One of Trump’s biggest campaign promises is already going down in flames

Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?

Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?

Thanks to the efforts of the previous Right to work states Republican governors administration

There I fixed it for you, no matter how Obama tried to slow it down, tried to prevent jobs (the Boeing plant in South Carolina, the EPA regs, Obama care as examples) we over came liberal asinine policies.
Show how Obama slowed jobs: be specific or shut up, you tool. :lol:
Obama care.
Be specific. The health care industries actually grew, steadily, as you well know. :lol:

Playing stupid is your forte is it not?

Companies held off for years from expanding and growing waiting for Obama care / waiting for the Supreme's ruling on it. No one knew what was in the bill, hell it took union lawyers like 2 years latter to figure out Obama screwed them on their caddilac health care by a 49% tax.

Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?

Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?

Why were most of those jobs created in red states? And you ever hear of the feds pumping in 85 billion dollars a month during the Obama administration?

.go back to your coloring book

Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?

Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?
Thanks to the efforts of the previous administration.

Thanks to the efforts of the previous Right to work states Republican governors administration

There I fixed it for you, no matter how Obama tried to slow it down, tried to prevent jobs (the Boeing plant in South Carolina, the EPA regs, Obama care as examples) we over came liberal asinine policies.
Show how Obama slowed jobs: be specific or shut up, you tool. :lol:
Obama care.
Be specific. The health care industries actually grew, steadily, as you well know. :lol:

Playing stupid is your forte is it not?

Companies held off for years from expanding and growing waiting for Obama care / waiting for the Supreme's ruling on it. No one knew what was in the bill, hell it took union lawyers like 2 years latter to figure out Obama screwed them on their caddilac health care by a 49% tax.

Sorry child, most companies were not affected by the ACA in the least. You need better bullshyte. Tell your handlers to work harder. Hows that Republican repeal coming, the one we were promised on day 1?
Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?

Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?

Why were most of those jobs created in red states? And you ever hear of the feds pumping in 85 billion dollars a month during the Obama administration?

.go back to your coloring book

What does pumping 85 billion dollars a month supposed to mean. I know you can't understand it, but ask your handlers just what they are talking about
Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?

Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?
Thanks to the efforts of the previous Right to work states Republican governors administration

There I fixed it for you, no matter how Obama tried to slow it down, tried to prevent jobs (the Boeing plant in South Carolina, the EPA regs, Obama care as examples) we over came liberal asinine policies.
Show how Obama slowed jobs: be specific or shut up, you tool. :lol:
Obama care.
Be specific. The health care industries actually grew, steadily, as you well know. :lol:

Playing stupid is your forte is it not?

Companies held off for years from expanding and growing waiting for Obama care / waiting for the Supreme's ruling on it. No one knew what was in the bill, hell it took union lawyers like 2 years latter to figure out Obama screwed them on their caddilac health care by a 49% tax.

Sorry child, most companies were not affected by the ACA in the least. You need better bullshyte. Tell your handlers to work harder. Hows that Republican repeal coming, the one we were promised on day 1?

Buckshot you senile retard and what about the 30 hour work week that turned full time jobs in to part time?
Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?

Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?
Show how Obama slowed jobs: be specific or shut up, you tool. :lol:
Obama care.
Be specific. The health care industries actually grew, steadily, as you well know. :lol:

Playing stupid is your forte is it not?

Companies held off for years from expanding and growing waiting for Obama care / waiting for the Supreme's ruling on it. No one knew what was in the bill, hell it took union lawyers like 2 years latter to figure out Obama screwed them on their caddilac health care by a 49% tax.

Sorry child, most companies were not affected by the ACA in the least. You need better bullshyte. Tell your handlers to work harder. Hows that Republican repeal coming, the one we were promised on day 1?

Buckshot you senile retard and what about the 30 hour work week that turned full time jobs in to part time?
didn't happen
Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?

Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?

Why were most of those jobs created in red states? And you ever hear of the feds pumping in 85 billion dollars a month during the Obama administration?

.go back to your coloring book

do you have some kind of link showing jobs created in red states?
Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?

Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?

Why were most of those jobs created in red states? And you ever hear of the feds pumping in 85 billion dollars a month during the Obama administration?

