plans as a model for the nation that I think would
solve the problems that both Occupy and BLM has brought up with the lack of Black ownership.

The solutions are there, and it's a matter of uniting the Black leadership around them.

I'm Asian American and trying to help the Vietnamese landowners sell those
last houses to a nonprofit that can fulfill Gladys vet housing plans.

The communities and leadership are divided over this left/right rich/poor
political infighting that detracts attention and resources from solutions to the problems.

so that's why it's taken so long and has exhausted everything we tried to invest
to buy time until these plans can finally be recognized and promoted nationally.
Even Sheila Jackson Lee signed the original campus development plans,
and no funding has followed up because the Mayors gave tax money to
developers to strip the neighborhood, seize and destroy national historic
property and landmarks. So politics has been killing us, inside and out.

That is why I am so opposed to political bullying and division which I blame
for wasting resources that could have gone into saving not just one but
two national historic landmarks in Houston: Freedmen's Town and the Astrodome.

Our past Mayor Annise Parker would rather spend tax dollars and also
millions in campaigning to fight for the bathroom issue while letting
a national historic site go without funding to buy houses for Vets to
set up sustainable jobs and financial education in business management.

Very sad. Maybe it's someone else's story to finish telling, as it was
going on before I got there. But I do believe the future solutions to
all the past conflicts and grievances with the history of slavery
and ownership can be solved by applying the campus model out of
Freedmen's Town as a system of investing restitution back into community development.

That plan speaks for itself, and it came from a cumulative process combining
the work of many groups together that all have part of the plan.

My job was just to support the people in putting it together,
but it will take networking across party lines and investing resources
in building up instead of billions wasted campaigning by party to tear
each other down.

And I'm not sure which people are ready to lead solutions that
rise above this ongoing trend of both sides blaming the other,
for political points in the media, while nothing is getting done
and no resources are going to people really doing the work and developing
working plans.
Last edited:
BONUS if you can explain why it isn't okay for conservatives to take their beliefs
and impose them through govt (such as beliefs about right to life),
but apparently it's okay if liberals do that with their beliefs
such as beliefs about right to marriage, right to health care, etc.
That's to do with the Constitution isn't it?
A. It's okay for atheists to reject and attack Christians, out of fear of past oppression and violence.
but it's not okay for Christians to reject and attack Muslims, out of fear of current oppression and violence.

Show us which liberal atheists say that.

1. My friend D is one such liberal atheist Democrat who admits to using
votes for the Democratic Party as his only means of opposing the religious conservative right
he is more afraid of taking liberties away than he fears any liberals will

He does complain about the messed up health care mandates,
and why taxpayers are paying for coverage for govt officials
but they aren't providing coverage for taxpayers paying for them.

He is honest about that in private, but politically he will support and push
for Democrats to oppose Republicans at any cost just to make that political statement to say NO to them.

That's one person I know personally who hasn't changed his mind for the 20 years
I've known him. The most he's done is admit he is technically more agnostic than atheist,
but when you put him in a room with hardcore Christians he will revert back to his atheist stances in reaction to them

NOTE I brought this up in a meeting yesterday and one man in the group, also from Texas,
said he knew a lot of people who side with the liberals/Democrats as their way of defense collectively

2. I can cite two cases from memory where atheists or atheist related organizations sued
to remove Christian references from public property

A. the recent case where an organization sued from across the country
over a cross on a teacher's memorial on public school grounds.
some freedom from religion foundation that funded the legal complaints or petitions.

B. the case of the cross that resulted in a court fine against the city for each day it remained,
that was finally settled by selling the land to a private organization for preservation,
after THAT move was contested on the grounds that govt was still favoring religion.

That case stood out to me because even the proposed solution to remove it from public property
in a way that would preserve it was contested by the suing parties. This seems to indicate they didn't just want the problem
solved in the most expedient manner by separating public and private, they wanted the cross removed to make a statement.

Do you want the links to these?

if you are arguing these are not "atheists per se" pushing these arguments,
that's fine, you can remove atheist and put secular political advocates or whatever label.

