One man's theory: Omar Mateed Was Bacha Bazi'd By His Father

"Boy play" was part of the Christian church and culture long before the Muslims appeared.

The USA still has a real problem with that it in the far right evangelical churches and the RC are still struggling.

No. Not really. Evangelical churches certainly have pedo's in them, but they are the exception, not the rule as is the case in Afghanistan. I see you are still desperately trying to support violent extremist behavior. Why is that?

Jake can't help it, he's been programmed with the Leftist Memo.

This is every time Islamic Extremism is the topic, they must mention how awful Christians and Christianity are....hey and remember The Crusades and stuff :rolleyes-41:
There is no desperation in forcing the faces of the far right into their own shit drizzles when they condemn the one and ignore the other.

Condemn both, and I am with you. No child should ever be abused by Christian or Muslim, by man or woman.
Says the faggot, OOM! :) I agree with you that homosexuality and pedastry has always been a part of the Christian and Muslim worlds.
Nope. Not the christian world.

Priests, teachers, family............... of course it has been part of the "Christian" world and still is.

get you head out of the sand
Its never been condoned. That's what I am saying.
Shure, my boyo, it has been condoned in America.
By the RCs mainly. The most leftist of all denominations out there.
"Boy play" was part of the Christian church and culture long before the Muslims appeared.

The USA still has a real problem with that it in the far right evangelical churches and the RC are still struggling.

No. Not really. Evangelical churches certainly have pedo's in them, but they are the exception, not the rule as is the case in Afghanistan. I see you are still desperately trying to support violent extremist behavior. Why is that?

Jake can't help it, he's been programmed with the Leftist Memo.

This is every time Islamic Extremism is the topic, they must mention how awful Christians and Christianity are....hey and remember The Crusades and stuff :rolleyes-41:
The Crusades were a good thing.

The Crusades were some of the greatest things in history, saving us from the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult and roll on to the next Crusade :smoke:

Viva The Crusades! Viva The Crusaders!
School teachers are more likely to be chomos than priests and pastors, Jake.

"[T]hink the Catholic Church has a problem?" she said. "The physical sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests."

So, in order to better protect children, did media outlets start hounding the worse menace of the school systems, with headlines about a "Nationwide Teacher Molestation Cover-up" and by asking "Are Ed Schools Producing Pedophiles?"

No, they didn't. That treatment was reserved for the Catholic Church, while the greater problem in the schools was ignored altogether.

As the National Catholic Register's reporter Wayne Laugesen points out, the federal report said 422,000 California public-school students would be victims before graduation — a number that dwarfs the state's entire Catholic-school enrollment of 143,000.

Yet, during the first half of 2002, the 61 largest newspapers in California ran nearly 2,000 stories about sexual abuse in Catholic institutions, mostly concerning past allegations. During the same period, those newspapers ran four stories about the federal government's discovery of the much larger — and ongoing — abuse scandal in public schools."

Has Media Ignored Sex Abuse In School?
"Boy play" was part of the Christian church and culture long before the Muslims appeared.

The USA still has a real problem with that it in the far right evangelical churches and the RC are still struggling.

No. Not really. Evangelical churches certainly have pedo's in them, but they are the exception, not the rule as is the case in Afghanistan. I see you are still desperately trying to support violent extremist behavior. Why is that?

Jake can't help it, he's been programmed with the Leftist Memo.

This is every time Islamic Extremism is the topic, they must mention how awful Christians and Christianity are....hey and remember The Crusades and stuff :rolleyes-41:
There is no desperation in forcing the faces of the far right into their own shit drizzles when they condemn the one and ignore the other.

Condemn both, and I am with you. No child should ever be abused by Christian or Muslim, by man or woman.

Of course no child should ever be abused by anyone, I don't think you'll get many people who disagree.

This thread though is about those weirdo Afghan paedophiles, it's fully condoned within their society and that's something you can't say about ANY Western nation, NO Western nation condones RAPING CHILDREN, but MOST Muslim nations do, what with the RAPING LITTLE BOYS THAT THEY DRESS AS LITTLE GIRLS and the CHILD BRIDES THAT THEY REPEATEDLY RAPE, these Mofo's need smoking :Boom2:
These leftist public school teachers feel so underappreciated, they take sexual liberty with the tax payer's children....let's give them more money, eh Jakey Poo?

