One of the Lies Behind fdr's Concentration Camps

Japanese in Japan hide their shameful and animalistic history during WWII from their children. Do Japanese Americans do the same? Do Japanese Americans know how truly horrible and sadistic the WWII Japanese generation of Japan

Why would they? Japanese Americans in World War 2 fought honorably and with distinction for the United States.
I specifically focused on the Japanese generation of Japan. The question is, do Japanese Americans teach their children about how horrible the Japanese of Japan were during WWII.

Japanese Americans are taught the same history that every other AMERICAN is taught in school, moron.
In 1942, the US was not a bed of racial harmony and understanding

Blacks were officially designated second class citizens, Mexicans were outcasts, Japanese and Chinese were tolerated as long as they kept to themselves and knew their place

When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor ....guess who was the most hated ethnic group?

Should FDR have stood up for their Constitutional rights as citizens?
In retrospect, 75 years later, he should have

Politically and socially....he had little choice
Yea, the government was a crackpot of racism and shit. And dumbfucks like you want to give them MORE power.
You are the definition of STUPID

Yeah, him and Moonglow
SO what?

Here's the thing. The Germans and Italians, besides being much larger ethnic groups, weren't the ones who bombed Pearl Harbor.

The very fact Trump can propel himself to the top of the GOP heap playing on fears of Mexicans and Muslims today gives you an idea of what FDR was dealing with in 1942. People were damned scared. the looked out at that big Pacific Ocean and for all they knew, a Japanese Battleship could show up off the coast and start shelling them.

We didn't slaughter the Japanese. We relocated them out of a possible war zone, and most of them were released within a year.

Y'all need to quit whining about it. Other ethnicities have much more valid complaints.

What's your favorite thing about FDR?

Putting Americans with slanted eyes in concentration camps?
Inviting the 1936 Olympics team to the White House while telling Jessie Owens to stay home because he is black?
Gutting the military so much 3 nations declared war on us?
Sending Jews who fled Hitler back to Europe?
Appointing a KKK member to the Supreme Court?

"Gutting the military"

See here is the thing about you anti-FDR nutjobs. There are legitimate issues to attack FDR for- but then you just go all stupid, and reflect that it isn't really about FDR- it is because you dislike his policies.

After World War 1, the United States underwent a rapid demilitarization. In the 1930's, after Roosevelt came to power, there was at first a gradual build up the United States military- and then a rush starting in 1939 as Roosevelt(often at odds with Congress) pushed to build our military up to deal with the increasing threat from Germany, Italy and Japan.

WWII: Mobilization

And Japan didn't attack the United States because they thought our military was too weak- it was the other way around.
Fact remains FDR left our military so decimated three nations felt comfortable enough to declare war on us.
And stop trying to blame the Democrat controlled Congress for his actions.

Stop pulling crap out of your ass and calling it honey.

The fact is that FDR led the United States to the largest expansion of the military in our history- despite the isolationist attitude of much of the United States.

The fact is that our military in December 1941 was the largest it had been since the end of World War 1. Perhaps the most stupid thing Hitler ever did was declare war on the United States- without that FDR would have been hard pressed to assist Europe in defeating Hitler- but he did- and because of American intervention, Hitler was defeated in the West.
Now the leftard wants to insist America was a military Dreadnaught in 1941.
Yet another example of the implosion of the public education system.
SO what?

Here's the thing. The Germans and Italians, besides being much larger ethnic groups, weren't the ones who bombed Pearl Harbor.

The very fact Trump can propel himself to the top of the GOP heap playing on fears of Mexicans and Muslims today gives you an idea of what FDR was dealing with in 1942. People were damned scared. the looked out at that big Pacific Ocean and for all they knew, a Japanese Battleship could show up off the coast and start shelling them.

We didn't slaughter the Japanese. We relocated them out of a possible war zone, and most of them were released within a year.

Y'all need to quit whining about it. Other ethnicities have much more valid complaints.

What's your favorite thing about FDR?

Putting Americans with slanted eyes in concentration camps?
Inviting the 1936 Olympics team to the White House while telling Jessie Owens to stay home because he is black?
Gutting the military so much 3 nations declared war on us?
Sending Jews who fled Hitler back to Europe?
Appointing a KKK member to the Supreme Court?

"Gutting the military"

See here is the thing about you anti-FDR nutjobs. There are legitimate issues to attack FDR for- but then you just go all stupid, and reflect that it isn't really about FDR- it is because you dislike his policies.

After World War 1, the United States underwent a rapid demilitarization. In the 1930's, after Roosevelt came to power, there was at first a gradual build up the United States military- and then a rush starting in 1939 as Roosevelt(often at odds with Congress) pushed to build our military up to deal with the increasing threat from Germany, Italy and Japan.

