One of the ten original tea party founders admits to the groups racism.

[quoteIn other words, you have nothing. All good liberals, centrists, and rightists denounce racism: whether from the left or the TPM or whoever or whatever.[quote

Will you denounce the racism in the TPM?[/quote]

just as soon as you provide the proof that the TPM is racist.

You are wriggling because the truth is the truth: certain elements, as already proven, of the TPM are racist.

Denounce them, get rid of them.
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In other words, you have nothing. All good liberals, centrists, and rightists denounce racism: whether from the left or the TPM or whoever or whatever.

Will you denounce the racism in the TPM?

just as soon as you provide the proof that the TPM is racist.

You are wriggling because the truth is the truth: certain elements, as already proven, of the TPM are racist.

Denounce them, get rid of them.

10% may be racist, BFD. What % of the NAACP is racist? what % of the black panthers? what % of Farrakhan's followers? what % of the KKK/dem party?

there are racists everywhere, they come in every color and every party affiliation. to make the stupid claim that racists only exist in the TP is idiotic.
10% may be racist, BFD. What % of the NAACP is racist? what % of the black panthers? what % of Farrakhan's followers? what % of the KKK/dem party? there are racists everywhere, they come in every color and every party affiliation.

Two steps forward.

to make the stupid claim that racists only exist in the TP is idiotic.

One major step backward. Who said there are only racist in the TPM?
[quoteIn other words, you have nothing. All good liberals, centrists, and rightists denounce racism: whether from the left or the TPM or whoever or whatever.[quote

Will you denounce the racism in the TPM?

just as soon as you provide the proof that the TPM is racist.

You are wriggling because the truth is the truth: certain elements, as already proven, of the TPM are racist.

Denounce them, get rid of them.[/QUOTE]

Fake, Fake, Fake........."because I said so" doesn't quite cut it. Quit obfuscating. If you make the claim that the "truth is the truth" expecting us to blindly accept it, that isn't going to happen. YOU need to back up your claim. Until then, your actions are further proof that you are a leftwing hack. Again, put up or shut up. Show us the overt racism in the TPM that you claim to be truth. It should be easy............................or you can just quietly disappear fro mthe thread and pretend you didn't see this. Your choice.
The guy who helped found the TPM said so, so, yes, that is the truth, and your caterwauling is irrelevant. Admit it, get over it, don't do it, move on, don't be racist.

10% may be racist, BFD. What % of the NAACP is racist? what % of the black panthers? what % of Farrakhan's followers? what % of the KKK/dem party? there are racists everywhere, they come in every color and every party affiliation.

Two steps forward.

to make the stupid claim that racists only exist in the TP is idiotic.

One major step backward. Who said there are only racist in the TPM?

The OP claims that the "group" is racist-------that is a bold faced fucking lie.

when you on the left decide to deal honestly with these issues rather than post bullshit, we might be able to have a real discussion. until then, ----------------
The guy who helped found the TPM said so, so, yes, that is the truth, and your caterwauling is irrelevant. Admit it, get over it, don't do it, move on, don't be racist.


damn it---read the fucking OP. the guy said that 10% might be racist--------not the group. will you ever stop lying snake jockey?
The guy who helped found the TPM said so, so, yes, that is the truth, and your caterwauling is irrelevant. Admit it, get over it, don't do it, move on, don't be racist.


the guy said that 10% might be racist--------not the group.

And show me where I said anything different, that the TPM had racist elements.


the implication in the OP and in every post from one of you lefties is that the TP as a whole is racist--------that is a lie and you know it.
I am not a lefty, and the Redfish is a mere conservative a wannabee pretend conservative.

I have never said the TP was as a whole was racist. Never. And you know it. But its racist elements have seriously injured the GOP and that is why I piss on the TP. Why do you think the GOP with its TP minority were hosed in the national elections?
I am not a lefty, and the Redfish is a mere conservative a wannabee pretend conservative.

I have never said the TP was as a whole was racist. Never. And you know it. But its racist elements have seriously injured the GOP and that is why I piss on the TP. Why do you think the GOP with its TP minority were hosed in the national elections?

