One of the ten original tea party founders admits to the groups racism.

I have been there, thank you. Have you?

Yes, I have been to several and what I saw was a peaceful group of people of all races who want to bring the country back to the constitution and individual freedom and responsibility. I saw a group that respected the rights of each other and cleaned up after themselves. I listened to speakers who did not demonize the other side but presented a clear logical alternative to the foolishness that has been going on in DC.

Yeah and then they all held hands, sang Kumbaya and affirmed each other as individiuals.

I don't need your make believe press release. I've seen the REAL THING in action.

Perhaps there is a group that behaves as you say. Glad you found it. It may explain your skewed view of the TP - because what you describe is certainly not anywhere close to representative of these groups.

These racist TPM organizations you guys keep whining about must bunk with bigfoot. So far, there seems to only be claimed sightings with no real proof.
The grownups in the room see what you are trying to do by painting conservatives with "hate" broad brushed by leftist organizations and the media.
Ewwww - it's the media!?!? (This is the radical right's version of "Blame Bush.") Blame meeeeddiiaa.

True, the media has not ignored the racists in the far right. Damn them.
If you try to claim they are not there - you're just looking silly. I'm not saying that the GOP is a racist organization or even that the GOP is full of bigots. I'm saying the GOP is where white racists turned since the signing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964. (Google: George Wallace)

It's not "a message" problem. It's not an "image" problem. It's a real problem that denial will NOT help to solve. The solution is to create an environment within the GOP that is unwelcoming to racists.

I'll issue you the same challenge that "conservative" JakeFakey kept running from. If the TPM has a systemic race problem as the left likes to claim, it should be extremely easy for you to prove it. Go to any TPM website and produce evidence that their mission statement and core principles has anything at all to do with race instead of small government, low taxes and free markets. That should take less than 5 minutes since it is apparently so rampant.

Right after you show me on the White House website where the current administration advocates communism, socialism, Islam, targeting right wing groups, ignoring threats in Benghazi, seizing journalists phone records, redistribution of wealth, burdensome regulation, socialized medicine, inflation, unemployment, or any of the other things you hurl?

What a stupid "challenge." You want evidence of racism, but you say I have to get it from their websites?

Here is more than enough evidence for you to chew on:

(I'll leave you to your reading for a while)

[ame=]Proof That The Tea Party Consists of Racist Idiots - YouTube[/ame]
Are Tea Partiers Racist? - Newsweek and The Daily Beast Proof of Tea Party Racism : NoiseCollector : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Academics now have proof that the tea party is racist, any thoughts? - Yahoo! Answers
Tea Party Protests: 'Ni**er,' 'Fa**ot' Shouted At Members Of Congress
Politics and Pucks: Evidence of Tea Party Racism
Daily Kos: PROOF the TEABAGGERS are RACIST, VIOLENT, and DISGUSTING - Racism in the TEA PARTY Proof (comments)
Tea Party Racism...PROOF!!! - DJohn - Open Salon
TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism : Ronald David Jackson : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
every group has 10% or so of idiots, but they do not set the group policies or determine the ideology of the group.

But the folks within the group, based on their bad behavior (think Acorn, think segregationists, think NBPP), get coverage, and that hurts the image of the larger group.

The TPM had an incredible chance after 2010 to move forward to amazing victories, and they blew it because so many of the elected reps became that which they had condemned and because too many of the TPM membership killed its message with hatred and racism and nativism.

TPM will never have the opportunity at the national level again that it did in 2010. It will be minor beans by 2016.
Ewwww - it's the media!?!? (This is the radical right's version of "Blame Bush.") Blame meeeeddiiaa.

True, the media has not ignored the racists in the far right. Damn them.
If you try to claim they are not there - you're just looking silly. I'm not saying that the GOP is a racist organization or even that the GOP is full of bigots. I'm saying the GOP is where white racists turned since the signing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964. (Google: George Wallace)

It's not "a message" problem. It's not an "image" problem. It's a real problem that denial will NOT help to solve. The solution is to create an environment within the GOP that is unwelcoming to racists.

I'll issue you the same challenge that "conservative" JakeFakey kept running from. If the TPM has a systemic race problem as the left likes to claim, it should be extremely easy for you to prove it. Go to any TPM website and produce evidence that their mission statement and core principles has anything at all to do with race instead of small government, low taxes and free markets. That should take less than 5 minutes since it is apparently so rampant.

Right after you show me on the White House website where the current administration advocates communism, socialism, Islam, targeting right wing groups, ignoring threats in Benghazi, seizing journalists phone records, redistribution of wealth, burdensome regulation, socialized medicine, inflation, unemployment, or any of the other things you hurl?

What a stupid "challenge." You want evidence of racism, but you say I have to get it from their websites?