.go back to your coloring book

What does pumping 85 billion dollars a month supposed to mean. I know you can't understand it, but ask your handlers just what they are talking about

You never heard of

quan·ti·ta·tive eas·ing
ˌkwän(t)əˌtādiv ˈēziNG/
  1. the introduction of new money into the money supply by a central bank.

Go back to dancing with the stars you ignorant propaganda tool, you're out of your league

Because of the Obama legacy did the jobs come.

Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?

Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?

Why were most of those jobs created in red states? And you ever hear of the feds pumping in 85 billion dollars a month during the Obama administration?

.go back to your coloring book

What does pumping 85 billion dollars a month supposed to mean. I know you can't understand it, but ask your handlers just what they are talking about

You never heard of

quan·ti·ta·tive eas·ing
ˌkwän(t)əˌtādiv ˈēziNG/
  1. the introduction of new money into the money supply by a central bank.

Go back to dancing with the stars you ignorant propaganda tool, you're out of your league

That ended years ago honey child, yet the Obama economy continued to grow and add new jobs
Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?

Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?

Why were most of those jobs created in red states? And you ever hear of the feds pumping in 85 billion dollars a month during the Obama administration?

.go back to your coloring book

do you have some kind of link showing jobs created in red states?

I can give you a thousand on the employment rate by states during the recession, use Google and educate yourself.

Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?

Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?

Why were most of those jobs created in red states? And you ever hear of the feds pumping in 85 billion dollars a month during the Obama administration?

.go back to your coloring book

do you have some kind of link showing jobs created in red states?

I can give you a thousand on the employment rate by states during the recession, use Google and educate yourself.

You lie again
Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?

Why were most of those jobs created in red states? And you ever hear of the feds pumping in 85 billion dollars a month during the Obama administration?

.go back to your coloring book

What does pumping 85 billion dollars a month supposed to mean. I know you can't understand it, but ask your handlers just what they are talking about

You never heard of

quan·ti·ta·tive eas·ing
ˌkwän(t)əˌtādiv ˈēziNG/
  1. the introduction of new money into the money supply by a central bank.

Go back to dancing with the stars you ignorant propaganda tool, you're out of your league

That ended years ago honey child, yet the Obama economy continued to grow and add new jobs

It ended in 2015 shit for brains

Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?

Why were most of those jobs created in red states? And you ever hear of the feds pumping in 85 billion dollars a month during the Obama administration?

.go back to your coloring book

do you have some kind of link showing jobs created in red states?

I can give you a thousand on the employment rate by states during the recession, use Google and educate yourself.

You lie again

The only lie I did was you don't know how to google

Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?

Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?
Thanks to the efforts of the previous Right to work states Republican governors administration

There I fixed it for you, no matter how Obama tried to slow it down, tried to prevent jobs (the Boeing plant in South Carolina, the EPA regs, Obama care as examples) we over came liberal asinine policies.
Show how Obama slowed jobs: be specific or shut up, you tool. :lol:
Obama care.
Be specific. The health care industries actually grew, steadily, as you well know. :lol:

Playing stupid is your forte is it not?

Companies held off for years from expanding and growing waiting for Obama care / waiting for the Supreme's ruling on it. No one knew what was in the bill, hell it took union lawyers like 2 years latter to figure out Obama screwed them on their caddilac health care by a 49% tax.

Sorry child, most companies were not affected by the ACA in the least. You need better bullshyte. Tell your handlers to work harder. Hows that Republican repeal coming, the one we were promised on day 1?

"What the media never explained to people, as they never do about employers, were all the regulations that sent small businesses spinning into chaos who now had to buy expensive tracking software and monitor all their employees or face huge fines.

"First, we had to deal with the 9.5% "affordability" penalty, whereby an employee could never be forced to pay more than 9.5% of his gross earnings to health care costs. That was revised slightly higher to 9.6% this fiscal year. What it did was force employers to track an employee's wage every month to see if his earnings exceeded that artificial benchmark. It left us scrambling constantly, discussing rate increase with our brokers as well as allocated hours to make sure we didn't screw it up. The vigilance of such regulations was hugely demanding of our time.

