Why Do Republicans Always Lie About Protest When It Stems from Black People?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Why is it so important for Trump supporters and other self-proclaimed conservatives to brand the protests as un-American?

They've heard it said a thousand times, even from the originator of the protests, in this case Colin Kaepernick, that the protest is about the abuse of black people by the police and the unfair treatment that stems directly from systemic racism and bigotry, yet they pretend like don't know what the protest is about, and/or simply ignore it and provide their own version of what the protest is about.

Yet, when White Supremacists took to protesting they took them for their word, believed them and even DEFENDED them, both in Charlottesville and in the Cliven Bundy fiasco back in Nevada in 2014.

To these people blacks are simply liars and/or intrinsically unpatriotic.

Why is this?
Why is it so important for Trump supporters and other self-proclaimed conservatives to brand the protests as un-American?

They've heard it said a thousand times, even from the originator of the protests, in this case Colin Kaepernick, that the protest is about the abuse of black people by the police and the unfair treatment that stems directly from systemic racism and bigotry, yet they pretend like don't know what the protest is about, and/or simply ignore it and provide their own version of what the protest is about.

Yet, when White Supremacists took to protesting they took them for their word, believed them and even DEFENDED them, both in Charlottesville and in the Cliven Bundy fiasco back in Nevada in 2014.

To these people blacks are simply liars and/or intrinsically unpatriotic.

Why is this?
WTF are you whining about?
Why is it so important for Trump supporters and other self-proclaimed conservatives to brand the protests as un-American?

They've heard it said a thousand times, even from the originator of the protests, in this case Colin Kaepernick, that the protest is about the abuse of black people by the police and the unfair treatment that stems directly from systemic racism and bigotry, yet they pretend like don't know what the protest is about, and/or simply ignore it and provide their own version of what the protest is about.

Yet, when White Supremacists took to protesting they took them for their word, believed them and even DEFENDED them, both in Charlottesville and in the Cliven Bundy fiasco back in Nevada in 2014.

To these people blacks are simply liars and/or intrinsically unpatriotic.

Why is this?

You sound butthurt- still.
“Why is it so important for Trump supporters and other self-proclaimed conservatives to brand the protests as un-American?”

Because most on the right are demagogues, they use lies, fear, and intimidation to vilify political opponents and to pander to their base.

Conservatives know they’re wrong on the issues, they know they’re wrong to accuse those who engage in peaceful, lawful protest as being ‘un-American,’ and rather than to acknowledge the fact they’re wrong they contrive and propagate the lie that those who oppose Trump and the right’s failed, hateful, wrongheaded agenda are ‘un-patriotic’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
Why is it so important for Trump supporters and other self-proclaimed conservatives to brand the protests as un-American?

They've heard it said a thousand times, even from the originator of the protests, in this case Colin Kaepernick, that the protest is about the abuse of black people by the police and the unfair treatment that stems directly from systemic racism and bigotry, yet they pretend like don't know what the protest is about, and/or simply ignore it and provide their own version of what the protest is about.

Yet, when White Supremacists took to protesting they took them for their word, believed them and even DEFENDED them, both in Charlottesville and in the Cliven Bundy fiasco back in Nevada in 2014.

To these people blacks are simply liars and/or intrinsically unpatriotic.

Why is this?

Why is it that the protesters are lying about why they are protesting?
Why is it so important for Trump supporters and other self-proclaimed conservatives to brand the protests as un-American?

They've heard it said a thousand times, even from the originator of the protests, in this case Colin Kaepernick, that the protest is about the abuse of black people by the police and the unfair treatment that stems directly from systemic racism and bigotry, yet they pretend like don't know what the protest is about, and/or simply ignore it and provide their own version of what the protest is about.

Yet, when White Supremacists took to protesting they took them for their word, believed them and even DEFENDED them, both in Charlottesville and in the Cliven Bundy fiasco back in Nevada in 2014.

To these people blacks are simply liars and/or intrinsically unpatriotic.

Why is this?
As they teach in the Halls of Higher education any absolute is false. Makes sense to you guy.
Why is it so important for Trump supporters and other self-proclaimed conservatives to brand the protests as un-American?

They've heard it said a thousand times, even from the originator of the protests, in this case Colin Kaepernick, that the protest is about the abuse of black people by the police and the unfair treatment that stems directly from systemic racism and bigotry, yet they pretend like don't know what the protest is about, and/or simply ignore it and provide their own version of what the protest is about.

Yet, when White Supremacists took to protesting they took them for their word, believed them and even DEFENDED them, both in Charlottesville and in the Cliven Bundy fiasco back in Nevada in 2014.

To these people blacks are simply liars and/or intrinsically unpatriotic.

Why is this?

Because you do it during the national anthem. What's the matter with protesting anytime else? Not enough attention I guess.

Doing things like burning the flag or kneeling during the anthem will always be seen as anti-American before any other message. If you all are too dumb to figure that out, well, that's your problem.
Why is it so important for Trump supporters and other self-proclaimed conservatives to brand the protests as un-American?

They've heard it said a thousand times, even from the originator of the protests, in this case Colin Kaepernick, that the protest is about the abuse of black people by the police and the unfair treatment that stems directly from systemic racism and bigotry, yet they pretend like don't know what the protest is about, and/or simply ignore it and provide their own version of what the protest is about.

