one picture that sums up the entire occupy movement

The picture and you gays comment says it all. Your hero bearing his ass to a child and shitting on a flag. And to have my spelling and grammar questioned by people that call the guy in the picture a hero ? Tell me, where is the deep thought in that act ? If its from 2009, then the pedophile must have made a statement as to what he was trying to say right ? what was it ?
ANY American expressing their rights and freedoms of speech to show their discontent is OK in my book. I didn't call him a hero liar. The fact that you're using the word pedophile shows me the sub-human level to which you will stoop to push your bogus RW meme.

What a guttersnipe!!!


The picture and you gays comment says it all. Your hero bearing his ass to a child and shitting on a flag. And to have my spelling and grammar questioned by people that call the guy in the picture a hero ? Tell me, where is the deep thought in that act ? If its from 2009, then the pedophile must have made a statement as to what he was trying to say right ? what was it ?

Who are you talking to?

I believe largely to me.
WoW...this guy is awesome!!

He's expressing his discontent with the current system and corruption by Wall Street banksters and gangsters.

Taking a gigantic dump on the flag as a sign of protest sure as heck beats spitting on black Congressmen.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

He still has time to do both.

Contrast this with the Tea party that didnt do any of that, excuse the pun, crap.

This picture is not from OWS.

why do you refuse the facts?
What picture?


And the source: Occupy Wall Street: Shocking photos show protester defecating on POLICE CAR | Mail Online
And on your side we have the congressmen that hate homosexuals and they send explicit texts and emails to young underaged boys...or visit mens restrooms in airports looking to hook up with gays.
We know what your side is all about.
WoW...this guy is awesome!!

He's expressing his discontent with the current system and corruption by Wall Street banksters and gangsters.

Taking a gigantic dump on the flag as a sign of protest sure as heck beats spitting on black Congressmen.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

He still has time to do both.

Contrast this with the Tea party that didnt do any of that, excuse the pun, crap.

This picture is not from OWS.

why do you refuse the facts?

I cant refuse the facts that werent made known before i post now can i?

go home, guys. seriously.

bonus picture:


WoW...this guy is awesome!!

He's expressing his discontent with the current system and corruption by Wall Street banksters and gangsters.

Taking a gigantic dump on the flag as a sign of protest sure as heck beats spitting on black Congressmen.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Only no one spit on any Black Congressmen. You lie.
I bet the cop car shitting photo isnt even part of the event either

Sure. Denial is not just a river in Egypt. (It is rdean)

Go look at the picture.

there is no poop in the picture and the giuy is reaching into his pants.

There is NO proof of its date or any protest near him.

Your side has been caught using Doctered tape and unrelated photos and lying about them.

Why should you be trusted ?
Then let's not forget Lotion Man, whose favorite word is ******.

[ame=]Danny Cline is Lotion Man - YouTube[/ame]
There is NO poop in the picture and NO PROOF the guy is evern tied to the events.

Your side just keeps lying

The Democrat did shit on the US flag! You can zoom in on the pic below & see it. It is a picture from years ago. It did not happen at OWS.

WoW...this guy is awesome!!

He's expressing his discontent with the current system and corruption by Wall Street banksters and gangsters.

Taking a gigantic dump on the flag as a sign of protest sure as heck beats spitting on black Congressmen.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

He still has time to do both.

Contrast this with the Tea party that didnt do any of that, excuse the pun, crap.

Time 11:13
Ok, MarkATL, the man who fancy's him self brilliant, when in reality he is not much more then a high school grad (most likely GED) made this claim here, Its a rep comment, the origenal, so I think I am allowed to post it.

You are such a lying sack of $4!t


Is there, or is there not a boy squatted over an American flag on the ground as if he is going to shit on it ? Also, is there not a teenage girl in the background ? Pleas MarkATL you pussy, point out the lie ?
Last edited:
I bet the cop car shitting photo isnt even part of the event either

Sure. Denial is not just a river in Egypt. (It is rdean)

Go look at the picture.

there is no poop in the picture and the giuy is reaching into his pants.

There is NO proof of its date or any protest near him.

Your side has been caught using Doctered tape and unrelated photos and lying about them.

Why should you be trusted ?

Except there is clearly crap on the car.

But let's, for the sake of argument, say that he wasnt taking a dump on the police car. What the heck was he doing and are you seriously going to defend this?

Would it matter to you if he was taking a crap on the car? Or are you still going to defend this bullcrap no matter what?

You are one to talk about doctored photographs or tapes. Prove it.

go home, guys. seriously.

bonus picture:


WoW...this guy is awesome!!

He's expressing his discontent with the current system and corruption by Wall Street banksters and gangsters.

Taking a gigantic dump on the flag as a sign of protest sure as heck beats spitting on black Congressmen.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Only no one spit on any Black Congressmen. You lie.

'Tea party' protesters accused of spitting on lawmaker, using slurs

Tea party protesters scream '******' at black congressman | McClatchy

Racist Tea Party Protester Spits at Black Congressman Emanuel Cleaver - Jack & Jill Politics

[ame=]Congressman Emanuel Cleaver spit on by teabagger before healthcare vote - new video! - YouTube[/ame]

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