One of the ten original tea party founders admits to the groups racism.

Nothing new here. Anyone who paid any attention at all to the tea party could clearly see flashes of racism. And I don't think anyone with an IQ above 95 would disagree with the fact that the GOP hijacked the tea party in order to turn them into surrogate mud-slingers.

Was there ever really any doubt?
I agree that GOP lost in 08 and 12 because they ran flawed candidates and the media had a love affair with obama. Christie will fix both of those problems in 2016.

Yes, you are the technical definition of reactionary. But you are a very perverted one.

re·ac·tion·ar·y (r-ksh-nr)
Characterized by reaction, especially opposition to progress or liberalism; extremely conservative.
n. pl. re·ac·tion·ar·ies
An opponent of progress or liberalism; an extreme conservative.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

so wait your definition is opposed to liberalism? Why holy shit!!!!!!!!!! yep we are opposed to liberalism....who knew???
as for's in the eye of the beholder

so jake what do you agree with republicans on? you're a ford republican right?

But see I Thought you meant this
Reactionary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A reactionary is a person who holds political viewpoints that favor a return to a previous state (the status quo ante) in a society

like you do with the republican party.....hence you're a reactionary!

Fakey claims he's a conservative, but he just admitted he's not opposed to liberalism.

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Nothing new here. Anyone who paid any attention at all to the tea party could clearly see flashes of racism. And I don't think anyone with an IQ above 95 would disagree with the fact that the GOP hijacked the tea party in order to turn them into surrogate mud-slingers.

Was there ever really any doubt?

Turds like you are always seeing thing that don't exist. Remember the time some black congressman claimed a member of the TEA Party spit on him? Despite hundreds of people in the vicinity, all of whom had cell phones, no one could produce any video of the incident.

I would be surprised if you knew anyone with an I.Q. over 95.
The tea party concerns itself with fiscal matters only.

Wait for it....

Wait for it....



Nothing new here. Anyone who paid any attention at all to the tea party could clearly see flashes of racism. And I don't think anyone with an IQ above 95 would disagree with the fact that the GOP hijacked the tea party in order to turn them into surrogate mud-slingers.

Was there ever really any doubt?

Given that you guys buy into the fairytales like global warming, you are quite accustomed to believing things that just aren't so.
I am not a lefty, and the Redfish is a mere conservative a wannabee pretend conservative.

I have never said the TP was as a whole was racist. Never. And you know it. But its racist elements have seriously injured the GOP and that is why I piss on the TP. Why do you think the GOP with its TP minority were hosed in the national elections?

The GOP lost in 08 and 12 because they ran flawed candidates and the media had a love affair with obama.
Yes, Palin and Ryan never should have been on the tickets, and the reactionary haters should have been muzzled.

We can win in 2016 if we reach out to women and minorities.

ps: you admitted above the elemnets of the TPM are racist, so what do you want me to prove?

the OP said that the "group" was racist. if you think that is a lie, fine.
Oh my......did you mistake me for a tea partier simply because I spoke the truth? I dislike Obama for the same reason I disliked Bush. I don't think either of them were very good presidents. Now, do you assume I didn't like Bush because he was white? You're quite the racist aren't you with your ideas that everything hinges on color. Obama is an ineffectual leader with really bad ideas. End of story.

Zacadiarea is the same ass that said i was OBVIOUSLY a "tea party" person in one of the Poet threads.....when asked to back that up.....he mysteriously disappeared....i wonder if he will prove it now?.....

You are. You hate the IDEA of Obama
do i?....lets see you show something showing how much i hate the should not be did say it was obvious.....dont run from this thread like you did the other one....
Zacadiarea is the same ass that said i was OBVIOUSLY a "tea party" person in one of the Poet threads.....when asked to back that up.....he mysteriously disappeared....i wonder if he will prove it now?.....

You are. You hate the IDEA of Obama
do i?....lets see you show something showing how much i hate the should not be did say it was obvious.....dont run from this thread like you did the other one....

We don't hate Obama, we just hate his policies.
So we all agree that parts of the TPM are racist and homophobic, and are quite vocal about it.

And you wonder why the GOP does so badly, and will continue to do ever worse, in national elections?
You are. You hate the IDEA of Obama
do i?....lets see you show something showing how much i hate the should not be did say it was obvious.....dont run from this thread like you did the other one....

We don't hate Obama, we just hate his policies.

according to this jerk Zeroius and his boyfriend Poet .....if you disagree with ANYTHING the President is can only be because the guy is black...i guess to dipshits like are supposed to let Obama do whatever he wants and NEVER question the guy....BECAUSE he is black....:dunno:
So we all agree that parts of the TPM are racist and homophobic, and are quite vocal about it.
Ok, if we can agree that some liberals are whining and parasitic, and quite vocal about it.

Nothing personal implied, literally at least.:razz:
according to this jerk Zeroius and his boyfriend Poet .....if you disagree with ANYTHING the President is can only be because the guy is black...i guess to dipshits like are supposed to let Obama do whatever he wants and NEVER question the guy....BECAUSE he is black....:dunno:

Harry is 100% correct. The left does not get to use the reverse race card to protect the president when the criticism is not based on race but on performance.

Leftist racists, just like our righty racists, can step off.
So we all agree that parts of the TPM are racist and homophobic, and are quite vocal about it.

And you wonder why the GOP does so badly, and will continue to do ever worse, in national elections?

Define "parts". If you mean specific individuals, I could agree with you. But you seem to want to impugn the whole movement with the actions of random individuals. That's like claiming all liberals are vegans because some are.

The actions of specific individuals who glom onto a movement without understanding it's underlying tenants do not define that movement and will only hurt the GOP in the minds of polar partisans who are already convinced that something is so, just because they said so.

The TPM's principles are time tested and honored principles that helped make this country what it is today. It's the entitlement crowd and their adoring media that will paint a false picture for the low information folks to buy into.
So we all agree that parts of the TPM are racist and homophobic, and are quite vocal about it.

And you wonder why the GOP does so badly, and will continue to do ever worse, in national elections?

But you seem to want to impugn the whole movement with the actions of random individuals.
That's your false understanding of it. A few bad apples can spoilt the barrel. Those individuals and small groups scared mainstream America silly in 2012. [/quote]

The TPM's principles are time tested and honored principles.

Be as that may, you must publicly denounce the creatures who are hurting your side.
So we all agree that parts of the TPM are racist and homophobic, and are quite vocal about it.

And you wonder why the GOP does so badly, and will continue to do ever worse, in national elections?

But you seem to want to impugn the whole movement with the actions of random individuals.
That's your false understanding of it. A few bad apples can spoilt the barrel. Those individuals and small groups scared mainstream America silly in 2012.

The TPM's principles are time tested and honored principles.

Be as that may, you must publicly denounce the creatures who are hurting your side.[/QUOTE]

I've always denounced racism. See any of my posts to Poet.

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