Yet, when White Supremacists took to protesting they took them for their word, believed them and even DEFENDED them, both in Charlottesville and in the Cliven Bundy fiasco back in Nevada in 2014.

To these people blacks are simply liars and/or intrinsically unpatriotic.

Why is this?

It doesn't appear that way and what's this crap about unfair treatment what more do they want we already had a black president?
Why is it so important for Trump supporters and other self-proclaimed conservatives to brand the protests as un-American?

They've heard it said a thousand times, even from the originator of the protests, in this case Colin Kaepernick, that the protest is about the abuse of black people by the police and the unfair treatment that stems directly from systemic racism and bigotry, yet they pretend like don't know what the protest is about, and/or simply ignore it and provide their own version of what the protest is about.

Yet, when White Supremacists took to protesting they took them for their word, believed them and even DEFENDED them, both in Charlottesville and in the Cliven Bundy fiasco back in Nevada in 2014.

To these people blacks are simply liars and/or intrinsically unpatriotic.

Why is this?
Well, maybe....just maybe people need to find a way to protest in a way that does not involve taking a knee during the national anthem if they don't want their demonstration to be interpreted as unamerican.
Why is it so important for Trump supporters and other self-proclaimed conservatives to brand the protests as un-American?

They've heard it said a thousand times, even from the originator of the protests, in this case Colin Kaepernick, that the protest is about the abuse of black people by the police and the unfair treatment that stems directly from systemic racism and bigotry, yet they pretend like don't know what the protest is about, and/or simply ignore it and provide their own version of what the protest is about.

Yet, when White Supremacists took to protesting they took them for their word, believed them and even DEFENDED them, both in Charlottesville and in the Cliven Bundy fiasco back in Nevada in 2014.

To these people blacks are simply liars and/or intrinsically unpatriotic.

Why is this?
WTF are you whining about?

He doesn't understand that Whites do in fact understand what the Black Protests are all about.....and recognize them as yet another Grievance Scam.

He doesn't understand that, after 50 years of the Great Society, the War on Poverty, Affirmative Action...with a 20 trillion dollar deficit to show...and the Black Community in worse shape than in 1965.....its just time to ask:

When will Black Men learn to help take care of their own children?

“Why is it so important for Trump supporters and other self-proclaimed conservatives to brand the protests as un-American?”

Because most on the right are demagogues, they use lies, fear, and intimidation to vilify political opponents and to pander to their base.

Conservatives know they’re wrong on the issues, they know they’re wrong to accuse those who engage in peaceful, lawful protest as being ‘un-American,’ and rather than to acknowledge the fact they’re wrong they contrive and propagate the lie that those who oppose Trump and the right’s failed, hateful, wrongheaded agenda are ‘un-patriotic’ – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
As long as Trump pisses off libs and dems they'll support any jack assed thing he does or says
Fine, then why didn't all the Black millionaire NFL players take their own time and money and have a protest against Police? If I made a political protest on the job, I would be called into HR on the first offense and fired on the second offense.
Why is it so important for Trump supporters and other self-proclaimed conservatives to brand the protests as un-American?

They've heard it said a thousand times, even from the originator of the protests, in this case Colin Kaepernick, that the protest is about the abuse of black people by the police and the unfair treatment that stems directly from systemic racism and bigotry, yet they pretend like don't know what the protest is about, and/or simply ignore it and provide their own version of what the protest is about.

Yet, when White Supremacists took to protesting they took them for their word, believed them and even DEFENDED them, both in Charlottesville and in the Cliven Bundy fiasco back in Nevada in 2014.

To these people blacks are simply liars and/or intrinsically unpatriotic.

Why is this?
Because there's no abuse of blacks by cops. There's no systemic racism. And CK is a retarded piece of Che worshipping shit.

So fuck you and your bullshit anti-America protest.
I see white players kneeling also; this should not be a black/white matter. Still, enough is enough, if fans want to BOO, that is THEIR liberty, just as the players can kneel.
Why is it so important for Trump supporters and other self-proclaimed conservatives to brand the protests as un-American?

They've heard it said a thousand times, even from the originator of the protests, in this case Colin Kaepernick, that the protest is about the abuse of black people by the police and the unfair treatment that stems directly from systemic racism and bigotry, yet they pretend like don't know what the protest is about, and/or simply ignore it and provide their own version of what the protest is about.

Yet, when White Supremacists took to protesting they took them for their word, believed them and even DEFENDED them, both in Charlottesville and in the Cliven Bundy fiasco back in Nevada in 2014.

To these people blacks are simply liars and/or intrinsically unpatriotic.

Why is this?

Because that's what they do.
Threads like this make me wonder why I waste my time posting on this forum. OP is not interested in hearing answers to his ridiculous questions, he just wants to sling mud and point fingers.
Why Do Republicans Always Lie About Protest When It Stems from Black People?

I don't know the psychology behind it, but I suspect it has to do with:
  • white fragility -- not really wanting to admit there's something amiss as goes race-related issues,
    • zero-sum thinking whereby whites construe that if there's something amiss, the fix means we get less of the "bounty" available by dint of having increased numbers of non-whites receiving shares of that "bounty,"
  • Republican notions of individual liberty, which intrinsically aligns with an "I" mindset rather than a "we" mindset
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