"Forgotten Study: Abuse in School 100 Times Worse than by Priests

By James Tillman and John Jalsevac

WASHINGTON, DC, April 1, 2010 ( – In the last several weeks such a quantity of ink has been spilled in newspapers across the globe about the priestly sex abuse scandals, that a casual reader might be forgiven for thinking that Catholic priests are the worst and most common perpetrators of child sex abuse.

But according to Charol Shakeshaft, the researcher of a little-remembered 2004 study prepared for the U.S. Department of Education, "the physical sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests."

After effectively disappearing from the radar, Shakeshaft’s study is now being revisited by commentators seeking to restore a sense of proportion to the mainstream coverage of the Church scandal.

According to the 2004 study “the most accurate data available at this time” indicates that “nearly 9.6 percent of students are targets of educator sexual misconduct sometime during their school career.”

“Educator sexual misconduct is woefully under-studied,” writes the researcher. “We have scant data on incidence and even less on descriptions of predators and targets. There are many questions that call for answers.”

In an article published on Monday, renowned Catholic commentator George Weigel referred to the Shakeshaft study, and observed that “The sexual and physical abuse of children and young people is a global plague” in which Catholic priests constitute only a small minority of perpetrators.

While Weigel observes that the findings of Shakeshaft’s study do nothing to mitigate the harm caused by priestly abuse, or excuse the “clericalism” and “fideism” that led bishops to ignore the problem, they do point to a gross imbalance in the level of scrutiny given to it, throwing suspicion on the motives of the news outlets that are pouring their resources into digging up decades-old dirt on the Church.

“The narrative that has been constructed is often less about the protection of the young (for whom the Catholic Church is, by empirical measure, the safest environment for young people in America today) than it is about taking the Church down," he writes.

Weigel observes that priestly sex abuse is “a phenomenon that spiked between the mid-1960s and the mid-1980s but seems to have virtually disappeared,” and that in recent years the Church has gone to great lengths to punish and remove priestly predators and to protect children. The result of these measures is that “six credible cases of clerical sexual abuse in 2009 were reported in the U.S. bishops’ annual audit, in a Church of some 65,000,000 members.”

Despite these facts, however, “the sexual abuse story in the global media is almost entirely a Catholic story, in which the Catholic Church is portrayed as the epicenter of the sexual abuse of the young.”

Outside of the Church, Shakeshaft is not alone in highlighting the largely unaddressed, and unpublicized problem of child sex abuse in schools. Sherryll Kraizer, executive director of the Denver-based Safe Child Program, told the Colorado Gazette in 2008 that school employees commonly ignore laws meant to prevent the sexual abuse of children.

“I see it regularly,” Kraizer said. “There are laws against failing to report, but the law is almost never enforced. Almost never.”

“What typically happens is you’ll have a teacher who’s spending a little too much time in a room with one child with the door shut,” Kraizer explained. “Another teacher sees it and reports it to the principal. The principal calls the suspected teacher in and says ‘Don’t do that,’ instead of contacting child protective services.”

“Before you know it, the teacher is driving the student home. A whole series of events will unfold, known to other teachers and the principal, and nobody contacts child services before it’s out of control. You see this documented in records after it eventually ends up in court.”

In an editorial last week, The Gazette revisited the testimony of Kraizer in the context of the Church abuse scandal coverage, concluding that “the much larger crisis remains in our public schools today, where children are raped and groped every day in the United States.”

“The media and others must maintain their watchful eye on the Catholic Church and other religious institutions,” wrote The Gazette, “But it’s no less tragic when a child gets abused at school.”

In 2004, shortly after the Shakeshaft study was released, Catholic League President William Donohue, who was unavailable for an interview for this story, asked, “Where is the media in all this?”

“Isn’t it news that the number of public school students who have been abused by a school employee is more than 100 times greater than the number of minors who have been abused by priests?” he asked.

