One of many reasons why government should NEVER control your life

I learned that the National government did stay out of it and as a result you are melting like a snowflake.

Since the UK is dead last in the breast cancer survival rate among industrialized nations (comes in well behind Brazil - so does Canada) ... You can pretend it is whatever you want ... But it is a systemic failure associated with their healthcare options ... No matter who you would like to blame.

Not my concern. I'm just goofing on the OP.
I learned that the National government did stay out of it and as a result you are melting like a snowflake.

Since the UK is dead last in the breast cancer survival rate among industrialized nations (comes in well behind Brazil - so does Canada) ... You can pretend it is whatever you want ... But it is a systemic failure associated with their healthcare options ... No matter who you would like to blame.

Not my concern. I'm just goofing on the OP.
Getting along is way overrated
I learned that the National government did stay out of it and as a result you are melting like a snowflake.

Since the UK is dead last in the breast cancer survival rate among industrialized nations (comes in well behind Brazil - so does Canada) ... You can pretend it is whatever you want ... But it is a systemic failure associated with their healthcare options ... No matter who you would like to blame.

Not my concern. I'm just goofing on the OP.
Getting along is way overrated
That's what I keep hearing
I learned that the National government did stay out of it and as a result you are melting like a snowflake.

Since the UK is dead last in the breast cancer survival rate among industrialized nations (comes in well behind Brazil - so does Canada) ... You can pretend it is whatever you want ... But it is a systemic failure associated with their healthcare options ... No matter who you would like to blame.


The UK doesn't have the best breast cancer survival rate, but where do you get that it comes in behind Brazil, and that Canada does as well? Here's a list from a study published in The Lancet which shows Brazil near the bottom of the list, with England, Ireland, and Wales all above it. Canada is near the top for breast cancer survival. In fact, Canada is near the top for all 4 cancer survival rates, a bit behind the US.
The UK doesn't have the best breast cancer survival rate, but where do you get that it comes in behind Brazil, and that Canada does as well? Here's a list from a study published in The Lancet which shows Brazil near the bottom of the list, with England, Ireland, and Wales all above it. Canada is near the top for breast cancer survival. In fact, Canada is near the top for all 4 cancer survival rates, a bit behind the US.

What I was looking at obviously didn't mirror your offerings ... But the point remains even when looking at yours.
The US ranks above Canada and the UK in regards to cancer survivability rates.

I would rather survive cancer than die so we can have socialized medicine in a single payer system ... :thup:

The UK doesn't have the best breast cancer survival rate, but where do you get that it comes in behind Brazil, and that Canada does as well? Here's a list from a study published in The Lancet which shows Brazil near the bottom of the list, with England, Ireland, and Wales all above it. Canada is near the top for breast cancer survival. In fact, Canada is near the top for all 4 cancer survival rates, a bit behind the US.

What I was looking at obviously didn't mirror your offerings ... But the point remains even when looking at yours.
The US ranks above Canada and the UK in regards to cancer survivability rates.

I would rather survive cancer than die so we can have socialized medicine in a single payer system ... :thup:


I don't think that all socialized, universal style health care systems rank behind the US, though. Cuba has a better survival rate for 3 of the 4 cancers on the chart I posted, for example. I think the issue is more complex than just free market vs. government run.

I wouldn't say that a single-payer system would solve all of the US's healthcare ills....and I've never been a fan of the ACA....but healthcare has gotten extremely expensive over the years, often prohibitively so. I absolutely understand the desire to "fix" the system, but I have no idea what solution(s) would work best for the US. We can get ideas about what to do or not do from other countries, but circumstances here are different in many ways (our land mass, population size, resources, rates of various diseases, obesity levels, etc.), and direct comparisons are probably not the best idea. :dunno:
a female is not an incubating host.... :piss2: you fuckhead...
She is when she’s pregnant, dumb ass. A baby is not an organ (therefore it is not the woman’s body). It’s a separate life with unique DNA.

It must be difficult having reality humiliate your idiotic ideology.


there is no difference with your warped way of thinking & those who want to impose sharia law. how does it feel to have such a kinship with fundie wackjobs?


you wouldn't be able to single out a human embryo if it wasn't labeled & you know it.

Quick question.........................why are we worrying about what the British government is doing to British citizens? We are under a totally different system of government.

Sorry, but what the British government does to British citizens has zero bearing on me as an American citizen who is protected by the Constitution.

Some protection. The government said you have to buy medical insurance or else........

At the same time, they decided to force insurance companies to their way of handling their money, for instance a law that requires insurance companies to use 85% of their premiums on medical claims alone.

When the government has that kind of power, you better look at what other countries are doing to see where we could end up in all this.

the ACA mandates that insurance companies use 80% of premiums on the policy holder's healthcare (not claims - the other 20% is for admin costs & overhead) - for individual policies; & 85% for group ins. policies. wow- imagine that. YOUR money going for YOUR healthcare instead of adding to the ridiculous salaries of the powers that be.

