One mother complains and annual Kindergarten trip to see Santa cancelled

Santa Clause in particular is entirely an American tradition. It's just a shame that little kids are getting jerked around by adults looking for something to be offended by... Why not think about the kido's? I don't care what religion you practice, kidos know about Santa and I really don't think most of them equate it to a religion :/ I certainly don't, and I'm an agnostic adult. Santa is about kidos to me, nothing more, nothing less.

Santa is celebrated by kids around the whole world.
Yea it is now, it was pretty much invented in the US (the modern take on it anyway). Hard to believe for some, but at one point the rest of the world wanted to be just like America and picked up some of our traditions.
What a Grinch !
One person gets offended, and everyone else must pay !

Santa Field Trip Canceled in San Jose: Mom Accused of Waging 'War on Christmas'
Sartorette Elementary School canceled a planned field trip to visit Santa at a local coffee shop after one parent complained.

A San Jose kindergarten class’s field trip to visit Santa was abruptly canceled this week, launching a Christmas controversy that has left a slew of hurt feelings and a planned protest in which parents will take their children to visit St. Nick anyway.

Sartorette Elementary School students were slated to walk to a nearby coffee shop on Friday morning to sip hot chocolate and sit on Santa’s lap, as they have for the past 10 years. But that tradition is over – at least for this year – after a Jewish mother said she didn’t want her 5-year-old daughter to participate.

Now, plenty of parents are mad at the woman, calling her out and unfriending her on Facebook. She says one parent volunteer shouted at her on Wednesday morning: "You’re the one who started the war on Christmas."

Talia, a certified California teacher herself who requested her last name not be used, says she didn’t like the fact that one religion, Christianity, was the focus of most of the December teachings in school. Specifically, she didn’t like her daughter writing letters to the North Pole for two days in a row, dressing up as reindeer, and a big annual field trip to the local coffee shop where the kids sit on Santa’s lap and ask for presents.

San Jose Mom Accused of Waging 'War on Christmas'

being pc 24/7/365 really sucks
The schools up here forbid kids from bringing Valentines to class a few years ago... It's getting stupid.
It's a pain in the ass.....all the kid's have to buy Valentine's and write names when they can't even write. That means working parents like me are stressing. If they want to do it, make the Valentine's in class like we used to.

Here we used to celebrate mayday, too. With a maypole and girls in dresses and the whole shebang. It was a huge event when my mom was young...the girls wore formals and had their picture taken.
Ahhhhhh, the fake 'war on christmas' continues to be hyped.

70% of the population is self described as 'christian' so apparently Americans wage war on themselves once a year at this time.

You know, the time when Jesus speaks of peace on Earth.

One lib complained and the spineless School administrators cancelled the trip for a classroom full of children.

This isn't American Christians waging war of themselves, this is Godless Liberals waging war on their fellow Citizens.
I ignored you the first time, but you gotta keep at it. It is NOT liberals! It is Jerks! They come in all shapes and sizes.

I don't recall any examples of people whining about Christmas where the whiner was not a liberal.
I don't know any liberals who would ban books or cancel Christmas celebrations in schools, and I know a bunch of them. That's the truth. Multiple USMB folks have labelled me a liberal, so maybe I am one, but I sure don't go along with a lot of what Correll et al say I do. Now, back to the thread.
When I lived in civilization, way back when, I knew several Jewish families who put up a tree AND celebrated Hanukkah at home. My kids' schools celebrated both holidays. The more the merrier. Seems like a tempest in a teapot to me.
What a Grinch !
One person gets offended, and everyone else must pay !

Santa Field Trip Canceled in San Jose: Mom Accused of Waging 'War on Christmas'
Sartorette Elementary School canceled a planned field trip to visit Santa at a local coffee shop after one parent complained.

A San Jose kindergarten class’s field trip to visit Santa was abruptly canceled this week, launching a Christmas controversy that has left a slew of hurt feelings and a planned protest in which parents will take their children to visit St. Nick anyway.

