One of Joe Biden's 8 sexual assault accusers speaks out

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Says she won't be silenced by Biden's media shield.

“There will be a reckoning for Joe Biden one day for the sexual misconduct, the truth will prevail and he will not silence me.”

Tara Reade took aim at both President Biden and “the media” for failing to hold the commander-in-chief “accountable” over her sexual assault claims.

The former Senate staffer was incensed over the president’s comments that Gov. Andrew Cuomo should resign if he’s found guilty of sexual misconduct.

“The alarming deflection and compliance of the media to allow Joe Biden to negate his own sexual misconduct is predictable but still shocking as a survivor to be so publicly erased,” Reade told Fox News Thursday.

“The trauma I experienced by Biden was very real. The fact he is calling for another official’s investigation and possible criminal sanctions for similar charges is showing the height of arrogance about never being accountable for his own.”

Earlier this week, Biden weighed in on Cuomo’s sexual misconduct scandal, saying the governor should step down if an investigation finds him guilty.

“Yes, I think he’ll probably end up being prosecuted too,” Biden said.

The president also said that Cuomo’s seven accusers should be “taken seriously.”

“A woman should be presumed telling the truth and should not be scapegoated and become victimized by her coming forward,” Biden said. “But there should be an investigation to determine whether what she says is true.”

Reade came forward a year ago claiming Biden shoved her against a wall and penetrated her with his fingers in 1993.

“Joe Biden got away with sexually harassing and assaulting me in 1993 and other women have also come forward with similar complaints,” Reade told Fox News. “Joe Biden ascended to the presidency anyway.

“There will be a reckoning for Joe Biden one day for the sexual misconduct, the truth will prevail and he will not silence me.”

In the past, Reade has also blasted the Democratic Party for being “complicit” in sexual assaults by ignoring her allegations.


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Tara Reade again? :lol:

Tara Reade again? :lol:

Leftist media attack the victim for speaking out against a Dimwinger.

I'm shocked, shocked I tells ya!
Tara Reade again? :lol:

Wow, look at the propagandists circling the wagon to protect their chosen one.
Pedo Joe told George Snuffaluffagus the other day these types of allegations need to be investigated, and if proven prosecuted.
Tara Reade again? :lol:

Wow, look at the propagandists circling the wagon to protect their chosen one.

There are more holes in Tara Reade than there are a round of Swiss Cheese!
But I can totally understand the temptation! ;)

Tara Reade again? :lol:

Wow, look at the propagandists circling the wagon to protect their chosen one.

There are more holes in Tara Reade than there are a round of Swiss Cheese!
But I can totally understand the temptation! ;)

So you've been reduced to body shaming to hold onto your false talking point.

Game over.
Tara Reade again? :lol:

So why did Biden lie about her not working for him?

Then when she provided the proof and photos came out, he changed his story to, ‘Oh, okay yes she worked with us, but I don’t remember raping her’.
Tara Reade again? :lol:

Yes, BlueAnon, we know you nutters never believe the women when it's a Dem.
Tara Reade again? :lol:

Wow, look at the propagandists circling the wagon to protect their chosen one.

There are more holes in Tara Reade than there are a round of Swiss Cheese!
But I can totally understand the temptation! ;)

So you've been reduced to body shaming to hold onto your false talking point.

Game over.

Democrats are such ugly people, inside and out.
Tara Reade again? :lol:

Yes, BlueAnon, we know you nutters never believe the women when it's a Dem.

Had you read my links, you would know that she's full of crap ;-)
Tara Reade again? :lol:

Yes, BlueAnon, we know you nutters never believe the women when it's a Dem.

Had you read my links, you would know that she's full of crap ;-)

She's a Russian agent, right, BlueAnon? All eight of them are.

Russian mole Trump has Complaints from 25 Named women.
Cheated on his Third Throw-away Trophy wife with a Porn star and others.

Tara Reade again? :lol:

Wow, look at the propagandists circling the wagon to protect their chosen one.

There are more holes in Tara Reade than there are a round of Swiss Cheese!
But I can totally understand the temptation! ;)

The woman must be believed.
Tara Reade again? :lol:

Did the same for Clinton, shocker. Liberals love to sexual assault their females.

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