One mother complains and annual Kindergarten trip to see Santa cancelled

i will be having a great winter solstice today....i am not worried about those who war on me....or those who dont say a word when i wish them a happy winter solstice....but yall really kill your own holy high days with your bigotry and your hate...simple as that....i mean you ask what would jesus do....i assure you ...he would not be filled with many of you are ....for your high holy days

No, we don't.

This wasn't something "WE" did. It was something one of yours did.
wow that really brought out some negative shit could have been many different religions that object to the focus on one religions holiday...i think she should have just kept her daughter home but then the child misses day of school....that is a penalty to many....i would think 3 or 4 days of christmas is a bit much......but instead of damping one holiday why not just ask for equal the jewish thing...the pagan thing....the festivus....kwanzaa and all the rest....

My mother has an employee that was Jewish that would complain that the employer was closed on Christmas Eve and Day yet didn't recognize any of the Jewish religious holidays. Each year it was the same whining. My mother finally told her that she could pick two of her Jewish religious holidays and have them off but she was going to work both of the other days. That ended the whining.

What made this such a funny situation is that the place of employment was a private, CHRISTIAN university.
at the hospital where my father worked...the jewish staff would volunteer to work christmas day and such...and my father always worked christmas day....i just find it amusing that there is no give during this joyful season.....i love it being called the season of kindness...why cant we be kind more than one season?
at the hospital where my father worked...the jewish staff would volunteer to work christmas day and such...and my father always worked christmas day....i just find it amusing that there is no give during this joyful season.....i love it being called the season of kindness...why cant we be kind more than one season?

Sounds to me as if you mean when you say "that there is no give" that you believe someone should be able to ask and simply get whatever they want.
Ahhhhhh, the fake 'war on christmas' continues to be hyped.

70% of the population is self described as 'christian' so apparently Americans wage war on themselves once a year at this time.

You know, the time when Jesus speaks of peace on Earth.
at the hospital where my father worked...the jewish staff would volunteer to work christmas day and such...and my father always worked christmas day....i just find it amusing that there is no give during this joyful season.....i love it being called the season of kindness...why cant we be kind more than one season?

NOthing in your example backed up your conclusion.
Ahhhhhh, the fake 'war on christmas' continues to be hyped.

70% of the population is self described as 'christian' so apparently Americans wage war on themselves once a year at this time.

You know, the time when Jesus speaks of peace on Earth.

One lib complained and the spineless School administrators cancelled the trip for a classroom full of children.

This isn't American Christians waging war of themselves, this is Godless Liberals waging war on their fellow Citizens.
Ahhhhhh, the fake 'war on christmas' continues to be hyped.

70% of the population is self described as 'christian' so apparently Americans wage war on themselves once a year at this time.

You know, the time when Jesus speaks of peace on Earth.

One lib complained and the spineless School administrators cancelled the trip for a classroom full of children.

This isn't American Christians waging war of themselves, this is Godless Liberals waging war on their fellow Citizens.

The problem is you socialist conservatives expect the government to carry your kids around like a chauffeur service. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and pay for your child's transportation to see Santa Claus.

Conservatives and socialism just go hand in hand.

Let's take them one by one:

Abortion - make whatever choice you want with your body but don't expect others to fund it for you

Same Sex Marriage - funny how those who say they want the choice to marry someone of the same sex because they want equality quite often oppose the concept of someone marrying a close relative as unnatural.

Atheists - an atheist can say they think murder is wrong for whatever reason and its applauded but a Christian can have the same belief with the reason being because they believe what the Bible says about it and be considered as pushing their beliefs on someone else.

Art - You mean like the Bible in a toilet being considered art but a Koran in the toilet being considered being hateful?

There is a difference between expecting others to let you have choices in life to do what you want and expecting others to sit down and shut up when they have an opinion when they disagree. The atheists, homos, abortion supporters, etc. expect that. They don't have a problem is you disagree as long as you don't SAY you disagree. When you do, terms like bigot, homophobe, etc. are used toward those who do. If you disagree, you don't keep your mouth shut so why do you expect the rest of us to do so when we do?
Ahhhhhh, the fake 'war on christmas' continues to be hyped.

70% of the population is self described as 'christian' so apparently Americans wage war on themselves once a year at this time.

You know, the time when Jesus speaks of peace on Earth.

One lib complained and the spineless School administrators cancelled the trip for a classroom full of children.

This isn't American Christians waging war of themselves, this is Godless Liberals waging war on their fellow Citizens.

Sounds to me like the administrators bent over, grabbed their ankles, and took one.
Abortion - make whatever choice you want with your body but don't expect others to fund it for you

Just for the record, no federal funding of PP goes toward abortions, that's a misconception - it's actually on the books that it cannot be used for abortions.

That said, I am unsure if welfare covers the cost of abortions... Perhaps I'll look that up.
wow that really brought out some negative shit could have been many different religions that object to the focus on one religions holiday...i think she should have just kept her daughter home but then the child misses day of school....that is a penalty to many....i would think 3 or 4 days of christmas is a bit much......but instead of damping one holiday why not just ask for equal the jewish thing...the pagan thing....the festivus....kwanzaa and all the rest....

Fuck equal time.
If they want to celebrate differently they can do it at home.
Abortion - make whatever choice you want with your body but don't expect others to fund it for you

Just for the record, no federal funding of PP goes toward abortions, that's a misconception - it's actually on the books that it cannot be used for abortions.

That said, I am unsure if welfare covers the cost of abortions... Perhaps I'll look that up.

That's incorrect. The Hyde Amendment, prohibits the use of federal funds to pay for abortions but it does make a few exceptions. That means some federal funding does go for abortions. Just for the record, you're wrong.

On the other side of things, if the woman chooses to not have an abortion but has children she can't afford, guess who gets the bill and doesn't have a choice to say no with THEIR money? The problem comes in when those who say "what I do with my body is my choice" start asking for those they told to butt out of the choice to pay for it when they can't. For those that make it and pay for it themselves, we never know who they are. For those that make the choice, tell us to butt out, then ask for help because they can't afford the choice seem to think they can do what they want then expect others to foot the bill for those choices.
You sure about that because everything I've read on PP says by law they cannot.

Planned Parenthood’s 2008-2009 annual report states that it received $363.2 million in "Government Grants and Contracts." (See page 29.) That’s about one-third of its total revenues for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009.

However, not all of that money is from the federal government. Planned Parenthood’s government funding comes from two sources: the Title X Family Planning Program and Medicaid. About $70 million is Title X funding, Planned Parenthood spokesman Tait Sye told us. The rest — about $293 million — is Medicaid funding, which includes both federal and state money.

But Planned Parenthood cannot use the money it receives from the federal government for abortions anyway. According to the Department of Health and Human Service’s website, "by law, Title X funds may not be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning." Medicaid funding is restricted by the Hyde Amendment to only abortion cases involving rape, incest or endangerment to the life of the mother. Some states use their own funds under Medicaid to go beyond that. Seventeen states and, until recently, the District of Columbia pay for "medically necessary" abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The federal budget deal now bans Washington, D.C., from using its funds to pay for abortions.

-- will research more in a few, I have to do some things I've already put off too long heh

As a quick note, according to the magic ACA there should be no uninsured American's so insurance pays for it right?

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