WWII: Mobilization

And Japan didn't attack the United States because they thought our military was too weak- it was the other way around.
Fact remains FDR left our military so decimated three nations felt comfortable enough to declare war on us.
And stop trying to blame the Democrat controlled Congress for his actions.

Stop pulling crap out of your ass and calling it honey.

The fact is that FDR led the United States to the largest expansion of the military in our history- despite the isolationist attitude of much of the United States.

The fact is that our military in December 1941 was the largest it had been since the end of World War 1. Perhaps the most stupid thing Hitler ever did was declare war on the United States- without that FDR would have been hard pressed to assist Europe in defeating Hitler- but he did- and because of American intervention, Hitler was defeated in the West.
Now the leftard wants to insist America was a military Dreadnaught in 1941.
Yet another example of the implosion of the public education system.

Now the right wing nut job just displays his trollish ignorance.
...... There is no disputing though that FDR did lead the country out of the Great Depression........

Of course there is disputing of it. He made it worse, longer, and did NOT end it. The end of WWII ended the Great Depression, not that irresponsible, arrogant scumbag fdr.

LOL- yeah according to the rabid FDR haters like you......

According to UCLA, among many others.

Oh please provide that quote.

UCLA is rather a big place- is this the official position of the University- or perhaps the unanimous position of all of its thousands of faculty? Or perhaps the entire student body?
...... There is no disputing though that FDR did lead the country out of the Great Depression........

Of course there is disputing of it. He made it worse, longer, and did NOT end it. The end of WWII ended the Great Depression, not that irresponsible, arrogant scumbag fdr.

LOL- yeah according to the rabid FDR haters like you.

What did the United States do in World War 2 that ended the Great Depression?

Massive government spending and massive government employment.

And who led all of that?

The Germans and the Japanese.

So you believe that the Germans and the Japanese controlled the United States government......

I never said that.

LOL- yeah according to the rabid FDR haters like you.

What did the United States do in World War 2 that ended the Great Depression?

Massive government spending and massive government employment.

And who led all of that?
The Germans and the Japanese.

You said that- you said that the Germans and the Japanese led the government spending by the United States in World War 2.

You will say anything to deny FDR's accomplishments.
The internment of Japanese during WWII prevented Japanese-sponsored sabotage from being inflicted on the west coast of America....

Wrong. By that reasoning, you should be executed to prevent you from jaywalking. The proof that it was justified will be that you don't jaywalk. You're a fucking genius.
Although it probably happens, jaywalking is not supposed to be a death penalty crime.
Japanese in Japan hide their shameful and animalistic history during WWII from their children. Do Japanese Americans do the same? Do Japanese Americans know how truly horrible and sadistic the WWII Japanese generation of Japan

Why would they? Japanese Americans in World War 2 fought honorably and with distinction for the United States.
I specifically focused on the Japanese generation of Japan. The question is, do Japanese Americans teach their children about how horrible the Japanese of Japan were during WWII.

You specifically don't want to talk about the valor of the Japanese Americans who fought so bravely on behalf of our country in World War 2 to focus on some other crap.

Japanese Americans learn the same history all Americans learn. They are not responsible for the acts of the country that their ancestors came from, any more than I am responsible for the barbarity of the English in Ireland and India.
...... There is no disputing though that FDR did lead the country out of the Great Depression........

Of course there is disputing of it. He made it worse, longer, and did NOT end it. The end of WWII ended the Great Depression, not that irresponsible, arrogant scumbag fdr.

LOL- yeah according to the rabid FDR haters like you......

According to UCLA, among many others.

Oh please provide that quote.

UCLA is rather a big place- is this the official position of the University- or perhaps the unanimous position of all of its thousands of faculty? Or perhaps the entire student body?

The Tuskegee experiments went from 1932- the year before Roosevelt was President- until 1972- 20 odd years after he died. Certainly a blemish on the United States but FDR did not initiate them, or participate in them in any way other than the experiments happened under his administration as it did under Truman's and Eisenhower's.......

Did they, or did they not, take place during the entirety of his time in office?

Did FDR ever order the experiments to take place?

Did he ever order them to stop? .

Did he ever even know about them?

You blame FDR for an experiment that started before he came into office, continued while he was in office and after he died- despite no evidence he was even aware of them.

You are just another anti-FDR nutcase.
The internment of Japanese during WWII prevented Japanese-sponsored sabotage from being inflicted on the west coast of America....

Wrong. By that reasoning, you should be executed to prevent you from jaywalking. The proof that it was justified will be that you don't jaywalk. You're a fucking genius.
Although it probably happens, jaywalking is not supposed to be a death penalty crime.

Great. We would also prevent you from committing mass murder by preemptively executing you. Make sense, genius? Do you live in some bad Sci Fi movie?
...... There is no disputing though that FDR did lead the country out of the Great Depression........

