One more example of congressional right wingers' HYPOCRISY...

The chair of the House Select Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes (R-CA) just a few days ago assured reporters that there was "a lot of nothing" in the reports of National Security Adviser Mike Flynn's calls with the Russian ambassador weeks before the Trump administration was a thing. There was so much nothing there, Nunes said, Flynn was sure to keep his job.

What's he saying now that Flynn has resigned? He's following popular vote loser Trump's lead. It's not about Flynn and how Russia has compromised the administration. It's NOW about the leaks that Flynn and his Russian connections have compromised the White House.

In other words attack the leaks (forget about Russian hackers and Wikileaks) BUT NOT THE ESSENCE of what those leaks reveal.

The investigations MUST be independent.....can't trust these partisan morons.

Nunez served on the Trump transition team too. what he is crying about is nothing but him trying to cover his ass
We will look into this Flynn matter AFTER we finish building the wall, deporting illegals, rebuilding our military, bring jobs back into the USA, demolish the jobs killing regulations, and pack the SCOTUS with conservative justices. We are kind of busy right now libs just relax.
Rest assured, my friends, that when the heat intensifies for adequate and unbiased investigations, right wingers in congress will drop their love affair with Trump, as they would drop a used tissue.
After all, 2018 is not that far away.
We will look into this Flynn matter AFTER we finish building the wall, deporting illegals, rebuilding our military, bring jobs back into the USA, demolish the jobs killing regulations, and pack the SCOTUS with conservative justices. We are kind of busy right now libs just relax.

Trump is in Putins pocket. You rejoice and praise your new owners. Russia First!

Remember when Trump said he loves leaks? Pepperidge Farm remembers
Rest assured, my friends, that when the heat intensifies for adequate and unbiased investigations, right wingers in congress will drop their love affair with Trump, as they would drop a used tissue.
After all, 2018 is not that far away.

Your record on predictions is like 0 for 100 :laugh:
Nunes, Chaffetz, McConnell, Ryan, Corker, et al.....ALL refusing to do their fucking jobs.
We will look into this Flynn matter AFTER we finish building the wall, deporting illegals, rebuilding our military, bring jobs back into the USA, demolish the jobs killing regulations, and pack the SCOTUS with conservative justices. We are kind of busy right now libs just relax.

Trump is in Putins pocket. You rejoice and praise your new owners. Russia First!

Remember when Trump said he loves leaks? Pepperidge Farm remembers

You post some crazy shit man :cuckoo:
Your record on predictions is like 0 for 100

Actually I long predicted that you morons would regret having backed an orange clown......
Are you there yet??.....LOL

Your anger over losing is as sweet to me as a fine wine. We control the White House, the House, the Senate, and soon the SCOTUS. We sit atop our stack of wins looking down at you people laughing. How does that feel? OH SNAP!!! :laugh::lmao::laugh:

Oh Honey, you need to toughen up or it's going to be a long, long 1 year for you, and then you're going to fold up like a house of cards when Trump is impeached for treason.
Too stupid to recognize when you're being mocked, are ya?

You've taken the information of the wiretap and Flynn's lies, and pointed your finger at the wrong guys. You were gasping in horror that Russian MIGHT have hacked Hillary's email, and might have found some little obscure nugget of US intelligence among her 80,000+ emails.

Here you have a private US citizen telling the Russian Ambassador that the incoming President will cancel those sanctions. That's undermining the legitimately elected President of the United States to the benefit of a hostile foreign power. No matter how you describe it, it's treason, and the Trump Administration knew he did it and lied about it.

The bigger question is why are you mocking liberals when it's your orange faced ass-clown who is in deep shit here? Are you too stupid to recognize that this is not going to go away easily.
We will look into this Flynn matter AFTER we finish building the wall, deporting illegals, rebuilding our military, bring jobs back into the USA, demolish the jobs killing regulations, and pack the SCOTUS with conservative justices. We are kind of busy right now libs just relax.

