One man's theory: Omar Mateed Was Bacha Bazi'd By His Father

FairandBalanced recognizes (I have been teaching him today to be careful of what and how he says things: I am proud of him) that homosexuality is a genetic fact of the human world and society.

For homosexuality to be genetic the gene causing it would have to be isolated or date it hasn't so therefore you can't claim it's genetic. (Consider yourself learned and schooled, take it to heart and we will be proud of you)

Who cares? Even if it is a choice (and it is) this is the USA they have a right to be perverts. Leave em alone.

I care when some limp wrist claims it's genetic and there is absolutely no proof of it

Why? Why do you a give a shit one way or the other? Our fucking country is falling apart around us and you're arguing about whether a guy just was born wanting dick in his ass, or he just enjoys it. Who cares?
  1. FairandBalanced recognizes (I have been teaching him today to be careful of what and how he says things: I am proud of him) that homosexuality is a genetic fact of the human world and society.
You want it to be a genetic fact that you were born a faggot, but here's the thing, Jakey Poo..the science just isn't there ,they can't find it. You can sit here all day long babbling about the gay gene or genes or epigentic causes and you're born that way, but reality is, there's no facts behind that claim.

Eight major identical twin studies prove that faggotry is not genetic. There have been eight major studies of identical twins that have proven that it's not genetic. Why? Because identical twins have the same genes and not only do they have the same genes, they were actually formed in the same womb. They had the same environment within the womb.

It's only at birth that they're separated and have different experiences and different events happen in their lives but everything in the womb is the same. Their genes are identical. Like I said, eight major studies of identical twins in Australia, the US and Scandinavia during the last two decades all arrive at the same conclusion: Faggots were not born that way. At best genetics might be a very minor factor says Dr. Neil Whitehead PhD.

Whitehead worked for the New Zealand government as a scientific researcher. He's a PhD, who has worked for the New Zealand government for 24 years and spent four years working for the United Nations and International Atomic Energy Agency. Most recently he serves as a consultant to Japanese universities about the effects of radiation exposure.

His PhD is in biochemistry and statistics. By the way, this is a statistical analysis. Are you listening? If you're studying identical twins and the prevalence of homosexuality in twins, then that would be a statistical discipline. He has a PhD in statistics and in bio chemistry which is also relevant.

Identical twins have the same genes or DNA, they are nurtured in equal prenatal conditions. If faggotry is caused by genetics or prenatal conditions and one twin is a fag, the other twin should also be a homo because they have identical DNA, It ought to be 100%, as Dr. Whitehead notes.

Well the studies reveals something else. If an identical twin has same gender attraction, the chances that the co-twin has it are only about 11% for men and 14% for women. Are you getting this? 89% or 86% of them are straight even when their twin is a homo.

So how can you be born that way,Jakey Poo? How is it genetic? Whitehead says, because identical twins are always genetically identical, homosexuality cannot be genetically dictated. No one is born a homo he notes, the predominant things that create homosexuality in one identical twin and not in the other have to be post-birth factors.

Dr. Whitehead believes that same sex attraction is caused by non shared factors. Things happening to one twin but not the other or a personal response to an event by one of the twins and not the other. For example, he says, one twin might have exposure to pornography or sexual abuse but not the other. One twin may interpret and respond to their family or classroom environment differently than the other.

The first very reliable large study of identical twins was conducted in Australia in 1991 followed by a large US study about 1997. Then Australia and the US conducted more twin studies in 2000 followed by several studies in Scandinavia according to Dr Whitehead. Twin registers are the foundation of modern twin studies. There are now very large twin registries in many countries. A gigantic European twin register with a projected 600,000 members is being organized but one of the largest in use is in Australia with more than 25,000 twins on the books.

