One mother complains and annual Kindergarten trip to see Santa cancelled

In Talia’s family, her grandparents told stories at Christmastime of getting beaten for being Jewish in Poland prior to the Holocaust.

From the article , always have to insert the WWII story of Jews in Poland. The maj of the kids want to go and see Santa, and they should, the one little Jewish girl should stay home or they should have a teacher there to watch kids who do not want to see Santa. Unbelievable, but the Jewish war on Christians is getting old.

The op was a lib who complained about a children's trip to see Santa Claus, and ruined it for everyone.

I can see why you would want to deflect on this.
Ahhhhhh, the fake 'war on christmas' continues to be hyped.

70% of the population is self described as 'christian' so apparently Americans wage war on themselves once a year at this time.

You know, the time when Jesus speaks of peace on Earth.

One lib complained and the spineless School administrators cancelled the trip for a classroom full of children.

This isn't American Christians waging war of themselves, this is Godless Liberals waging war on their fellow Citizens.

The problem is you socialist conservatives expect the government to carry your kids around like a chauffeur service. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and pay for your child's transportation to see Santa Claus.

Conservatives and socialism just go hand in hand.

The "expense" of walking to the coffee shop?

That was not the problem.

So, my points stands.

One lib complained and the spineless School administrators cancelled the trip for a classroom full of children.

This isn't American Christians waging war of themselves, this is Godless Liberals waging war on their fellow Citizens.
Ahhhhhh, the fake 'war on christmas' continues to be hyped.

70% of the population is self described as 'christian' so apparently Americans wage war on themselves once a year at this time.

You know, the time when Jesus speaks of peace on Earth.

One lib complained and the spineless School administrators cancelled the trip for a classroom full of children.

This isn't American Christians waging war of themselves, this is Godless Liberals waging war on their fellow Citizens.
I ignored you the first time, but you gotta keep at it. It is NOT liberals! It is Jerks! They come in all shapes and sizes.
Why can't she teach her about their Jewish Holiday as well as being exposed to Christian Religion?

She is being intolerant to the majority of the Nation who do celebrate Christmas since the Feds declared it a National Holiday in 1870.
Ever since 1970 it did not stop others who wanted to celebrate any of their own traditions who have holidays in December.

This is not the way that America works. Her way got rid of an enjoyable trip for all the kids so now no one enjoys the holiday.
The other way includes any and all who want to Celebrate their own traditional holidays.
okay will why should any be religion have to celebrate at home while another religion gets all the focus? why not have all this at home? all the holidays?
okay will why should any be religion have to celebrate at home while another religion gets all the focus? why not have all this at home? all the holidays?

So then we should get rid of the National Holiday is that what you are saying?
Good luck with that one.
I think even the teachers would be against not having the Dec. school break.
Ahhhhhh, the fake 'war on christmas' continues to be hyped.

70% of the population is self described as 'christian' so apparently Americans wage war on themselves once a year at this time.

You know, the time when Jesus speaks of peace on Earth.

One lib complained and the spineless School administrators cancelled the trip for a classroom full of children.

This isn't American Christians waging war of themselves, this is Godless Liberals waging war on their fellow Citizens.

The problem is you socialist conservatives expect the government to carry your kids around like a chauffeur service. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and pay for your child's transportation to see Santa Claus.

Conservatives and socialism just go hand in hand.

This was an annual walk they made to a coffee shop to see Santa Clause. Nothing about was religious until some busy body raised a stink.
no i am saying if one religion should only be practiced at home then apply that to all religions....simple solution to what seems to be a major problem for christians
keeping your christ in your holidays seems to be hard for yall? why is that...why is the season of kindness the season of war...why the grand defenses for something that is not happening....
okay will why should any be religion have to celebrate at home while another religion gets all the focus? why not have all this at home? all the holidays?

The maj or Jews in America are secular and she can celebrate her religion however she feels. As I suggested earlier if she does not like it, she can go to Israel or put her child in a jewish school.
I bet the jews are all out in the stores getting the Christmas deals.
Ahhhhhh, the fake 'war on christmas' continues to be hyped.

70% of the population is self described as 'christian' so apparently Americans wage war on themselves once a year at this time.

You know, the time when Jesus speaks of peace on Earth.

One lib complained and the spineless School administrators cancelled the trip for a classroom full of children.