Of course there is disputing of it. He made it worse, longer, and did NOT end it. The end of WWII ended the Great Depression, not that irresponsible, arrogant scumbag fdr.

LOL- yeah according to the rabid FDR haters like you......

According to UCLA, among many others.

Oh please provide that quote.

UCLA is rather a big place- is this the official position of the University- or perhaps the unanimous position of all of its thousands of faculty? Or perhaps the entire student body?
It's amazing the FDR cheerleaders are so ignorant they are unaware of the UCLA study.
But then again, their ignorance does explain their support of FDR.
Of course there is disputing of it. He made it worse, longer, and did NOT end it. The end of WWII ended the Great Depression, not that irresponsible, arrogant scumbag fdr.

LOL- yeah according to the rabid FDR haters like you.

What did the United States do in World War 2 that ended the Great Depression?

Massive government spending and massive government employment.

And who led all of that?

The Germans and the Japanese.

So you believe that the Germans and the Japanese controlled the United States government......

I never said that.

LOL- yeah according to the rabid FDR haters like you.

What did the United States do in World War 2 that ended the Great Depression?

Massive government spending and massive government employment.

And who led all of that?
The Germans and the Japanese.

You said that- you said that the Germans and the Japanese led the government spending by the United States in World War 2.

You will say anything to deny FDR's accomplishments.

Are you really not following this? Did the military expand and impose a draft in the 1940s just for fun?
Japanese in Japan hide their shameful and animalistic history during WWII from their children. Do Japanese Americans do the same? Do Japanese Americans know how truly horrible and sadistic the WWII Japanese generation of Japan

Why would they? Japanese Americans in World War 2 fought honorably and with distinction for the United States.
I specifically focused on the Japanese generation of Japan. The question is, do Japanese Americans teach their children about how horrible the Japanese of Japan were during WWII.

Japanese Americans are taught the same history that every other AMERICAN is taught in school, moron.
Japanese in Japan are not. And I did not ask about what Japanese Americans were taught in school. I asked what they were taught, meaning to include what they might be taught by their parents.
...... There is no disputing though that FDR did lead the country out of the Great Depression........

Of course there is disputing of it. He made it worse, longer, and did NOT end it. The end of WWII ended the Great Depression, not that irresponsible, arrogant scumbag fdr.

LOL- yeah according to the rabid FDR haters like you......

According to UCLA, among many others.

Oh please provide that quote.

UCLA is rather a big place- is this the official position of the University- or perhaps the unanimous position of all of its thousands of faculty? Or perhaps the entire student body?

Ah you confuse the opinion of 2 economists from UCLA with UCLA itself.

A common mistake by nutcases like you.

Like I said- there are those like Cole and Ohanian who have reached that conclusion.

And there are others who disagree with both their conclusions- and their reasoning.
The right-wing New Deal conniption fit
LOL- yeah according to the rabid FDR haters like you.

What did the United States do in World War 2 that ended the Great Depression?

Massive government spending and massive government employment.

And who led all of that?

The Germans and the Japanese.

So you believe that the Germans and the Japanese controlled the United States government......

I never said that.

LOL- yeah according to the rabid FDR haters like you.

What did the United States do in World War 2 that ended the Great Depression?

Massive government spending and massive government employment.

And who led all of that?
The Germans and the Japanese.

You said that- you said that the Germans and the Japanese led the government spending by the United States in World War 2.

You will say anything to deny FDR's accomplishments.

Are you really not following this? Did the military expand and impose a draft in the 1940s just for fun?

Are you saying that the military did not expand and that the draft was not proposed under FDR's administration?

The Tuskegee experiments went from 1932- the year before Roosevelt was President- until 1972- 20 odd years after he died. Certainly a blemish on the United States but FDR did not initiate them, or participate in them in any way other than the experiments happened under his administration as it did under Truman's and Eisenhower's.......

Did they, or did they not, take place during the entirety of his time in office?

Did FDR ever order the experiments to take place?

Did he ever order them to stop? .

Did he ever even know about them?

You blame FDR for an experiment that started before he came into office, continued while he was in office and after he died- ......

You are eager to give him credit for a war won by American soldiers and generals, but no blame for yet another outrage that took place on his watch. That is called an apologist.
The Germans and the Japanese.

So you believe that the Germans and the Japanese controlled the United States government......

I never said that.

LOL- yeah according to the rabid FDR haters like you.

What did the United States do in World War 2 that ended the Great Depression?

Massive government spending and massive government employment.

And who led all of that?
The Germans and the Japanese.

You said that- you said that the Germans and the Japanese led the government spending by the United States in World War 2.

You will say anything to deny FDR's accomplishments.

Are you really not following this? Did the military expand and impose a draft in the 1940s just for fun?

Are you saying that the military did not expand and that the draft was not proposed under FDR's administration?

Are you saying that would not have happened during wartime if someone else were President?

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