The GOP lost in 08 and 12 because they ran flawed candidates and the media had a love affair with obama. it had nothing to do with alleged racism, but its easier to blame it on race than to admit the truth. I understand you snake.

BTW, there are members of all races and ethnicities in the tea party and their numbers are growing every day. not all minorities are ignorant sheep like you want them to be.
I am not a lefty, and the Redfish is a mere conservative a wannabee pretend conservative.

I have never said the TP was as a whole was racist. Never. And you know it. But its racist elements have seriously injured the GOP and that is why I piss on the TP. Why do you think the GOP with its TP minority were hosed in the national elections?

as to my political orientation----I am more of an anti-liberal than anything else. Generally the GOP, conservatives, and libertarians are more in agreement with my beliefs that liberalsim is destroying our country, our economy, and our culture.
The guy who helped found the TPM said so, so, yes, that is the truth, and your caterwauling is irrelevant. Admit it, get over it, don't do it, move on, don't be racist.


The TPM is just that.....a movement. A grass roots movement. Claiming to be a founder is kind of like you claiming to be a conservative. One takes anything either of you have to say as a representative with a grain of salt. It has been duly noted that you once agan can't back up your claim with anything other than, "because I said so". You're a joke here Fakey. Accept it.
I am not a lefty, and the Redfish is a mere conservative a wannabee pretend conservative.

I have never said the TP was as a whole was racist. Never. And you know it. But its racist elements have seriously injured the GOP and that is why I piss on the TP. Why do you think the GOP with its TP minority were hosed in the national elections?

The GOP lost in 08 and 12 because they ran flawed candidates and the media had a love affair with obama.
Yes, Palin and Ryan never should have been on the tickets, and the reactionary haters should have been muzzled.

We can win in 2016 if we reach out to women and minorities.

ps: you admitted above the elemnets of the TPM are racist, so what do you want me to prove?
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I am not a lefty, and the Redfish is a mere conservative a wannabee pretend conservative.

I have never said the TP was as a whole was racist. Never. And you know it. But its racist elements have seriously injured the GOP and that is why I piss on the TP. Why do you think the GOP with its TP minority were hosed in the national elections?

The GOP lost in 08 and 12 because they ran flawed candidates and the media had a love affair with obama.
Yes, Palin and Ryan never should have been on the tickets, and the reactionary haters should have been muzzled.

We can win in 2016 if we reach out to women and minorities.

ps: you admitted above the elemnets of the TPM are racist, so what do you want me to prove?

Ok who should have been on the tickets? who is a non reactionary republican? And you are the technical definition of reactionary.
I agree that GOP lost in 08 and 12 because they ran flawed candidates and the media had a love affair with obama. Christie will fix both of those problems in 2016.

Yes, you are the technical definition of reactionary. But you are a very perverted one.

re·ac·tion·ar·y (r-ksh-nr)
Characterized by reaction, especially opposition to progress or liberalism; extremely conservative.
n. pl. re·ac·tion·ar·ies
An opponent of progress or liberalism; an extreme conservative.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved
I agree that GOP lost in 08 and 12 because they ran flawed candidates and the media had a love affair with obama. Christie will fix both of those problems in 2016.

Yes, you are the technical definition of reactionary. But you are a very perverted one.

re·ac·tion·ar·y (r-ksh-nr)
Characterized by reaction, especially opposition to progress or liberalism; extremely conservative.
n. pl. re·ac·tion·ar·ies
An opponent of progress or liberalism; an extreme conservative.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

so wait your definition is opposed to liberalism? Why holy shit!!!!!!!!!! yep we are opposed to liberalism....who knew???
as for's in the eye of the beholder

so jake what do you agree with republicans on? you're a ford republican right?

But see I Thought you meant this
Reactionary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A reactionary is a person who holds political viewpoints that favor a return to a previous state (the status quo ante) in a society

like you do with the republican party.....hence you're a reactionary!
and look where we get these terms from

The French Revolution gave the English language three politically descriptive words denoting anti-progressive politics:

Well hot shit...I schooled you on that before....and here it pops up again!!!!!!!!!!!!

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