"In addition, and even more perversely, we were forced to offer "affordable" coverage to any employee working over 30 hours per week. This forced us to begin looking at employees differently. They were now all potential liabilities to the company, land mines that could go off any time, triggering a penalty. So since our staff always had variable hours (not fixed), we were forced to track the part-time (less than 30 hours) versus full-time every month, and if any went over that amount, we had to immediately investigate why with each manager – who had to, in turn, talk to the employee who violated that arrangement. The time spent with these discussions were commonplace and took us away from actually running our business.

"Soon, the twenty-niner club was born out of necessity, and we had more part-time staff than full. It created less loyalty in the workforce, higher turnover, and poorer morale. Part-time employees had to find another part-time job elsewhere to get more hours. It was absolutely foul.

"Even more pernicious was the potential for ageism, since elderly employees had a higher premium and thus a higher cost to the company. There was a natural in-built incentive to avoid hiring older employees due to a higher cost associated with them.

"Finally, the amount of time and money spent tracking, talking, monitoring, paying fines, and new taxes; filling out 1095 forms; and truly now being more of a health care company (thanks, Obama) that just happened to be in retail on the side just goes to illustrate how out of touch and callous Obama was, with a complete disregard for both individuals as well as employers in living their own lives. And all for what, in the end? To help breed dependency within the small percentage of folks who went to the exchanges and onto a subsidy so he could ingrain patronage and mine new votes from an increasingly dependent class? "
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?

Why were most of those jobs created in red states? And you ever hear of the feds pumping in 85 billion dollars a month during the Obama administration?

.go back to your coloring book

What does pumping 85 billion dollars a month supposed to mean. I know you can't understand it, but ask your handlers just what they are talking about

You never heard of

quan·ti·ta·tive eas·ing
ˌkwän(t)əˌtādiv ˈēziNG/
  1. the introduction of new money into the money supply by a central bank.

Go back to dancing with the stars you ignorant propaganda tool, you're out of your league

That ended years ago honey child, yet the Obama economy continued to grow and add new jobs

It ended in 2015 shit for brains
The tapering of Federal Reserve security purchases began in February 2013 and ceased at the end of September 2014.

jc, jknow, and tipsy are all staggering from the assault on Trump.

253,000 jobs added last month.
Obama's legacy is becoming a bad memory.
Life is good!
Because of the Obama legacy did the jobs come.
Nope, maybe part-time jobs.

Nope, you are full of shit again, almost all of employment gains were full time:


Of course, when people were forced to give up looking for a job.


I'll be happy to explain this to you.
Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?

Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?
Show how Obama slowed jobs: be specific or shut up, you tool. :lol:
Obama care.
Be specific. The health care industries actually grew, steadily, as you well know. :lol:

Playing stupid is your forte is it not?

Companies held off for years from expanding and growing waiting for Obama care / waiting for the Supreme's ruling on it. No one knew what was in the bill, hell it took union lawyers like 2 years latter to figure out Obama screwed them on their caddilac health care by a 49% tax.

Sorry child, most companies were not affected by the ACA in the least. You need better bullshyte. Tell your handlers to work harder. Hows that Republican repeal coming, the one we were promised on day 1?

"What the media never explained to people, as they never do about employers, were all the regulations that sent small businesses spinning into chaos who now had to buy expensive tracking software and monitor all their employees or face huge fines.

"First, we had to deal with the 9.5% "affordability" penalty, whereby an employee could never be forced to pay more than 9.5% of his gross earnings to health care costs. That was revised slightly higher to 9.6% this fiscal year. What it did was force employers to track an employee's wage every month to see if his earnings exceeded that artificial benchmark. It left us scrambling constantly, discussing rate increase with our brokers as well as allocated hours to make sure we didn't screw it up. The vigilance of such regulations was hugely demanding of our time.

"In addition, and even more perversely, we were forced to offer "affordable" coverage to any employee working over 30 hours per week. This forced us to begin looking at employees differently. They were now all potential liabilities to the company, land mines that could go off any time, triggering a penalty. So since our staff always had variable hours (not fixed), we were forced to track the part-time (less than 30 hours) versus full-time every month, and if any went over that amount, we had to immediately investigate why with each manager – who had to, in turn, talk to the employee who violated that arrangement. The time spent with these discussions were commonplace and took us away from actually running our business.