A significant twin study among adolescents shows an even weaker genetic correlation. In 2002, Behrman and Brickner studied tens of thousands of adolescent students in the US, the faggotry rate between identical twins was only 7.7% for males and 5.3% for females, lower than the 11% and 14% in the Australian study Bailey and his colleagues conducted. I thought it's all genetic? I thought it's all determined in the womb? If you're born that way that means it happened where? In the womb or at conception. Yet the science isn't there. No matter how badly you want it to be there, twinky boy.
It's probably pretty common in old Muslem families but they don't all turn queer and shoot up gay bars.
Well yeah. Let's all be glad for that, since little else is likely to keep ordinary American infidels from being shot up in bars by dysfunctional Muslim terrorists.
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Our bars get shot up by dysfunctional people.

Sexual hatred towards others, racial hatred towards others, religious hatred towards others ~ you name it.

The OOMs are very easy to deal with: all they do is talk.

The OP is possible in fact but OOMs opinion means nothing.

What is fact is that homosexuality is a fact in both religious cultures.

What is fact that child abuse is a crime perpetuated by heteros and homos.
Most likely yes. It's common for Muslim men in the Middle East to molest boys. It's probably a big reason why the whole Muslim world has always been so fucked up and why their males are so violent and trying to prove their manhood.
Well that's a bit unnerving considering what I know from my friend who was molested as a boy. He went on a "murderous" rampage to get even with his perpetrator. He became infected with HIV and made it a purposeful vendetta to go out and have as much unprotected sex with "those that did that to him" (how the twisted-anger manifests and resolves itself from the subconscious) before he himself succumbed to AIDS.

Then look at the "Pulse" shooting. If your theory is correct, a Muslim man filled to the brim with anger, who naturally could not confront his father because of strict Sharia Law, turns that anger onto the next convenient targets: "those that did this to him". The problem is, that if this institutionalized child abuse is as prevalent as you say (and I've heard rumors too, so I'm not totally doubting you), radicalized Muslim men with this specific axe to grind could get very dangerous for gatherings of LGBT.

My friend did a "mass shooting" over a longer period of time, in such a way as nobody was the wiser until it was too late.

Corollary theory: the "Pulse" shooter just got the bad news about his HIV status? Nothing like an angry Islamic man who figures he already has a death sentence and has nothing left to lose.
Our bars get shot up by dysfunctional people.

Sexual hatred towards others, racial hatred towards others, religious hatred towards others ~ you name it.

The OOMs are very easy to deal with: all they do is talk.

The OP is possible in fact but OOMs opinion means nothing.

What is fact is that homosexuality is a fact in both religious cultures.

What is fact that child abuse is a crime perpetuated by heteros and homos.
Homosexuality is not condoned in Christianity...nobody is disputing that homosexuality was around back then...that's why they didn't tolerate it.

I can tolerate it, so long as they do not try to influence children over their parents on the issue.
Most likely yes. It's common for Muslim men in the Middle East to molest boys. It's probably a big reason why the whole Muslim world has always been so fucked up and why their males are so violent and trying to prove their manhood.
Well that's a bit unnerving considering what I know from my friend who was molested as a boy. He went on a "murderous" rampage to get even with his perpetrator. He became infected with HIV and made it a purposeful vendetta to go out and have as much unprotected sex with "those that did that to him" (how the twisted-anger manifests and resolves itself from the subconscious) before he himself succumbed to AIDS.

Then look at the "Pulse" shooting. If your theory is correct, a Muslim man filled to the brim with anger, who naturally could not confront his father because of strict Sharia Law, turns that anger onto the next convenient targets: "those that did this to him". The problem is, that if this institutionalized child abuse is as prevalent as you say (and I've heard rumors too, so I'm not totally doubting you), radicalized Muslim men with this specific axe to grind could get very dangerous for gatherings of LGBT.

My friend did a "mass shooting" over a longer period of time, in such a way as nobody was the wiser until it was too late.

Corollary theory: the "Pulse" shooter just got the bad news about his HIV status? Nothing like an angry Islamic man who figures he already has a death sentence and has nothing left to lose.
Very good post.
Barry Hussein's father was a Muslem and a drunk and a freaking bigamist. Maybe a little half white boy looked pretty good to him. It accounts for Barry's affinity for the gay community.
FairandBalanced recognizes (I have been teaching him today to be careful of what and how he says things: I am proud of him) that homosexuality is a genetic fact of the human world and society.