Sartorette Elementary School students were slated to walk to a nearby coffee shop on Friday morning to sip hot chocolate and sit on Santa’s lap, as they have for the past 10 years. But that tradition is over – at least for this year – after a Jewish mother said she didn’t want her 5-year-old daughter to participate.

Now, plenty of parents are mad at the woman, calling her out and unfriending her on Facebook. She says one parent volunteer shouted at her on Wednesday morning: "You’re the one who started the war on Christmas."

Talia, a certified California teacher herself who requested her last name not be used, says she didn’t like the fact that one religion, Christianity, was the focus of most of the December teachings in school. Specifically, she didn’t like her daughter writing letters to the North Pole for two days in a row, dressing up as reindeer, and a big annual field trip to the local coffee shop where the kids sit on Santa’s lap and ask for presents.

San Jose Mom Accused of Waging 'War on Christmas'
More idiotic liberal anti litigation horseshit.
What this all boils down to is those that cave are sending a message that they are willing to turn the world upside down to avoid a lawsuit.
The cost to settle is more than the pain suffered by normal people.
The best way to combat this in this case is for the parents of the kids being deprived to not only sue the parent of the one kid who devastated the tradition but the school district, and the school board jointly and severally....Drag all their asses into court. see how they deal with hundreds of pissed off parents.
Oh, and while they are at it. Target every member of the local school board with protests at their homes and send up candidates for the next election to replace them...
Ahhhhhh, the fake 'war on christmas' continues to be hyped.

70% of the population is self described as 'christian' so apparently Americans wage war on themselves once a year at this time.

You know, the time when Jesus speaks of peace on Earth.

One lib complained and the spineless School administrators cancelled the trip for a classroom full of children.

This isn't American Christians waging war of themselves, this is Godless Liberals waging war on their fellow Citizens.
I ignored you the first time, but you gotta keep at it. It is NOT liberals! It is Jerks! They come in all shapes and sizes.

I don't recall any examples of people whining about Christmas where the whiner was not a liberal.
I don't know any liberals who would ban books or cancel Christmas celebrations in schools, and I know a bunch of them. That's the truth. Multiple USMB folks have labelled me a liberal, so maybe I am one, but I sure don't go along with a lot of what Correll et al say I do. Now, back to the thread.
When I lived in civilization, way back when, I knew several Jewish families who put up a tree AND celebrated Hanukkah at home. My kids' schools celebrated both holidays. The more the merrier. Seems like a tempest in a teapot to me.
Most people are missing the point. This has nothing to do with that woman being Jewish. It all about "because I can".....Think about it.
The school acted stupidly. They should have found something else for the girl to do instead of punishing the entire class.
The schools up here forbid kids from bringing Valentines to class a few years ago... It's getting stupid.
It's a pain in the ass.....all the kid's have to buy Valentine's and write names when they can't even write. That means working parents like me are stressing. If they want to do it, make the Valentine's in class like we used to.

Here we used to celebrate mayday, too. With a maypole and girls in dresses and the whole shebang. It was a huge event when my mom was young...the girls wore formals and had their picture taken.
And snuck to hang May Baskets on people's front door. They'd ring the bell and run...
We stopped celebrating it because the USSR chose May 1st as their Independence Day or whatever.
wow that really brought out some negative shit could have been many different religions that object to the focus on one religions holiday...i think she should have just kept her daughter home but then the child misses day of school....that is a penalty to many....i would think 3 or 4 days of christmas is a bit much......but instead of damping one holiday why not just ask for equal the jewish thing...the pagan thing....the festivus....kwanzaa and all the rest....

My mother has an employee that was Jewish that would complain that the employer was closed on Christmas Eve and Day yet didn't recognize any of the Jewish religious holidays. Each year it was the same whining. My mother finally told her that she could pick two of her Jewish religious holidays and have them off but she was going to work both of the other days. That ended the whining.

