One of the reasons CNN isn't trusted: Fox reports on Flynn deal, CNN doesnt report on Evelyn Farkas


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
CNN is unmoving in their bias and hatred for the Trump campaign, and, anything right of center in general really. It's clear their reputation is tarnished and much of this is their own doing.

Fox reported on Flynn's immunity offer, had it on their headline on their landing page and it was covered by various hosts (I catch it with online video). They also addressed the comments made by former deputy assistant secretary Evelyn Farkas to MSNBC in a live interview. Balanced reporting. Of course they focus more energy on the Farkas comments as they support a sitting GOP presidents assertions. I accept this discourse as all networks have their viewers.

Of course, the astounding, direct and informative comments made by Farkas is not worthy of coverage from CNN as it supports Trumps opinion about being targeted. Considering MSNBC is ideologically more in line with CNN than not, it's a clear omission. Clearly unbalanced reporting to the point of being embarrassing really.

Honestly, I never believed in bias of the media. I understood discourse and ideological leaning and accept it to some degree, but not outright bias and self censorship. The recent campaign and the constant focus on Russia for months without any evidence with no interest in the potential crimes and leaks going on by CNN in particular (because it's the network I watch, mainly because I am forced to as we don't get Fox here) is indefensible. Surely they can report both sides of a debate can't they?

I genuinely want to see CNN recover. I want them to be honest and direct. I used to respect Wolf Blitzer, now he seems to be wavering in his objectivity. I do really enjoy listening to Smerconish, based on the recent slide of CNN quality, they don't even deserve him. Otherwise, they are slowly becoming MSNBC light.
They may mention it, but not for the purpose of informing the public.
Brian Klaas @brianklaas

If immunity is offered, the deal should include that Michael Flynn must watch this video at least 5 times per day for the rest of his life.

6:00 AM - 31 Mar 2017
  • "If I did a tenth of what she did I would be in Jail"


US and UK officials had doubts about Flynn’s loyalty and capacity for ‘linear thought’ in 2016
ANderson cooper did last night. But don't let facts get in your way.

Admittedly, if not for Flynn, I'd have been reading a novel before bedtime.

Paul Begala calls out right-wing for promoting insane conspiracy about Pentagon staffer Evelyn Farkas

Watching WH Press Release live. Spicer states the full quote that Farkas made on MSNBC, outlines statements she made and other network reports, goes on for a few minutes about her comments and what they mean for U.S democracy. Nothing in the banner from CNN as he is talking. Then suddently back to back "Breaking News": "WH Staffers met with Nunes (or something to that effect), followed by "Flynn seeks immunity, has a story to tell" in their banners.

Sorry, they are part in parcel with the old administration and are hellbent on painting Trumps administration before he won, after he won and every day while he is president, as the enemy. They do so along with the Democrats in their LA and New York bubbles while constantly avoiding news and details that aren't convenient for them or support their perspective.

Yes, if Russia is involved, call out all who broke the law. Do the same for an administration targeting a presidential candidate.
CNN is unmoving in their bias and hatred for the Trump campaign, and, anything right of center in general really. It's clear their reputation is tarnished and much of this is their own doing.

Fox reported on Flynn's immunity offer, had it on their headline on their landing page and it was covered by various hosts (I catch it with online video). They also addressed the comments made by former deputy assistant secretary Evelyn Farkas to MSNBC in a live interview. Balanced reporting. Of course they focus more energy on the Farkas comments as they support a sitting GOP presidents assertions. I accept this discourse as all networks have their viewers.

Of course, the astounding, direct and informative comments made by Farkas is not worthy of coverage from CNN as it supports Trumps opinion about being targeted. Considering MSNBC is ideologically more in line with CNN than not, it's a clear omission. Clearly unbalanced reporting to the point of being embarrassing really.

Honestly, I never believed in bias of the media. I understood discourse and ideological leaning and accept it to some degree, but not outright bias and self censorship. The recent campaign and the constant focus on Russia for months without any evidence with no interest in the potential crimes and leaks going on by CNN in particular (because it's the network I watch, mainly because I am forced to as we don't get Fox here) is indefensible. Surely they can report both sides of a debate can't they?

