One more reason I support transgenders in the military...

Meet Kristin Beck, the transgender Navy SEAL hero fighting Trump’s proposed trans ban





Holy Christ! I wouldn't want to fight Chris or Kristin. :eek: you pitch or are you a catcher?
Doesn't mean squat, you don't disparage one while ignoring the others.

This thread isn't about Obama or Clinton. Why would I contribute to your deflection by bringing up two people this thread isn't about?

You brought up president military service or lack of. I've noticed the left has been screeching about Trump but conveniently forget Bubba and Ears never served

Clinton had DADT, but Obama wasn't telling people they couldn't serve even though he didn't have the balls to. Quite the opposite.
Doesn't mean squat, you don't disparage one while ignoring the others.

This thread isn't about Obama or Clinton. Why would I contribute to your deflection by bringing up two people this thread isn't about?

You brought up president military service or lack of. I've noticed the left has been screeching about Trump but conveniently forget Bubba and Ears never served

Clinton had DADT, but Obama wasn't telling people they couldn't serve even though he didn't have the balls to. Quite the opposite.
Obama booted out a lot of people for one reason or another.
A friend of mine got booted out on a medical after serving 19 years.
His affliction was a slight case of Narcolepsy.
Doesn't mean squat, you don't disparage one while ignoring the others.

This thread isn't about Obama or Clinton. Why would I contribute to your deflection by bringing up two people this thread isn't about?

You brought up president military service or lack of. I've noticed the left has been screeching about Trump but conveniently forget Bubba and Ears never served

Clinton had DADT, but Obama wasn't telling people they couldn't serve even though he didn't have the balls to. Quite the opposite.
Obama booted out a lot of people for one reason or another.
A friend of mine got booted out on a medical after serving 19 years.
His affliction was a slight case of Narcolepsy.

Did Obama personally have anything to do with him being booted? Did word come down from Obama that "John Smith from Kansas has to go due to his narcolepsy?"
Doesn't mean squat, you don't disparage one while ignoring the others.

This thread isn't about Obama or Clinton. Why would I contribute to your deflection by bringing up two people this thread isn't about?

You brought up president military service or lack of. I've noticed the left has been screeching about Trump but conveniently forget Bubba and Ears never served

Clinton had DADT, but Obama wasn't telling people they couldn't serve even though he didn't have the balls to. Quite the opposite.
Obama booted out a lot of people for one reason or another.
A friend of mine got booted out on a medical after serving 19 years.
His affliction was a slight case of Narcolepsy.

Did Obama personally have anything to do with him being booted? Did word come down from Obama that "John Smith from Kansas has to go due to his narcolepsy?"

So what you're saying is nothing is Obama's fault but everything is Trump's fault.
Yes, Obama booted him out.
He served 19 years and had the same condition all of that time.....but for some reason he had to go because Obama was gutting the military.
This thread isn't about Obama or Clinton. Why would I contribute to your deflection by bringing up two people this thread isn't about?

You brought up president military service or lack of. I've noticed the left has been screeching about Trump but conveniently forget Bubba and Ears never served

Clinton had DADT, but Obama wasn't telling people they couldn't serve even though he didn't have the balls to. Quite the opposite.
Obama booted out a lot of people for one reason or another.
A friend of mine got booted out on a medical after serving 19 years.
His affliction was a slight case of Narcolepsy.

Did Obama personally have anything to do with him being booted? Did word come down from Obama that "John Smith from Kansas has to go due to his narcolepsy?"

So what you're saying is nothing is Obama's fault but everything is Trump's fault.
Yes, Obama booted him out.
He served 19 years and had the same condition all of that time.....but for some reason he had to go because Obama was gutting the military.

Nobody gutted the military. That's a stupid thing to say. What, did our military become as powerful as the next 20 combined instead of the next 30? Did we close some 70 year old base in Germany? Was our nuclear arsenal depleted to only 10000 missiles? How are we going to survive an attack by the North Koreans?
I support them in the military because not ONE person has made a rational argument against them being in the military.
Sexual deviants and perverts (a.k.a. homosexuals and all of their aberrant behavioral variations) do not belong in the military.

The military got along just fine without them for 240-ish years.

The military will get along just fine without them for the next 240-ish years, as well.

No big deal - for most of America - and most of the military - anyway.
Those who believe a man can turn into a woman, or a woman become a man..........

The true science deniers.
mudwhistle is comparing narcoleptics in the military to transgenders. One condition causes you to fall asleep at random times. The other causes you to wear a dress on your off days. It's the stupidest defense ever.
mudwhistle is comparing narcoleptics in the military to transgenders. One condition causes you to fall asleep at random times. The other causes you to wear a dress on your off days. It's the stupidest defense ever.
One isn't a security risk and the other is.
Not everyone wants their private life uncovered....and anyone who wears a dress on their time off doesn't want some Russian spy to expose them (no pun intended) a become a focus of ridicule. This is why gays have been kicked out of the military. They can be easily blackmailed into giving away military secrets.
mudwhistle is comparing narcoleptics in the military to transgenders. One condition causes you to fall asleep at random times. The other causes you to wear a dress on your off days. It's the stupidest defense ever.
One isn't a security risk and the other is.
Not everyone wants their private life uncovered....and anyone who wears a dress on their time off doesn't want some Russian spy to expose them (no pun intended) a become a focus of ridicule. This is why gays have been kicked out of the military. They can be easily blackmailed into giving away military secrets.

The whole idea behind DADT was being OPENLY gay in the military. How do you blackmail somebody who is OPENLY gay?

"I'm going to tell somebody you blow dudes."

"I've been trying to tell somebody for years."
mudwhistle is comparing narcoleptics in the military to transgenders. One condition causes you to fall asleep at random times. The other causes you to wear a dress on your off days. It's the stupidest defense ever.
One isn't a security risk and the other is.
Not everyone wants their private life uncovered....and anyone who wears a dress on their time off doesn't want some Russian spy to expose them (no pun intended) a become a focus of ridicule. This is why gays have been kicked out of the military. They can be easily blackmailed into giving away military secrets.

The whole idea behind DADT was being OPENLY gay in the military. How do you blackmail somebody who is OPENLY gay?

"I'm going to tell somebody you blow dudes."

"I've been trying to tell somebody for years."
DADT was a sham. And not every gay working in the military is out of the closet, particularly this SEAL. Regulations or not he never would have been sellected by the UDT committee.
Special operations is a fraternity as much as anything. There are some real Neanderthals in that field. They're just looking for an excuse to bounce you out. That right there is what Russians look for. It wouldn't take much to ruin your career if you have something like this to hide. It doesn't matter if the president says it's alright. They'll find a way to fuck this guy up and he knew it.
We need to let pedderasses into the military. Follow that up with a draft of 6-10 year olds as an add on to combat units to keep the adult morale up when in the field. I'm all for expanding military benefits.

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