Health insurance rights & protections
Rate Review & the 80/20 Rule
Rate Review & the 80/20 Rule
Obamacare is a joke, people are paying for other people shit unnecessary.
And millions and millions of people will never use it, do not want nothing to do with it and cannot afford it.

you were paying for other people loooooooong b4 the ACA.
The left is all about control. They fear liberty because they think that if everyone isn't forced to row in the exact same direction, civilization will break down. It is why they embrace fascism they way they do. But this story here is one of MANY reasons why the government should never have control over any facet of your life. The UK government is standing in the way of medication that could cut breast cancer deaths by 10%.

View attachment 152254

Quick question.........................why are we worrying about what the British government is doing to British citizens? We are under a totally different system of government.

Sorry, but what the British government does to British citizens has zero bearing on me as an American citizen who is protected by the Constitution.

Some protection. The government said you have to buy medical insurance or else........

At the same time, they decided to force insurance companies to their way of handling their money, for instance a law that requires insurance companies to use 85% of their premiums on medical claims alone.

When the government has that kind of power, you better look at what other countries are doing to see where we could end up in all this.

the ACA mandates that insurance companies use 80% of premiums on the policy holder's healthcare (not claims - the other 20% is for admin costs & overhead) - for individual policies; & 85% for group ins. policies. wow- imagine that. YOUR money going for YOUR healthcare instead of adding to the ridiculous salaries of the powers that be.

Health insurance rights & protections
Rate Review & the 80/20 Rule
Rate Review & the 80/20 Rule
Obamacare is a joke, people are paying for other people shit unnecessary.
And millions and millions of people will never use it, do not want nothing to do with it and cannot afford it.

you were paying for other people loooooooong b4 the ACA.
Keep it to yourselves then, It does not require our participation
Quick question.........................why are we worrying about what the British government is doing to British citizens? We are under a totally different system of government.

Sorry, but what the British government does to British citizens has zero bearing on me as an American citizen who is protected by the Constitution.

Some protection. The government said you have to buy medical insurance or else........

At the same time, they decided to force insurance companies to their way of handling their money, for instance a law that requires insurance companies to use 85% of their premiums on medical claims alone.

When the government has that kind of power, you better look at what other countries are doing to see where we could end up in all this.

the ACA mandates that insurance companies use 80% of premiums on the policy holder's healthcare (not claims - the other 20% is for admin costs & overhead) - for individual policies; & 85% for group ins. policies. wow- imagine that. YOUR money going for YOUR healthcare instead of adding to the ridiculous salaries of the powers that be.

Health insurance rights & protections
Rate Review & the 80/20 Rule
Rate Review & the 80/20 Rule
Obamacare is a joke, people are paying for other people shit unnecessary.
And millions and millions of people will never use it, do not want nothing to do with it and cannot afford it.

you were paying for other people loooooooong b4 the ACA.
Keep it to yourselves then, It does not require our participation

everytime someone uses the ER for what otherwise would be a simple dr's visit... the cost gets passed along to you, me & eveyrbody else thru higher premiums & copays, you dimbulb.
Some protection. The government said you have to buy medical insurance or else........

At the same time, they decided to force insurance companies to their way of handling their money, for instance a law that requires insurance companies to use 85% of their premiums on medical claims alone.

When the government has that kind of power, you better look at what other countries are doing to see where we could end up in all this.

the ACA mandates that insurance companies use 80% of premiums on the policy holder's healthcare (not claims - the other 20% is for admin costs & overhead) - for individual policies; & 85% for group ins. policies. wow- imagine that. YOUR money going for YOUR healthcare instead of adding to the ridiculous salaries of the powers that be.

Health insurance rights & protections
Rate Review & the 80/20 Rule
Rate Review & the 80/20 Rule
Obamacare is a joke, people are paying for other people shit unnecessary.
And millions and millions of people will never use it, do not want nothing to do with it and cannot afford it.

you were paying for other people loooooooong b4 the ACA.
Keep it to yourselves then, It does not require our participation

everytime someone uses the ER for what otherwise would be a simple dr's visit... the cost gets passed along to you, me & eveyrbody else thru higher premiums & copays, you dimbulb.
You making excuses for your collective? LOL
the ACA mandates that insurance companies use 80% of premiums on the policy holder's healthcare (not claims - the other 20% is for admin costs & overhead) - for individual policies; & 85% for group ins. policies. wow- imagine that. YOUR money going for YOUR healthcare instead of adding to the ridiculous salaries of the powers that be.

