One of Trump’s biggest campaign promises is already going down in flames

You can thank Obama for those jobs. Trump has accomplished nothing
No, the economy started to do better after the election. Bama has the worst GDP. Thanks president Trump!


Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?


"Worst GDP"? Wtf does that even mean considering Obama inherited -8% annualized GDP contraction, oversaw a recovery from Great Recession with stable GDP growth, had no recession on his watch and handed off a solid economy to Trump?
Obama is the only president that didn't have one month of over 3% GDP.

Which is shitload better than Great-fkn-Recession and little to no job growth under past two Republican presidents.

W.Bush had a few months of 3%+ growth, phantom growth right at the height of real estate bubble about to explode. No thanks, I'll take consistent 2.5% growth any day of the week.
You do realize most of Bush's presidency we had unemployment rate below 6%?


You will continue to sound like a total moron if you can't find some way to take into account the most significant economic undercurrent of the past decade and a half.
No, the economy started to do better after the election. Bama has the worst GDP. Thanks president Trump!


Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?


"Worst GDP"? Wtf does that even mean considering Obama inherited -8% annualized GDP contraction, oversaw a recovery from Great Recession with stable GDP growth, had no recession on his watch and handed off a solid economy to Trump?
Obama is the only president that didn't have one month of over 3% GDP.

Which is shitload better than Great-fkn-Recession and little to no job growth under past two Republican presidents.

W.Bush had a few months of 3%+ growth, phantom growth right at the height of real estate bubble about to explode. No thanks, I'll take consistent 2.5% growth any day of the week.
You do realize most of Bush's presidency we had unemployment rate below 6%?


You will continue to sound like a total moron if you can't find some way to take into account the most significant economic undercurrent of the past decade and a half.
The bigger the federal government the weaker of the economy… Fact
No, the economy started to do better after the election. Bama has the worst GDP. Thanks president Trump!


Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?


"Worst GDP"? Wtf does that even mean considering Obama inherited -8% annualized GDP contraction, oversaw a recovery from Great Recession with stable GDP growth, had no recession on his watch and handed off a solid economy to Trump?
Obama is the only president that didn't have one month of over 3% GDP.

Which is shitload better than Great-fkn-Recession and little to no job growth under past two Republican presidents.

W.Bush had a few months of 3%+ growth, phantom growth right at the height of real estate bubble about to explode. No thanks, I'll take consistent 2.5% growth any day of the week.
You do realize most of Bush's presidency we had unemployment rate below 6%?


You will continue to sound like a total moron if you can't find some way to take into account the most significant economic undercurrent of the past decade and a half.
No shit we was in it through most of obamas presidency.
Like i said 253,000 jobs and you stll have obamacare.
You can thank Obama for those jobs. Trump has accomplished nothing
Mentally ill lefty strikes again.

Next move to restore America...institutionalize the lunatics.
Change the subject as you always do when you can't deal with Trump failure

One campaign promise broken? Please! What a joke! Absolutely nothing has gotten done except a couple EO; the Muslim ban was appealed and stopped, but the rest of those lame promises; it just ain't happening! Dream on with that Mexican border wall, "healthcare repeal and replace," and there would be so much success we'd be SICK of winning! What a bunch of tools to believe anything this sociopath has to say! :420: :bang3: :blahblah:
63% fewer illegals coming into the country from last year. The wall is up

Why migrate to a flushed toilet? Trump just the bathroom attendant for now until new management takes over! :9:

Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?


"Worst GDP"? Wtf does that even mean considering Obama inherited -8% annualized GDP contraction, oversaw a recovery from Great Recession with stable GDP growth, had no recession on his watch and handed off a solid economy to Trump?
Obama is the only president that didn't have one month of over 3% GDP.

Which is shitload better than Great-fkn-Recession and little to no job growth under past two Republican presidents.

W.Bush had a few months of 3%+ growth, phantom growth right at the height of real estate bubble about to explode. No thanks, I'll take consistent 2.5% growth any day of the week.
You do realize most of Bush's presidency we had unemployment rate below 6%?


You will continue to sound like a total moron if you can't find some way to take into account the most significant economic undercurrent of the past decade and a half.
The bigger the federal government the weaker of the economy… Fact

If by "fact" you mean a total counter factual to historic correlation between size of Federal government and prosperity in United States then yes, it's a "fact". :rolleyes:


Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?