I genuinely want to see CNN recover. I want them to be honest and direct. I used to respect Wolf Blitzer, now he seems to be wavering in his objectivity. I do really enjoy listening to Smerconish, based on the recent slide of CNN quality, they don't even deserve him. Otherwise, they are slowly becoming MSNBC light.
Desperate deflections are not news
They may mention it, but not for the purpose of informing the public.
That's sure one of the stupider comments you've made, SJ. CNN covered the story. CNN is as balanced as Fox. Maybe moreso.
Trump’s Wiretap Claim Has Been Debunked
Former Government Officials Have Debunked Trump’s Claim. Former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper told NBC earlier this month that “for the part of the national security apparatus that I oversaw as DNI, there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time or as a candidate or against his campaign.” A spokesperson for Obama said that “neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen.” [Media Matters, 3/6/17]

FBI Director James Comey: “No Information” To Back Up Trump’s Wiretap Claim. FBI Director James Comey testified in a House committee hearing on March 20 that he “has no information that supports” Trump’s wiretap claim. NBC News reported that Comey “did not say ... that no Trump associate was ever picked up by American surveillance.” From the March 20 article:

The FBI director also dealt the president's credibility a blow when he said he "has no information that supports" Trump's allegation from two weeks ago that President Obama ordered surveillance of his communications in Trump Tower during the campaign.

Only courts grant permission for electronic surveillance, Comey told lawmakers, and "no individual in the United States can direct electronic surveillance of anyone."

Comey did not say, however, that no Trump associate was ever picked up by American surveillance. He declined to comment on anything related to surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which allows the FBI to eavesdrop, with a court order, on people they suspect are agents of a foreign power. [NBC News, 3/20/17]

Rep. Devin Nunes: Trump “Is Not Right About” Claim That Obama Personally Had Trump Tower Wiretapped. During an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper following his announcement that Trump’s transition team faced incidental “surveillance” by the intelligence community, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) clarified that Trump’s original claim that he was wiretapped by former President Obama was “not right.” He also said during a news conference the same day, according to Politico, that he did not have any evidence to support Trump’s claim that Obama ordered a wiretap of Trump Tower.
CNN is unmoving in their bias and hatred for the Trump campaign, and, anything right of center in general really. It's clear their reputation is tarnished and much of this is their own doing.

Fox reported on Flynn's immunity offer, had it on their headline on their landing page and it was covered by various hosts (I catch it with online video). They also addressed the comments made by former deputy assistant secretary Evelyn Farkas to MSNBC in a live interview. Balanced reporting. Of course they focus more energy on the Farkas comments as they support a sitting GOP presidents assertions. I accept this discourse as all networks have their viewers.

Of course, the astounding, direct and informative comments made by Farkas is not worthy of coverage from CNN as it supports Trumps opinion about being targeted. Considering MSNBC is ideologically more in line with CNN than not, it's a clear omission. Clearly unbalanced reporting to the point of being embarrassing really.

Honestly, I never believed in bias of the media. I understood discourse and ideological leaning and accept it to some degree, but not outright bias and self censorship. The recent campaign and the constant focus on Russia for months without any evidence with no interest in the potential crimes and leaks going on by CNN in particular (because it's the network I watch, mainly because I am forced to as we don't get Fox here) is indefensible. Surely they can report both sides of a debate can't they?

I genuinely want to see CNN recover. I want them to be honest and direct. I used to respect Wolf Blitzer, now he seems to be wavering in his objectivity. I do really enjoy listening to Smerconish, based on the recent slide of CNN quality, they don't even deserve him. Otherwise, they are slowly becoming MSNBC light.
Desperate deflections are not news

Neither are insane accusations about da Rooskies.
CNN is unmoving in their bias and hatred for the Trump campaign, and, anything right of center in general really. It's clear their reputation is tarnished and much of this is their own doing.

Fox reported on Flynn's immunity offer, had it on their headline on their landing page and it was covered by various hosts (I catch it with online video). They also addressed the comments made by former deputy assistant secretary Evelyn Farkas to MSNBC in a live interview. Balanced reporting. Of course they focus more energy on the Farkas comments as they support a sitting GOP presidents assertions. I accept this discourse as all networks have their viewers.

