One of many reasons why government should NEVER control your life

there is no difference with your warped way of thinking & those who want to impose sharia law. how does it feel to have such a kinship with fundie wackjobs?
Coming from the whackadoo who supports Sharia Law and sneaking illegal aliens into the U.S. :eusa_doh: all left-wing sound like a lunatic. Murder is not ok. A woman can do anything she wants to her own body. You idiotically want her to be able to do something to other people’s body. A fetus is not an organ. It is not a part of the woman’s body. It has unique DNA to prove it (though we all know how you lefties HATE science).

Take your uterus out before you get pregnant - you’ll have my support 100%. The fact that you whackadoos don’t speaks volumes.

you sound like charlie brown's teacher to me. .....:blahblah:
Of course! I used science and progressives can’t understand science (which is why they reject it).

uh-huh. says the 'patriot' who rejects scientific evidence of global warming.

I think you mean scientific theory. There is no evidence of man made GW.

oh ray-ray... we meet up again. i tend to believe real scientists. not those that are on the payroll of big oil. funny though that rex tillerson acknowledges it's real.
while trump et al are trying to deconstruct the administrative state, our institutions are still intact, & gotta believe there are real patriots fighting for our survival.
LMAO!!! Dumbest. Post. EVER.

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lol... that's ok. you keep on keepin' on.

tick tock, 'patriot'.

tick tock.
It’s fall down hilarious that you acknowledge an “administrative state” and absolutely tragic that you find it horrifying that President Trump is restoring constitutional government.

you idiot... i was quoting what sausage casing steve bannon spewed a while back.
Coming from the whackadoo who supports Sharia Law and sneaking illegal aliens into the U.S. :eusa_doh: all left-wing sound like a lunatic. Murder is not ok. A woman can do anything she wants to her own body. You idiotically want her to be able to do something to other people’s body. A fetus is not an organ. It is not a part of the woman’s body. It has unique DNA to prove it (though we all know how you lefties HATE science).

Take your uterus out before you get pregnant - you’ll have my support 100%. The fact that you whackadoos don’t speaks volumes.

you sound like charlie brown's teacher to me. .....:blahblah:
Of course! I used science and progressives can’t understand science (which is why they reject it).

uh-huh. says the 'patriot' who rejects scientific evidence of global warming.

I think you mean scientific theory. There is no evidence of man made GW.

oh ray-ray... we meet up again. i tend to believe real scientists. not those that are on the payroll of big oil. funny though that rex tillerson acknowledges it's real.

Real Scientists? You mean the ones paid by our government? Yeah, no bias there.
oh ray-ray... we meet up again. i tend to believe real scientists. not those that are on the payroll of big oil. funny though that rex tillerson acknowledges it's real.
And by “real scientists” she means political activists on the payroll of Al Gore and the Dumbocrat Party. Only one side has been caught in not one, but two, rounds of “ClimateGate” where the so-called “scientists” were caught discussing how they falsify their data. Oops...

The left is all about control. They fear liberty because they think that if everyone isn't forced to row in the exact same direction, civilization will break down. It is why they embrace fascism they way they do. But this story here is one of MANY reasons why the government should never have control over any facet of your life. The UK government is standing in the way of medication that could cut breast cancer deaths by 10%.

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The UK government isn't standing in the way you dummy. The decision to fund the drug is made locally. That is going to change. When it does, then you can complain that the evil government is forcing everyone to row in the same direction. Per your desire.
I'm sorry, stupid, are you under the impression that "locally" somehow means "NOT government"? :lmao:
You've always struck me as a states rights kind of girl. Why not now?
Clearly someone is unable to follow along in this thread... :eusa_whistle:
I can follow just fine. Like many (most?) right wingers, your inconsistency is extreme.
Americans need to become less reliant on Government. They need to take control of their own lives. Once you surrender your Freedom & Liberty, you won't get it back. Big Brother isn't inclined to give it back. Once he takes it, it's his. The only 'ism' i can support today is, Libertarianism. All the others take you to Totalitarianism in the end.
Americans need to become less reliant on Government. They need to take control of their own lives. Once you surrender your Freedom & Liberty, you won't get it back. Big Brother isn't inclined to give it back. Once he takes it, it's his. The only 'ism' i can support today is, Libertarianism. All the others take you to Totalitarianism in the end.
How does Libertarianism protect you from people or organizations that would harm or exploit you?
Americans need to become less reliant on Government. They need to take control of their own lives. Once you surrender your Freedom & Liberty, you won't get it back. Big Brother isn't inclined to give it back. Once he takes it, it's his. The only 'ism' i can support today is, Libertarianism. All the others take you to Totalitarianism in the end.
How does Libertarianism protect you from people or organizations that would harm or exploit you?