"Worst GDP"? Wtf does that even mean considering Obama inherited -8% annualized GDP contraction, oversaw a recovery from Great Recession with stable GDP growth, had no recession on his watch and handed off a solid economy to Trump?
Obama is the only president that didn't have one month of over 3% GDP.

Which is shitload better than Great-fkn-Recession and little to no job growth under past two Republican presidents.

W.Bush had a few months of 3%+ growth, phantom growth right at the height of real estate bubble about to explode. No thanks, I'll take consistent 2.5% growth any day of the week.
You do realize most of Bush's presidency we had unemployment rate below 6%?


You will continue to sound like a total moron if you can't find some way to take into account the most significant economic undercurrent of the past decade and a half.
No shit we was in it through most of obamas presidency.

Umm, no we were in RECOVERY, which followed the RECESSION, which ended in 2009.

Did you perhaps spend some time in cryogenic capsule where your brain was carefully frozen for the duration of Obama's stay in office?
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If Trump saves one job from going to Mexico it's one more than Obamakov did. At least Trump is trying to do something to stop the exit. Libtardos, not so much, like a big fat nothing burger.

Wrong bucko. Trump has done nothing to stop the outsourcing of jobs. Hell, his companies are still outsourcing their manufacturing. Trump Men's clothing line is still made off-shore, he's still hiring H1N1 workers at his golf clubs and hotels, and he is allowing steel manufactured offshore to be used in the pipelines he approved.

Outsourcing of jobs continue. Manufacturing jobs are not coming back. Noting the racism and sexism of the far right is a good thing. Calling legitimate recognition of racism as racism is a lie.
Again and again on the campaign trail, Donald Trump made promises he couldn’t keep, playing on the ignorance of his base and revealing his own glaring misunderstanding of policy. The GOP candidate repeatedly vowed to strongarm companies into keeping jobs at home instead of sending them to Mexico, renegotiate NAFTA and impose stiff import taxes on foreign goods. It was a message that appealed widely to Trump supporters, blending the illusion of economic hope with the rubric of “America First” nationalism.

Problem is, nothing about Trump’s vision has anything to do with reality, and U.S. jobs continue to be sent across the border. As Bloomberg reports:

Illinois Tool Works Inc. will close an auto-parts plant in Mazon, Illinois, this month and head to Ciudad Juarez. Triumph Group Inc. is reducing the Spokane, Washington, workforce that makes fiber-composite parts for Boeing Co. aircraft and moving production to Zacatecas and Baja California. TE Connectivity Ltd. is shuttering a pressure-sensor plant in Pennsauken, New Jersey, in favor of a facility in Hermosillo.
Take a pill, man. We know that President Trump did prevent thousands of jobs from going overseas, and that the tax legislation now being debated will keep many, many more jobs from leaving. Clearly, there is more work to do and it is being done. The fact that you didn't hit the game winning home run your first time at bat doesn't mean you lost the game; it just means there's more work to do.

What jobs are those you mention he kept from going overseas?
What promises has he kept and what promises has he lied about? 95% lies, and you don't fucking care. What a low life un-American piece of garbage you both are

He is only a few months in his presidency .., read the fucking newspaper once and a while
Yup, and it is going to get far worse for him.
Everything is doing just fine under Trump. Just you liberals that are losing your mind over it. Even Cher is telling you moonbats to chill.
Just fine, so where are the jobs, where is the healthcare
Like i said 253,000 jobs and you stll have obamacare.

If you're not on Medicare, VA or tricare you also have obamacare, isn't that funny?
Yup, and it is going to get far worse for him.
Everything is doing just fine under Trump. Just you liberals that are losing your mind over it. Even Cher is telling you moonbats to chill.
Just fine, so where are the jobs, where is the healthcare
Like i said 253,000 jobs and you stll have obamacare.
You can thank Obama for those jobs. Trump has accomplished nothing
Mentally ill lefty strikes again.

Next move to restore America...institutionalize the lunatics.

