One Need Not Be A Trump Fan To Speak This Obvious Truth

She is the most unpopular party candidate in 100 years . . . except for Donald Trump. Neither are worthy of the office. Vote for Gary Johnson.

The majority of people who oppose her do it because of the long list of false accusations and exaggerated claims. The right is quick to say she is a terrible person, but they can only point to mostly discredited crap as to why they believe that.
The crazy stuff aside,she has been connected to one scandal after the other,even as 1st lady she had controversial involvement,things like travel gate,always somthing.being a dynamic 1st lady is one thing,she just always got herself involved in much more negative light.
Her performance as new York was mediocre,she won the 1st election,because her opponent,got sick and dropped out,she was losing badly,and got lucky her name got her past the unknown replacement that had no time to work with.she did win her second term,but did little besides following Chuck Shummer around for photo ops.
Her performance as SS ,under investigation by the FBI , and a failed ME policy,whole countries in total failure.
The most qualified candidate in our time is beyond rational discription,and should be insulting to thinking adults.
She is the most unpopular party candidate in 100 years . . . except for Donald Trump. Neither are worthy of the office. Vote for Gary Johnson.

The majority of people who oppose her do it because of the long list of false accusations and exaggerated claims. The right is quick to say she is a terrible person, but they can only point to mostly discredited crap as to why they believe that.

Not true at all.

It all started when she said that with the election of Bill it was like getting 2 for the price of 1. Well then OK. I lost all respect for the Clinton's when their actions got those children killed at Waco. That was the start for me.

15 conviction in the Whitewater investigation on 40 crimes. Talk to Hillary lovers and one would think she was clean. Her minions took the fall for her, too big to jail.

Her Tuzla lie about sniper fire. It is so telling. It is so much an indication of her pathological lying. I can not think of one thing that more points out her willingness to lie at all cost.

Her support for NAFTA which she again lies about. I see where she went to talk at the IBEW. The same IBEW that told me that they would not support any candidate that supported NAFTA. Well they sure forget easily. Trump is the only candidate that has spoken out in opposition to NAFTA.

Bottom line, she is a pathological liar who has been caught many times. Just ask Sir Edmund Hillary.

Right. Go ahead and add the claims about virtually anything from drug running, to murder to having a degree in lesbianism. You know you were aware of all those silly claims, and believed them. If you could at least drop your belief in the most ridiculous claims and the ones that have been disproved by the right wing it's self, you would have almost nothing to whine about. All those over the top crazy claims have made the right "the little boy who cried wolf"
I haven't heard any security detail say anything good about her. Just the opposite.
She is the most unpopular party candidate in 100 years . . . except for Donald Trump. Neither are worthy of the office. Vote for Gary Johnson.

The majority of people who oppose her do it because of the long list of false accusations and exaggerated claims. The right is quick to say she is a terrible person, but they can only point to mostly discredited crap as to why they believe that.
The crazy stuff aside,she has been connected to one scandal after the other,even as 1st lady she had controversial involvement,things like travel gate,always somthing.being a dynamic 1st lady is one thing,she just always got herself involved in much more negative light.
Her performance as new York was mediocre,she won the 1st election,because her opponent,got sick and dropped out,she was losing badly,and got lucky her name got her past the unknown replacement that had no time to work with.she did win her second term,but did little besides following Chuck Shummer around for photo ops.
Her performance as SS ,under investigation by the FBI , and a failed ME policy,whole countries in total failure.
The most qualified candidate in our time is beyond rational discription,and should be insulting to thinking adults.

That only shows how dedicated the right was in manufacturing false scandals. If any of them were found to be true, she would have been in jail long ago. False accusations aren't her fault.
She is the most unpopular party candidate in 100 years . . . except for Donald Trump. Neither are worthy of the office. Vote for Gary Johnson.