This isn't American Christians waging war of themselves, this is Godless Liberals waging war on their fellow Citizens.

The problem is you socialist conservatives expect the government to carry your kids around like a chauffeur service. Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and pay for your child's transportation to see Santa Claus.

Conservatives and socialism just go hand in hand.

This was an annual walk they made to a coffee shop to see Santa Clause. Nothing about was religious until some busy body raised a stink.

Exactly, it's freaking Santa Claus, give it a rest people
You sure about that because everything I've read on PP says by law they cannot.

Planned Parenthood’s 2008-2009 annual report states that it received $363.2 million in "Government Grants and Contracts." (See page 29.) That’s about one-third of its total revenues for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009.

However, not all of that money is from the federal government. Planned Parenthood’s government funding comes from two sources: the Title X Family Planning Program and Medicaid. About $70 million is Title X funding, Planned Parenthood spokesman Tait Sye told us. The rest — about $293 million — is Medicaid funding, which includes both federal and state money.

But Planned Parenthood cannot use the money it receives from the federal government for abortions anyway. According to the Department of Health and Human Service’s website, "by law, Title X funds may not be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning." Medicaid funding is restricted by the Hyde Amendment to only abortion cases involving rape, incest or endangerment to the life of the mother. Some states use their own funds under Medicaid to go beyond that. Seventeen states and, until recently, the District of Columbia pay for "medically necessary" abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The federal budget deal now bans Washington, D.C., from using its funds to pay for abortions.

-- will research more in a few, I have to do some things I've already put off too long heh

As a quick note, according to the magic ACA there should be no uninsured American's so insurance pays for it right?

PP says they don't use federal funds for abortions. However, if the federal money they receive allows them to do more things that non-federal money used to fund but can now be used for abortions, while the federal money they receive may not, on paper, go to abortions, the receiving of that federal money allows them to use non-federal money to do abortions they would otherwise not be able to do if they didn't receive the federal money. It's like your personal finances. You don't buy a car because you can't afford the payment due to other bills. From whatever source those other bills get paid freeing up money for you to finance a car. While the source providing the money may not have come to you to pay for the car, that source is the sole reason you now have more to buy it.
You sure about that because everything I've read on PP says by law they cannot.

Planned Parenthood’s 2008-2009 annual report states that it received $363.2 million in "Government Grants and Contracts." (See page 29.) That’s about one-third of its total revenues for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009.

However, not all of that money is from the federal government. Planned Parenthood’s government funding comes from two sources: the Title X Family Planning Program and Medicaid. About $70 million is Title X funding, Planned Parenthood spokesman Tait Sye told us. The rest — about $293 million — is Medicaid funding, which includes both federal and state money.

But Planned Parenthood cannot use the money it receives from the federal government for abortions anyway. According to the Department of Health and Human Service’s website, "by law, Title X funds may not be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning." Medicaid funding is restricted by the Hyde Amendment to only abortion cases involving rape, incest or endangerment to the life of the mother. Some states use their own funds under Medicaid to go beyond that. Seventeen states and, until recently, the District of Columbia pay for "medically necessary" abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The federal budget deal now bans Washington, D.C., from using its funds to pay for abortions.

-- will research more in a few, I have to do some things I've already put off too long heh

As a quick note, according to the magic ACA there should be no uninsured American's so insurance pays for it right?

PP says they don't use federal funds for abortions. However, if the federal money they receive allows them to do more things that non-federal money used to fund but can now be used for abortions, while the federal money they receive may not, on paper, go to abortions, the receiving of that federal money allows them to use non-federal money to do abortions they would otherwise not be able to do if they didn't receive the federal money. It's like your personal finances. You don't buy a car because you can't afford the payment due to other bills. From whatever source those other bills get paid freeing up money for you to finance a car. While the source providing the money may not have come to you to pay for the car, that source is the sole reason you now have more to buy it.

... so basically your argument is that they do abortions. That is absolutely not an argument that they are using federal funds for abortions, sorry.
three days is a little excessive...If they're going to go nuts with the holiday make it an orgy and include some other traditions. I was never crazy about the school hype over Halloween either....costumes, parties, candy...the kids were so jazzed up for days and the poor teachers. Finally they kind of slowed it down the last year or so, thank goodness. I kid day feel for the mom.

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