“All those reporters, columnists, talking heads, attorneys general, D.A.‘s, psychologists and victims groups who were so quick on the draw to get priests have a moral obligation to pursue this issue to the max. If they don’t, they’re a fraud.”
Most likely yes. It's common for Muslim men in the Middle East to molest boys. It's probably a big reason why the whole Muslim world has always been so fucked up and why their males are so violent and trying to prove their manhood.
Well that's a bit unnerving considering what I know from my friend who was molested as a boy. He went on a "murderous" rampage to get even with his perpetrator. He became infected with HIV and made it a purposeful vendetta to go out and have as much unprotected sex with "those that did that to him" (how the twisted-anger manifests and resolves itself from the subconscious) before he himself succumbed to AIDS.

Then look at the "Pulse" shooting. If your theory is correct, a Muslim man filled to the brim with anger, who naturally could not confront his father because of strict Sharia Law, turns that anger onto the next convenient targets: "those that did this to him". The problem is, that if this institutionalized child abuse is as prevalent as you say (and I've heard rumors too, so I'm not totally doubting you), radicalized Muslim men with this specific axe to grind could get very dangerous for gatherings of LGBT.

My friend did a "mass shooting" over a longer period of time, in such a way as nobody was the wiser until it was too late.

Corollary theory: the "Pulse" shooter just got the bad news about his HIV status? Nothing like an angry Islamic man who figures he already has a death sentence and has nothing left to lose.
Very good post.
Thanks. I thunk it up all by
FairandBalanced recognizes (I have been teaching him today to be careful of what and how he says things: I am proud of him) that homosexuality is a genetic fact of the human world and society.
Nope JakeStarkey it may be spiritually determined but no, studies show it is not genetic. Research on identical twins show slightly more than 50-53% chance of being the same orientation. If it was genetic it would be 100%. If it was 50/50 as some studies claim then it's neutral. But studies do show a tendency may be inherited but other factors affect the orientation or behavior that isn't genetically determined like race. Source: Can Homosexuality be Healed by Francis MacNutt. I also have a friend who explained he was set free from this "thinking he was born bi or gay" after a respected psychologist and psychiatric doctor confirmed to him there has been NO evidence of genetic cause, so it is a choice . I believe it is spiritual like someone identifying as Christian or nontheist; even if it isn't genetic ppl cannot be forced to change their beliefs and it may not be possible for them to, it depends what is natural for them as part of their spiritual beliefs and practice they have a right to. And likewise so do other ppl, so it's fair, to treat these equally as beliefs that have equal standing under law to be protected from discrimination by govt that should never be abused to endorse one or penalize another.
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FairandBalanced recognizes (I have been teaching him today to be careful of what and how he says things: I am proud of him) that homosexuality is a genetic fact of the human world and society.
Nope JakeStarkey it may be spiritually determined but no, studies show it is not genetic. Research on identical twins show slightly more than 50-53% chance of being the same orientation. If it was genetic it would be 100%. If it was 50/50 as some studies claim then it's neutral. But studies do show a tendency may be inherited but other factors affect the orientation or behavior that isn't genetically determined like race. Source: Can Homosexuality be Healed by Francis MacNutt. I also have a friend who explained he was set free from this "thinking he was born bi or gay" after a respected psychologist and psychiatric doctor confirmed to him there has been NO evidence of genetic cause, so it is a choice . I believe it is spiritual like someone identifying as Christian or nontheist; even if it isn't genetic ppl cannot be forced to change their beliefs and it may not be possible for them to, it depends what is natural for them as part of their spiritual beliefs and practice they have a right to. And likewise so do other ppl, so it's fair, to treat these equally as beliefs that have equal standing under law to be protected from discrimination by govt that should never be abused to endorse one or penalize another.
All of this is going on and nobody speaks up...and if they do they get labeled a bigot.. Which in public schooled sheep-speak means "Don't even entertain this person's perspective".
The perspective of unbalanced hate should always be permitted to the extent the hater shows himself to others for what he is.
"Boy play" was part of the Christian church and culture long before the Muslims appeared.