The majority of people who oppose her do it because of the long list of false accusations and exaggerated claims. The right is quick to say she is a terrible person, but they can only point to mostly discredited crap as to why they believe that.
The crazy stuff aside,she has been connected to one scandal after the other,even as 1st lady she had controversial involvement,things like travel gate,always somthing.being a dynamic 1st lady is one thing,she just always got herself involved in much more negative light.
Her performance as new York was mediocre,she won the 1st election,because her opponent,got sick and dropped out,she was losing badly,and got lucky her name got her past the unknown replacement that had no time to work with.she did win her second term,but did little besides following Chuck Shummer around for photo ops.
Her performance as SS ,under investigation by the FBI , and a failed ME policy,whole countries in total failure.
The most qualified candidate in our time is beyond rational discription,and should be insulting to thinking adults.

That only shows how dedicated the right was in manufacturing false scandals. If any of them were found to be true, she would have been in jail long ago.

I see you have a clear understanding of how the system works for the elite. :laugh:
She is the most unpopular party candidate in 100 years . . . except for Donald Trump. Neither are worthy of the office. Vote for Gary Johnson.

The majority of people who oppose her do it because of the long list of false accusations and exaggerated claims. The right is quick to say she is a terrible person, but they can only point to mostly discredited crap as to why they believe that.

Not true at all.

It all started when she said that with the election of Bill it was like getting 2 for the price of 1. Well then OK. I lost all respect for the Clinton's when their actions got those children killed at Waco. That was the start for me.

15 conviction in the Whitewater investigation on 40 crimes. Talk to Hillary lovers and one would think she was clean. Her minions took the fall for her, too big to jail.

Her Tuzla lie about sniper fire. It is so telling. It is so much an indication of her pathological lying. I can not think of one thing that more points out her willingness to lie at all cost.

Her support for NAFTA which she again lies about. I see where she went to talk at the IBEW. The same IBEW that told me that they would not support any candidate that supported NAFTA. Well they sure forget easily. Trump is the only candidate that has spoken out in opposition to NAFTA.

Bottom line, she is a pathological liar who has been caught many times. Just ask Sir Edmund Hillary.

Right. Go ahead and add the claims about virtually anything from drug running, to murder to having a degree in lesbianism. You know you were aware of all those silly claims, and believed them. If you could at least drop your belief in the most ridiculous claims and the ones that have been disproved by the right wing it's self, you would have almost nothing to whine about. All those over the top crazy claims have made the right "the little boy who cried wolf"
I haven't heard any security detail say anything good about her. Just the opposite.

You've seen ex members of her security detail make a lot of money by making all kinds of claims. Pretty easy money if you ask me. Oddly, they have nothing but their word to back up their claims.
She is the most unpopular party candidate in 100 years . . . except for Donald Trump. Neither are worthy of the office. Vote for Gary Johnson.

The majority of people who oppose her do it because of the long list of false accusations and exaggerated claims. The right is quick to say she is a terrible person, but they can only point to mostly discredited crap as to why they believe that.
The crazy stuff aside,she has been connected to one scandal after the other,even as 1st lady she had controversial involvement,things like travel gate,always somthing.being a dynamic 1st lady is one thing,she just always got herself involved in much more negative light.
Her performance as new York was mediocre,she won the 1st election,because her opponent,got sick and dropped out,she was losing badly,and got lucky her name got her past the unknown replacement that had no time to work with.she did win her second term,but did little besides following Chuck Shummer around for photo ops.
Her performance as SS ,under investigation by the FBI , and a failed ME policy,whole countries in total failure.
The most qualified candidate in our time is beyond rational discription,and should be insulting to thinking adults.

That only shows how dedicated the right was in manufacturing false scandals. If any of them were found to be true, she would have been in jail long ago.

I see you have a clear understanding of how the system works for the elite. :laugh:

Great. Another tinfoil hat wearing goober.
She is the most unpopular party candidate in 100 years . . . except for Donald Trump. Neither are worthy of the office. Vote for Gary Johnson.

The majority of people who oppose her do it because of the long list of false accusations and exaggerated claims. The right is quick to say she is a terrible person, but they can only point to mostly discredited crap as to why they believe that.

Not true at all.