The question remains why is it OKAY to sue to remove references to Christian beliefs
where people contest these as conflicting or excluding them,
but NOT okay to ask to remove references to Homosexual beliefs
where people say this conflicts or excludes their beliefs they have a right to.

Can you answer that NYcarbineer without the atheist label inserted anywhere?
Thanks for your help on this!


The cases as you've presented them here (verifying by links is unnecessary, let's just take them as described for argument) are based on the crucial adjective: "public property". That means property the public (taxpayers) own and pay for. As such, such property, which is administered by government as a proxy for "the public", cannot promote (or squelch) a religion.

I thought this basis was common knowledge. :dunno:

Dear Pogo so if public restrooms in schools and govt facilities are for the public
and cannot promote or squelch a religion,
then why are SOME beliefs about orientation and gender
considered govt duty to protect by law by imposing penalties against people who believe otherwise,
but the same protections are NOT equally offered to the other side and their beliefs?

Shouldn't the govt remain neutral and not defend one side or another in a conflict
between two faith based beliefs (another example, the belief that same sex
marriage is the same as heterosexual or the belief it is not, or beliefs
that such same sex relations are not natural and should not be participated in)

Where is it govt's place to make a decision if people don't agree on these beliefs?
Shouldn't the most equal position be to treat the beliefs the same, keep govt out
of them and them out of govt, and support BOTH sides, ALL people in defending
and protecting their own beliefs from infringement by not allowing any laws
to be imposed that violate ONE BELIEF OR ANOTHER.

Why just defend one creed 'selectively' in ways the others are not protected ?

How could govt pick one side or one religion, like writing laws requiring that no Buddhists
specifically be harassed, without ALSO including all the other types of followers
who deserve equal protection from harassment? Isn't the best policy to
write the laws where they apply to ALL people of ALL beliefs, and not singling out one
BONUS if you can explain why it isn't okay for conservatives to take their beliefs
and impose them through govt (such as beliefs about right to life),
but apparently it's okay if liberals do that with their beliefs
such as beliefs about right to marriage, right to health care, etc.
That's to do with the Constitution isn't it?

cnm more about the spirit or principles in the Constitution
since these are not written literally in there as "political beliefs"
"right to marriage" "right to health care", but they can all be INCLUDED
under religious freedom as "faith based beliefs".

A. If you are not okay with arguing on concept, the more literal legalistic arguments include
1. arguing that the Supreme Court does not have Constitutional authority to change legislation
as with the ACA mandates that were argued should have been kicked back to Congress to change into a tax as it wasn't voted on as a tax; and now with the President and Courts both pontificating to the public and bypassing legislative representation people vote on more directly.
2. arguing on which rights belong to states and not to federal govt without a written and passed Amendment to the Constitution

B. If you are okay with that looser interpretation of religious freedom,
then the "spirit of the arguments" have to do with how we apply
First Amendment principles on govt NEITHER establishing nor prohibiting one's beliefs or religion
and how to interpret
Fourteenth Amendment and civil rights principles
on not discriminating on the basis of CREED

Why are we allowing one political belief to be mandated through govt
while another is penalized, if we would not allow this for religious beliefs?

Shouldn't we treat all people's "faith based beliefs" equally separate from govt
whether these are religious, political, secular or personal beliefs?

Why exclude some while endorse others? Isn't that a conflict in govt
officials violating ethics by pushing their own preferred beliefs through office
instead of representing and including the beliefs of all the public equally as required by law?
Last edited:
A. It's okay for atheists to reject and attack Christians, out of fear of past oppression and violence.
but it's not okay for Christians to reject and attack Muslims, out of fear of current oppression and violence.

Show us which liberal atheists say that.

1. My friend D is one such liberal atheist Democrat who admits to using
votes for the Democratic Party as his only means of opposing the religious conservative right
he is more afraid of taking liberties away than he fears any liberals will

He does complain about the messed up health care mandates,
and why taxpayers are paying for coverage for govt officials
but they aren't providing coverage for taxpayers paying for them.