The USA still has a real problem with that it in the far right evangelical churches and the RC are still struggling.
No. Not really. Evangelical churches certainly have pedo's in them, but they are the exception, not the rule as is the case in Afghanistan. I see you are still desperately trying to support violent extremist behavior. Why is that?
Yes, it is, really. I see that you desperately fail once again when you try to make the case that Christian abuse of children is excusable. It is not.
For those who are not familiar with what Bacha Bazi is:
"Bacha bāzī (Persian: بچه بازی‎‎, literally "boy play"; from بچه bacha, "child", andبازی bāzī, "game") is a slang term inAfghanistan for a wide variety of activities that involve child sexual abuseand pederasty. The perpetrator is commonly called Bacha Baz (meaning "pedophile" in Persian). It may include to some extent child pornography, sexual slavery, and child prostitution in whichprepubescent and adolescent boys are sold to wealthy or powerful men for entertainment and sexual activities.[1]Bacha bazi has existed throughout history,[2] and is currently reported in various parts of Afghanistan"

'Tis a favorite pass time for many Afghan muslim men. Recall that Mateed's ex-wife says he had homo tendencies and that his father-in-law was fond of calling his son a faggot.

Perhaps Pappy Mateed molested him, dressed him up like a girl? I think it's highly likely. And the Bacha Baz do not view themselves as homosexual, only the passive partner I.e. the little boys they rape.

So calling him a faggot doesn't mean his dad isn't also one.

Catholic Church sexual abuse cases
Catholic Church sexual abuse cases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The perspective of unbalanced hate should always be permitted to the extent the hater shows himself to others for what he is.
That's why we let you give your perspective of unbalanced hate, Jake. Don't worry, we won't take away your free speech.
Regressive haters like you easily stand out to the rest of us in the balanced world. Child abuse in all cultures manifests the worst in a society. In America, the RC and the evangelicals seem to have the problem far worse than American Muslims.
For those who are not familiar with what Bacha Bazi is:
"Bacha bāzī (Persian: بچه بازی‎‎, literally "boy play"; from بچه bacha, "child", andبازی bāzī, "game") is a slang term inAfghanistan for a wide variety of activities that involve child sexual abuseand pederasty. The perpetrator is commonly called Bacha Baz (meaning "pedophile" in Persian). It may include to some extent child pornography, sexual slavery, and child prostitution in whichprepubescent and adolescent boys are sold to wealthy or powerful men for entertainment and sexual activities.[1]Bacha bazi has existed throughout history,[2] and is currently reported in various parts of Afghanistan"

'Tis a favorite pass time for many Afghan muslim men. Recall that Mateed's ex-wife says he had homo tendencies and that his father-in-law was fond of calling his son a faggot.

Perhaps Pappy Mateed molested him, dressed him up like a girl? I think it's highly likely. And the Bacha Baz do not view themselves as homosexual, only the passive partner I.e. the little boys they rape.

So calling him a faggot doesn't mean his dad isn't also one.

Catholic Church sexual abuse cases
Catholic Church sexual abuse cases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Too bad I'm not a catholic or you might've hurt muh feelings, you faggot.
The perspective of unbalanced hate should always be permitted to the extent the hater shows himself to others for what he is.
That's why we let you give your perspective of unbalanced hate, Jake. Don't worry, we won't take away your free speech.
Regressive haters like you easily stand out to the rest of us in the balanced world. Child abuse in all cultures manifests the worst in a society. In America, the RC and the evangelicals seem to have the problem far worse than American Muslims.
Or it gets reported fucking idjit.
Your mother should've never told you that you were smart when you're clearly not, Jakey Poo. You have this false idea in your head that your opinions actually matter. They don't.
The perspective of unbalanced hate should always be permitted to the extent the hater shows himself to others for what he is.
That's why we let you give your perspective of unbalanced hate, Jake. Don't worry, we won't take away your free speech.
Regressive haters like you easily stand out to the rest of us in the balanced world. Child abuse in all cultures manifests the worst in a society. In America, the RC and the evangelicals seem to have the problem far worse than American Muslims.
Or it gets reported fucking idjit.
Prove it, bright eyes.

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