One of Trump’s biggest campaign promises is already going down in flames

What promises has he kept and what promises has he lied about? 95% lies, and you don't fucking care. What a low life un-American piece of garbage you both are

He is only a few months in his presidency .., read the fucking newspaper once and a while
Yup, and it is going to get far worse for him.
Everything is doing just fine under Trump. Just you liberals that are losing your mind over it. Even Cher is telling you moonbats to chill.
Just fine, so where are the jobs, where is the healthcare

Haven't you heard? You can still get Obamacare.
And the jobs keep on coming (thanks to the Obama admin) and Obamacare is not killing job growth. Huh.
Alt Right tards do not understand that almost twenty million retired or became ill or otherwise unemployed. Not counting those who died.

Poor Alt Right weirdies. (Poor baby, so desperate)

December 2008 154.29 Million

December 2016 159.19 Million

U.S. labor force 1990-2016 | Timeline

US Population by Year

July 1, 2009 306.77 million

Mar 1, 2017 323.42 million

US Population by Year

Your desperation is duly noted!

Did you notice that our population INCREASED by 17 million people? That also means 17 million more people turned 16, entering the job market and that also includes the millions of immigrants both legal and illegal many of whom are working age.
Markle, I accept your confession you do not understand.

The seventeen million increase is offset by the 28 million retirees.

And we are millions of jobs ahead since the bad old days. Thanks Obama.

However, the NLPF is showing weakenesses, people are more and more afraid of falling out of the work force because of Trump's poor policies.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?

Gee, I thought PROFITS were an obscene word for you Progressives.

As for jobs....

Civilian labor force in the United States from 2008 to 2016 (in millions)

December 2008 154.29 Million

December 2016 159.19 Million

U.S. labor force 1990-2016 | Timeline

US Population by Year

July 1, 2009 306.77 million

Mar 1, 2017 323.42 million

US Population by Year
Again and again on the campaign trail, Donald Trump made promises he couldn’t keep, playing on the ignorance of his base and revealing his own glaring misunderstanding of policy. The GOP candidate repeatedly vowed to strongarm companies into keeping jobs at home instead of sending them to Mexico, renegotiate NAFTA and impose stiff import taxes on foreign goods. It was a message that appealed widely to Trump supporters, blending the illusion of economic hope with the rubric of “America First” nationalism.

Problem is, nothing about Trump’s vision has anything to do with reality, and U.S. jobs continue to be sent across the border. As Bloomberg reports:

Illinois Tool Works Inc. will close an auto-parts plant in Mazon, Illinois, this month and head to Ciudad Juarez. Triumph Group Inc. is reducing the Spokane, Washington, workforce that makes fiber-composite parts for Boeing Co. aircraft and moving production to Zacatecas and Baja California. TE Connectivity Ltd. is shuttering a pressure-sensor plant in Pennsauken, New Jersey, in favor of a facility in Hermosillo.

/--- he's been in office 10 weeks. I know you expect Pres Trump to fix all of Obozo's screw ups over night but you need to have some patience Spanky.

All of Obama's screw up?

What would those be exactly, and how is Trump fixing them? Like he fixed Obama's health care law?

Like he fixed immigration laws?

Like he fixed Syria policy so that within his first 100 days Assad felt emboldened to use poison gas on his people?

Like Trumps Yemen raid where he sent in American troops with poor intel and a SEAL died, more than a dozen women and children killed, and Yemen has withdrawn permission for future such raids.
Be specific. Name the companies. Number the jobs that have come back.

Stop lying, you fascist tool
Stop watching the lame stream media and learn something. The fact that you don't know facts is not my problem.
Thank you for admitting that you failed here. Move along. No use for the likes of you
If that makes you feel better. I'm too tired to google all of the evidence that would prove you to be the uniformed rube that you are. I guess I can't blame you too much the media covers 0 zero good news about Trump's progress but it's available on line if you care enough.
Thank you for admitting that you failed here. Move along. No use for the likes of you
If that makes you feel better. I'm too tired to google all of the evidence that would prove you to be the uniformed rube that you are. I guess I can't blame you too much the media covers 0 zero good news about Trump's progress but it's available on line if you care enough.
You are not tired, only well aware that your bet was called.

Yes, you are uninformed on these matters. Run away run away.
You are not tired, only well aware that your bet was called.

Yes, you are uninformed on these matters. Run away run away
Nope it's been a long day. Harvest time. I don't get to sit around in my underwear all day trying to prove that the nonsense you have believed all of your life is right. I'm having a cold one and watching Fox so you go away...rube.
Ricky LIbtardo, post: 16961465
If Trump saves one job from going to Mexico it's one more than Obamakov did. At least Trump is trying to do something to stop the exit. Libtardos, not so much, like a big fat nothing burger.

Obama saved 2.9 million US jobs in the auto industry alone.

At one job at a time Trump will never come close to Obama's job creation record.

Trump is preoccupied with converting his lie O-wiretap tweet into a truth. Can't happen now. Fake news can't save his clown ass anymore.
Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?

Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?
Thanks to the efforts of the previous Right to work states Republican governors administration

There I fixed it for you, no matter how Obama tried to slow it down, tried to prevent jobs (the Boeing plant in South Carolina, the EPA regs, Obama care as examples) we over came liberal asinine policies.
Show how Obama slowed jobs: be specific or shut up, you tool. :lol:
Obama care.
Be specific. The health care industries actually grew, steadily, as you well know. :lol:

Playing stupid is your forte is it not?

Companies held off for years from expanding and growing waiting for Obama care / waiting for the Supreme's ruling on it. No one knew what was in the bill, hell it took union lawyers like 2 years latter to figure out Obama screwed them on their caddilac health care by a 49% tax.

Sorry child, most companies were not affected by the ACA in the least. You need better bullshyte. Tell your handlers to work harder. Hows that Republican repeal coming, the one we were promised on day 1?
Oh my, you must be young. Obama turned full time jobs into part time jobs.
Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?
Obama care.
Be specific. The health care industries actually grew, steadily, as you well know. :lol:

Playing stupid is your forte is it not?

Companies held off for years from expanding and growing waiting for Obama care / waiting for the Supreme's ruling on it. No one knew what was in the bill, hell it took union lawyers like 2 years latter to figure out Obama screwed them on their caddilac health care by a 49% tax.

Sorry child, most companies were not affected by the ACA in the least. You need better bullshyte. Tell your handlers to work harder. Hows that Republican repeal coming, the one we were promised on day 1?

Buckshot you senile retard and what about the 30 hour work week that turned full time jobs in to part time?
didn't happen
Yes it did.
Ricky LIbtardo, post: 16961465
If Trump saves one job from going to Mexico it's one more than Obamakov did. At least Trump is trying to do something to stop the exit. Libtardos, not so much, like a big fat nothing burger.

Obama saved 2.9 million US jobs in the auto industry alone.

At one job at a time Trump will never come close to Obama's job creation record.

Trump is preoccupied with converting his lie O-wiretap tweet into a truth. Can't happen now. Fake news can't save his clown ass anymore.
At a cost of nearly 50 billion. Now you want to complain about the cost of the wall?
jc, jknow, and tipsy are all staggering from the assault on Trump.

253,000 jobs added last month.
Obama's legacy is becoming a bad memory.
Life is good!
Because of the Obama legacy did the jobs come.
Nope, maybe part-time jobs.

Nope, you are full of shit again, almost all of employment gains were full time:


Of course, when people were forced to give up looking for a job.


I'll be happy to explain this to you.

Yes, do explain, who forced them to no look for job they want (even now among sub 5% unemployment and 6 million job openings) and how.

While you do this, let me inform you that LFPR was well forecasted 15 years ago to decline due to demographic shifts into late 2030s. That was well before anyone has ever heard of a Great Recesion or a guy named Obama. GASP! Sorcery!
Last edited:
Again and again on the campaign trail, Donald Trump made promises he couldn’t keep, playing on the ignorance of his base and revealing his own glaring misunderstanding of policy. The GOP candidate repeatedly vowed to strongarm companies into keeping jobs at home instead of sending them to Mexico, renegotiate NAFTA and impose stiff import taxes on foreign goods. It was a message that appealed widely to Trump supporters, blending the illusion of economic hope with the rubric of “America First” nationalism.

Problem is, nothing about Trump’s vision has anything to do with reality, and U.S. jobs continue to be sent across the border. As Bloomberg reports:

Illinois Tool Works Inc. will close an auto-parts plant in Mazon, Illinois, this month and head to Ciudad Juarez. Triumph Group Inc. is reducing the Spokane, Washington, workforce that makes fiber-composite parts for Boeing Co. aircraft and moving production to Zacatecas and Baja California. TE Connectivity Ltd. is shuttering a pressure-sensor plant in Pennsauken, New Jersey, in favor of a facility in Hermosillo.
All planned during the Obama reign of terror. Fake news. Nothing to do with Trump.
Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?
Obama care.
Be specific. The health care industries actually grew, steadily, as you well know. :lol:

Playing stupid is your forte is it not?

Companies held off for years from expanding and growing waiting for Obama care / waiting for the Supreme's ruling on it. No one knew what was in the bill, hell it took union lawyers like 2 years latter to figure out Obama screwed them on their caddilac health care by a 49% tax.

Sorry child, most companies were not affected by the ACA in the least. You need better bullshyte. Tell your handlers to work harder. Hows that Republican repeal coming, the one we were promised on day 1?

Buckshot you senile retard and what about the 30 hour work week that turned full time jobs in to part time?
didn't happen
Yes it did, you liberals were complaining about corporate greed. The restaurant business got hit hard.
Yes, do explain, who forced them and how.

As you know, petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama who created such a dismal economy, workers just gave up.

I know, that's really hard for you to choke down, facts and things you know.
Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?

Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?

Why were most of those jobs created in red states? And you ever hear of the feds pumping in 85 billion dollars a month during the Obama administration?

.go back to your coloring book

do you have some kind of link showing jobs created in red states?
BMW or Boeing? A couple in South Carolina.

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