He is honest about that in private, but politically he will support and push
for Democrats to oppose Republicans at any cost just to make that political statement to say NO to them.

That's one person I know personally who hasn't changed his mind for the 20 years
I've known him. The most he's done is admit he is technically more agnostic than atheist,
but when you put him in a room with hardcore Christians he will revert back to his atheist stances in reaction to them

NOTE I brought this up in a meeting yesterday and one man in the group, also from Texas,
said he knew a lot of people who side with the liberals/Democrats as their way of defense collectively

2. I can cite two cases from memory where atheists or atheist related organizations sued
to remove Christian references from public property

A. the recent case where an organization sued from across the country
over a cross on a teacher's memorial on public school grounds.
some freedom from religion foundation that funded the legal complaints or petitions.

B. the case of the cross that resulted in a court fine against the city for each day it remained,
that was finally settled by selling the land to a private organization for preservation,
after THAT move was contested on the grounds that govt was still favoring religion.

That case stood out to me because even the proposed solution to remove it from public property
in a way that would preserve it was contested by the suing parties. This seems to indicate they didn't just want the problem
solved in the most expedient manner by separating public and private, they wanted the cross removed to make a statement.

Do you want the links to these?

if you are arguing these are not "atheists per se" pushing these arguments,
that's fine, you can remove atheist and put secular political advocates or whatever label.

The question remains why is it OKAY to sue to remove references to Christian beliefs
where people contest these as conflicting or excluding them,
but NOT okay to ask to remove references to Homosexual beliefs
where people say this conflicts or excludes their beliefs they have a right to.

Can you answer that NYcarbineer without the atheist label inserted anywhere?
Thanks for your help on this!

I stopped reading when it became clear you weren't going to answer my question.
Dear Arianrhod I invested over 60,000 in financial lending to nonprofit volunteers with 5-6 groups
trying to save two distressed neighborhoods in Houston from being destroyed by corrupt politics,
because they both had plans to restore their communities through educational development of campuses
that would represent and serve the residents in order to empower them to be self-reliant.

These plans were censored because the Democrat leadership depends on monied interests to get into office. since developers wanted that land, that's where the power and property control shifted, despite well written plans by the residents, including some passed into federal laws
that were part of subgrant agreements on funding. These were sideswiped to take that money
and bypass the residents plans but to benefit those of city and corporate developers competing for control of the properties.

I am hoping current Mayor Sylvestor Turner is different and smart enough to beat this game instead of falling victim to it.

But in the past it cost me about 20 years, including the last 7 working two jobs to pay off the loans on my credit cards, in order to keep the nonprofits going that have served as the lifelines of these communities that political competitors sought to "bleed out" of their own neighborhoods in order to finish taking over. It is nothing short of legalized invisible genocide,
even silenced in the media.

It amazes me to this day that preachers can get in the media and scream about police abuse,
but not invest one dime in saving historic churches built by Freed Slaves in our national landmark district. The media silence is deafening, and I even wrote a short essay about how George Zimmerman should have hidden in Freedmen's Town and the media would have left him alone.

I give credit for the plans to the community leaders who put them together.

I have expanded on their plans and proposed this as a model for restoring and uplifting distressed districts nationwide (through prison reform networks with public radio) and turning prisons and sweatshops into schools using the same "campus model":
proposed for replication along the border for immigration reform and restitution for trafficking:
Earned Amnesty

The credit really belongs to the heroes I was trying to support who aren't paid to do the
work saving their communities while millions of taxdollars were going to destruction instead.

But sadly, many of them, including one of the co-authors of the campus concepts
Lenwood Johnson may not see the realization of their life work, because it has gone on for so long and the Black leadership is still too divided politically to unite and demand
reimbursement of the abused funds, in order to invest in their own legacy they could build
in this historic district: see Freedmen's Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

Gladys House wrote the Veteran housing and health service plans,
that have gone unfunded despite budget planning and proposals to VA and HUD.

Why? Because she is a Black Female Republican business leader and conflicts
with Sheila Jackson Lee and other Democrat leaders who want the credit but won't invest the work or the dollars.