Here is more than enough evidence for you to chew on:

(I'll leave you to your reading for a while)

[ame=]Proof That The Tea Party Consists of Racist Idiots - YouTube[/ame]
Are Tea Partiers Racist? - Newsweek and The Daily Beast Proof of Tea Party Racism : NoiseCollector : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Academics now have proof that the tea party is racist, any thoughts? - Yahoo! Answers
Tea Party Protests: 'Ni**er,' 'Fa**ot' Shouted At Members Of Congress
Politics and Pucks: Evidence of Tea Party Racism
Daily Kos: PROOF the TEABAGGERS are RACIST, VIOLENT, and DISGUSTING - Racism in the TEA PARTY Proof (comments)
Tea Party Racism...PROOF!!! - DJohn - Open Salon
TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism : Ronald David Jackson : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

That's it?

That's you evidence that the Tea party is a racist group?

Well you have proven one thing. You have proven how gullible you are.
every group has 10% or so of idiots, but they do not set the group policies or determine the ideology of the group.

But the folks within the group, based on their bad behavior (think Acorn, think segregationists, think NBPP), get coverage, and that hurts the image of the larger group.

The TPM had an incredible chance after 2010 to move forward to amazing victories, and they blew it because so many of the elected reps became that which they had condemned and because too many of the TPM membership killed its message with hatred and racism and nativism.

TPM will never have the opportunity at the national level again that it did in 2010. It will be minor beans by 2016.

Keep dreaming.
Lonestar, as a racist, has no dog in this hunt, because we killed his racist dog in a recent thread.
Ewwww - it's the media!?!? (This is the radical right's version of "Blame Bush.") Blame meeeeddiiaa.

True, the media has not ignored the racists in the far right. Damn them.
If you try to claim they are not there - you're just looking silly. I'm not saying that the GOP is a racist organization or even that the GOP is full of bigots. I'm saying the GOP is where white racists turned since the signing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964. (Google: George Wallace)

It's not "a message" problem. It's not an "image" problem. It's a real problem that denial will NOT help to solve. The solution is to create an environment within the GOP that is unwelcoming to racists.

I'll issue you the same challenge that "conservative" JakeFakey kept running from. If the TPM has a systemic race problem as the left likes to claim, it should be extremely easy for you to prove it. Go to any TPM website and produce evidence that their mission statement and core principles has anything at all to do with race instead of small government, low taxes and free markets. That should take less than 5 minutes since it is apparently so rampant.

Right after you show me on the White House website where the current administration advocates communism, socialism, Islam, targeting right wing groups, ignoring threats in Benghazi, seizing journalists phone records, redistribution of wealth, burdensome regulation, socialized medicine, inflation, unemployment, or any of the other things you hurl?

What a stupid "challenge." You want evidence of racism, but you say I have to get it from their websites?

Here is more than enough evidence for you to chew on:

(I'll leave you to your reading for a while)

[ame=]Proof That The Tea Party Consists of Racist Idiots - YouTube[/ame]
Are Tea Partiers Racist? - Newsweek and The Daily Beast Proof of Tea Party Racism : NoiseCollector : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Academics now have proof that the tea party is racist, any thoughts? - Yahoo! Answers
Tea Party Protests: 'Ni**er,' 'Fa**ot' Shouted At Members Of Congress
Politics and Pucks: Evidence of Tea Party Racism
Daily Kos: PROOF the TEABAGGERS are RACIST, VIOLENT, and DISGUSTING - Racism in the TEA PARTY Proof (comments)
Tea Party Racism...PROOF!!! - DJohn - Open Salon
TEA PARTY RACISM: What The Media Won't Show You About Teabagger Racism : Ronald David Jackson : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

Soooo, like Fakey, you have nothing. Just say so and move on. Don't try to change the subject of the thread with all of the controversies occurring today with Obama's administration. That isn't the topic of THIS thread. The topic is that the TPM as it exists today across the board is racist. If it is true that the movement itsef is steeped in racism, it should be easy to prove it. So far, the evidence has gone the bigfoot route.
Soooo, like KWC, the TPM phans have nothing. They need to move on. They need to concentrate on their own failings instead of worrying about others.

The TPM as it exists today does have racists that hurts its message. One of the very founders proved it.

For any TP member to deny that reveals a corrupt moral character.
Soooo, like KWC, the TPM phans have nothing. They need to move on. They need to concentrate on their own failings instead of worrying about others.

The TPM as it exists today does have racists that hurts its message. One of the very founders proved it.

For any TP member to deny that reveals a corrupt moral character.

He wasn't a founder and I doubt he was even a member. He's like you. Claiming to be something he's not.
Soooo, like KWC, the TPM phans have nothing. They need to move on. They need to concentrate on their own failings instead of worrying about others.

The TPM as it exists today does have racists that hurts its message. One of the very founders proved it.

For any TP member to deny that reveals a corrupt moral character.

He wasn't a founder and I doubt he was even a member.
One of the racists of the reactionary right chimes and proves my point.
every group has 10% or so of idiots, but they do not set the group policies or determine the ideology of the group.

But the folks within the group, based on their bad behavior (think Acorn, think segregationists, think NBPP), get coverage, and that hurts the image of the larger group.

The TPM had an incredible chance after 2010 to move forward to amazing victories, and they blew it because so many of the elected reps became that which they had condemned and because too many of the TPM membership killed its message with hatred and racism and nativism.