When is he going to bring back those big, thick and long kosher hot dogs?
Like i said 253,000 jobs and you stll have obamacare.
You can thank Obama for those jobs. Trump has accomplished nothing
No, the economy started to do better after the election. Bama has the worst GDP. Thanks president Trump!
Bullshyte as usual. Who gives a damn what you think
I ask you, when the economy booms again, and the middle class comes back. Are you still gonna hate trump, being the tool you are?
The manufacturing middle class is not coming back. Will you still love Trump being the tool you are.

Nope and the manufacturing jobs that are left here are going to brightest and fittest Robot.
jc, jknow, and tipsy are all staggering from the assault on Trump.

253,000 jobs added last month.
Obama's legacy is becoming a bad memory.
Life is good!
Because of the Obama legacy did the jobs come.
Nope, maybe part-time jobs.

Nope, you are full of shit again, almost all of employment gains were full time:


Oh god the rw will want credit for the report for May through August when traditionally the seasonal jobs shoot it up regardless of Pres.
Again and again on the campaign trail, Donald Trump made promises he couldn’t keep, playing on the ignorance of his base and revealing his own glaring misunderstanding of policy. The GOP candidate repeatedly vowed to strongarm companies into keeping jobs at home instead of sending them to Mexico, renegotiate NAFTA and impose stiff import taxes on foreign goods. It was a message that appealed widely to Trump supporters, blending the illusion of economic hope with the rubric of “America First” nationalism.

Problem is, nothing about Trump’s vision has anything to do with reality, and U.S. jobs continue to be sent across the border. As Bloomberg reports:

Illinois Tool Works Inc. will close an auto-parts plant in Mazon, Illinois, this month and head to Ciudad Juarez. Triumph Group Inc. is reducing the Spokane, Washington, workforce that makes fiber-composite parts for Boeing Co. aircraft and moving production to Zacatecas and Baja California. TE Connectivity Ltd. is shuttering a pressure-sensor plant in Pennsauken, New Jersey, in favor of a facility in Hermosillo.
Mumbo Jumbo Nonsense. Jobs are returning, company after company has said they will not move off shore because they trust the president to get his tax reform done. Keep it up libs, you will lose in 2018 but you still won't learn. We are on to you and your media and your lies.
He is only a few months in his presidency .., read the fucking newspaper once and a while
Yup, and it is going to get far worse for him.
Everything is doing just fine under Trump. Just you liberals that are losing your mind over it. Even Cher is telling you moonbats to chill.
Just fine, so where are the jobs, where is the healthcare
Private Sector Reports Stronger-Than-Expected Boost to Payrolls in March
Thanks to the efforts of the previous administration.

Thanks to the efforts of the previous Right to work states Republican governors administration

There I fixed it for you, no matter how Obama tried to slow it down, tried to prevent jobs (the Boeing plant in South Carolina, the EPA regs, Obama care as examples) we over came liberal asinine policies.
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Again and again on the campaign trail, Donald Trump made promises he couldn’t keep, playing on the ignorance of his base and revealing his own glaring misunderstanding of policy. The GOP candidate repeatedly vowed to strongarm companies into keeping jobs at home instead of sending them to Mexico, renegotiate NAFTA and impose stiff import taxes on foreign goods. It was a message that appealed widely to Trump supporters, blending the illusion of economic hope with the rubric of “America First” nationalism.

Problem is, nothing about Trump’s vision has anything to do with reality, and U.S. jobs continue to be sent across the border. As Bloomberg reports:

Illinois Tool Works Inc. will close an auto-parts plant in Mazon, Illinois, this month and head to Ciudad Juarez. Triumph Group Inc. is reducing the Spokane, Washington, workforce that makes fiber-composite parts for Boeing Co. aircraft and moving production to Zacatecas and Baja California. TE Connectivity Ltd. is shuttering a pressure-sensor plant in Pennsauken, New Jersey, in favor of a facility in Hermosillo.
Take a pill, man. We know that President Trump did prevent thousands of jobs from going overseas, and that the tax legislation now being debated will keep many, many more jobs from leaving. Clearly, there is more work to do and it is being done. The fact that you didn't hit the game winning home run your first time at bat doesn't mean you lost the game; it just means there's more work to do.
What jobs, what companies did Trump prevent from going away. Please list them, then list all the jobs that continue to leave
Please, take your head out of your ass. You know very well what jobs he saved and if you are able to understand the news you know many corporate leaders have suspended plan to move jobs until they see if the President can deliver of his tax reforms and his intention to renegotiate NAFTA.
Which corporate leaders do you speak of, and be specific

What have you doing the past 4 months, playing with your coloring book and eating play doh?

