One of the ten original tea party founders admits to the groups racism.

So we all agree that parts of the TPM are racist and homophobic, and are quite vocal about it.

And you wonder why the GOP does so badly, and will continue to do ever worse, in national elections?

That's your false understanding of it. A few bad apples can spoilt the barrel. Those individuals and small groups scared mainstream America silly in 2012.

The TPM's principles are time tested and honored principles.

Be as that may, you must publicly denounce the creatures who are hurting your side.

I've always denounced racism. See any of my posts to Poet.

Good. Denounce the homophobia next.
That's your false understanding of it. A few bad apples can spoilt the barrel. Those individuals and small groups scared mainstream America silly in 2012.

Be as that may, you must publicly denounce the creatures who are hurting your side.

I've always denounced racism. See any of my posts to Poet.

Good. Denounce the homophobia next.

Oh, now we're moving the goalposts from racism to homophobia? Damn but you're one busy lefty. My sister is a lesbian and my best friend is gay and I love them both dearly. Is that enough denouncement for you little buddy?
I've always denounced racism. See any of my posts to Poet.

Good. Denounce the homophobia next.

Oh, now we're moving the goalposts from racism to homophobia? . . . .My sister is a lesbian and my best friend is gay and I love them both dearly. Is that enough denouncement for you little buddy?

Good for you. You are a real conservative, not a reactionary that hides behind a term so one can persecute because of color or sex.

If you want TPM principles to be accepted by the American mainstream as TPM driven, you personally have made a good start by renouncing racism and homophobia.

I hope you can get all of your TP friends and organizations to denounce such hate.
Good. Denounce the homophobia next.

Oh, now we're moving the goalposts from racism to homophobia? . . . .My sister is a lesbian and my best friend is gay and I love them both dearly. Is that enough denouncement for you little buddy?

Good for you. You are a real conservative, not a reactionary that hides behind a term so one can persecute because of color or sex.

If you want TPM principles to be accepted by the American mainstream as TPM driven, you personally have made a good start by renouncing racism and homophobia.

I hope you can get all of your TP friends and organizations to denounce such hate.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't have any TP friends or organizations. The grownups in the room see what you are trying to do by painting conservatives with "hate" broad brushed by leftist organizations and the media. Again, there are individuals. It is not a systemic problem within the TPM. Now, the leftist, entitlement, big government, dependency crowd who think minorities can't function on their own without their assitance, those are some racists that you and your ilk should be denouncing. See how that works?
The grownups in the room see what you are trying to do by painting conservatives with "hate" broad brushed by leftist organizations and the media.
Ewwww - it's the media!?!? (This is the radical right's version of "Blame Bush.") Blame meeeeddiiaa.

True, the media has not ignored the racists in the far right. Damn them.
If you try to claim they are not there - you're just looking silly. I'm not saying that the GOP is a racist organization or even that the GOP is full of bigots. I'm saying the GOP is where white racists turned since the signing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964. (Google: George Wallace)

It's not "a message" problem. It's not an "image" problem. It's a real problem that denial will NOT help to solve. The solution is to create an environment within the GOP that is unwelcoming to racists.
Again, there are individuals. It is not a systemic problem within the TPM.

Yes, if individuals and groups have racists agendas and claim TPM alliance, then, yes, you have an obligation to renounce such. Please don't regress now.
Again, there are individuals. It is not a systemic problem within the TPM.

Yes, if individuals and groups have racists agendas and claim TPM alliance, then, yes, you have an obligation to renounce such. Please don't regress now.

that has already been done many times. when will you denounce the racists in the NAACP, ACORN, and the black panthers? when will you denounce the racism of Farrakhan and Sharpton and Jackson?
the premise of the OP is flawed. The TP movement is not racist, it is about fiscal dicipline and small unobtrusive government and individual freedom and responsibility.

the TP movement is anti-socialism and anti-marxism. there are TP members of all races, ethnicities, and sexual preferences. its not about race as much as you libtards wish that it was.
Is this the best the left can do? The argument is so screwy it hurts your head. Big gulps, marijuana, hypocrisy and racism? Did you ever see a Tea Party meeting? WTF?
Again, there are individuals. It is not a systemic problem within the TPM.

Yes, if individuals and groups have racists agendas and claim TPM alliance, then, yes, you have an obligation to renounce such. Please don't regress now.

that has already been done many times.

Not nearly enough. More needs to be done about racists in the TPM that hurt my Republican Party.

I hope the lefties clean up their act and denounce their racists.
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the premise of the OP is flawed. The TP movement is not racist, it is about fiscal dicipline and small unobtrusive government and individual freedom and responsibility.

the TP movement is anti-socialism and anti-marxism. there are TP members of all races, ethnicities, and sexual preferences. its not about race as much as you libtards wish that it was.

Too many instances of overt racism from members. The group (imho) is not a racist organization, but it does provide a haven for racists. Gotta make the water so hot, they want to get out of the tub. The TP hasn't done that.

And while the group may have been intended as the "big umbrella" group you describe, but it has certainly morphed into something very different.
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Again, there are individuals. It is not a systemic problem within the TPM.

