Zone1 One of our honorable posters repeatedly states as fact that whites commit more murders, numbers than blacks. But that is demonstrably not true.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2016
Tallahassee, FL
One of our honorable posters repeatedly states as fact that whites commit more murders, numbers than blacks. But that is demonstrably not true.
I have repeatedly attempted to shift the target to discussing the problems today and possible solutions. To no avail.


Expanded Homicide Data Table 3


The murder rate among the races is staggeringly weighted toward blacks but, as we can see here, sadly even the raw numbers show far more blacks are murderers and victims of murder.

Obviously, racism plays no part in those numbers. Why are posters here so reluctant to discuss the problem rather than just call names?

Does anyone have thoughts on why this disparity exists and is there anything that can be done to change this for the better?
One of our honorable posters repeatedly states as fact that whites commit more murders, numbers than blacks. But that is demonstrably not true.
I have repeatedly attempted to shift the target to discussing the problems today and possible solutions. To no avail.


Expanded Homicide Data Table 3


The murder rate among the races is staggeringly weighted toward blacks but, as we can see here, sadly even the raw numbers show far more blacks are murderers and victims of murder.

Obviously, racism plays no part in those numbers. Why are posters here so reluctant to discuss the problem rather than just call names?

Does anyone have thoughts on why this disparity exists and is there anything that can be done to change this for the better?

There is nothing honorable about that racist bigot.
I imagine that the bulk of these murders occur in inner-city settings, not suburban neighborhoods. As such, they reflect the general lack of cohesiveness that a community depends on. Those who live in such areas tend to be in the lowest income group and that because they live on a government check from month to month, generation to generation.

No hope, no vision of a better future, convinced by politicians and their peers that nothing is their fault, and that someone owes them, and owes them MORE than they currently receive. That kind of lifestyle would make ANY race of people self destructive.
Does anyone have thoughts on why this disparity exists and is there anything that can be done to change this for the better?
You BELIEVE Black people commit more crimes than white people BECAUSE of the numbers, right?

Did it ever occur to you that the numbers are a perpetuation of the dialogue that has always existed in this country when it comes to Black people? That Black people are "inherently" more criminally inclined than whites, that Black people are "inherently" dangerous because they are more violent, that Black people are inferior to white people, etc.

I work with data and have for the last 30 some odd years. You will only get out of a system what you put into and IF the information entered into the system is not fully accurate then your reporting will not be fully accurate.

So you wanna take a wild guess as to why those numbers are not accurate? All you have to do is look at the crime statistics for the Tulsa race riot of 1921. An envious white mob of 3,000 people torched the most affluent Black community in the country. They killed close to 300 people, and completely destroyed the community. They robbed the banks and then the banks and insurance companies refused to pay on any of the claims filed except for one white shop owner Several Black people were arrested though in spite of having been the victims in this scenario and the remaining Black people in what was left of the community were restricted by curfews and put into tent encampments. 3,000 fucking white racists and they could not locate a single one of them to jail or prosecute:
What happened to Black Wall Street on June 1, 1921?
The true costs of the Tulsa race massacre, 100 years later

And since we're on the topic, it has only been in the last 5 to 7 years that crime statistics have started to be kept on police shooting and killings. Why do you think that may be?
One of our honorable posters repeatedly states as fact that whites commit more murders, numbers than blacks. But that is demonstrably not true.
I have repeatedly attempted to shift the target to discussing the problems today and possible solutions. To no avail.


Expanded Homicide Data Table 3


The murder rate among the races is staggeringly weighted toward blacks but, as we can see here, sadly even the raw numbers show far more blacks are murderers and victims of murder.

Obviously, racism plays no part in those numbers. Why are posters here so reluctant to discuss the problem rather than just call names?

Does anyone have thoughts on why this disparity exists and is there anything that can be done to change this for the better?
What is demonstrably true is that since America has been a country whites have committed more murders than anybody else and it's not even close.

And don't try your usual"that was in the pat" crap you use until it's time to talk about how democrats were for slavery or how africans sold each other. Since both are used repeatedly by whites here, then we will use the fact that whites have murdered tens of millions in this counry either directly or as result of public policy since this country began.

Furthermore, annually whites committ more crime. It's so bad that you have to divide crime by 100,000 knowing that because there are more whites the numbers will look smaller. If you have 70 apples, 13 oranges,15 grapes and 2 cherries in a, barrell, the chances of you pulling out an apple is greater than pulling out anthing else. So in reality if there are more whites than everyone else, that means the likliehood of a crime being committed by a white person is greater than it is from everbody else. That means white on white crime is the biggest problem as well as the greatest threat to the safety of whites.

I will continue repeating this:

Whites have a history of criminal behavior that started at the very beginning of this country. Whites have elected numerous criminals to make laws in this country. Whites organized crime and made it a corporate business. Whites control the manufacturing, shipment, and distribution of drugs in this country. Whites made two of the most destructive drugs legal, creating millions of addicted citizens. I am talking about alcohol and nicotine. Whites have embezzled and scammed people out of trillions of dollars in the years America has been a country. Whites control the manufacturing, shipping, sales, and distribution of deadly weapons in this country.