While Gladys and I work two jobs each (she might work 3-4 now)
trying to fund plans while everyone else points the finger and plays the blame game.

I've even tried to offer to pay the closing costs to buy the last row of historic houses
for Gladys' vet housing project. But because we're both women, and the men won't
listen to the women but want to be in charge, nothing is getting done.

We need male leadership to get this going, but they are divided and falling victim to politics.
At this point, I even blame the gender divide more than the racism that is part of
Freedmen's Town history, built on segregation.

The issue turning the local men leaders against Gladys is so bad,
I even gave up and don't know how to help overcome this.

I've reached out to ministers and found an academic link that looks hopeful,
but working two jobs to pay the debts this already cost me is killing me.

so it's taking forever, and I wish more able adept leaders would step in and
take this over and help Gladys, Lenwood and the other resident leaders
to develop their campus plans as a model for the nation that I think would
solve the problems that both Occupy and BLM has brought up with the lack of Black ownership.

The solutions are there, and it's a matter of uniting the Black leadership around them.

I'm Asian American and trying to help the Vietnamese landowners sell those
last houses to a nonprofit that can fulfill Gladys vet housing plans.

The communities and leadership are divided over this left/right rich/poor
political infighting that detracts attention and resources from solutions to the problems.

so that's why it's taken so long and has exhausted everything we tried to invest
to buy time until these plans can finally be recognized and promoted nationally.
Even Sheila Jackson Lee signed the original campus development plans,
and no funding has followed up because the Mayors gave tax money to
developers to strip the neighborhood, seize and destroy national historic
property and landmarks. So politics has been killing us, inside and out.

That is why I am so opposed to political bullying and division which I blame
for wasting resources that could have gone into saving not just one but
two national historic landmarks in Houston: Freedmen's Town and the Astrodome.

Our past Mayor Annise Parker would rather spend tax dollars and also
millions in campaigning to fight for the bathroom issue while letting
a national historic site go without funding to buy houses for Vets to
set up sustainable jobs and financial education in business management.

Very sad. Maybe it's someone else's story to finish telling, as it was
going on before I got there. But I do believe the future solutions to
all the past conflicts and grievances with the history of slavery
and ownership can be solved by applying the campus model out of
Freedmen's Town as a system of investing restitution back into community development.

That plan speaks for itself, and it came from a cumulative process combining
the work of many groups together that all have part of the plan.

My job was just to support the people in putting it together,
but it will take networking across party lines and investing resources
in building up instead of billions wasted campaigning by party to tear
each other down.

And I'm not sure which people are ready to lead solutions that
rise above this ongoing trend of both sides blaming the other,
for political points in the media, while nothing is getting done
and no resources are going to people really doing the work and developing
working plans.

If true, all of that experience - if not your Christian faith (Matthew 7:1) - should have taught you to take each person you meet as an individual rather than making blanket statements based on reading/watching professional political pundits bloviating about entire groups.

Or at least to construct a reasoned argument rather than opinion based on opinion passed off as argument.

A. It's okay for atheists to reject and attack Christians, out of fear of past oppression and violence.
but it's not okay for Christians to reject and attack Muslims, out of fear of current oppression and violence.

Show us which liberal atheists say that.

1. My friend D is one such liberal atheist Democrat who admits to using
votes for the Democratic Party as his only means of opposing the religious conservative right
he is more afraid of taking liberties away than he fears any liberals will

He does complain about the messed up health care mandates,
and why taxpayers are paying for coverage for govt officials
but they aren't providing coverage for taxpayers paying for them.

He is honest about that in private, but politically he will support and push
for Democrats to oppose Republicans at any cost just to make that political statement to say NO to them.