For homosexuality to be genetic the gene causing it would have to be isolated or date it hasn't so therefore you can't claim it's genetic. (Consider yourself learned and schooled, take it to heart and we will be proud of you)

Who cares? Even if it is a choice (and it is) this is the USA they have a right to be perverts. Leave em alone.

I care when some limp wrist claims it's genetic and there is absolutely no proof of it

Why? Why do you a give a shit one way or the other? Our fucking country is falling apart around us and you're arguing about whether a guy just was born wanting dick in his ass, or he just enjoys it. Who cares?
You sound like an idiot right now.
"Boy play" was part of the Christian church and culture long before the Muslims appeared.

The USA still has a real problem with that it in the far right evangelical churches and the RC are still struggling.

No. Not really. Evangelical churches certainly have pedo's in them, but they are the exception, not the rule as is the case in Afghanistan. I see you are still desperately trying to support violent extremist behavior. Why is that?
"Boy play" was part of the Christian church and culture long before the Muslims appeared.

The USA still has a real problem with that it in the far right evangelical churches and the RC are still struggling.

Jake this isn't about Christians, please control your anti-Christian hatred.
"Boy play" was part of the Christian church and culture long before the Muslims appeared.

The USA still has a real problem with that it in the far right evangelical churches and the RC are still struggling.

No. Not really. Evangelical churches certainly have pedo's in them, but they are the exception, not the rule as is the case in Afghanistan. I see you are still desperately trying to support violent extremist behavior. Why is that?

Jake can't help it, he's been programmed with the Leftist Memo.

This is every time Islamic Extremism is the topic, they must mention how awful Christians and Christianity are....hey and remember The Crusades and stuff :rolleyes-41:
"Boy play" was part of the Christian church and culture long before the Muslims appeared.

The USA still has a real problem with that it in the far right evangelical churches and the RC are still struggling.

No. Not really. Evangelical churches certainly have pedo's in them, but they are the exception, not the rule as is the case in Afghanistan. I see you are still desperately trying to support violent extremist behavior. Why is that?

Jake can't help it, he's been programmed with the Leftist Memo.

This is every time Islamic Extremism is the topic, they must mention how awful Christians and Christianity are....hey and remember The Crusades and stuff :rolleyes-41:
The Crusades were a good thing.
Says the faggot, OOM! :) I agree with you that homosexuality and pedastry has always been a part of the Christian and Muslim worlds.
Nope. Not the christian world.

Priests, teachers, family............... of course it has been part of the "Christian" world and still is.

get you head out of the sand
Its never been condoned. That's what I am saying.
Shure, my boyo, it has been condoned in America.
For those who are not familiar with what Bacha Bazi is:
"Bacha bāzī (Persian: بچه بازی‎‎, literally "boy play"; from بچه bacha, "child", andبازی bāzī, "game") is a slang term inAfghanistan for a wide variety of activities that involve child sexual abuseand pederasty. The perpetrator is commonly called Bacha Baz (meaning "pedophile" in Persian). It may include to some extent child pornography, sexual slavery, and child prostitution in whichprepubescent and adolescent boys are sold to wealthy or powerful men for entertainment and sexual activities.[1]Bacha bazi has existed throughout history,[2] and is currently reported in various parts of Afghanistan"

'Tis a favorite pass time for many Afghan muslim men. Recall that Mateed's ex-wife says he had homo tendencies and that his father-in-law was fond of calling his son a faggot.

Perhaps Pappy Mateed molested him, dressed him up like a girl? I think it's highly likely. And the Bacha Baz do not view themselves as homosexual, only the passive partner I.e. the little boys they rape.

So calling him a faggot doesn't mean his dad isn't also one.


Most likely yes. It's common for Muslim men in the Middle East to molest boys. It's probably a big reason why the whole Muslim world has always been so fucked up and why their males are so violent and trying to prove their manhood.
"Boy play" was part of the Christian church and culture long before the Muslims appeared.

The USA still has a real problem with that itn the far right evangelical churches andthe RC are still struggling.
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Sugarpants can't help himself anymore.

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