Health insurance rights & protections
Rate Review & the 80/20 Rule
Rate Review & the 80/20 Rule
Obamacare is a joke, people are paying for other people shit unnecessary.
And millions and millions of people will never use it, do not want nothing to do with it and cannot afford it.

you were paying for other people loooooooong b4 the ACA.
Keep it to yourselves then, It does not require our participation

everytime someone uses the ER for what otherwise would be a simple dr's visit... the cost gets passed along to you, me & eveyrbody else thru higher premiums & copays, you dimbulb.
You making excuses for your collective? LOL

lol... how ironic that you say that... i am an indie. you? do you belong to a political party? never mind, i already know.
Obamacare is a joke, people are paying for other people shit unnecessary.
And millions and millions of people will never use it, do not want nothing to do with it and cannot afford it.

you were paying for other people loooooooong b4 the ACA.
Keep it to yourselves then, It does not require our participation

everytime someone uses the ER for what otherwise would be a simple dr's visit... the cost gets passed along to you, me & eveyrbody else thru higher premiums & copays, you dimbulb.
You making excuses for your collective? LOL

lol... how ironic that you say that... i am an indie. you? do you belong to a political party? never mind, i already know.
Libertarian here
a female is not an incubating host.... :piss2: you fuckhead...
She is when she’s pregnant, dumb ass. A baby is not an organ (therefore it is not the woman’s body). It’s a separate life with unique DNA.

It must be difficult having reality humiliate your idiotic ideology.
there is no difference with your warped way of thinking & those who want to impose sharia law. how does it feel to have such a kinship with fundie wackjobs?
Coming from the whackadoo who supports Sharia Law and sneaking illegal aliens into the U.S. :eusa_doh: all left-wing sound like a lunatic. Murder is not ok. A woman can do anything she wants to her own body. You idiotically want her to be able to do something to other people’s body. A fetus is not an organ. It is not a part of the woman’s body. It has unique DNA to prove it (though we all know how you lefties HATE science).

Take your uterus out before you get pregnant - you’ll have my support 100%. The fact that you whackadoos don’t speaks volumes.
You need to stop discussing U.S. government - you clearly don’t know anything about it.
Clearly I have enough sense about it to understand that by delegating authority to the US Constitution the states gave up some of their authority, even within their own state.
Keywords. Thanks for playing!
The left is all about control. They fear liberty because they think that if everyone isn't forced to row in the exact same direction, civilization will break down. It is why they embrace fascism they way they do. But this story here is one of MANY reasons why the government should never have control over any facet of your life. The UK government is standing in the way of medication that could cut breast cancer deaths by 10%.

View attachment 152254
The UK government isn't standing in the way you dummy. The decision to fund the drug is made locally. That is going to change. When it does, then you can complain that the evil government is forcing everyone to row in the same direction. Per your desire.
I'm sorry, stupid, are you under the impression that "locally" somehow means "NOT government"? :lmao:
You've always struck me as a states rights kind of girl. Why not now?
Clearly someone is unable to follow along in this thread... :eusa_whistle:
Clearly I have enough sense about it to understand that by delegating authority to the US Constitution the states gave up some of their authority, even within their own state.

Clearly I have enough sense about it not to make the following fraudulent claim. Can you say the same?

The states have full power and authority in the U.S.
So genius here starts his post that states delegate authority on 18 specific items to the federal government, but then proclaims it isn’t “fraudulent” to say that the U.S. Constitution dictates that states have FULL authority (outside of of those 18 items they delegated, of course). can only delegate to subordinates - not superiors.
Clearly I have enough sense about it to understand that by delegating authority to the US Constitution the states gave up some of their authority, even within their own state.

Clearly I have enough sense about it not to make the following fraudulent claim. Can you say the same?

The states have full power and authority in the U.S.
So genius here starts his post that states delegate authority on 18 specific items to the federal government, but then proclaims it isn’t “fraudulent” to say that the U.S. Constitution dictates that states have FULL authority (outside of of those 18 items they delegated, of course). can only delegate to subordinates - not superiors.
In the third place, as the constitutions of the States differ much from each other, it might happen that a treaty or national law, of great and equal importance to the States, would interfere with some and not with other constitutions, and would consequently be valid in some of the States, at the same time that it would have no effect in others. In fine, the world would have seen, for the first time, a system of government founded on an inversion of the fundamental principles of all government; it would have seen the authority of the whole society every where subordinate to the authority of the parts; it would have seen a monster, in which the head was under the direction of the members.

The Avalon Project : Federalist No 44
Clearly I have enough sense about it to understand that by delegating authority to the US Constitution the states gave up some of their authority, even within their own state.

Clearly I have enough sense about it not to make the following fraudulent claim. Can you say the same?

The states have full power and authority in the U.S.
So genius here starts his post that states delegate authority on 18 specific items to the federal government, but then proclaims it isn’t “fraudulent” to say that the U.S. Constitution dictates that states have FULL authority (outside of of those 18 items they delegated, of course). can only delegate to subordinates - not superiors.
The Confederate States of America proved who was the superior.

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