Yes, if individuals and groups have racists agendas and claim TPM alliance, then, yes, you have an obligation to renounce such. Please don't regress now.

that has already been done many times.

Not nearly enough. More needs to be done about racists in the TPM that hurt my Republican Party.

I hope the lefties clean up their act and denounce their racists.

every group has 10% or so of idiots, but they do not set the group policies or determine the ideology of the group.

Now, if we take a look at the NAACP, OWS, black panthers, ACORN, moveon, huff puff, and many left wing groups I think we would all have to agree that the radicals are in control and do set the policy.

this OP is just another failed attempt to denigrate the tea party because it scares the livin shit out of the liberals and democrats. A peaceful movement of real americans is the last thing that the libtards and marxists want to see.
the premise of the OP is flawed. The TP movement is not racist, it is about fiscal dicipline and small unobtrusive government and individual freedom and responsibility.

the TP movement is anti-socialism and anti-marxism. there are TP members of all races, ethnicities, and sexual preferences. its not about race as much as you libtards wish that it was.

Too many instances of overt racism from members. The group (imho) is not a racist organization, but it does provide a haven for racists. Gotta make the water so hot, they want to get out of the tub. The TP hasn't done that.

And while the group may have been intended as the "big umbrella" group you describe, but it has certainly morphed into something very different.

No, it has not. Have you ever attended a tea party rally? Do so, you might learn something.
the premise of the OP is flawed. The TP movement is not racist, it is about fiscal dicipline and small unobtrusive government and individual freedom and responsibility.

the TP movement is anti-socialism and anti-marxism. there are TP members of all races, ethnicities, and sexual preferences. its not about race as much as you libtards wish that it was.

Too many instances of overt racism from members. The group (imho) is not a racist organization, but it does provide a haven for racists. Gotta make the water so hot, they want to get out of the tub. The TP hasn't done that.

And while the group may have been intended as the "big umbrella" group you describe, but it has certainly morphed into something very different.

No, it has not. Have you ever attended a tea party rally? Do so, you might learn something.

I have been there, thank you. Have you?
Too many instances of overt racism from members. The group (imho) is not a racist organization, but it does provide a haven for racists. Gotta make the water so hot, they want to get out of the tub. The TP hasn't done that.

And while the group may have been intended as the "big umbrella" group you describe, but it has certainly morphed into something very different.

No, it has not. Have you ever attended a tea party rally? Do so, you might learn something.

I have been there, thank you. Have you?

Yes, I have been to several and what I saw was a peaceful group of people of all races who want to bring the country back to the constitution and individual freedom and responsibility. I saw a group that respected the rights of each other and cleaned up after themselves. I listened to speakers who did not demonize the other side but presented a clear logical alternative to the foolishness that has been going on in DC.
Why does the left hate and fear a bunch of of grizzled old Vets and blue haired ladies that carry around a copy of the Constitution and sing the National Anthem? Is it the Anthem and the Constitution that fills them with hatred? When you look at the rabble that occupied Wall Street it makes the Tea Party look like choir practice. It's easy to see through Russo''s argument because it is empty. It's not the Tea Party that criticized Bloomie for the big gulp laws. Everybody did. Is Russo disappointed that the Tea Party didn't promote marijuana use? He should have joined OWS.
The grownups in the room see what you are trying to do by painting conservatives with "hate" broad brushed by leftist organizations and the media.
Ewwww - it's the media!?!? (This is the radical right's version of "Blame Bush.") Blame meeeeddiiaa.

True, the media has not ignored the racists in the far right. Damn them.
If you try to claim they are not there - you're just looking silly. I'm not saying that the GOP is a racist organization or even that the GOP is full of bigots. I'm saying the GOP is where white racists turned since the signing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964. (Google: George Wallace)

It's not "a message" problem. It's not an "image" problem. It's a real problem that denial will NOT help to solve. The solution is to create an environment within the GOP that is unwelcoming to racists.

I'll issue you the same challenge that "conservative" JakeFakey kept running from. If the TPM has a systemic race problem as the left likes to claim, it should be extremely easy for you to prove it. Go to any TPM website and produce evidence that their mission statement and core principles has anything at all to do with race instead of small government, low taxes and free markets. That should take less than 5 minutes since it is apparently so rampant.
No, it has not. Have you ever attended a tea party rally? Do so, you might learn something.

I have been there, thank you. Have you?

Yes, I have been to several and what I saw was a peaceful group of people of all races who want to bring the country back to the constitution and individual freedom and responsibility. I saw a group that respected the rights of each other and cleaned up after themselves. I listened to speakers who did not demonize the other side but presented a clear logical alternative to the foolishness that has been going on in DC.

Yeah and then they all held hands, sang Kumbaya and affirmed each other as individiuals.

I don't need your make believe press release. I've seen the REAL THING in action.

Perhaps there is a group that behaves as you say. Glad you found it. It may explain your skewed view of the TP - because what you describe is certainly not anywhere close to representative of these groups.
Andrew Breitbart offered a large lumpsum of money to anyone who could prove the Tea Party was racist and point out a specific prominent figure. Nobody could do it.


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