That's one person I know personally who hasn't changed his mind for the 20 years
I've known him. The most he's done is admit he is technically more agnostic than atheist,
but when you put him in a room with hardcore Christians he will revert back to his atheist stances in reaction to them

NOTE I brought this up in a meeting yesterday and one man in the group, also from Texas,
said he knew a lot of people who side with the liberals/Democrats as their way of defense collectively

2. I can cite two cases from memory where atheists or atheist related organizations sued
to remove Christian references from public property

A. the recent case where an organization sued from across the country
over a cross on a teacher's memorial on public school grounds.
some freedom from religion foundation that funded the legal complaints or petitions.

B. the case of the cross that resulted in a court fine against the city for each day it remained,
that was finally settled by selling the land to a private organization for preservation,
after THAT move was contested on the grounds that govt was still favoring religion.

That case stood out to me because even the proposed solution to remove it from public property
in a way that would preserve it was contested by the suing parties. This seems to indicate they didn't just want the problem
solved in the most expedient manner by separating public and private, they wanted the cross removed to make a statement.

Do you want the links to these?

if you are arguing these are not "atheists per se" pushing these arguments,
that's fine, you can remove atheist and put secular political advocates or whatever label.

The question remains why is it OKAY to sue to remove references to Christian beliefs
where people contest these as conflicting or excluding them,
but NOT okay to ask to remove references to Homosexual beliefs
where people say this conflicts or excludes their beliefs they have a right to.

Can you answer that NYcarbineer without the atheist label inserted anywhere?
Thanks for your help on this!


The cases as you've presented them here (verifying by links is unnecessary, let's just take them as described for argument) are based on the crucial adjective: "public property". That means property the public (taxpayers) own and pay for. As such, such property, which is administered by government as a proxy for "the public", cannot promote (or squelch) a religion.

I thought this basis was common knowledge. :dunno:

Dear Pogo so if public restrooms in schools and govt facilities are for the public
and cannot promote or squelch a religion,
then why are SOME beliefs about orientation and gender
considered govt duty to protect by law by imposing penalties against people who believe otherwise,
but the same protections are NOT equally offered to the other side and their beliefs?

Shouldn't the govt remain neutral and not defend one side or another in a conflict
between two faith based beliefs (another example, the belief that same sex
marriage is the same as heterosexual or the belief it is not, or beliefs
that such same sex relations are not natural and should not be participated in)

Where is it govt's place to make a decision if people don't agree on these beliefs?
Shouldn't the most equal position be to treat the beliefs the same, keep govt out
of them and them out of govt, and support BOTH sides, ALL people in defending
and protecting their own beliefs from infringement by not allowing any laws
to be imposed that violate ONE BELIEF OR ANOTHER.

Why just defend one creed 'selectively' in ways the others are not protected ?

How could govt pick one side or one religion, like writing laws requiring that no Buddhists
specifically be harassed, without ALSO including all the other types of followers
who deserve equal protection from harassment? Isn't the best policy to
write the laws where they apply to ALL people of ALL beliefs, and not singling out one

Sigh --- still employing strawmen.

Do you not understand what a strawman is? Did you even read my post 36?
cnm more about the spirit or principles in the Constitution
since these are not written literally in there as "political beliefs"
Yet the USSC interprets them through the Constitution so how can they not be political?
"Liberals are emotional hemophiliacs". Dennis Miller.

Dear dannyboys I am one of those "bleeding heart liberals"

The difference is if we bleed for people on both sides of all conflicts,
or we take one side only, and bleed out for that one while blaming the other.

What I've learned from being on here, some people may be onesided
on some issues, but surprisingly open to collaborating on others without partisan division getting in the way.

So the labels can be defeating. We can cut ourselves off from
allies who could have been the heroes on another project if we didn't segregate by group labels,
but addressed issues one on one, and focused more on what we
agreed we could do better to build effective solutions,
despite our other differences we might never agree on.
No, this is yet another example of the propensity of most on the right to lie in a nutshell

Appeal to stupidity fallacy: A "lie" is something untrue stated with intent to deceive. Since the American left is indeed greedy little fuckers demanding that others give them what they want with no effort (soak the rich) there can be no lie.
OK, so this is what I'm hearing from liberal politics.
Please help explain these to me why one is right and the other is wrong:

A. It's okay for atheists to reject and attack Christians, out of fear of past oppression and violence.
but it's not okay for Christians to reject and attack Muslims, out of fear of current oppression and violence.
Why should Christians be expected to be tolerant of groups they blame for religious violence,
but it's okay for atheists to openly condemn Christians collectively for their beliefs?

