One of the ten original tea party founders admits to the groups racism.

As far as I know, the Tea Party isn't dead. This little hit piece is from NBC, who has as of late not had a good track record of telling the truth.

And if they were indeed dead, why would the headline in this CBS article refer to them as "recharged"?

Recharged tea party demands justice in IRS targeting scandal - CBS News

I noticed you didn't address the MAIN theme here. He admits the tea party is racist and he left the group because of it. I don't care if they are dead or recharged. They are racist.

Ah, your "source" also has an article with Vice President Biden stating that he doesn't believe that the Tea Party is racist. Duh?

You guys are playing the race card almost non-stop, Zarius...don't have any OTHER excuse for all the bad things that the Obama Administration are getting exposed doing? Gotta tell ya','re looking pretty pathetic with this nonsense.

Tea party never points out racism but always yells race card. Honestly admit that race is BIG in the hate for Obama.
I noticed you didn't address the MAIN theme here. He admits the tea party is racist and he left the group because of it. I don't care if they are dead or recharged. They are racist.

Ah, your "source" also has an article with Vice President Biden stating that he doesn't believe that the Tea Party is racist. Duh?

You guys are playing the race card almost non-stop, Zarius...don't have any OTHER excuse for all the bad things that the Obama Administration are getting exposed doing? Gotta tell ya','re looking pretty pathetic with this nonsense.

Tea party never points out racism but always yells race card. Honestly admit that race is BIG in the hate for Obama.

why bother saying it isn't...YOU race baiters and Obama cult members who constantly throw up his skin color in people's face would just poo poo it anyway

when you have nothing you all scream, RACIST
You have worn that out where people will now overlook REAL all should be proud
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Ah, your "source" also has an article with Vice President Biden stating that he doesn't believe that the Tea Party is racist. Duh?

You guys are playing the race card almost non-stop, Zarius...don't have any OTHER excuse for all the bad things that the Obama Administration are getting exposed doing? Gotta tell ya','re looking pretty pathetic with this nonsense.

Tea party never points out racism but always yells race card. Honestly admit that race is BIG in the hate for Obama.

why bother saying it isn't...YOU race baiters and Obama cult members who constantly throw up his skin color in people's face would just poo poo it anyway

OK tea party name one incident of tea party racism? You cant because you never admit anything is racist. You guys didn't even think Santorum saying "I don't want to give your money to Black people" was racist enough. Just name one instance?
Tea party never points out racism but always yells race card. Honestly admit that race is BIG in the hate for Obama.

why bother saying it isn't...YOU race baiters and Obama cult members who constantly throw up his skin color in people's face would just poo poo it anyway

OK tea party name one incident of tea party racism? You cant because you never admit anything is racist. You guys didn't even think Santorum saying "I don't want to give your money to Black people" was racist enough. Just name one instance?

take your broad brush and shove it where the sun doesn't shine..YOU people don't get to MAKE the rules on what is racist and what isn't

but your hate for a whole group of American citizens is noted
Yup, the American narrative does make the rules, Stephanie and Zarius, and many are racist on the left and the right.
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I noticed you didn't address the MAIN theme here. He admits the tea party is racist and he left the group because of it. I don't care if they are dead or recharged. They are racist.

Ah, your "source" also has an article with Vice President Biden stating that he doesn't believe that the Tea Party is racist. Duh?

You guys are playing the race card almost non-stop, Zarius...don't have any OTHER excuse for all the bad things that the Obama Administration are getting exposed doing? Gotta tell ya','re looking pretty pathetic with this nonsense.

Tea party never points out racism but always yells race card. Honestly admit that race is BIG in the hate for Obama.

The Tea Party's main gripes were about Obama Care and an out of control deficit. Neither of those things have anything to do with skin pigmentation. The race card isn't being played by the Tea Party but man, you guys trot it out repeatedly. It's never simply because your policies are's that the people who oppose them are racists and haters.
Tea party never points out racism but always yells race card. Honestly admit that race is BIG in the hate for Obama.

why bother saying it isn't...YOU race baiters and Obama cult members who constantly throw up his skin color in people's face would just poo poo it anyway

OK tea party name one incident of tea party racism? You cant because you never admit anything is racist. You guys didn't even think Santorum saying "I don't want to give your money to Black people" was racist enough. Just name one instance?

"I don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money; I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money."

Is that the quote that you were referring to, Zarius? Why do you feel the need to alter what was said in an attempt to make appear to be racist? That's you PLAYING the race card in about as shameless a fashion as there is...misquoting and taking a statement out of context to make it appear to be something it isn't.
I know too many TPM racists to put any stock in "It's never simply because your policies are's that the people who oppose them are racists and haters." Of course many Dem policies are bad, and some times our ways of fighting that are as equally bad or worse.
The tea party concerns itself with fiscal matters only.

The teabaggers never had a plausible fiscal policy. The message of the teabaggers was cut my taxes; don't cut programs that benefit me; balance the budget; blame the deficit on Obama. That is not the platform of a movement that deserves to be taken seriously.
"The essence of the Liberal outlook lies not in what opinions are held, but in how they are held: instead of being held dogmatically, they are held tentatively, and with a consciousness that new evidence may at any moment lead to their abandonment."

-Bertrand Russell

That is a nice ideal. Unfortunately, few liberals are willing to abandon their dogma that the human races are intrinsically equal.

When someone presents evidence that the races are not equal liberals try to destroy his career. Truth is no defense against the dread charge of racism.
poor Frank, doesn't get it that any newcomer here or to other online sites will instantly recognize the racist rants from the right
poor Frank, doesn't get it that any newcomer here or to other online sites will instantly recognize the racist rants from the right

Pante Waste, you mean the left don't rant, 8 yrs of Bush and you didn't rant. I think we all know U B full of

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