This thread has no merit and really has no business in any supposedly serious solution seeking discussion on race.
It's time some of the members of the white community stopped lying to themselves.

The hypocrisy is stunning; departing from racialized images of crack users, data from National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) shows that people reporting cocaine use in 1991 were 75% white; 15% black, and 10% Hispanic. People who admitted to using crack were 52% white, 38% black, and 10% Hispanic. Comparing that to US Sentencing Commission data showing 79% of 5,669 sentenced crack offenders were black, 10% were Hispanic, and only 10% were white, only lends credence to the contention that mandatory sentencing laws were racially biased and fundamentally flawed.

(Whites were 59 percent of the admitted crack users, 75 percent of the cocaine users, but 10 percent of those incarcerated for use of crack, and systemic racism does not exist)

However, despite all the evidence to the contrary, America insisted on continuing its inane, pointless “War On Drugs,” which has resulted in little but the highest incarceration rate per capita of any industrialized nation, and countless stories of broken homes and destroyed communities which only continue the cycle of hopelessness, poverty, and desperation that cause people to turn to selling or using drugs in the first place. Still, the human cost has not been counted, because for every story recollected to public consciousness, hundreds more go untold. While the epidemic itself is over, new ones have sprung up to take its place; in particular, America now faces the same moral quandary over addictive opioids.

However, the face of this crisis looks vastly different; this time it’s the white, rural members of society in the spotlight, and the coverage has accordingly evolved as well. Instead of a hysterical panic and insistence on law-and-order crackdowns, politicians are pleading for understanding and treatment.

Now that whites are the ones dying of opiod addiction, we don't need law and order. We must have understanding and treatment programs. But systemic racism does not exist. When members of the white racist subculture want to start ranting about blacks and crime, maybe they should consider not doing so.
You BELIEVE Black people commit more crimes than white people BECAUSE of the numbers, right?

Did it ever occur to you that the numbers are a perpetuation of the dialogue that has always existed in this country when it comes to Black people? That Black people are "inherently" more criminally inclined than whites, that Black people are "inherently" dangerous because they are more violent, that Black people are inferior to white people, etc.

I work with data and have for the last 30 some odd years. You will only get out of a system what you put into and IF the information entered into the system is not fully accurate then your reporting will not be fully accurate.

So you wanna take a wild guess as to why those numbers are not accurate? All you have to do is look at the crime statistics for the Tulsa race riot of 1921. An envious white mob of 3,000 people torched the most affluent Black community in the country. They killed close to 300 people, and completely destroyed the community. They robbed the banks and then the banks and insurance companies refused to pay on any of the claims filed except for one white shop owner Several Black people were arrested though in spite of having been the victims in this scenario and the remaining Black people in what was left of the community were restricted by curfews and put into tent encampments. 3,000 fucking white racists and they could not locate a single one of them to jail or prosecute:
What happened to Black Wall Street on June 1, 1921?
The true costs of the Tulsa race massacre, 100 years later

And since we're on the topic, it has only been in the last 5 to 7 years that crime statistics have started to be kept on police shooting and killings. Why do you think that may be?
Hmmm... lets look at some of those statistics
Police Shootings and Statistics:

This thread has no merit and really has no business in any supposedly serious solution seeking discussion on race.
Why, cause of data? You continue to harp on the past, as if White's have some secret ability to travel back in time and end slavery before it even happens, yet we refuse to do so while still enslaving Blacks.

I can't understand how focusing on the past atrocities fixes the future for Black America. Racist laws and legislation, that did exist, whether federal, state, local are nearly extinct. Yet, the poor life choices still committed by today's Black Population are still the fault of White America for some of you. Keep in mind, this isn't all Blacks. I have worked with and have had many black friends who don't subscribe to this mindset. They live happy, productive and safe lives.
Why, cause of data? You continue to harp on the past, as if White's have some secret ability to travel back in time and end slavery before it even happens, yet we refuse to do so while still enslaving Blacks.

I can't understand how focusing on the past atrocities fixes the future for Black America. Racist laws and legislation, that did exist, whether federal, state, local are nearly extinct. Yet, the poor life choices still committed by today's Black Population are still the fault of White America for some of you. Keep in mind, this isn't all Blacks. I have worked with and have had many black friends who don't subscribe to this mindset. They live happy, productive and safe lives.
You are proof of the existence of the problem now. And I just happen to have black friends too and none of them are like the imaginary blacks you talk about. You have never had a serious discussion about race with any black person. Furthermore blacks know not to talk about race with whites like you because in the end you will get punched in the mouth then come in here whining about the black violence you created with your ignorance.
You are proof of the existence of the problem now. And I just happen to have black friends too and none of them are like the imaginary blacks you talk about. You have never had a serious discussion about race with any black person. Furthermore blacks know not to talk about race with whites like you because in the end you will get punched in the mouth then come in here whining about the black violence you created with your ignorance.
That’s the black response to someone who disagrees with them? Punch them in the mouth? Unacceptable behavior, and that LEADS to racism.

If I were in a discussion with someone like you, and said I thought it was unfair to factor race into who gets admitted to Harvard, and you punched me in the mouth.….or slapped me across the face….or slammed me into a wall, well….I wouldn’t think better of black people.

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