One Man's "Takers Paradise" Is Another Man's "Producers' Hell"...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
This seems to be where we're at as a Nation. The Takers in this Country are beginning to outnumber the Producers at an alarmingly rapid pace. There are now 43 Million Americans on Food Stamps alone. And that's just one example of our expanding Welfare mess. This President and the Democrats have moved us rapidly towards absolute ruin. The Takers in this country are now dangerously close to outnumbering the Producers. The Democrat "Eat the Rich' Platform has been a horrifying nightmare for this country.

Punishing and demonizing the Citizens who actually produce Jobs and prosperity is a short-sighted and very destructive policy. The Democrats are just wrong. So what does happen when the Takers outnumber the Producers?...You become a miserable Third World Nation. Unfortunately we're inching closer & closer to that everyday. We need real change in this country. 2012 will be incredibly important. Which direction does America want to take? Do they want to stay on this same destructive path or do they want to head down another path? I guess we'll see in 2012.
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All through history, the Takers have been a small minority, and the producers have been the great swath

"Labor is prior to and independent of capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration" -- Abraham Lincoln; First Address to Congress (1861)
i'm not kidding when i say don't be surprised when the great wealth of this suppressed nation quietly slips away into secluded retirement. atlas shrugged, let's all play golf. what if the top 1000 richest people in this country just left ? that would leave soros, and most of his dough is elsewhere.
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Yea the old Democrat Class warfare stuff really is short-sighted and incredibly destructive. Yea sure,they get some more Votes out of it but it comes with a hefty price-tag. What are they doing to our Country? The Producers are all we have. The Taker numbers are rapidly increasing. This cannot be sustained.
Yea the old Democrat Class warfare stuff really is short-sighted and incredibly destructive. Yea sure,they get some more Votes out of it but it comes with a hefty price-tag. What are they doing to our Country? The Producers are all we have. The Taker numbers are rapidly increasing. This cannot be sustained.

Actually, Lincoln was a Republican
Once the Producers are all gone,who is left? People better start thinking about that a bit more.
Once the Producers are all gone,who is left? People better start thinking about that a bit more.

the twitter case is a good example. they threatened to leave frisco, so frisco (pelosi) rezones their district with smaller taxes, who has the power ?
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This seems to be where we're at as a Nation. The Takers in this Country are beginning to outnumber the Producers at an alarmingly rapid pace. There are now 43 Million Americans on Food Stamps alone. And that's just one example of our expanding Welfare mess. This President and the Democrats have moved us rapidly towards absolute ruin. The Takers in this country are now dangerously close to outnumbering the Producers. The Democrat "Eat the Rich' Platform has been a horrifying nightmare for this country.

Punishing and demonizing the Citizens who actually produce Jobs and prosperity is a short-sighted and very destructive policy. The Democrats are just wrong. So what does happen when the Takers outnumber the Producers?...You become a miserable Third World Nation.
Not to worry.

Those icons of Teabaggerland....the 1%ers/high-roller$ are doing just fine!!!




Aren't you people EVER satisfied??!!!

The Democrats incite and exploit the worst in Humanity. They prey on human feelings like jealousy,bitterness,and hate. That's what Class Warfare is all about. All Community Organizers are trained to incite and exploit these feelings. This nation needs to head in a different direction. Dividing the People for Votes is just wrong. We have real problems and it's time to grow up and start fixing them.
This seems to be where we're at as a Nation. The Takers in this Country are beginning to outnumber the Producers at an alarmingly rapid pace. There are now 43 Million Americans on Food Stamps alone. And that's just one example of our expanding Welfare mess. This President and the Democrats have moved us rapidly towards absolute ruin. The Takers in this country are now dangerously close to outnumbering the Producers. The Democrat "Eat the Rich' Platform has been a horrifying nightmare for this country.

Punishing and demonizing the Citizens who actually produce Jobs and prosperity is a short-sighted and very destructive policy. The Democrats are just wrong. So what does happen when the Takers outnumber the Producers?...You become a miserable Third World Nation.
Not to worry.

Those icons of Teabaggerland....the 1%ers/high-roller$ are doing just fine!!!




Aren't you people EVER satisfied??!!!


Ask John kerry about his 7 million dollar yacht and get back to me.
This seems to be where we're at as a Nation. The Takers in this Country are beginning to outnumber the Producers at an alarmingly rapid pace. There are now 43 Million Americans on Food Stamps alone. And that's just one example of our expanding Welfare mess. This President and the Democrats have moved us rapidly towards absolute ruin. The Takers in this country are now dangerously close to outnumbering the Producers. The Democrat "Eat the Rich' Platform has been a horrifying nightmare for this country.