Of course, the astounding, direct and informative comments made by Farkas is not worthy of coverage from CNN as it supports Trumps opinion about being targeted. Considering MSNBC is ideologically more in line with CNN than not, it's a clear omission. Clearly unbalanced reporting to the point of being embarrassing really.

Honestly, I never believed in bias of the media. I understood discourse and ideological leaning and accept it to some degree, but not outright bias and self censorship. The recent campaign and the constant focus on Russia for months without any evidence with no interest in the potential crimes and leaks going on by CNN in particular (because it's the network I watch, mainly because I am forced to as we don't get Fox here) is indefensible. Surely they can report both sides of a debate can't they?

I genuinely want to see CNN recover. I want them to be honest and direct. I used to respect Wolf Blitzer, now he seems to be wavering in his objectivity. I do really enjoy listening to Smerconish, based on the recent slide of CNN quality, they don't even deserve him. Otherwise, they are slowly becoming MSNBC light.
When DJ Trump called CNN "junk news" on national tv with everybody watching, he pretty much destroyed them.

CNN has gone through major denunciations in the past though.

They have always recovered.

It will take some time though. It always does.
CNN is unmoving in their bias and hatred for the Trump campaign, and, anything right of center in general really. It's clear their reputation is tarnished and much of this is their own doing.

Fox reported on Flynn's immunity offer, had it on their headline on their landing page and it was covered by various hosts (I catch it with online video). They also addressed the comments made by former deputy assistant secretary Evelyn Farkas to MSNBC in a live interview. Balanced reporting. Of course they focus more energy on the Farkas comments as they support a sitting GOP presidents assertions. I accept this discourse as all networks have their viewers.

Of course, the astounding, direct and informative comments made by Farkas is not worthy of coverage from CNN as it supports Trumps opinion about being targeted. Considering MSNBC is ideologically more in line with CNN than not, it's a clear omission. Clearly unbalanced reporting to the point of being embarrassing really.

Honestly, I never believed in bias of the media. I understood discourse and ideological leaning and accept it to some degree, but not outright bias and self censorship. The recent campaign and the constant focus on Russia for months without any evidence with no interest in the potential crimes and leaks going on by CNN in particular (because it's the network I watch, mainly because I am forced to as we don't get Fox here) is indefensible. Surely they can report both sides of a debate can't they?

I genuinely want to see CNN recover. I want them to be honest and direct. I used to respect Wolf Blitzer, now he seems to be wavering in his objectivity. I do really enjoy listening to Smerconish, based on the recent slide of CNN quality, they don't even deserve him. Otherwise, they are slowly becoming MSNBC light.
No links.

A good thread starts with a link, at least, and then a discussion.
CNN is unmoving in their bias and hatred for the Trump campaign, and, anything right of center in general really. It's clear their reputation is tarnished and much of this is their own doing.

Fox reported on Flynn's immunity offer, had it on their headline on their landing page and it was covered by various hosts (I catch it with online video). They also addressed the comments made by former deputy assistant secretary Evelyn Farkas to MSNBC in a live interview. Balanced reporting. Of course they focus more energy on the Farkas comments as they support a sitting GOP presidents assertions. I accept this discourse as all networks have their viewers.

Of course, the astounding, direct and informative comments made by Farkas is not worthy of coverage from CNN as it supports Trumps opinion about being targeted. Considering MSNBC is ideologically more in line with CNN than not, it's a clear omission. Clearly unbalanced reporting to the point of being embarrassing really.

Honestly, I never believed in bias of the media. I understood discourse and ideological leaning and accept it to some degree, but not outright bias and self censorship. The recent campaign and the constant focus on Russia for months without any evidence with no interest in the potential crimes and leaks going on by CNN in particular (because it's the network I watch, mainly because I am forced to as we don't get Fox here) is indefensible. Surely they can report both sides of a debate can't they?

I genuinely want to see CNN recover. I want them to be honest and direct. I used to respect Wolf Blitzer, now he seems to be wavering in his objectivity. I do really enjoy listening to Smerconish, based on the recent slide of CNN quality, they don't even deserve him. Otherwise, they are slowly becoming MSNBC light.
No links.

A good thread starts with a link, at least, and then a discussion.
Some of the best threads I've ever seen lacked both links and discussions.

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