'One of the heroes of our time': Rev. Jesse Jackson defends Sen. John McCain


VIP Member
Aug 3, 2018

'One of the heroes of our time': Rev. Jesse Jackson defends Sen. John ...
AZCentral.com-3 hours ago
The Rev. Jesse Jackson defended the honor of Arizona Sen. John McCain during an hour-long interview Wednesday at The Arizona Republic.

Not surprisingly, the 76-year-old civil rights activist and two-time presidential candidate had little good to say about President Donald Trump, whom he denounced as the "lying king."

But like many Democrats these days, he found himself sticking up for McCain, a Republican whose many tiffs with Trump seemingly leave him out of sync with others in his party [ ... ]

Rev. Jesse Jackson: 'We see America resisting' President Donald Trump
Infosurhoy-13 hours ago
McCain is generally more in sync with others in the mainstream GOP than Trump.
The left and MSM love McCain now that McCain is anti-Trump and has cancer. When McCain was running against Obama in 2008, not so much.
The left and MSM love McCain now that McCain is anti-Trump and has cancer. When McCain was running against Obama in 2008, not so much.
Its all perspective. No one knew that idiot Drumpf would get elected. Of course McCain looks much better now.
Why would McCain need defending? Something must be up if the Rev. Jesse had to spend an hour defending a senator who didn't do anything wrong. Lefties seem jittery and hyper sensitive these days.
Can't imagine anybody caring what Jesse Jackson has to say about anything.
The left and MSM love McCain now that McCain is anti-Trump and has cancer. When McCain was running against Obama in 2008, not so much.
Its all perspective. No one knew that idiot Drumpf would get elected. Of course McCain looks much better now.
It Just shows you guys are hypocritical and are all politics.. you have no soul what so ever.
Give me a thousand McCains to one bone spurred colluding corrupt coward piece of trash named Trump.
Mc-shit-Stain is a globalist warmongering pig just like Hillary.

Both of those morons wanted us to go to war over the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

McStain is now a hero to the left because he played his part as the sacrificial lamb in the Presidential election as the GOP cuck who refused to attack the Hussein.
Jesse Jackson....'Hero of our Time'?

The man is nothing more than a proven RACIAL 'SHAKEDOWN' ARTIST / BLACKMAILER...

Yeah, Mr. 'Rainbow Coalition' would roll into town and tell businesses and leaders they would hand over large sums of money to pay for his illegitimate child and mistress or he would destroy them by publicly calling them 'racist' and call for protests and riots...

Once that was exposed there was no more 'pot if hood's at the end If that rainbow, and Jackson disappeared from sight...like a rainbow in the middle of a desert.

....it must be going to rain somewhere soon...we have a rainbow sighting....

Quit being such a beta male, theHawk. McCain is a neo-con, just like you, who wants to go to war against Iran. Grow up.
Ole Jessie still hate da Joooooz? Can't stand him or McInsane. Nuff said. Movin on...
Ole Jessie still hate da Joooooz? Can't stand him or McInsane. Nuff said. Movin on...
NAH... These two men may not be perfect, but JACKSON and MCCAIN are true original legends in their time.

Jackson's a racist huckster, he really hates those JOOOOOZ. And i wouldn't trust McInsane as far as i could throw him. The sooner both fade into obscurity, the better off the country will be.

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