One Of The Most Interesting Cases This Year

I never understood why people go into business to deny customers the procurement of their product...It's not like the baker had to have ghey sex as part of the process of the creation of the design on the cake, since this is not about a baked cake but the decoration on said cake..
That's not the reason they go into business. There are just cases where they should be able to refuse service to anyone.
I never understood why people go into business to deny customers the procurement of their product...It's not like the baker had to have ghey sex as part of the process of the creation of the design on the cake, since this is not about a baked cake but the decoration on said cake..

For Gods's just a freak'n cake

He will bake cakes for adulterers, rapists and thieves
But baking for gays is the last straw

They have adulter, rapist and thieve cakes?

They will sell cakes to a pregnant bride, previously married couples, convicted felons.......all sinners

They seem to be very selective in how they apply their Christianity
Homosexuals are reprobates, they are more than sinners. They're rejected by God.
It's cliche to say that the decision will have wide-ranging effects.

Tidal wave of support for Colorado baker hits Supreme Court
Not sure why. Vending in public accommodation is a privilege, not a right.

And, if it was about morals, why not establish the business on a not-for-the-profit-of-lucre, basis.

A for-profit basis means for the profit of lucre, not morals or the greater glory of our immortal souls.

Nothing but diversion?
I never understood why people go into business to deny customers the procurement of their product...It's not like the baker had to have ghey sex as part of the process of the creation of the design on the cake, since this is not about a baked cake but the decoration on said cake..
That's not the reason they go into business. There are just cases where they should be able to refuse service to anyone.
We have a First Amendment, what if someone doesn't share your beliefs?

Business is for-profit or not, for-profit. That distinction already exists.
I never understood why people go into business to deny customers the procurement of their product...It's not like the baker had to have ghey sex as part of the process of the creation of the design on the cake, since this is not about a baked cake but the decoration on said cake..

For Gods's just a freak'n cake

He will bake cakes for adulterers, rapists and thieves
But baking for gays is the last straw

They have adulter, rapist and thieve cakes?

They will sell cakes to a pregnant bride, previously married couples, convicted felons.......all sinners

They seem to be very selective in how they apply their Christianity
Homosexuals are reprobates, they are more than sinners. They're rejected by God.
All original sinners are on Nexus Six, with Zardoz and the incorrigibles.

True children of a God only need Ten Commandments and not the Expense of Government or the burden of Taxation.
I stand with private property and individuality, of course.

so jim crow was a-ok by you?


Private property is "Jim Crow?"

You never were the sharpest marshmallow in the bag....

I think she was suggesting Harley was in favor of Jim Crow laws, despite the fact that they were government policy. I misread as well.

Jilly was mindlessly flinging shit with no real understanding of what the words she was saying even meant.
Homosexuals are reprobates, they are more than sinners. They're rejected by God.
So why does that mean they can't have a cake? And adulterers are condemned far more strongly in the Bible, specifically by Christ, than homosexuals (on which topic He is silent). But if you can show that those refusing cakes or wedding ceremonies for homosexuals also deny their services to divorced people entering a second marriage (condemned by Christ as adultery), then I might have more sympathy.

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