One-Month Old Child Among 32 Shot in Chicago - BLM Bro

You want fewer gun deaths; fewer guns is the way to go. Thanks for confirming.
I confirmed nothing of the sort. Your logic is flawed.

I confirmed that hatred is the problem. Anyone intent on murder will find a weapon to accomplish it. Whether its a gun, a knife, a machete, a rope, fire, a brick, a plastic bag...whatever. Take any one away from them, they will find another.

How much attention do you think criminals will pay to gun laws? If we make guns illegal, only criminals and the government will have guns.

I want fewer murders. But I don't want good citizens deprive of the means of protecting themselves or their families. Gun confiscation will not protect the good citizens and will embolden criminals to use them without fear of being shot by their intended victims.

Letting criminals off Scot-free, releasing them back into society, and refusing to prosecute them will only increase crime rates and abandon good citizens. Make the death penalty legal across the nation. Apply it to 1st degree murder, rape and child molestation. Make executions mandatory after the first failed automatic appeal of a conviction. Kill the worthless murderers (along with rapists and child molesters) and be done with it.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

You tried to change the subject from gun deaths to some anecdote about South Africa. You failed per usual.
BTW- Mayor Lori Bass-o-matic is only made fun of because she’s black.


I really see the gangsters didn't get those stimulus checks... Still fighting each other to see who gets to sell to all the whites from the suburbs.....
BTW- Mayor Lori Bass-o-matic is only made fun of because she’s black.


88 shot and 14 killed in Chicago? Who cares? Democrats control the White House and both houses of Congress. That's all that matters.


A racist leftist
I confirmed nothing of the sort. Your logic is flawed.
Don't argue with a FOOL. Put him on "ignore". He's too stupid to engage.

Leftist "logic" dictates that, if blacks didn't have guns, they wouldn't be criminal and violent. Actually, if blacks didn't have Democrats, they would be criminal and violent.
I confirmed nothing of the sort. Your logic is flawed.
Don't argue with a FOOL. Put him on "ignore". He's too stupid to engage.

Leftist "logic" dictates that, if blacks didn't have guns, they wouldn't be criminal and violent. Actually, if blacks didn't have Democrats, they would be criminal and violent.
Putting users on "ignore" is like seeking a safe space. I leave that to the snowflakes.
It's cultural alright. It's starts with whites not recognising them as human beings.
Why wouldnt they rebel again st the coy try that treats them like shit.

Yeah, right. If only they were recognized as human beings they wouldn't commit murder.

You're a moron.
I rest my case. There's the racism right there and you were foolish enough to admit it.
Jesus Christ your dumb. Brain dead.

Yeah, sure thing, sport. Pointing out your moronic post doesn't make me a racist, it does show you to be an idiot however.

Human beings have this thing called "free will". If someone calls me a name I have many choices. I can call him a name too. I can punch him in the nose. Or I can kill him, or, because I am a THINKING human being, I can also choose to ignore him and walk away.

Only dipshits think that shooting innocent people because some idiot calls them names is justified.

Hello dipshit
You're a racist and you know it.
The site is full of Republican racists.

Ironically, why can't the blacks have the freedoms you have? They pay their taxes and die in wars also. But no, he's still a blackfellas.
Don't threaten me you idiot. You couldn't put pressure on your bowels of a morning. Piss off.
I confirmed nothing of the sort. Your logic is flawed.
Don't argue with a FOOL. Put him on "ignore". He's too stupid to engage.

Leftist "logic" dictates that, if blacks didn't have guns, they wouldn't be criminal and violent. Actually, if blacks didn't have Democrats, they would be criminal and violent.
Putting users on "ignore" is like seeking a safe space. I leave that to the snowflakes.
There's no point in reading leftist lies and insanity. Undoubtedly, you too are a demonic leftist.
I confirmed nothing of the sort. Your logic is flawed.
Don't argue with a FOOL. Put him on "ignore". He's too stupid to engage.

Leftist "logic" dictates that, if blacks didn't have guns, they wouldn't be criminal and violent. Actually, if blacks didn't have Democrats, they would be criminal and violent.
Putting users on "ignore" is like seeking a safe space. I leave that to the snowflakes.
There's no point in reading leftist lies and insanity. Undoubtedly, you too are a demonic leftist.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. I despise liberalism.

I read leftist lies and insanity because:

..I said it long ago--they concentrate on what are NOT problems--like racism/police--and not the REAL problems = their failures continue
Moonglow Poverty has nothing to do with it. Just an excuse........... Poor impulse control and stupidity is leading to both the ghetto poverty and crime wave. Now that dem pols aren't going to allow the criminal element to be stopped, it will get much worse. Welfare reform should have occured long long ago---either you are working to improve yourself and family and trying to get off the government dole or you should be cut off instead of encourage to breed more idiots. What a mess...Now it is going to take lots more put in prison or killed off.
I confirmed nothing of the sort. Your logic is flawed.
Don't argue with a FOOL. Put him on "ignore". He's too stupid to engage.

Leftist "logic" dictates that, if blacks didn't have guns, they wouldn't be criminal and violent. Actually, if blacks didn't have Democrats, they would be criminal and violent.
Putting users on "ignore" is like seeking a safe space. I leave that to the snowflakes.
There's no point in reading leftist lies and insanity. Undoubtedly, you too are a demonic leftist.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. I despise liberalism.

I read leftist lies and insanity because:

View attachment 509325

I'm glad to be wrong about you.

Leftists are serial liars and I see no point engaging them.
Isn't it pathetic how these Moon Bats that vote for Democrats that run these big city shitholes never take responsibility for the damage that the Democrats do?

The only thing you can get out of them is they will try to blame the damage on somebody else.

We warn them that it is dumb as hell to elect Democrats that are inept, incompetent, stupid and have the wrong agenda but the Moon Bats won't listen. Then we get things like tremendous crime like we see in Chicago and the Moon Bats seem clueless as to why things are screwed up.

Chicago’s Bloody 4th of July Weekend: 92 Shot,

16 Fatally, 6 Children Among Injured

92 people were shot, 16 fatally in a bloody 4th of July weekend in Chicago. 6 children were among the injured in Chicago’s deadliest and most violent weekend of 2021.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is a total failure...

...but she is the perfect Democrat. Much like how the Democrats reacted to their FAILED 'Defund The Police' campaign in order to save their asses - they blamed the GOP and Trump, Lightfoot, in an attempt to save her own political ass - blamed President Trump for the massive surge in violence in Chicago.

:itsok: :auiqs.jpg:


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