One of Trump’s biggest campaign promises is already going down in flames

jc, jknow, and tipsy are all staggering from the assault on Trump.

Again and again on the campaign trail, Donald Trump made promises he couldn’t keep, playing on the ignorance of his base and revealing his own glaring misunderstanding of policy. The GOP candidate repeatedly vowed to strongarm companies into keeping jobs at home instead of sending them to Mexico, renegotiate NAFTA and impose stiff import taxes on foreign goods. It was a message that appealed widely to Trump supporters, blending the illusion of economic hope with the rubric of “America First” nationalism.

Problem is, nothing about Trump’s vision has anything to do with reality, and U.S. jobs continue to be sent across the border. As Bloomberg reports:

Illinois Tool Works Inc. will close an auto-parts plant in Mazon, Illinois, this month and head to Ciudad Juarez. Triumph Group Inc. is reducing the Spokane, Washington, workforce that makes fiber-composite parts for Boeing Co. aircraft and moving production to Zacatecas and Baja California. TE Connectivity Ltd. is shuttering a pressure-sensor plant in Pennsauken, New Jersey, in favor of a facility in Hermosillo.
You realize President Trump is NOT a dictator and can't force companies to stay here right? He CAN employ tariffs or taxes on them and just about a week ago I posted a thread about Wilbur Ross starting to renegotiate NAFTA here in a few weeks. So its more LIES and WHINING from the usual suspects.
Just fine, so where are the jobs, where is the healthcare
Like i said 253,000 jobs and you stll have obamacare.
You can thank Obama for those jobs. Trump has accomplished nothing
Mentally ill lefty strikes again.

Next move to restore America...institutionalize the lunatics.
Change the subject as you always do when you can't deal with Trump failure

One campaign promise broken? Please! What a joke! Absolutely nothing has gotten done except a couple EO; the Muslim ban was appealed and stopped, but the rest of those lame promises; it just ain't happening! Dream on with that Mexican border wall, "healthcare repeal and replace," and there would be so much success we'd be SICK of winning! What a bunch of tools to believe anything this sociopath has to say! :420: :bang3: :blahblah:
He is doing what he promised. I'm glad they didn't do anything with obamacare. Its gonna fail soon, and in return we get more seats in 2018. The bad thing is though they state they are gonna fix obamacare still. That could be bad.
Yup, and it is going to get far worse for him.
Everything is doing just fine under Trump. Just you liberals that are losing your mind over it. Even Cher is telling you moonbats to chill.
Just fine, so where are the jobs, where is the healthcare
Like i said 253,000 jobs and you stll have obamacare.
You can thank Obama for those jobs. Trump has accomplished nothing
No, the economy started to do better after the election. Bama has the worst GDP. Thanks president Trump!


Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?


"Worst GDP"? Wtf does that even mean considering Obama inherited -8% annualized GDP contraction, oversaw a recovery from Great Recession with stable GDP growth, had no recession on his watch and handed off a solid economy to Trump?
Again and again on the campaign trail, Donald Trump made promises he couldn’t keep, playing on the ignorance of his base and revealing his own glaring misunderstanding of policy. The GOP candidate repeatedly vowed to strongarm companies into keeping jobs at home instead of sending them to Mexico, renegotiate NAFTA and impose stiff import taxes on foreign goods. It was a message that appealed widely to Trump supporters, blending the illusion of economic hope with the rubric of “America First” nationalism.

Problem is, nothing about Trump’s vision has anything to do with reality, and U.S. jobs continue to be sent across the border. As Bloomberg reports:

Illinois Tool Works Inc. will close an auto-parts plant in Mazon, Illinois, this month and head to Ciudad Juarez. Triumph Group Inc. is reducing the Spokane, Washington, workforce that makes fiber-composite parts for Boeing Co. aircraft and moving production to Zacatecas and Baja California. TE Connectivity Ltd. is shuttering a pressure-sensor plant in Pennsauken, New Jersey, in favor of a facility in Hermosillo.
Take a pill, man. We know that President Trump did prevent thousands of jobs from going overseas, and that the tax legislation now being debated will keep many, many more jobs from leaving. Clearly, there is more work to do and it is being done. The fact that you didn't hit the game winning home run your first time at bat doesn't mean you lost the game; it just means there's more work to do.
What jobs, what companies did Trump prevent from going away. Please list them, then list all the jobs that continue to leave
Please, take your head out of your ass. You know very well what jobs he saved and if you are able to understand the news you know many corporate leaders have suspended plan to move jobs until they see if the President can deliver of his tax reforms and his intention to renegotiate NAFTA.
Which corporate leaders do you speak of, and be specific
An array of U.S. companies have already postponed plans to offshore operations to Mexico in the wake of Donald Trump's threat of "consequences" for those who uproot jobs and then try to sell products or services back into the domestic market.