What made this such a funny situation is that the place of employment was a private, CHRISTIAN university.
I grew up in the NY Metro area. There are more Jews residing there than in all of Israel.
By that virtue, all of the schools were closed on the highest of Jewish holy days. No one complained.
When the Hannuka ( sp) always fell during the Christmas Recess so it didn't matter. If the first day of Hannuka fell before the Recess began, kids of Jewish faith were permitted to take the day and not be given an unexcused absence. They were permitted to make up any work missed and take any tests/quizzes as well.
Again, nobody complained.
Once I started working, I noticed the more devout Jews would take their holidays off while the rest of us went to work.
Again, nobody complained.
Ahhhhhh, the fake 'war on christmas' continues to be hyped.

70% of the population is self described as 'christian' so apparently Americans wage war on themselves once a year at this time.

You know, the time when Jesus speaks of peace on Earth.

One lib complained and the spineless School administrators cancelled the trip for a classroom full of children.

This isn't American Christians waging war of themselves, this is Godless Liberals waging war on their fellow Citizens.
I ignored you the first time, but you gotta keep at it. It is NOT liberals! It is Jerks! They come in all shapes and sizes.

I don't recall any examples of people whining about Christmas where the whiner was not a liberal.
I don't know any liberals who would ban books or cancel Christmas celebrations in schools, and I know a bunch of them. That's the truth. Multiple USMB folks have labelled me a liberal, so maybe I am one, but I sure don't go along with a lot of what Correll et al say I do. Now, back to the thread.
When I lived in civilization, way back when, I knew several Jewish families who put up a tree AND celebrated Hanukkah at home. My kids' schools celebrated both holidays. The more the merrier. Seems like a tempest in a teapot to me.
Most people are missing the point. This has nothing to do with that woman being Jewish. It all about "because I can".....Think about it.
Would you please explain what that means? It's a reply I've seen before, but I've never had a clue what in hell you're talking about.
So the school should set up an activity the child (and any other children that won't attend) can do while the other kids visit Santa. Seems like such an easy solution. I don't understand this mentality where the majority has to pay because a small minority are offended. If they want to plan activities for Jewish kids, Muslim, etc go ahead. Just set up and activity the others kids can do if they choose not to attend.
Ahhhhhh, the fake 'war on christmas' continues to be hyped.

70% of the population is self described as 'christian' so apparently Americans wage war on themselves once a year at this time.

You know, the time when Jesus speaks of peace on Earth.
Hey...Genius. Get a grip on reality and pay attention.
You libs are perfectly happy with this conflict because that is what you do. Pit groups of people against each other and watch them fight while you sit on the fence and laugh.
Bunch of fucking cowards
Mom should have opted to have her kid sit it out, there is no reason the entire class was deprived. Total BS
What educational purpose did the trip serve? We find each other on opposite sides of an argument yet again.
One lib complained and the spineless School administrators cancelled the trip for a classroom full of children.

This isn't American Christians waging war of themselves, this is Godless Liberals waging war on their fellow Citizens.
I ignored you the first time, but you gotta keep at it. It is NOT liberals! It is Jerks! They come in all shapes and sizes.

