One Person Triggers All At Trump Rally

Speaking of getting triggered, remember this ugly scene ?

Ugly, bloody scenes in San Jose as protesters attack Trump supporters outside rally

SAN JOSE, Calif. —Protests outside a Donald Trump rally in downtown San Jose spun out of control Thursday night when some demonstrators attacked the candidate’s supporters.

Protesters jumped on cars, pelted Trump supporters with eggs and water balloons, snatched signs and stole “Make America Great” hats off supporters’ heads before burning the hats and snapping selfies with the charred remains.
And they were arrested if caught, right? Who's gonna arrest all those cultists at fat donnie's Nuremburg rally?
The planet. Try harder.

No, other Oil producing States like Saudi, Venezuela, and RUSSIA.

Higher oil prices helps Putin far more than anything else people could do.

Fuck the planet so long as we run it until it's carrying capacity gone.

So you want Putin to make more $$ and us to be dependent of foreign oil and gas?

Sure, it's either one or the other isn't it.

Until demand for oil and gas decrease, making supply cheaper and domestic is in our best interest.

Cars didn't replace horses by government making feed too expensive, they replaced them by being better and easier to use.

Progressives want us to make our lives harder at the altar of AGW.
Why are you talking about oil in this thread?
Why is Trump such a cuck??
President Trump is the exact opposite of a cuck.

A cuck would let a feminazi walk all over him and apologize to her. You know, like you would.

President Trump tells them to fuck off and laughs at them while doing it.


If Dems win in 2020, they will try to ban fracking. Who benefits most from that?
Fracking is cool.....

It increases domestic oil and gas supplies, which not only lowers overall prices, but allows us to meet more of our Energy needs domestically.
As I said...fracking is cool.
There is no right to protest at a private event on private property. The folks were there to exorcise their first amendment right, to peaceably assemble, the protestor was infringing on their rights. She is lucky she isn’t charged with violating their civil rights.
How is wearing a "MeToo" hat a protest? Oh, I get it........trumpanzees don't want to hear about sexual abuse....from women.

We don't have time to listen to the stories of a person's bad dates.
And it's totally classic CRCism to be in support of women being raped and shut down.
So you want Putin to make more $$ and us to be dependent of foreign oil and gas?

Sure, it's either one or the other isn't it.

Until demand for oil and gas decrease, making supply cheaper and domestic is in our best interest.

Cars didn't replace horses by government making feed too expensive, they replaced them by being better and easier to use.

Progressives want us to make our lives harder at the altar of AGW.
Capital will never give it up, get real. That's all the military is for anymore.

Still, Capital will never give it up, get real. That's all the military is for anymore.

Try reading something besides Marx.
Wrong use of the term. "Safe Space" is a made up construct people use when they don't want to hear (or let others hear) a particular speech or presentation.

Try harder.

Never is heard a discouraging word in Trumplandia. I'll try as hard or as little as I want. You ain't the fucking effort moderator.

You did not respond to my statement.

Your statement lacked interest.

The poster to whom I replied posited the protester was unwelcome at the Trump rally. You know, like the truth.

Their actions were unwelcome.

Would a person in a MAGA hat and a Trump 2020 sign be left alone at a Democratic Candidate's rally?
Did that woman have a Democrats 2020 sign?

She had some sign, she was making noise, she was escorted out.
There is no right to protest at a private event on private property. The folks were there to exorcise their first amendment right, to peaceably assemble, the protestor was infringing on their rights. She is lucky she isn’t charged with violating their civil rights.
How is wearing a "MeToo" hat a protest? Oh, I get it........trumpanzees don't want to hear about sexual abuse....from women.

If you read the article, she also had a sign. And since the article is from a hack site, it left out what she was actually doing:

Trump on removal of protester at rally: 'We don't want to be politically correct'

Video shared on social media showed the woman walking around in circles and shouting as a security guard tried to contain her. Security eventually escorted her out of the arena. Footage showed one rally attendee attempting to snatch her sign as she neared an exit.
And what did the sign say?

Some MeToo propaganda.
All it took was one woman wearing a "Me Too" hat to get the Trumpsters triggered.

Aaron Rupar on Twitter

“One of his ugliest and most troubling performances in recent memory,” one observer said of Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania.

During a campaign rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania Tuesday night, just hours after House Democrats unveiled articles of impeachment, President Donald Trump criticized an arena security guard for not being sufficiently rough while removing a woman who protested the event.

‘Nakedly authoritarian’: Trump taunts security guard for not being rough with woman protester
Noticing all the NAZI-like arm salutes behind fat donnie there in the video.

Those were "get out" waves.

Nice try going Godwin thought.
Sure they are.....and how very much like NAZI salutes they are.

Not even close.
No, other Oil producing States like Saudi, Venezuela, and RUSSIA.

Higher oil prices helps Putin far more than anything else people could do.

Fuck the planet so long as we run it until it's carrying capacity gone.

So you want Putin to make more $$ and us to be dependent of foreign oil and gas?

Sure, it's either one or the other isn't it.

Until demand for oil and gas decrease, making supply cheaper and domestic is in our best interest.

Cars didn't replace horses by government making feed too expensive, they replaced them by being better and easier to use.

Progressives want us to make our lives harder at the altar of AGW.
Why are you talking about oil in this thread?

Because someone brought up the whole Trump/Putin RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA thing.
President Trump is the exact opposite of a cuck.

A cuck would let a feminazi walk all over him and apologize to her. You know, like you would.

President Trump tells them to fuck off and laughs at them while doing it.


If Dems win in 2020, they will try to ban fracking. Who benefits most from that?
Fracking is cool.....

It increases domestic oil and gas supplies, which not only lowers overall prices, but allows us to meet more of our Energy needs domestically.
As I said...fracking is cool.

But you would vote in people who would end the practice.
All it took was one woman wearing a "Me Too" hat to get the Trumpsters triggered.

Aaron Rupar on Twitter

“One of his ugliest and most troubling performances in recent memory,” one observer said of Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania.

During a campaign rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania Tuesday night, just hours after House Democrats unveiled articles of impeachment, President Donald Trump criticized an arena security guard for not being sufficiently rough while removing a woman who protested the event.

‘Nakedly authoritarian’: Trump taunts security guard for not being rough with woman protester
Trump is such a tough guy with women
Isn't there another source but ultra leftist and biased Rawstory?
Not any of the bigger more "reputable" news agencies covered this? It isn't above them to
lie outright.

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