TPM will never have the opportunity at the national level again that it did in 2010. It will be minor beans by 2016.

yes, the media always focuses on the radicals and outliers in any group, so fucking what? thats nothing new.

you have given no examples of the bad behavior that you attribute to the TP, not a single one. But in your confused mind you make assumptions based on bullshit----you are very much like MSNBC in that regard.
Soooo, like KWC, the TPM phans have nothing. They need to move on. They need to concentrate on their own failings instead of worrying about others.

The TPM as it exists today does have racists that hurts its message. One of the very founders proved it.

For any TP member to deny that reveals a corrupt moral character.

He wasn't a founder and I doubt he was even a member.
One of the racists of the reactionary right chimes and proves my point.

what he said was neither racist or reactionary, what have you been smoking today?
Soooo, like KWC, the TPM phans have nothing. They need to move on. They need to concentrate on their own failings instead of worrying about others.

The TPM as it exists today does have racists that hurts its message. One of the very founders proved it.

For any TP member to deny that reveals a corrupt moral character.

He wasn't a founder and I doubt he was even a member.
One of the racists of the reactionary right chimes and proves my point.

Who is Phil Russo?

The picture that is used in the article, I assume, is of whatever we are defining as "Tea Party Activists"

Included is a guy holding a Marine Corps Flag, an "appeal to heaven" Flag (whatever that means), and a "Don't Tread on Me," replica Flag from the Revolutionary War.

There are also signs that read: "Don't Raise the ceiling, LOWER the spending" and "Cut Spending: Balance the budget."

Which of the sentiments does Phil Russo believe is Dead?

Which of these has anything to do with race?

Last edited:
Soooo, like KWC, the TPM phans have nothing. They need to move on. They need to concentrate on their own failings instead of worrying about others.

The TPM as it exists today does have racists that hurts its message. One of the very founders proved it.

For any TP member to deny that reveals a corrupt moral character.

For reference, here is what you said, "Better tell that to the Tea Party folks who engage in racism." found at

My challenge was to find proof that the TPM.....not a few individuals.....has the systemic race problem you keep claiming is hurting it. I even linked you to the largest clearing house of affiliated TPM organizations and their mission statement and core principles. All I asked is for you to use their own websites and words agianst them and show us the world the inherent racism you accuse them of. An extremely simple task that a 6th grader could do. To date, you have refused to do so. We all know it is because you can't........because it isn't there. As your esteemed leader said the other day, "there is no there". If there were, it would take you a few seconds to do a big, "I told you so". Why you insist on continuing to make yourself look even more the fool than usual is beyond me. Put up or shut up. Which tea party organization engages in racism and homophobia? Which one? Show us!
Too many instances of overt racism from members. The group (imho) is not a racist organization, but it does provide a haven for racists. Gotta make the water so hot, they want to get out of the tub. The TP hasn't done that.

And while the group may have been intended as the "big umbrella" group you describe, but it has certainly morphed into something very different.

No, it has not. Have you ever attended a tea party rally? Do so, you might learn something.

I have been there, thank you. Have you?

Were there any racists? Or are you lying to us?
Soooo, like KWC, the TPM phans have nothing. They need to move on. They need to concentrate on their own failings instead of worrying about others.

The TPM as it exists today does have racists that hurts its message. One of the very founders proved it.

For any TP member to deny that reveals a corrupt moral character.

For reference, here is what you said,

My challenge was to find proof that the TPM.....not a few individuals.....has the systemic race problem you keep claiming is hurting it. I even linked you to the largest clearing house of affiliated TPM organizations and their mission statement and core principles. All I asked is for you to use their own websites and words agianst them and show us the world the inherent racism you accuse them of. An extremely simple task that a 6th grader could do. To date, you have refused to do so. We all know it is because you can't........because it isn't there. As your esteemed leader said the other day, "there is no there". If there were, it would take you a few seconds to do a big, "I told you so". Why you insist on continuing to make yourself look even more the fool than usual is beyond me. Put up or shut up. Which tea party organization engages in racism and homophobia? Which one? Show us!

they cant, it's the same with the southern strategy, they have Thurmond and Atwater, and nothing else. They just say it and know they media will say this shit to back them up. It's all bs/

This guy was in the teaparty for less than a year, wants to legalize dope and says if you are suspicious of muslims that you're a racist....what a tool
Soooo, like KWC, the TPM phans have nothing. They need to move on. They need to concentrate on their own failings instead of worrying about others.

The TPM as it exists today does have racists that hurts its message. One of the very founders proved it.

For any TP member to deny that reveals a corrupt moral character.

He wasn't a founder and I doubt he was even a member.
One of the racists of the reactionary right chimes and proves my point.

Proving you are a liar is rather easy.
He wasn't a founder and I doubt he was even a member.
One of the racists of the reactionary right chimes and proves my point.

Proving you are a liar is rather easy.
continuing your comment: but the far right reactionaries never have and never will. Morality and Justice never supports the racists like buckeye and lonestar and the others.

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