I don't recall any examples of people whining about Christmas where the whiner was not a liberal.
I don't know any liberals who would ban books or cancel Christmas celebrations in schools, and I know a bunch of them. That's the truth. Multiple USMB folks have labelled me a liberal, so maybe I am one, but I sure don't go along with a lot of what Correll et al say I do. Now, back to the thread.
When I lived in civilization, way back when, I knew several Jewish families who put up a tree AND celebrated Hanukkah at home. My kids' schools celebrated both holidays. The more the merrier. Seems like a tempest in a teapot to me.
Most people are missing the point. This has nothing to do with that woman being Jewish. It all about "because I can".....Think about it.
Would you please explain what that means? It's a reply I've seen before, but I've never had a clue what in hell you're talking about.
"Because I can"..Very simple. Some people who feel a need to be heard over everyone else out of self importance feel they can use that self importance to wield power over the the rest of us. They know they can get away with it because they know most people would rather not be labeled as "anti", bigoted or racist, so they do nothing and the result is the loudmouth gets their way.
Do you really believe this woman's faith in her religion has anything to do with this? If so why has she not complained about this before?
Why? Because even though the tradition had been around long before she was a part of that community and ONLY because HER little cupcake is now in school there is this huge problem?....
Cut the shit. This woman is so typically liberal. They don't give a shit about anything until it comes crawling across their front lawn....
Hey, she could easily just have her kid stay home from school. Or better yet, send her kid to an all Jewish school..But no. She'd never do that. Then she'd nothing to complain about.
I ignored you the first time, but you gotta keep at it. It is NOT liberals! It is Jerks! They come in all shapes and sizes.

I don't recall any examples of people whining about Christmas where the whiner was not a liberal.
I don't know any liberals who would ban books or cancel Christmas celebrations in schools, and I know a bunch of them. That's the truth. Multiple USMB folks have labelled me a liberal, so maybe I am one, but I sure don't go along with a lot of what Correll et al say I do. Now, back to the thread.
When I lived in civilization, way back when, I knew several Jewish families who put up a tree AND celebrated Hanukkah at home. My kids' schools celebrated both holidays. The more the merrier. Seems like a tempest in a teapot to me.
Most people are missing the point. This has nothing to do with that woman being Jewish. It all about "because I can".....Think about it.
Would you please explain what that means? It's a reply I've seen before, but I've never had a clue what in hell you're talking about.
"Because I can"..Very simple. Some people who feel a need to be heard over everyone else out of self importance feel they can use that self importance to wield power over the the rest of us. They know they can get away with it because they know most people would rather not be labeled as "anti", bigoted or racist, so they do nothing and the result is the loudmouth gets their way.
Do you really believe this woman's faith in her religion has anything to do with this? If so why has she not complained about this before?
Why? Because even though the tradition had been around long before she was a part of that community and ONLY because HER little cupcake is now in school there is this huge problem?....
Cut the shit. This woman is so typically liberal. They don't give a shit about anything until it comes crawling across their front lawn....
Hey, she could easily just have her kid stay home from school. Or better yet, send her kid to an all Jewish school..But no. She'd never do that. Then she'd nothing to complain about.
Why would you support a public school forcing a child to do something her mother doesn't approve of? Oh, wait, you don't really, only in this case.
Ahhhhhh, the fake 'war on christmas' continues to be hyped.

70% of the population is self described as 'christian' so apparently Americans wage war on themselves once a year at this time.

You know, the time when Jesus speaks of peace on Earth.

One lib complained and the spineless School administrators cancelled the trip for a classroom full of children.

This isn't American Christians waging war of themselves, this is Godless Liberals waging war on their fellow Citizens.
I ignored you the first time, but you gotta keep at it. It is NOT liberals! It is Jerks! They come in all shapes and sizes.

I don't recall any examples of people whining about Christmas where the whiner was not a liberal.

Anytime someone is whining you can almost rest assured it's a liberal. They have whining down to a science

The article says the woman is Jewish, not liberal. And since Jews are Gawd's chosen people, what's the problem?

Don't you have some Jews to bash?
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Mom should have opted to have her kid sit it out, there is no reason the entire class was deprived. Total BS
What educational purpose did the trip serve? We find each other on opposite sides of an argument yet again.
Stop it. It's called FUN....Something you liberals despise because if you are not miserable, something is REALLY wrong
So what happens when the kids don't get the presents they asked "Santa" for in school? Is that fun anymore? Learn about Santa, make Christmas decorations, whatever. But it's going too far for the school to have kids ask Santa for presents when that is a personal family activity. Way too far.

By the way, Santa isn't Christianity anyways.

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