One more reason I support transgenders in the military...

All of the arguments against trans were used against blacks decades ago.
Blacks weren't trying to get the government to pay for cutting off their dicks and the never ending medical treatment, were they? Failed race card play.
Like a gazzilion posts on HIM.

She's not a HIM. She's a HER. A her with nice tits and a HUGE COCK.
Looks like an operation, maybe. But how do YOU know what's in there?

It's a talent. Kinda like people who can guess how many jelly beans are in a jar.

Reagan loved his jelly beans. Hmmm.......
and Aaron knows what was in his pants?
Meet Kristin Beck, the transgender Navy SEAL hero fighting Trump’s proposed trans ban





Holy Christ! I wouldn't want to fight Chris or Kristin. :eek:

Would you eat him out?
I support POTUS who says they can't be in the military


They should call it the Trump Doctrine.

"I didn't serve. Why should you?"

Given neither Clinton or Ears served I'd leave that alone

I wasn't even legal to vote when Clinton was in office, and while Obama was running I supported Ron Paul who did serve. I'd leave that alone.

Thanks, that explains a lot

I support POTUS who says they can't be in the military


They should call it the Trump Doctrine.

"I didn't serve. Why should you?"

Given neither Clinton or Ears served I'd leave that alone

I wasn't even legal to vote when Clinton was in office, and while Obama was running I supported Ron Paul who did serve. I'd leave that alone.

Doesn't mean squat, you don't disparage one while ignoring the others. Ron Paul is a loon, why would you support him?
I support POTUS who says they can't be in the military


They should call it the Trump Doctrine.

"I didn't serve. Why should you?"

Given neither Clinton or Ears served I'd leave that alone

I wasn't even legal to vote when Clinton was in office, and while Obama was running I supported Ron Paul who did serve. I'd leave that alone.

Doesn't mean squat, you don't disparage one while ignoring the others. Ron Paul is a loon, why would you support him?

Probably because Ralph Nader didn't run

I support POTUS who says they can't be in the military


They should call it the Trump Doctrine.

"I didn't serve. Why should you?"

I thought lefties hated the military. Why would you want someone to serve?


I support a conservative approach to foreign policy. Having hundreds of military bases around that globe and spending trillions on them for countries who add nothing to their own support isn't very conservative.
I support them in the military because not ONE person has made a rational argument against them being in the military.

Buttload of cash... inability fight like a man?

Surely, even you can't possibly be this dumb? Veterans are being not taken care of and we have money for transgender surgeries? What nonsense...
Doesn't mean squat, you don't disparage one while ignoring the others.

This thread isn't about Obama or Clinton. Why would I contribute to your deflection by bringing up two people this thread isn't about?

You brought up president military service or lack of. I've noticed the left has been screeching about Trump but conveniently forget Bubba and Ears never served
Ron Paul is a loon, why would you support him?

He was the most conservative person running. A majority of Republicans decided to vote for McCain and Romney, and then complained that they were too liberal after they lost. Republicans take no responsibility for their shitty choices. They say every President since Reagan sucked without taking into account that their vote was the common denominator. So here we are with the most liberal Republican in decades sitting in the White House, and still they can't see what they are doing.

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