Jan 17, 2017 // 12:11pm |
As seen on Happening Now
President-elect Donald Trump has repeatedly vowed to put pressure on American companies that outsource jobs or manufacture products destined for the U.S. market abroad.

So far, Trump has been good on his word.

On Tuesday, several companies announced billions of dollars in new U.S. manufacturing investments and plans to create thousands of new jobs.

General Motors revealed a $1 billion investment in U.S. factories, moving some production from Mexico to Michigan.

Hyundai announced that its subsidiaries, including the Hyundai and Kia brands, have allocated more than $3 billion for supporting their factories in Georgia and Alabama.

Walmart, already the nation's largest private employer, touted a plan to create approximately 10,000 jobs in the U.S. this year.

German chemical giant Bayer AG promised billions of dollars in research and development spending in the U.S., and committed to creating 3,000 new jobs, if its planned merger with Monsanto receives the necessary regulatory approvals to proceed.
Again and again on the campaign trail, Donald Trump made promises he couldn’t keep, playing on the ignorance of his base and revealing his own glaring misunderstanding of policy. The GOP candidate repeatedly vowed to strongarm companies into keeping jobs at home instead of sending them to Mexico, renegotiate NAFTA and impose stiff import taxes on foreign goods. It was a message that appealed widely to Trump supporters, blending the illusion of economic hope with the rubric of “America First” nationalism.

Problem is, nothing about Trump’s vision has anything to do with reality, and U.S. jobs continue to be sent across the border. As Bloomberg reports:

Illinois Tool Works Inc. will close an auto-parts plant in Mazon, Illinois, this month and head to Ciudad Juarez. Triumph Group Inc. is reducing the Spokane, Washington, workforce that makes fiber-composite parts for Boeing Co. aircraft and moving production to Zacatecas and Baja California. TE Connectivity Ltd. is shuttering a pressure-sensor plant in Pennsauken, New Jersey, in favor of a facility in Hermosillo.
Take a pill, man. We know that President Trump did prevent thousands of jobs from going overseas, and that the tax legislation now being debated will keep many, many more jobs from leaving. Clearly, there is more work to do and it is being done. The fact that you didn't hit the game winning home run your first time at bat doesn't mean you lost the game; it just means there's more work to do.
What jobs, what companies did Trump prevent from going away. Please list them, then list all the jobs that continue to leave
Please, take your head out of your ass. You know very well what jobs he saved and if you are able to understand the news you know many corporate leaders have suspended plan to move jobs until they see if the President can deliver of his tax reforms and his intention to renegotiate NAFTA.
Which corporate leaders do you speak of, and be specific

What have you doing the past 4 months, playing with your coloring book and eating play doh?

Jan 17, 2017 // 12:11pm |
As seen on Happening Now
President-elect Donald Trump has repeatedly vowed to put pressure on American companies that outsource jobs or manufacture products destined for the U.S. market abroad.

So far, Trump has been good on his word.

On Tuesday, several companies announced billions of dollars in new U.S. manufacturing investments and plans to create thousands of new jobs.

General Motors revealed a $1 billion investment in U.S. factories, moving some production from Mexico to Michigan.

Hyundai announced that its subsidiaries, including the Hyundai and Kia brands, have allocated more than $3 billion for supporting their factories in Georgia and Alabama.

Walmart, already the nation's largest private employer, touted a plan to create approximately 10,000 jobs in the U.S. this year.

German chemical giant Bayer AG promised billions of dollars in research and development spending in the U.S., and committed to creating 3,000 new jobs, if its planned merger with Monsanto receives the necessary regulatory approvals to proceed.

Intel Announces $7 Billion Investment in AZ Factory, Creating Thousands of Jobs
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As seen on Happening Now

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich met with President Donald Trump today, announcing a $7 billion investment in an Arizona semiconductor factory.

Krzanich said that the Chandler facility, named Fab 42, would employ about 3,000 people at its peak in "high-tech, high-wage jobs."

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