None of that stuff is getting done because Trump is focused on the mess his administration is in, and how to get out of it. Spicer will say anything he's told to say and so has no credibility whatsoever. Miller is a good little Nazi but he keeps spouting shit about the Courts having to right to review Trumps EO's, which they most certainly do.

No jobs are coming back. Haven't you figured out it was just a scam to put a right wing dictator into the office of President, to help the Russians take over Europe - again.

The Administration needs to have a staff meeting to learn about the limits on the powers of the Office of the President.
Your record on predictions is like 0 for 100

Actually I long predicted that you morons would regret having backed an orange clown......
Are you there yet??.....LOL

Your anger over losing is as sweet to me as a fine wine. We control the White House, the House, the Senate, and soon the SCOTUS. We sit atop our stack of wins looking down at you people laughing. How does that feel? OH SNAP!!! :laugh::lmao::laugh:

Republicans will impeach Trump in a heartbeat. Republicans never wanted Trump as President anyway. But Pence, they can manage.
Your anger over losing is as sweet to me as a fine wine. We control the White House, the House, the Senate, and soon the SCOTUS. We sit atop our stack of wins looking down at you people laughing. How does that feel?

It feels that you're chances of fucking up are GREAT !!!!! LOL
The chair of the House Select Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes (R-CA) just a few days ago assured reporters that there was "a lot of nothing" in the reports of National Security Adviser Mike Flynn's calls with the Russian ambassador weeks before the Trump administration was a thing. There was so much nothing there, Nunes said, Flynn was sure to keep his job.

What's he saying now that Flynn has resigned? He's following popular vote loser Trump's lead. It's not about Flynn and how Russia has compromised the administration. It's NOW about the leaks that Flynn and his Russian connections have compromised the White House.

In other words attack the leaks (forget about Russian hackers and Wikileaks) BUT NOT THE ESSENCE of what those leaks reveal.

The investigations MUST be independent.....can't trust these partisan morons.

Wow seems like just a few days ago the same was to be said about Ms Clinton and her E-mails. :lmao::laugh::lame2:
Your anger over losing is as sweet to me as a fine wine. We control the White House, the House, the Senate, and soon the SCOTUS. We sit atop our stack of wins looking down at you people laughing. How does that feel?

It feels that you're chances of fucking up are GREAT !!!!! LOL

I think we have totally gotten over Hillary losing. Remember, most of us weren't all that passionate about Hillary in the first place. Same way a lot of Republicans wouldn't have cared if Trump lost. They would have bitched about what Hillary was doing but no one would care what Trump was doing.

And Republicans never do a very good job of leading. Look at Trump just 3 weeks in and already has a Flynngate. How many more Gates will Trump have?
Wow seems like just a few days ago the same was to be said about Ms Clinton and her E-mails.

Well, moron, how many investigations have been done on the Clintons? and tell us exactly what have been concluded after these extensive witch hunts......

Now, you idiots OBJECT to any investigation of your orange clown......Go figure.
The chair of the House Select Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes (R-CA) just a few days ago assured reporters that there was "a lot of nothing" in the reports of National Security Adviser Mike Flynn's calls with the Russian ambassador weeks before the Trump administration was a thing. There was so much nothing there, Nunes said, Flynn was sure to keep his job.

What's he saying now that Flynn has resigned? He's following popular vote loser Trump's lead. It's not about Flynn and how Russia has compromised the administration. It's NOW about the leaks that Flynn and his Russian connections have compromised the White House.

In other words attack the leaks (forget about Russian hackers and Wikileaks) BUT NOT THE ESSENCE of what those leaks reveal.

The investigations MUST be independent.....can't trust these partisan morons.

Wow seems like just a few days ago the same was to be said about Ms Clinton and her E-mails. :lmao::laugh::lame2:
So you would think it was ok if the Republicans colluded with Russia and told them if they helped Trump win they would lift sanctions?
And Republicans never do a very good job of leading. Look at Trump just 3 weeks in and already has a Flynngate. How many more Gates will Trump have?

There'll be more "gates" scandals facing Trump in one year, than Melania and Ivanka's face lifts.

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