"Soon, the twenty-niner club was born out of necessity, and we had more part-time staff than full. It created less loyalty in the workforce, higher turnover, and poorer morale. Part-time employees had to find another part-time job elsewhere to get more hours. It was absolutely foul.

"Even more pernicious was the potential for ageism, since elderly employees had a higher premium and thus a higher cost to the company. There was a natural in-built incentive to avoid hiring older employees due to a higher cost associated with them.

"Finally, the amount of time and money spent tracking, talking, monitoring, paying fines, and new taxes; filling out 1095 forms; and truly now being more of a health care company (thanks, Obama) that just happened to be in retail on the side just goes to illustrate how out of touch and callous Obama was, with a complete disregard for both individuals as well as employers in living their own lives. And all for what, in the end? To help breed dependency within the small percentage of folks who went to the exchanges and onto a subsidy so he could ingrain patronage and mine new votes from an increasingly dependent class? "
The VAST majority of small business have
less than 50 employees and were not affected by the ACA. OOpsie, you are FOS
Until you have the stones to post that chart LEGITIMATELY, and by that I mean going back to the year 2000 you have nothing.

WORST ECONOMIC RECOVERY in modern history. The first president in history to NOT have a single year of growth above 3%.
14 million new jobs and you whine about growth? Record corporate sales and profits, and you continue to whine?
Obama care.
Be specific. The health care industries actually grew, steadily, as you well know. :lol:

Playing stupid is your forte is it not?

Companies held off for years from expanding and growing waiting for Obama care / waiting for the Supreme's ruling on it. No one knew what was in the bill, hell it took union lawyers like 2 years latter to figure out Obama screwed them on their caddilac health care by a 49% tax.

Sorry child, most companies were not affected by the ACA in the least. You need better bullshyte. Tell your handlers to work harder. Hows that Republican repeal coming, the one we were promised on day 1?

"What the media never explained to people, as they never do about employers, were all the regulations that sent small businesses spinning into chaos who now had to buy expensive tracking software and monitor all their employees or face huge fines.

"First, we had to deal with the 9.5% "affordability" penalty, whereby an employee could never be forced to pay more than 9.5% of his gross earnings to health care costs. That was revised slightly higher to 9.6% this fiscal year. What it did was force employers to track an employee's wage every month to see if his earnings exceeded that artificial benchmark. It left us scrambling constantly, discussing rate increase with our brokers as well as allocated hours to make sure we didn't screw it up. The vigilance of such regulations was hugely demanding of our time.

"In addition, and even more perversely, we were forced to offer "affordable" coverage to any employee working over 30 hours per week. This forced us to begin looking at employees differently. They were now all potential liabilities to the company, land mines that could go off any time, triggering a penalty. So since our staff always had variable hours (not fixed), we were forced to track the part-time (less than 30 hours) versus full-time every month, and if any went over that amount, we had to immediately investigate why with each manager – who had to, in turn, talk to the employee who violated that arrangement. The time spent with these discussions were commonplace and took us away from actually running our business.

"Soon, the twenty-niner club was born out of necessity, and we had more part-time staff than full. It created less loyalty in the workforce, higher turnover, and poorer morale. Part-time employees had to find another part-time job elsewhere to get more hours. It was absolutely foul.

"Even more pernicious was the potential for ageism, since elderly employees had a higher premium and thus a higher cost to the company. There was a natural in-built incentive to avoid hiring older employees due to a higher cost associated with them.

"Finally, the amount of time and money spent tracking, talking, monitoring, paying fines, and new taxes; filling out 1095 forms; and truly now being more of a health care company (thanks, Obama) that just happened to be in retail on the side just goes to illustrate how out of touch and callous Obama was, with a complete disregard for both individuals as well as employers in living their own lives. And all for what, in the end? To help breed dependency within the small percentage of folks who went to the exchanges and onto a subsidy so he could ingrain patronage and mine new votes from an increasingly dependent class? "
The VAST majority of small business have
less than 50 employees and were not affected by the ACA. OOpsie, you are FOS

Not according to all the literature I'm reading.

Psst...just saying "nuh uh" isn't "disproving". You should learn to debate these issues if you insist on getting into them.

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