"The CEO of a Californian firm called Tacna, which assists U.S. companies in building manufacturing operations south of the border, told Bloomberg that three of its clients had paused potential moves. Another Texas-based firm that helps U.S. companies grow their operations in Mexico said that two of the five companies it was assisting had put plans on ice, Bloomberg reports.

Trump's campaign pledge to slap a 35% tariff on products sold by U.S. companies that have moved jobs overseas—and the wrangle over his highly publicized deal with United Technologies (UTX, +0.82%) and its Indiana based air conditioning manufacturer, Carrier—have added a new layer of complexity to political risk calculations.

Jim Courtovich, managing partner of the Washington public affairs firm Sphere Consulting, told Bloomberg, “What they did in Indiana has made it clear to every board member in America that there is a clear and present danger in outsourcing.”

At this stage, its not clear whether Trump will be able to enforce his 35% tariff and some key congressional Republicans have already indicated their opposition to the proposal. But outside congress, it is a popular gambit: a recent Politico/Morning Consult poll found that 74% of registered voters support penalties against U.S. companies that move jobs overseas.

And it could be Trump's penchant for social media spotlighting rather than threats of tax hikes that is giving companies pause. “Board members don’t like being put under a microscope and what Trump is basically saying is they’re going to have the Hubble Telescope on them,” Courtovich told Bloomberg.

“The public relations play on this is far more dangerous,” he said."

Some U.S. Companies Are Halting Plans to Move to Mexico

If you could stop frothing at the mouth for a few minutes and try to think about this, you would understand that companies move their facilities to foreign countries to increase profits, but if President Trump can deliver on his promises to cut corporate taxes and to levy a tariff on their goods from foreign factories imported to the US, it becomes more profitable for these companies to stay here. These issues, corporate taxes and tariffs, are being debated in Congress right now, and if the President gets the reforms he wants, it will be more profitable for companies to stay here rather than go abroad unless their foreign plants don't expect to sell goods in the US.
Everything is doing just fine under Trump. Just you liberals that are losing your mind over it. Even Cher is telling you moonbats to chill.
Just fine, so where are the jobs, where is the healthcare
Like i said 253,000 jobs and you stll have obamacare.
You can thank Obama for those jobs. Trump has accomplished nothing
No, the economy started to do better after the election. Bama has the worst GDP. Thanks president Trump!


Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?


"Worst GDP"? Wtf does that even mean considering Obama inherited -8% annualized GDP contraction, oversaw a recovery from Great Recession with stable GDP growth, had no recession on his watch and handed off a solid economy to Trump?
Obama is the only president that didn't have one month of over 3% GDP.
Like i said 253,000 jobs and you stll have obamacare.
You can thank Obama for those jobs. Trump has accomplished nothing
Mentally ill lefty strikes again.

Next move to restore America...institutionalize the lunatics.
Change the subject as you always do when you can't deal with Trump failure

One campaign promise broken? Please! What a joke! Absolutely nothing has gotten done except a couple EO; the Muslim ban was appealed and stopped, but the rest of those lame promises; it just ain't happening! Dream on with that Mexican border wall, "healthcare repeal and replace," and there would be so much success we'd be SICK of winning! What a bunch of tools to believe anything this sociopath has to say! :420: :bang3: :blahblah:
He is doing what he promised. I'm glad they didn't do anything with obamacare.

Do you seriously not fn get that what you just said is self contradictory?
Just fine, so where are the jobs, where is the healthcare
Like i said 253,000 jobs and you stll have obamacare.
You can thank Obama for those jobs. Trump has accomplished nothing
No, the economy started to do better after the election. Bama has the worst GDP. Thanks president Trump!


Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?