Punishing and demonizing the Citizens who actually produce Jobs and prosperity is a short-sighted and very destructive policy. The Democrats are just wrong. So what does happen when the Takers outnumber the Producers?...You become a miserable Third World Nation. Unfortunately we're inching closer & closer to that everyday. We need real change in this country. 2012 will be incredibly important. Which direction does America want to take? Do they want to stay on this same destructive path or do they want to head down another path? I guess we'll see in 2012.

So what does happen when the Takers outnumber the Producers?

We turn from a Soft Tyranny to a Hard Tyranny.
This seems to be where we're at as a Nation. The Takers in this Country are beginning to outnumber the Producers at an alarmingly rapid pace. There are now 43 Million Americans on Food Stamps alone. And that's just one example of our expanding Welfare mess. This President and the Democrats have moved us rapidly towards absolute ruin. The Takers in this country are now dangerously close to outnumbering the Producers. The Democrat "Eat the Rich' Platform has been a horrifying nightmare for this country.

Punishing and demonizing the Citizens who actually produce Jobs and prosperity is a short-sighted and very destructive policy. The Democrats are just wrong. So what does happen when the Takers outnumber the Producers?...You become a miserable Third World Nation. Unfortunately we're inching closer & closer to that everyday. We need real change in this country. 2012 will be incredibly important. Which direction does America want to take? Do they want to stay on this same destructive path or do they want to head down another path? I guess we'll see in 2012.

So what does happen when the Takers outnumber the Producers?

We turn from a Soft Tyranny to a Hard Tyranny.

i think it's pretty close to fifty percent, half of that is government.
Yes because Americans enjoying themselves while fishing & boating is just so "Evil & Wrong." Class Warfare is just so damn lame. The Democrats just prey on human emotions like jealousy,bitterness,and hate. This division philosophy really is short-sighted and incredibly destructive. The Community Organizers have had their say. And now it's time for the People to give them the boot. Hopefully this will happen in 2012.
Yes because Americans enjoying themselves while fishing & boating is just so "Evil & Wrong." Class Warfare is just so damn lame. The Democrats just prey on human emotions like jealousy,bitterness,and hate. This division philosophy really is short-sighted and incredibly destructive. The Community Organizers have had their say. And now it's time for the People to give them the boot. Hopefully this will happen in 2012.

i think the '10 election was a good indicator, new polls have obama at 33 percent approval.
This seems to be where we're at as a Nation. The Takers in this Country are beginning to outnumber the Producers at an alarmingly rapid pace. There are now 43 Million Americans on Food Stamps alone. And that's just one example of our expanding Welfare mess. This President and the Democrats have moved us rapidly towards absolute ruin. The Takers in this country are now dangerously close to outnumbering the Producers. The Democrat "Eat the Rich' Platform has been a horrifying nightmare for this country.

Punishing and demonizing the Citizens who actually produce Jobs and prosperity is a short-sighted and very destructive policy. The Democrats are just wrong. So what does happen when the Takers outnumber the Producers?...You become a miserable Third World Nation.
Not to worry.

Those icons of Teabaggerland....the 1%ers/high-roller$ are doing just fine!!!




Aren't you people EVER satisfied??!!!


Ask John kerry about his 7 million dollar yacht and get back to me.
I'm sure he appreciates your support.​
This seems to be where we're at as a Nation. The Takers in this Country are beginning to outnumber the Producers at an alarmingly rapid pace. There are now 43 Million Americans on Food Stamps alone. And that's just one example of our expanding Welfare mess. This President and the Democrats have moved us rapidly towards absolute ruin. The Takers in this country are now dangerously close to outnumbering the Producers. The Democrat "Eat the Rich' Platform has been a horrifying nightmare for this country.

Punishing and demonizing the Citizens who actually produce Jobs and prosperity is a short-sighted and very destructive policy. The Democrats are just wrong. So what does happen when the Takers outnumber the Producers?...You become a miserable Third World Nation. Unfortunately we're inching closer & closer to that everyday. We need real change in this country. 2012 will be incredibly important. Which direction does America want to take? Do they want to stay on this same destructive path or do they want to head down another path? I guess we'll see in 2012.
The fleas do not wish to hear about the dog's complaints or hardships. How dare it threaten to die on them? What will become of them and their nits? Has it no compassion for them?

Heartless bastard of a dog!

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