It all started when she said that with the election of Bill it was like getting 2 for the price of 1. Well then OK. I lost all respect for the Clinton's when their actions got those children killed at Waco. That was the start for me.

15 conviction in the Whitewater investigation on 40 crimes. Talk to Hillary lovers and one would think she was clean. Her minions took the fall for her, too big to jail.

Her Tuzla lie about sniper fire. It is so telling. It is so much an indication of her pathological lying. I can not think of one thing that more points out her willingness to lie at all cost.

Her support for NAFTA which she again lies about. I see where she went to talk at the IBEW. The same IBEW that told me that they would not support any candidate that supported NAFTA. Well they sure forget easily. Trump is the only candidate that has spoken out in opposition to NAFTA.

Bottom line, she is a pathological liar who has been caught many times. Just ask Sir Edmund Hillary.

Right. Go ahead and add the claims about virtually anything from drug running, to murder to having a degree in lesbianism. You know you were aware of all those silly claims, and believed them. If you could at least drop your belief in the most ridiculous claims and the ones that have been disproved by the right wing it's self, you would have almost nothing to whine about. All those over the top crazy claims have made the right "the little boy who cried wolf"
I haven't heard any security detail say anything good about her. Just the opposite.

You've seen ex members of her security detail make a lot of money by making all kinds of claims. Pretty easy money if you ask me. Oddly, they have nothing but their word to back up their claims.
Maybe if one or two did it, but many have come out and said the same. Hillary is a nasty bitch.
She is the most unpopular party candidate in 100 years . . . except for Donald Trump. Neither are worthy of the office. Vote for Gary Johnson.
If he passes out joints, I might. (-:
He bogarts his joints. As a Libertarian, he doesn't believe drugs should be free.

"Get a job, loser! Then you can afford to be high all the time like me."
She is the most unpopular party candidate in 100 years . . . except for Donald Trump. Neither are worthy of the office. Vote for Gary Johnson.

The majority of people who oppose her do it because of the long list of false accusations and exaggerated claims. The right is quick to say she is a terrible person, but they can only point to mostly discredited crap as to why they believe that.
The crazy stuff aside,she has been connected to one scandal after the other,even as 1st lady she had controversial involvement,things like travel gate,always somthing.being a dynamic 1st lady is one thing,she just always got herself involved in much more negative light.
Her performance as new York was mediocre,she won the 1st election,because her opponent,got sick and dropped out,she was losing badly,and got lucky her name got her past the unknown replacement that had no time to work with.she did win her second term,but did little besides following Chuck Shummer around for photo ops.
Her performance as SS ,under investigation by the FBI , and a failed ME policy,whole countries in total failure.
The most qualified candidate in our time is beyond rational discription,and should be insulting to thinking adults.
If she were not Hillary Clinton, if she were, for example, Condi Rice or Colin Powell, would there even BE an investigation?
All if ifs aren't bifs, butts.

It is DT against HRC, and his great shame is that he is even worse than her.

Vote Libertarian.
She is the most unpopular party candidate in 100 years . . . except for Donald Trump. Neither are worthy of the office. Vote for Gary Johnson.

I'm sure no one sent you a memo pushing Garry Johnson. Just because it is the best and only way to derail Trump's presidency.
She is the most unpopular party candidate in 100 years . . . except for Donald Trump. Neither are worthy of the office. Vote for Gary Johnson.

They are both unworthy Jake, but the sad fact is that any vote that is not directly FOR Trump is a vote for Hillary, based on the demographics of this country and the fact that many liberals just don't give a shit that only ONE of these two candidates has jeopardized national security , they are going to vote for her no matter what.
If she were a man they'd be saying "tough son-of-a-bitch".
If she were a man, they'd be comparing her to Nixon
I know, "tough son-of-a-bitch" not "bitch". It's typical right wing misogyny.

Speaking of misogyny , why don't you email Hillary and ask her why she's taken over $50M from countries in the middle and far east who treat women slightly worse than they treat farm animals and has never used her position of influence and power to say anything negative about them?

Fucking fool.

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