"Worst GDP"? Wtf does that even mean considering Obama inherited -8% annualized GDP contraction, oversaw a recovery from Great Recession with stable GDP growth, had no recession on his watch and handed off a solid economy to Trump?
Obama is the only president that didn't have one month of over 3% GDP.
Yet did much better than Trump ever could have in the same situation.
Just fine, so where are the jobs, where is the healthcare
Like i said 253,000 jobs and you stll have obamacare.
You can thank Obama for those jobs. Trump has accomplished nothing
No, the economy started to do better after the election. Bama has the worst GDP. Thanks president Trump!


Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?


"Worst GDP"? Wtf does that even mean considering Obama inherited -8% annualized GDP contraction, oversaw a recovery from Great Recession with stable GDP growth, had no recession on his watch and handed off a solid economy to Trump?
Obama is the only president that didn't have one month of over 3% GDP.

Which is shitload better than Great-fkn-Recession and little to no job growth under past two Republican presidents.

W.Bush had a few months of 3%+ growth, phantom growth right at the height of real estate bubble about to explode. No thanks, I'll take consistent sub-3% growth any day of the week.
Last edited:
You can thank Obama for those jobs. Trump has accomplished nothing
Mentally ill lefty strikes again.

Next move to restore America...institutionalize the lunatics.
Change the subject as you always do when you can't deal with Trump failure

One campaign promise broken? Please! What a joke! Absolutely nothing has gotten done except a couple EO; the Muslim ban was appealed and stopped, but the rest of those lame promises; it just ain't happening! Dream on with that Mexican border wall, "healthcare repeal and replace," and there would be so much success we'd be SICK of winning! What a bunch of tools to believe anything this sociopath has to say! :420: :bang3: :blahblah:
He is doing what he promised. I'm glad they didn't do anything with obamacare.

Do you seriously not fn get that what you just said is self contradictory?
I said I would call him out, and what Ryan wanted to do was try to fix obamacare. I am against it. Repeal and start over. So I'm glad they didn't do anything, that way democrats own it when it fails.
Like i said 253,000 jobs and you stll have obamacare.
You can thank Obama for those jobs. Trump has accomplished nothing
No, the economy started to do better after the election. Bama has the worst GDP. Thanks president Trump!


Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?


"Worst GDP"? Wtf does that even mean considering Obama inherited -8% annualized GDP contraction, oversaw a recovery from Great Recession with stable GDP growth, had no recession on his watch and handed off a solid economy to Trump?
Obama is the only president that didn't have one month of over 3% GDP.
Yet did much better than Trump ever could have in the same situation.
Yeah he drew a red line for the economy. Lol it also failed.
Things are not looking good, try to keep hope alive Lots of talk, not much action.
Shocking..those who hate America claim that Trump lied to all those who voted for him.

While the people who voted for him say he's delivering exactly as they anticipated.....

Hmmm...which to believe?
Like i said 253,000 jobs and you stll have obamacare.
You can thank Obama for those jobs. Trump has accomplished nothing
No, the economy started to do better after the election. Bama has the worst GDP. Thanks president Trump!


Dumbass, were you living under a rock for the past 7 years?


"Worst GDP"? Wtf does that even mean considering Obama inherited -8% annualized GDP contraction, oversaw a recovery from Great Recession with stable GDP growth, had no recession on his watch and handed off a solid economy to Trump?
Obama is the only president that didn't have one month of over 3% GDP.

Which is shitload better than Great-fkn-Recession and little to no job growth under past two Republican presidents.

W.Bush had a few months of 3%+ growth, phantom growth right at the height of real estate bubble about to explode. No thanks, I'll take consistent 2.5% growth any day of the week.
You do realize most of Bush's presidency we had unemployment rate below 6%?
Just fine, so where are the jobs, where is the healthcare
Like i said 253,000 jobs and you stll have obamacare.
You can thank Obama for those jobs. Trump has accomplished nothing
Mentally ill lefty strikes again.

Next move to restore America...institutionalize the lunatics.
Change the subject as you always do when you can't deal with Trump failure

One campaign promise broken? Please! What a joke! Absolutely nothing has gotten done except a couple EO; the Muslim ban was appealed and stopped, but the rest of those lame promises; it just ain't happening! Dream on with that Mexican border wall, "healthcare repeal and replace," and there would be so much success we'd be SICK of winning! What a bunch of tools to believe anything this sociopath has to say! :420: :bang3: :blahblah:
63% fewer illegals coming into the country from last year. The wall is up

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