If you're gonna subscribe to an 'ism', go with Libertarianism. It's the only 'ism' that won't lead you to Totalitarianism.

uh-huh. i trust NASA & who they trust...


Statement on climate change from 18 scientific associations

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Scientific Consensus
uh-huh. i trust NASA & who they trust...
So let me get this turn to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for your information on weather? :uhh:

See, I prefer an Atmospheric Physicist from the prestigious Massachusetts Insitute of Technology. But then again, I’m a conservative so I’m interested in facts, while you’re a progressive so you’re interested in anything that will support your ideology.

uh-huh. i trust NASA & who they trust...
So let me get this turn to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for your information on weather? :uhh:

See, I prefer an Atmospheric Physicist from the prestigious Massachusetts Insitute of Technology. But then again, I’m a conservative so I’m interested in facts, while you’re a progressive so you’re interested in anything that will support your ideology.

Hey look, the right wingers found a naysayer. Kind of like the intelligent design people found someone with a PhD who actually supports their position.

Michael Behe - Wikipedia
uh-huh. i trust NASA & who they trust...
So let me get this turn to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for your information on weather? :uhh:

See, I prefer an Atmospheric Physicist from the prestigious Massachusetts Insitute of Technology. But then again, I’m a conservative so I’m interested in facts, while you’re a progressive so you’re interested in anything that will support your ideology.

actually ummmmmmmmm yaaaaaaaaaa............. NASA has the technology for all kinds of things.... you know .... like satellites & computers & all sorts of groovy things.

when was the last time MIT sent a man to the moon? how'z about designing, sending & implementing 'rovers' that traveled the surface of mars that lasted 2 years beyond their expected life span up there powered by solar energy?

oh & don't forget the hubble telescope.
Americans need to become less reliant on Government. They need to take control of their own lives. Once you surrender your Freedom & Liberty, you won't get it back. Big Brother isn't inclined to give it back. Once he takes it, it's his. The only 'ism' i can support today is, Libertarianism. All the others take you to Totalitarianism in the end.
How does Libertarianism protect you from people or organizations that would harm or exploit you?

Libertarians are adamantly in favor of laws protecting people from harm. On that we agree. But what do you mean by "exploit"? That's usually where things go south.
when was the last time MIT sent a man to the moon?
And there is your problem. We’re talking about climate and you want to point to the moon.

(Psst...there is no climate on the moon or anywhere else in space)
The left is all about control. They fear liberty because they think that if everyone isn't forced to row in the exact same direction, civilization will break down. It is why they embrace fascism they way they do. But this story here is one of MANY reasons why the government should never have control over any facet of your life. The UK government is standing in the way of medication that could cut breast cancer deaths by 10%.

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Keep the gov out of my Medicare as the trumpie said.
Hate gov intrusion except for a woman's body, then are all over it
The left is all about control. They fear liberty because they think that if everyone isn't forced to row in the exact same direction, civilization will break down. It is why they embrace fascism they way they do. But this story here is one of MANY reasons why the government should never have control over any facet of your life. The UK government is standing in the way of medication that could cut breast cancer deaths by 10%.

View attachment 152254
Could cut?
Know what Johnson (not LBJ) said about patriots?
"The last refuge of the scoundel"
This is why the left loves government and the expansion of their power. They love to loot and steal...
A Homeland Security Investigations handbook asserts the essential role played by civil forfeiture proceeds is in "helping to fund future law enforcement actions … that [Homeland Security Investigations] would otherwise be unable to fund."

Scathing Report Reveals ICE Directive Encouraging Agents to Seize Property for Financial Gain

Sucking off your socialist VA SS Medicare benefits or giving them all back mr high principled patriot?

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