B. It's okay for liberals to demand "free choice of abortion" without govt regulations much less penalties
But it's NOT okay for conservatives to demand "free choice of health care" without govt penalties.

If conservatives push "right to life" at the expense of free choice, that is pushing beliefs through govt.
so why is it okay for liberals to push "right to health care" through govt at the expense of free choice?

Why is one political belief okay to push by force onto people who believe in free choice,
but not the other?

C. And now this:

If homosexual people only want to seek same sex relations, that's okay.
They should not be forced to participate in heterosexual relations just because of majority pressures.

But if heterosexual people only want to use the restroom in same sex company, that's not okay?

Why is one okay but the other is a problem?

I'm not finding any luck getting answers or explanations to A or B.

Can any liberals explain C to me?
I understand if someone has changed or is in process of changing BIOLOGICAL gender,
then that is a medical personal issue. but as for preferences, why is one
"homosexual" belief rejected as intolerant but the other is considered natural? Why?

Syriusly? hazlnut? Can anyone explain to me why one belief is rejected and the other is imposed?

Its liberalism run amuck. The worst parts of liberalism seem to have convened. If you got a pecker, use the men’s room. If you don’t, use the ladies room Worked for 4 million years.

But it’s also something that may have happened 12 times nationwide???
Its like the flag burning issue. Hardly ever happens but when it does there is enough noise to think it’s happening on every street corner.
cnm more about the spirit or principles in the Constitution
since these are not written literally in there as "political beliefs"
Yet the USSC interprets them through the Constitution so how can they not be political?

We can interpret them through the Constitution
in ways WE AGREE on, so it's not imposing.

If we stick to what we AGREE on that represents the public.
Not taking one side of a conflict and bullying the other into submission to a compromise.

If you want examples of where people agree on faith based policies
1. we used to agree on marriage being through the govt
now that we don't all agree, it may have to be removed or changed

2. we used to allow prayer and teaching of whatever in schools
but now that we don't agree on things biased toward Christian or homosexual beliefs,
these policies are being challenged

3. "justice" itself is a faith based concept. nobody has ever seen justice
or prove it exists or if it will. We can AGREE what is justice and what isn't.
yet we have a JUSTICE system based on laws and processes proclaiming
"justice for all" as the goal or "equal justice under law"

All of these are technically faith based.
Yet because we AGREE on this concept, we agree to these procedures
and principles through govt

Again where we do NOT agree, such as the death penalty being
part of justice that invokes conflicting beliefs on both sides,
this is still disputed and begs a better solution than forced compliance
when people who believe in restorative justice want the right to fund that instead.

4. belief about war is another huge one, where provisions have been
given for "conscientious objectors" in specific circumstances

generally because people AGREE that murder is wrong and should be illegal,
and that war is necessary, we allow these policies in govt
although technically there are faith and belief issues involved.

As long as people consent, then it can be justified to allow
issues of belief to be implemented in public policy.

but you can see the disaster that erupts if beliefs are imposed
by govt WITHOUT the consent of others affected. that goes against
laws of human nature, to violate one's free will/consent/beliefs,
where of course people will dissent and petition to correct the problem causing objections.

this is why I cite what Jefferson wrote in the DOI that
"just powers of government are derived from consent of the governed"
where mutual informed consent is the basis of law and binding social contracts.
(These are void if the people affected did not consent, including if something was
fraudulent and misrepresented.)

Texas law also states that authority resides with the people who reserve the right
to abolish or alter government as they deem expedient (with respect to the republican
form of government).

Once one person or group takes it upon themselves to "push an agenda" they believe in through govt without including the equal consent of others affected, that contradicts the very SPIRIT of laws and govt, based on consent of the governed and equal justice/protection of laws, and that is why people protest and seek politically to oppose or change it.
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